~ Chapter 13 ~
Quick question, who feels like an Q & A chappie with the whole Akatsuki no Yona + Eyre cast?
Yun: AH! Fate!! Don't waste the food!!!!
"You're finally leaving, Yona?" A pirate asks.
"You can stay here, Eyre!" Another clings to my arm and I sweat drop, keeping a hand on the hilt of my gun.
"I-I feel like adventuring, y'know..." I answer and their eyes glimmer with sparkles. Ever since I started wearing the pirate outfit yesterday, my spirit has improved and the pirates got even more clingy. I asked Hak to teach me how to use a sword this morning, and surprisingly, he agreed.
"What's wrong?" I ask Yona as she keeps looking around.
"Jea-ha's missing.. I wanted to talk to him and thank him."
"Who cares about that droopy eyed-"
"I care!" Yona pouts. "I can't leave like this.." I pat her head, assuring her that it'll be okay.
"Jea-ha, huh? If you ever come back, you'll see him. Let me know if you ever need a boat. I'll keep one ready for you." Gi-gang tells us and I thank her happily. I can feel someone's gaze on me, so I wordlessly part away from that small foursome to Shin-ah.
"Hi, Shin-ah." I say and he nods his head to me. Ao pops out from behind his shoulder and jumps onto me instead, eating my hat's peacock feathers. I take his by the neck, laughing, and hand him back to Shin-ah.
"Ao's so cute!" I gush.
"Pukyuu!" Ao cheers and I smile. Shin-ah turns his head and I look too to see the four walk towards us. In Yun's hands is the bag of chensou that Yona picked a few days ago. Halfway back, Yona stops.
"Yona?" I ask before she turns tail, tears falling, and runs back to Gi-gang, hugging the woman and crying her eyes out. Gi-gang smiles softly while stroking her hair and the rest of the pirates fall into tears as well. I softly brush away mine, smiling and already missing the hospitality the pirates have shown me.
An hour has passed and we're well away from Awa. Although the boats are still in sight, we're taking a cliff trail.
"Yona, stop crying.." Yun says, shedding tears as well.
"You're crying too, Yun."
"You're crying more than anyone, Shirohebi." Hak says nonchalantly and I stifle a laugh. There's a rustling above me and I internally sigh.
Jea-ha, you ass..
I mumble the same thing under my breath and Shin-ah nods besides me. I hold a finger to my lip.
"I didn't get to say good bye to Jea-ha.." Yona says glumly.
"Jea-ha? I thought he joined us.." Kija says, wiping away at his tears.
"Huh?" Yun and Yona ask simultaneously. I take out a gun and Shin-ah his sword. Shin-ah cuts a tree next to us down while I shoot a specific brach. As it all falls down, you can hear someone yells out in panic. It crashes down and Jea-ha smiles, right in the bushes.
"Jea-ha?!" Yona exclaims as I store my Beretta.
"The Ryokuryuu... was always nearby..." Shin-ah answers and I 'awww'.
"I didn't have anything to do, so I thought traveling with you might not be so bad. Besides, Eyre dear is here, so it won't be so bad." He winks in my direction again before I unsheath the sword and point it at him.
"I may not know how to use this, but I don't need a degree to know how to cut off your head, Jea-ha." I threaten and he plesantly shivers.
"But you said you didn't want to be bound by the laws of the Four Dragons."
"This isn't about the Four Dragons. I'll continue to pursue the path I choose for myself, as I always have. There's still accordance with my aesthetic. I just can't leave you now." He holds his hand out for Yona to take and she does. "Take me with you, Yona." He smiles before Hak hits him with his spear.
"Don't get ahead of yourself."
"That's right. You aren't just traveling with Yona. You'd better acknowledge us, too." Shin-ah nods.
"He's right. We value etiquette, Ryokuryuu."
"Please excuse me. Allow me to reintroduce myself." He stands and I keep my arms crossed beneath my chest. "My name is Jea-ha. I'm beautiful monster with a dragon in my right leg. It's a pleasure to meet you." I knock him over head using a Beretta.
"Don't introduce yourself so cockily." I say and he rubs his head, a smile present on his face.
"That wasn't suppose to make you smile, you perv."
~*~ A Few Days Later ~*~
"Shin-ah, will you help me hunt?" I ask the bluenette and he silently nods his head like usual. Together, we walk into the forest as Yona and Yun tend to the camp fire.
"Anything nearby?" I ask Shin-ah, who shakes no. I sigh in defeat, letting my Berettas lay limply by my side.
"Did something... happen..?" Shin-ah asks out of nowhere. I turn to face him, confused.
"Eyre.. and Kija.. don't talk to each other anymore..." He says and my shoulders drop. I look down, not saying anything.
".. Yeah. Something happened.." I say and he sits on a nearby log. I sigh.
Great. Another one of my life stories.
While face palming, I slide down a tree before sitting. He keeps quiet although looks at me to continue on.
"Well, after winning against Keum-ji, I was excited. Then, when I was in the moment, I grabbed the person closest to me and kissed him. I didn't know it was Kija if it wasn't for Jea-ha. After that, I ran off." I put simply and Shin-ah nods. Again, he doesn't say anything.
"Did... he kiss back?"
"WHY. WHY IS IT THAT THAT'S THE FIRST QUESTION THAT POPS INTO PEOPLE'S MIND?!?!? YONA ASKED THE SAME THING." I rant and he holds his hands up in mock surrender. I sigh, apologizing to Shin-ah. Covering my blush, I hold a palm to my mouth before nodding.
"Yeah... He kissed back." I whisper. Shin-ah, awed, claps.
"DON'T CLAP!! Besides, he was probably caught up in the moment as well." I say and look to the ground, finding it interesting. Shin-ah stares at me for a few seconds before replying.
"But whenever you walk away... after Kija approaches you... he looks sad." I stuff my head into my lap, shaking my head.
"I highly doubt that, Shin-ah. He probably doesn't even want to talk to me." I mumble.
"But... he tried talking to you yesterday... right?" I groan and blow a raspberry.
"Well it's not like he likes me."
"Do you... like him?" I blush an intense shade of red covers my face as I throw my head up.
"What?! No! I-I don't!" I deny and he smiles fondly before getting up. I bolt up as well before marching back to the campsite. Once there, I see that they've killed and gutted a deer. I sweat drop.
"Couldn't you have sent a signal for us to come back?" I ask and Yun shrugs, bloody knife in hand.
"We did."
"Don't swing that!" I scold before he begins sticking the cut up meat onto a stick. I huff and turn around before bumping into someone.
"Oh, sorry, Jea-ha. Do you need something?" I ask and he smiles.
"Can we talk?" He asks and I cautiously nod my head. Jea-ha looks behind him, doing something, before taking ahold of my hand and leading me back to the forest.
"J-Jea-ha?" I ask and we stop in front of a clearing. Letting go of my hands, he turns to face me.
"Jea... ha?" I ask once more before he cups my face.
He starts to lean in and I feel myself struggle out of his grasp, but his hold on me is tight.
Is he for real?
"Please. Just let me do this for once." He whispers and I stop, shocked.
"Jea-ha, what are you doing?" I ask, although I know the answer. He smiles, and it shows sadness, so I relax my shoulders. Leaning in closer while slowly closing his eyes, I feel his breathing on my lips. I close my eyes as well and just as I feel them brush against each other, he pulls back.
"Jea-ha?" I ask. He leans his head onto my shoulder, breathing heavily.
"Sorry, Eyre dear. I just realized that there's no way I can have you as mine." Jea-ha states simply, pain dipped into his words.
"I don't-"
"I liked you. You were far more interesting than other women I've met." A blush creeps up my neck as he continues on.
"You're strong. Beautiful. There's something off about you and your gadgets, but I fell more in love when you handled them so well. And the fact that you didn't fall in love with me at first glance intrigued me even more. When you set off with Yun and Yona, I fell even more for your bravery. But what you talked about with Shin-ah made me realize that I didn't have a chance with you. Not against him. I don't usually give up so easily, but I can't compete. When you kissed him, I was jealous. More than you could imagine. Please, don't let my confession be in vain. You love him and I can see that. I'm sorry I had to break it to you like this, Eyre." He says, removing the 'dear'. Tears well up into my eyes as I bite my lip. His head stays on my shoulders and I feel silent tears drop from his eyes.
"Jea-ha, you goddamn jerk." I mumble and he forces out a chuckle.
I'm sorry.
"Eyre? Are you alright?" Yona asks me as soon as I return with Jea-ha. I smile and nod my head, but she just looks unconvinced.
"Miss should tell the truth if she's sad!" Someone new says and I jump. Holding a hand to my chest, I feel slightly happier when I see the new face.
"Sorry, dear. You scared me for a second. Now what's your name?" I ask and the blonde one smiles cheekily.
"Zeno's name is Zeno!" He exclaims and Yun hands him a stick of meat. Eager and happy, he bites into it, finishing it within seconds. I give him a few more, seeing as he's beat up and starving. Thanking me, he eats the rest of them and I wearily smile. Someone taps me on the shoulder and I turn my head up to see Kija.
"Can we talk?" He asks and I lower my head.
"Sorry, but I'm kinda tired and I want to tuck in early. Maybe another time." I say before standing up and walking to the tents, crawling in and closing my eyes. Part of it was true. Jea-ha confessing to me sapped a lot of my energy. I felt slightly guilty when I walked away from Kija after Jea-ha told me not to let his confession be in vain.
Curling up into a ball and silently sobbing my eyes out, I fall into a dreamless sleep.
"Your defense is low!" Hak shouts and swings his spear down. I use my sword and gun, crossing them to form an X, to block his attack. Pushing the spear off, I shoot but he deflects it quickly. Right before he finishes the swing, I leap forward to slice down at him, but my blade meets his spear staff.
"You're too slow." He says before kicking me in the gut. Painfully, I hit the tree and right when I'm about to jump up again, the spear is pointed at my throat.
"Give up?" He mocks and I grit my teeth before sighing.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. You win." I sigh and take his hand as he pulls me up.
"Not bad for you first time." He comments and I mock curtsy.
"Why thank you, kind sir." I say in a terrible British accent as he bows.
"But of course, mademoiselle." He copies my terrible accent and I burst out into laughter, just as he does. We wrap up the lesson and I feel slightly satisfied. We were a little bit less than a mile away from the campsite, so it would take a little bit of time.
"Hak... Did Yun also tell you that we're going back to were he used to live?" I ask and he nods his head.
"Before Yun came along with us, he was living with a man by the name of Ik-su. Ik-su is a priest, and is rather clumsy, so watch out." Hak warns and I nod my head before smiling.
"He sounds nice, though." I say. We walk together quietly for a few minutes before Hak speaks up.
"Eyre, you should start talking to Shirohebi-sama again." I sigh and throw my arms behind my head.
"Seriously. He's not at all fun to tease when he's depressed all the time y'know." Hak complaines and we arrive back at camp. By then, everyone had woken up and was in the middle of eating breakfast. The tent had been packed up.
"Wassup." I peace sign them before taking a cooked fish on a stick, thanking Yun. Zeno happily chews on his. I was informed that Zeno is the Ouryuu, so yes, I'm not kept in the dark. He's cheerful and happy, so I didn't mind one bit. I quite enjoy his company, actually.
"Yun, when do we leave for your friend's house?" I ask after swallowing a bite of my fish.
"Right after breakfast, so hurry up." He orders and everyone nods.
"Haaii~" We chorus before munching into our grilled fishes happily, Zeno starting his third one. As soon as I'm done with my one, I toss the stick into the fire.
"That's it?" Yona asks me and I nod my head slowly.
"Well, yeah. Why?" I ask and she frowns.
"You just practiced with Hak. And you didn't eat dinner last night, Eyre. You have to eat more." She blushes, slightly embarrassed with what she's saying. I shrug.
"I'm not very hungr- *ggrrrll~* ..."
"Was that-?"
"Not a word, dear. Not. A. Word." I threaten and she stifles a laugh. Someone lays a hand on my shoulder and when I look to my left, Kija is holding out another fish.
"Y-you need to eat. Or you won't have energy for the rest of the day." He says. I hesitantly take it, and just when my fingers brush his, he pulls away, an embarrassed blush dusting his cheeks.
"Th-thanks.." I mutter before chewing on the fish.
*ahem* Hello- *Chased around with pitchforks and torches with people screaming bloody murder and throwing rotten tomatoes* WAITWAITWAITWAITWAITWAITWAIT I KNOW YOU ALL HATE ME FOR THAT UNNECESSARY JEA-HA SCENE, BUT IT ACTUALLY WAS NECESSARY FOR THE EYJA SHIP TO START SAILING. IT ACTUALLY COULD'VE BEEN WITH ANYONE ELSE BUT I ACTUALLY WAS GOING TO MAKE THIS A JEA-HA X EYRE FIC BEFORE I DECIDED ON KIJA. *coughs* All will be explained soon. So, if you'll excuse me, I must hide once again in advance :P
- Hak was going to teach Eyre by making her do some swings, but she got bored by the third one and instead attacked Hak, thus Hak changing the agenda to teaching her during combat.
- When Eyre cut her finger, she cried, asking Yun for some Neosporin. He gave her a small jar filled with chenosu paste, but the words: Neosporin, were written on the jar.
- Right before they all left for Ik-su's house, Eyre forced them all to do a braid train with her. She got to do Shin-ah's fur.
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