Welcome to he-school
Inger was the first awake one quiet February morning. She threw her blankets off and looked in the mirror in her room. Excitement rushed through her and she clapped her hands, making a small squeaking noise. She should probably wake up her daddy and pappa because it would be her and Leif's first day at school.
She headed over to Leif, who was sleeping happily. "Leify. Leify. Wakey uppy." She shook her brother.
Leif woke up, his silver eyes focusing on his sister. "Ingey!" He wormed himself from his bed, smiling at her. "Gud morgen." The darker haired child greeted his sister in their pappa's language.
"Gud morgen." Inger replied. Bouncing on her feet.
"It's school? No?" Leif asked his sister as he got out of bed.
"Yessy!" Inger clapped her hands.
Leif smiled at her and took her hand. Together the two four year olds ran from their room and into their parent's room.
Tom and Tord were sound asleep, Tom resting his head on Tord's chest. Both weren't in shirts. Tord's robotic arm was resting in Tom's hair. Both were in a deep sleep.
Inger nodded to her brother and climbed onto the bed. She sat on Tord's legs. "Pappa. Pappa. Wake up Pappa."
Tord began to wake up. "Inger, hva vil du."
Leif spoke up. "School!"
"Oh shit! Tom wake up!" Tord jolted awake, this woke Tom up and his black eyes turned white.
"Tord! What is it?" Tom sounded panicked.
"The kids have their first school day today. No one's dying." Tord joked, elbowing Tom.
The shirtless brit blinked, his eyes melting back to black. "Oh okay. Kids, go wait downstairs, we'll be down soon." Tom smiled at his children.
Inger and Leif nodded and walked from the room, holding hands.
"Get up commie. You have to actually tend to your army today." Tom said, looking about for some of his clothes. He settled on his typical outfit and turned to see Tord getting into his red hoodie and walking to go get his army coat. Just as he was about to put it on Tom realised what could go wrong here. "Tord. I wouldn't wear that to the school. Some people hate you, and I dont want the kids to have a hard time because you rock up looking like the man who took over England."
"But I did?" Tord seemed genuinely confused by what Tom had said.
Tom sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Tord look. Just go like any normal person, you can always change back here then drive off to the London base. You have to drop me off anyway."
Tord finally saw the logic behind what Tom was saying and nodded. "Aright Witness, I'll do as you say."
Tom chuckled. "You better Tord, I'm the smart one here."
"Yeah yeah min elskerde. If it makes you happy." Tord rolled his eyes as he spoke.
A loud smash made the two men aware of the fact that their children were probably unsupervised. They ran out of the room as they heard crying.
Tom slipped into the kitchen, nearly falling over he grabbed the door frame. On the floor were the two young children, a smashed jar on the floor. In the middle of the mess sat Inger, crying her little eyes out. Blood welled from a cut on her head. It wasn't very deep, but a small trail of blood stained her face and down her head. Tears welled in her eyes and tracked down her cheeks.
Panic raised in Tom, worry for his daughter flooded him as he ran over to her, wincing in pain as more of the pot crunched under his shins. "Inger what happened?" He shifted to pull his daughter onto his lap.
"I wanted.." She broke off to sniff. "I wanted some cookies... And so I climbed up to get them." She let out a cry of pain. "But I slipped. And it fell on me."
"Its okay Inger, we'll get you fixed up in no time." Tom said to her, rubbing her hair. He looked up, eyes focusing on Tord, who was distracting Leif. "Tord, can you go get Edd?"
Tord nodded and took his son's hand. Together they walked to Edd and Matt's room.
Tom sat there, comforting his child. Trying to keep her calm so she didn't hurt herself more.
When Edd wondered entered the kitchen he walked over, swiping away some of the shards of the pot so he could kneel in front of Tom and Inger. "Owchie. That's not a very nice cut is it? I'll get that all cleaned up for you." He smiled at Inger and pulled a sterile wipe from his hoodie pocket. "Now this will sting a little bit. But can you be brave for me?" As Edd spoke he opened the wipe. Inger nodded. "Good girl. Three. Two. One." Once he counted down he gently began to clean the cut.
Fresh tears slipped down Inger's cheeks, bust she stayed quiet.
"Good girl." Edd praised as he finished cleaning the blood and put the wipe down. "Now, do you want cats or bunnies?" Edd held up two plasters for Inger the choose.
"Uhm... Kitties!" Inger clapped her hands, smiling.
"Okay then." Edd laughed as he gently placed the pastel cat plaster over the cut. "Now, go to your pappa, Tom and I have to talk." Kindness laced the instruction.
Inger nodded and climbed off Tom's lap, forcing a wince of pain from the blue clad brit. She ran into the living room where Tord and her brother sat.
Edd turned to look at Tom, disappointment evident on his face. That was then overtaken by concern. "Tom, get up, you're bleeding."
Tom looked confused but staggered to his feet, eyes clenching closed as he just noticed the pain. "Shit..." He groaned quietly.
Edd sighed and picked Tom up, carrying the smaller man to the bathroom. He kicked the door open with one foot and sat Tom on the toilet. "Now it's not just Inger who got cut." Exasperated Edd sighed.
"Oh, next time I'll just not comfort my daughter." Tom folded his arms, looking upset.
"I didn't say that Tom. I just think you should not kneel on shards of sharp stuff." Edd tapped one finger against his thigh.
"Okay. Well, why are we in here?" The question hung in the air for a bit, not too long, but just long enough to become awkward.
"I wanted to see how badly you were cut. Not too badly. That's good." Edd smiled down at Tom.
Bored, Tom sighed. "Yeah obviously. I would have asked for help if it had been bad." He rolled his eyes, though the action was lost on Edd, one of the only downsides of having black eyes.
Edd began to pace, his hands folded behind his back. He did this when he was about to bring up a topic that he didn't like, or one he knew would upset the person he was talking to.
"What is it Edd?" Tom asked quietly, watching him.
At last Edd slowed his pacing, stopping in front of Tom. Concern contorted his friendly features. "Tom... We have all been talking and... We think it would be best if you started attending therapy. Tord's noticing you have been having more nightmares. And I've noticed that you hold your left shoulder more and more. Tom, look. We think it would be best if you tried to get some help. Not just for you, but for your children. Do you want to become her?" Edd knew what he had said toward the end and covered his mouth.
Anger and betrayal boiled in a dark concoction inside Tom's mind. Hurt soured his face, then it hardened into anger. "Well I wont be her Edd! I will never be her. She is dead and she cannot hurt us anymore! She is dead Edd, dead! And I am not my fucking mother! I AM NOT THAT WOMAN!" Yelling. Then he stood up and pushed Edd over, despite Tom's small stature he was shockingly strong. Running from the room, and then the house he continued on, blind with panic.
He didn't know where he had ran to, until he was there. That park. That fucking park. Ignoring the judgemental looks from people on morning walks Tom sat on that same bench. That same bench that had probably saved his life.
A yell, then another, then a third, caused Tom to look up. There, running towards him was his family. Tord looked exhausted the two children trying to keep up with their obviously panicked father. Tom stayed sat there, watching, silent.
Inger ran up to her dad, tears welled in her eyes. "Daddy! Why did you leave?" The little child sniffed, looking up at Tom.
"I just got upset little one. I'm fine now Inger. It's okay." Tom comforted his child. He forced himself to smile at her. This caused the child to smile back.
Tom stood up, waiving at Tord, who jogged over with Leif on his shoulders. When they got to Tom he lowered Leif from his shoulders, panting.
When Tord had regained the ability to breathe, he spoke. "What happened Tom?" Concern laced those words.
"Edd... Edd accused me of being her. I'm not am I?" Tom looked at Tord, black eyes filled with desperation. Tom shook slightly as he spoke, his fists clenching.
Tord stepped forward, placing his warm left hand on Tom's cheek. "No, min elskerde, you're a wonderful father. You aren't her and never will be. I can't think of a person I would rather live my life with." Tord comforted his boyfriend, pulling him closer and kissing him.
"Yuck!" Inger scrunched up her face after watching her parents kiss. Leif just pretended that a stone on the floor was extremely interesting.
Tord smiled as he gazed at Tom, who had a blush covering some of his face. "Let's continue this later."
Tom nodded. "Let's get these to school." He laughed to himself.
And like that the little family headed off, away from the past and into the future, the children walking between their parents.
After about five minutes the sound of laughing kids raised the family to the fact that they were close to the school. Two more minutes passed and Leif was heading into the crowded playground, holding his sisters hand in a comforting way.
Tom smiled at the probably anxious taller man and squeezed his hand in a comforting way before they followed their kids.
Tord blinked away the bubble of anxiety as his cold grey eye scanned the parents, he could trust none of them.
One woman looked at him, her eyes lighting as she looked past him and at Tom. She began to walk over. Tom was too busy comforting Inger about the new situation to notice her approach.
"Thomas?" Her voice was soft. She had just ignored Tord.
Tom looked up, his eyebrows lifting in confusion. "Addison?"
The girl nodded. "It's been too long." Addison smiled at Tom. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm here because it's my kids first day of school." Tom folded his arms, his expression bored.
"Oh, and who is their mother? Or did she ditch your bitch ass?" Addison glared at Tom.
Anger bubbled in Tord and he stormed to Tom's side, glad that he had put his heeled boots, making him appear to be a few inches taller at about six foot. "He is not a bitch. The only one I can see here is you." Tord smiled, that dangerous smile, that smile that said 'we both know how many guns I have on me right now' "So. I suggest that you leave Tom alone." Tord widens his smile, the scars in the right side of this face causing some pain from how far they were being stretched.
Addison stared at him, holding her ground surprisingly well for how tiny she was. "Who are you to tell me what to do? You're in fucking healed boots." She sneered up at Tord. It was a lot like a chihuahua trying to pick a fight with a rottweiler.
"You got something against my ass kicking boots, bitch?" Tord looked down at her, disdain for her very existence filled him.
Addison just sneered and turned her attention to Tom. "Who is this dipshit? Some Red Leader wannabe? Tom, I thought you had better taste." She jabbed her thumb to Tord as she spoke.
Tom responded quietly. "You're dead..."
If they were in a private place Tom would have been correct.
As if fulfilling some prophecy Tord grabbed Addison's shoulder and whipped her around to face him. No longer calm and composed Tord looked dangerous. Well, more so than he already did with his exposed teeth and scars. "What. Did. You. Call. Me." The question was spat at her.
"I called you a Red Leader wannabe." Addison seemed unaware of the danger she had just insulted.
Tord leaned down to her ear. "I am the Red Leader. So you best watch your back and leave my boyfriend alone." He hissed, just loud enough for her to hear. Then he pushed her away.
Addison just glanced at Tord and hurried away back to her own child.
Various parents that were watching the scene unfold turned hurriedly back to checking their phones and such.
"That went a bit far Tord. I don't want you making a scene." Lightly scolding Tord, Tom reached up and gently hit the back of Tord's head.
This affectionate gesture caused a laugh from both men.
Not long later it was time for the children to head into their classes, names were called and Inger and Leif ended up in the same class, just as Tord had bribed.
Being the Leader of an army has its perks.
In the class the students were sat in a circle. Inger had sat next to her brother, as he was the only other person that she knew.
The teacher, a kind looking blonde woman dressed in a large green sweater and some blue jeans with flower patterning on them spoke. "Hello. I am Mrs. Shill. Welcome to your first day!" She smiled brightly at all her students. "I thought we could all play a game so we can get to know each other better." She turned and pulled out a large, yellow foam ball. "I am going to say one fact about myself. Then pass it on to another person, then they say their name and a fact and pass it on, until everyone has had a turn. Got it?"
When there were no questions she spoke. "My favourite colour is green." She rolled the ball to a pale brown haired boy.
"I'm Oli. I have a cat!" Oli then rolled it to Inger.
"I'm Inger! My pappa is the Red Leader!" She rolled the ball to another person.
A few rolls of the ball later it landed on Leif. "I'm Leif. Inger is my sister." He then rolled the ball.
Once the activity was over Mrs. Shill told them where to sit. The siblings were next to each other. No doubt organised by Tord.
Fucking control freak.
Once they were all settled down the teacher walked over to Inger. "Inger. I don't think it is okay to be saying that your daddy is the Red Leader. It might just be something your mummy has said to you to explain why your daddy isn't there."
Inger blinked, shaking her head.
It was Leif who spoke up for his sister. "Uhm... Our daddy isn't the Red Leader. Daddy plays music. Pappa is the Red Leader though. I know! He took us with him when Uncle Matty got ill!"
Mrs. Shill blinked, astonished. "Leif. Are you saying that you have two daddy's?"
Leif nodded, smiling brightly.
"Okay..." She turned and started the class.
A/N: That felt like a good place to finish that. I'm not supposed to be on my phone at the moment because my dad is a dick who turns off the internet if I have a panic attack, for some fucking reason. Thank the lord for mobile data lol.
Also yes, that is the same Oli as in the "Fucking Karen" chapter. He will start to appear more and will maybe find a love interest in one of the twins.
Anyway, first chapter update of the year, yadda, yadda, other bullshit.
This is the second longest chapter and dear LORD was it a rollercoaster. This was not planned and I just wrote.
Also first update of the new phone.
I may draw how the twins look at this point, and maybe Oli. Because Oli is a bean with his big blue eyes and freckles and just AGFRHDURGGSYKRT he is too pure for this world.
If i get anything wrong about infant school I am sorry, my memory does not go back that far. (Infant school is from the age of 4 to 6, Primary is 7 to 11, secondary is 12 to 16, then College which is two ish years depending on the course.)
Updates may slow as I am nearing my GCSEs and those will determine if I can get into my selected courses.
I'm just rambling now.
Gave a good day/night -Alex.
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