~ Chapter 10 ~
WOOHOOO!!! BREAK OUT THE CATNIP TEQUILA CUZ I'VE HIT 100+ VOTES AND 1K+ READS!!!!!! Thank you everybody for getting me this far!! And we got to 10 chapters!!!
Incredibly short POV switch XD
~*~ Yun's POV ~*~
"Go become Keum-ji's lover!" A nearby pirate shouts and I give him a thumbs up, a look of determination across my face.
"You know it. I best be his wife, even."
"Yun, do you have the gunpowder?" Yona asks.
"It's inside my sash." I reply. "I rubbed gunpowder on the end of a wire. It may be small, but it'll fly high." I puff my chest in pride and Yona claps.
"From here, just stick to the plan." I nod my head.
"Okay. Then, we're o-" Yona stops mid-sentence, looking at something a few yards in front of her. I turn my head as well and sweat drop.
"Don't you have anything with longer sleeves?" Kija demands a pirate. He's in a kimono with apples to fill up his chest. The dragon arm well peeks out of his kimono sleeve, and his hair is in pig tails. Too much make up has been applied to his face.
"It's impossible to hide that hand, mister." Yona steps forward as Kija mock cries.
"No, Kija. It's funny, though."
"If only this arm were smaller..."
"That isn't the problem." She clarifies.
"Yun." Hak says beside me and I turn to him.
"Raijyuu, once we give the signal, come rescue us." I tell him.
"Are you okay?" He asks, although it comes out more as a statement.
"What do you mean?" With my hands trembling, I hold it down, forcing my fear down. "You think I'm pathetic because Yona's so brave, but I'm shaking? That's what makes me the best choice. I've lived more carefully and wretchedly than anyone else. I'm proud of it. Raijyuu, it's okay. Since I'm going, I can guarantee Yona won't die." I declare. He turn before stepping away.
"I'm counting on you." Is all he says. I drop my gaze, just as Yona and I are about to leave the ship. Everyone wishes us good bye and I scan my eyes around, looking for someone in particular.
She's... not here... I suppose it's because she's too ashamed to show her face.. I wouldn't balme her. She's already gone through something like this.
~*~ Flashback ~*~
"But one day, when I was walking home from school, someone kidnapped me. I was chained in a cage for about a week before the police found me. Turns out, the kidnapper did it because I was rich, and because I was considered pretty at the time. A year later, the same thing happened. I was chained up again for a month and a half."
~*~ Flashback End ~*~
Yona and I both turn and is just about to walk off the boat when.
"Hey! If you every think I'm going to say good bye, you're wrong! The only time I'd do that is when I'm about to die!" A voice yells behind me. I whip my head back, only to see Eyre standing behind all of the pirates, who, turned their heads at the noise as well. They part away to let her walk forward and only then do I realize a light amount of make up, a deep red lipstick and a light blush, on her as well as a different kimono. The kimono is purple with flowers and a yellow obi adorns her waist. In her hand is a small purple umbrella, yet it's closed and sits atop her shoulder.
"Eyre!" Yona cries out and jumps forward, giving her a hug. She gives her a one armed hug, a light smile across her face.
"My, my, Yona dear. You're all dressed up!" She gushes and Yona blushes slightly. I cough from behind the two with a irritated glare, but happy that Eyre didn't abandon Yona and I and is going with us despite her terrible experience. Her eyes show a hidden fear that I pick up, yet her smile is true and genuine.
"If you're coming with us, you better hurry." She mock salutes.
"Aye, aye, captain." She jokes and walk forward.
"Where are you Berettas? You can't hide then in your obi."I tell her and she open her umbrella, although it was a dumb idea since her two guns fall out and bounce off her head. She sticks her tongue out, rubbing her head shyly.
"That's all you can say?!!"
~*~ Eyre's POV ~*~
"You want to work here?" A creepy man asks the three of us. We had just arrived to the building and knocked on the door, requesting for a job just as planned. Truthfully, I'm scared. Beyond scared, actually. I don't even know how I'm keeping my shaking under control. Yes, I decided to go with them at the last minute. Mainly because Captain Gi-gang's words helped me get past the first jump. The rest is on my own. With the help of Yona and Yun.
"Yes. We heard the pay is really good." Yun says, sounding like a girl. But on the other note, being kidnapped with Yona and Yun won't be that bad. He look at us all carefully. Yona smile, Yun winks (XD), and I rest my arm on the umbrella, smiling seductively.
Ugh. Kill me now..
I complain and his eyes rake me for a few seconds longer.
"Very well. We'd be delighted to have you." Yun, Yona, and I fake cheer as he leads us to the back room.
"Wait here, I'll get the manager." He open the door to a room and we all file inside. As soon as we've walked in, he closes the door.
"Wait here a moment." The man requests and the door closes shut. On reflex, I grab onto Yona's sleeve. She takes my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze.
"Are you two alrigh-" Yun didn't get to finish his sentence because the next thing we know, we're falling.
"Hey, don't shove me." I shout at the officer, ripping my arm out of his grasp. He glares at me before clicking his tongue and pushing us forward. Another officer opens a door and the three of us peer into it. My eyes widen in shock at the scene of dozens of women, sitting and frightened.
"Get inside!" The officer yells and shoves us into the room. We all yelp as we land onto the wooden floor. I keep my umbrella close to me, not letting it go.
Thank god they thought it'd be useless and an ordinary umbrella.
He leaves and slams the door shut. Beside me, Yona gasps in pain. She rolls up the side of her kimono and I see her ankle begin to color.
"It's sprained." I inform Yun and he nods. A moment later, the door creaks open. I quickly throw the kimono over Yona's leg to hide her injury. Standing in front of us, is Yang- Keum-ji. He stand above me at a good half a foot, and is a bulky man. His clothes are obviously one of a noble, and his eyes are set in a glare, his mouth a frown.
"I see... You're all excellent. Awa still has some value left in it." He rubs his chin and I glare at him.
"Lord Keum-ji, what is the meaning of this?" A girl foolishly asks. "We came looking for work..."
"There is work. Work so fun, you may not be able to handle it." My stomach turns in disgust as he step forward. That's when he grabs on to Yona and I's hair, bringing our faces closer to his. With the force, I drop my umbrella and my only mean of protection rolls away from me.
"Red hair? Purple eyes? Unusual, indeed. Your faces aren't bad, either. I almost regret having to see the both of you. With so many excellent goods, keeping a few for myself would be no great loss. " I can feel myself shaking. My eyes are dilate and my lip is quivering.
No. Please, no! Not again, please don't let it happen again!
"Lord Keum-ji." Yun's voice snaps me out of my panic and I feel myself calm down slightly. "I-I'm sure I can satisfy you better than she can." Yun protest, standing and placing a hand over his chest.
"Y-Yun.. Don't.." I mutter under my breath, so that only he can hear it.
"Forget about her. Choose me instead." Keum-ji walks towards Yun, still grasping Yona and I's scalps rather tightly. He lifts Yun's chin with a hand, examining his(her?) face.
"You're quite beautiful as well. But..." He sends a kick to his stomach, hard enough to make him cough up blood.
"Yun!" I yell and Keum-ji slaps me across the face.
"Shut up!" He yells before turning to Yun once more. Continuously, Yun is coughing up blood. I grit my teeth in anger, not enjoying the fact that I can't help him.
"Don't interrupt me while I'm having fun!"
"Lord Keum-ji, you'll damage the merchandise..." An officer warns before getting punched by Keum-ji as well.
"I told you not to interrupt me." With his boot, Keum-ji steps on Yun's head, making him close his eyes in pain.
"Good, good... Nothing pleases me more than obedient women who tremble in silence. Just like this red head." His attention advert to Yona and his eyes widen in fear. Hastily, he lets her go, but keeps me under a dead lock.
"Girl, are you from Awa?" Keaum-ji demands an answer from Yona.
"Long ago, I once saw red hair like yours at Hiryuu Castle. For just a moment, in the distance, I saw red hair reflecting the sun. The girl was Princess Yona. She was around your age. Are you Princess Yona?" My heart hammers in my chest, and a look of panic spreads across Yun's face. He looks at me and tears gather in my eyes before leaking out and slowly falling to the floor.
Please. Don't take Yona away!
"I am the daughter of a poor Awa merchant. I came because I heard you were offering work. I don't know your red-headed princess, but if being her would please you, I will call myself 'Princess Yona."' Seconds turn into hours as we wait for Keum-ji's reply. I crack my eyes open, just to see Yona on the ground, bowing in front of Keum-ji.
"I let myself go too far. Unlike you, Yona-hime would be too self-respecting to rub her face on the ground and grovel before me for work, filthy wrench!" Turning to leave, he drags me along with him. I struggle out of his grasp, trying to break free. I reach my hands out for Yona, Yun, anything! But I only feel a brush of their fingertips before the door behind me is slammed shut. With a painful yank, Keun-ji lifts m face to his, examining it greedily.
"I think I've made my decision on who to keep." He says, and a strong smell of alcohol hits me. I close my eyes, only to feel him force them open. Tears well up, leaking out, as I try to blink.
"P-please. Let m-me go." I plead. His smirk stays present before letting go of my eye and tying a blindfold around my eyes.
"Gather the girls up and bind them, we're leaving for the boats. Make sure this one gets to my personal compartment." He taps my cheek and I hear the shifting of clothes before someone grabs my arm, tightening their grip and leading my somewhere.
"Please. L-let me g-go." I plead to the officer again before his grip tighten.
"Shut up!" He yells and tugs me along even stronger now. I whimper under the grip but follow obediently.
Please, help me..
We walk slightly uphill, and the walk is more wooden. I hear clanking planks underneath me before the sound of a door opening.
"Get in." The officer shoves me and I painfully land on the floor. They still have me gagged, blind folded, and bound with ropes, so there isn't any way for me to get out.
"Yang Keum-ji will come to get you once we reach Kai." I try to sit up and drag myself to the officer, but he smacks me in the face with the blunt side of his sword, sending me to the wall. I could feel his irritated aura jumping around him as he walk forward and kicks me in the stomach. Using the sword to cut up my kimono, it falls to shreds around me. I whimper in pain as it gives me shallow cuts and he proceeds to kicking me again and again until another officer drags him away, or he gets bored. Either way, the officer sneers before the door slams shut once again. Everything is quiet, and I don't know how much time had passed, but soon the sounds of battle wages above deck. The neighboring ships are also peppered with war cries and clashing. My back had grown stiff and the ropes painfully dig into my wrists, to the point where they may even be bleeding. But the worse thing about it? There's nothing to do. So what does my brain do? Why, the most simplest thing it could do.
Bring up unwanted memories that scare the living daylights out of me.
- The pirates didn't want to openly admit it, since they thought Hak, Kija, or Shin-ah would kill them, but when Eyre declared that she would be going, they all thought it was hot. As soon as the three left, Hak and Kija ended up beating the shit out of some of them anyways.
- Eyre stabbed herself in the eye with her mascara when applying make up within a 2 minute time limit. Don't try to apply make up while in a rocking boat.
- Eyre had to steal herself one of Gi-gang's old kimonos before leaving. She was unfortunately caught, but Gi-gang winked and held a finger up to her lips, nodding her head out of her office. Eyre didn't know how to react, so she bowed and scrambled out the door, slamming into the door frame on her way out.
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