The end of the beginning
Tom was the first one awake one mid December morning. The twins, nearly full term, refused to let the poor man get much rest. And here he lay, on his back, staring at the ceiling listening to the rhythm of Tord's breathing. Tom began to mentally go over what was needed, he knew he had nearly everything, but it never hurt to be sure. There were; clothes and nappies and toys and a buggy made for twins, Tom was fairly confident that the house had everything it needed to welcome two little lives. He felt rather confident too, having read many parenting books and websites to ensure the children didn't have the same childhood as he did. Tord seemed excited as well, they both had the chance to create the stable and loving environment that they were so cruelly robbed of when they were young.
Tom rested one hand on the bump. "Inger, Leif, I promise you that I will never hurt you, and I love you." As if responding one of the twins shifted about, kicking his hand. Tom smiled, glad to know that the twins were apparently listening. "You two will never know the pain I do. Or the pain of your pappa. We will always love you, no matter what you do. I promise you this." He shifted so he was sitting up, and turned to look at Tord.
Tord was stretched out in the bed, one arm under his pillow, one foot exposed to the cold air. His hair was a mess, it's caramel locks knotted. Despite the apparently uncomfortable position Tord was dead to the world. His mouth slightly agape and he let out soft snores. Tom chucked and ran one hand through one of Tord's hair horns. This caused Tord to make a small sound, but stay asleep.
Tom looked up at the clock and sighed, nine am. He had another appointment with the red army about the children in about an hour and a half. He decided to wake Tord. He shook the taller man slightly. "Tordy. Get up, we have to get to your army of adult toddlers in an hour and a half"
Tord grunted then opened his good eye. "Did you just call the army that owns at least four countries "an army of adult toddlers"? Because if so, that's fucking hysterical." His voice was low, mumbled with tiredness and almost indecipherable due to how thick his accent was.
"I did just insult your army, now get your ass up. We have an hour to get ready." Tom said, awkwardly getting out of the bed to get dressed.
Tord rolled his eyes and groggily sat up. He blinked a few times before getting out of the prison of blankets. "Why are you so awake?" Tord yawned.
"The kids have been keeping me up for too long, do you know how hard it is to sleep?" Tom stumbled to one of Tord's hoodies and pulled it over his head. He then walked to his trousers, some maternity ones, made to look like jeans. "They fidget about and I can't lay on my front anymore." Tom laughed before fiddling with the strings of his hoodie.
"Ah, well please stop complaining. It was utterly your own fault. If I do remember correctly it was you who begged and told me to not bother with protection because 'I don't have an STD, I'm fairly sure you don't, and there is no way I can get pregnant' look what happened, you got pregnant." Tord laughed and walked over, hugging Tom from behind, one hand resting on the bump where the twins curled, he put his head on Tom's shoulder. "And it is the best possible thing we could have done." Tord's tone was soft, yet still tired.
Tom smiled. "They're going to have a good life. Ain't gonna be nothing like mine. They will always know how loved they are, by both of us. And if we can't provide adequate care, well, there's always Edd and Matt to help out." Tom wormed from Tord's embrace.
Tord nodded and shoved his hoodie over his head. He then ran one hand through his hair until it looked somewhat passable as hair and not a misshapen caramel mop glued to his head. "Let's grab some food and get going."
A nod was the response. "Do we have orange juice?" The tone used was soft, almost wistful. "I'm just really craving it."
The Norwegian cast a glance at the heavily pregnant Brit. "I think so?" His tone was unsure. With a shudder he remembered the last time they didn't have one of Tom's cravings. It had been late at night, about eleven pm, the four men had watched a film together. Just as it was about to end Tom had asked if there was any Edam. Tord was sure there was some so told Tom this. Apparently he had been false. This lack of a particular mild Dutch cheese caused Tom to lock himself in the bathroom and cry, not coming out until Edd had to beg Eduardo for some. Edd had been pissy for days after because his dignity was in shards.
"Sweet." Tom awkwardly made his way from the room. He arrived in the kitchen and poured himself some of the citrusy goodness that is smooth orange juice. He sat himself on a chair and watched Tord make himself some granola cereal.
Once both men were done with their breakfasts they sat and watched some TV together, just to pass the time before the drive to the cold warehouse that housed a small part of the criminal organisation called The Red Army.
Before Tom knew it he was in Tord's beat up old ford, with Tord driving it out of the bustle of England's capital city. Tom stared out of the window, his face resting on his hands as he watched the outside pass him by. It was strange to him, how everything else had their own lives and realities. How people just lived.
Shaking his head to clear the sonder mood that had filled it Tom focused on the music playing on the radio. It was some ska song that Tom wasn't a huge fan of, but it was decent, could be some stupid pop singer with more plastic than the world's oceans.
"Thomas, wake up."
Tom opened one eye. "Pish off. I am sleep." He closed it again, yawning.
"Oh, you are sleep are you? Well it is time for you to be Tom. Now wake up." Tord's tone was teasing.
"Nooo... Too... Sleep..." Groaned Tom, trying his best to remain asleep.
"Tom. We are in the carpark of the fucking red army. Wake the hell up." Tord tapped one foot impatiently.
Tom yawned and stretched, feeling his back pop satisfyingly. "Fine." He unstrapped himself from the car and stood up on shaky legs.
One arm gripped his waist while a metallic one moved to scoop him so he was being carried bridal style. Tom let out a squeak as Tord held him.
And like that they headed into the base, past soldiers who saluted with respect, and into the familiar office that belonged to the army's head medic, and one of its biggest asses, Alex. He was for once wearing the full uniform, though the red top of his messy hair was now purple.
The ever unprofessional young man turned to his boss and Tom and smiled behind his mask. "Stop being so fucking gay." His tone was joking, though Tom did feel slightly offended.
Then, from a different room came a yell, a slightly Finnish accent hovering on the words. "Shut your face Al, you gay fuck. You can't talk. You would suck dick for a head pat and a hug!"
The head medic made an offended gasp. "I would do no such thing Vee! I would have you know I would not suck dick for anything!" He folded his arms and turned to the noise.
"Yeah right. What else can you do without a gag reflex?" A dark skinned person with grey hair, fading to green, walked from a room, a dull green sweater hung loosely on their torso.
"Win a load of bets, and get money, what can you do Vee? Bitch and whine about everything?" Alex snapped back at the other medic.
"Alright bitches! Now is not the time for a pathetic argument about sucking dick! Do your jobs or so help me I will cut your dicks off and make you eat them! Do you understand me?" Tord took on a commanding tone. This caused the two bickering medics to stand up straight and salute to him.
"Yes Red Leader Sir! We understand Sir!" They both chanted. Though Tom did notice that Alex rolled his eye. If Tord did notice he didn't say anything.
"Alright, back to work you two." Tord glared at them. Both nodded and Vee wondered off.
"Red, I would have to grow a dick for you to cut off, if you were to stick to your threat." Alex teased Tord, his eye narrowing.
"Alex, your dick is in your personality. You do not need another one." Tord had relaxed somewhat. He had gone back to the typical banter with his head medic.
Alex laughed at this. "Alright Boss man, set him down on the table and we will see what we can." He walked off to retrieve the sonagram machine as he said this.
Tord made a small unhappy sound at the new nickname as he set Tom down on the table.
Tom looked slightly uncomfortable as he rolled his hoodie up to reveal the large bump where the two soon to be born foetuses nestled growing to greet the world. "I fucking hate this so damn much. I cannot wait for the constant backache to be over." He sighed then smiled.
Tord chucked and gently kissed Tom's cheek. "Yeah, I must admit I am getting impatient waiting for for them."
"Well, according to my notes you only have one month left, and twins are most often early by a few weeks. I can give a better due date when I've looked at them." The medic said as he walked over, dragging the machine behind him.
"Early?" Tom sounded unsure, as if he hadn't quite grasped what Alex had told him. "Isn't that dangerous?"
"Depends on how early, a week is about fine, you're past the stage where I would struggle to keep a child alive, but it would still be best if they weren't premature." Informed Alex, reaching for that familiar gel. He squirted some onto the large protrusion of Tom's belly and began to move a familiar wand about it. Eye fixed on the screen the young man hummed to himself.
Tom turned to face Tord, who gently took Tom's hand in his flesh one and squeezed it. "It'll be okay Tom." The feared leader whispered in a tone that ,unless you knew him well, most would assume was impossible. The tone filled with such caring and love, it softened his scarred features, his eyebrows relaxing as he gazed into his partners voids.
They were jolted from the shared love by Alex speaking. "Alright so. As you already know your son has one arm, possibly. But from how they appear to have developed I would assume a due date of early January. So about three more weeks, then hell shall start." He smiled at them, using a cloth to wipe the gel off Tom's stomach. "Good luck, you'll need it." He reached up and patted Tord on the shoulder.
"We've gone to hell, this will be fine. Now thank you for saying this, I hope to not have to see you again for a long while." Tord removed the medics hand from his shoulder.
"You will be back. I'm just too fabulous to ignore." Alex began to laugh.
Tom rolled his eyes, swinging his legs from the table and standing up. "You sound like Matt, I swear." He shook his head as he said this.
"I... Don't know Matt? I have no reference for what you said. I don't understand..." Alex tilted his head as he said this. The little visible of his face was confused. As always when he didn't understand he began to play with his hair.
"It's okay, we'll see you later Alex. Don't kill this place." Tord smiled comfortingly at the obviously upset medic. Alex just nodded and stayed quiet.
The two left the base quickly after that disaster of a joke with the very literal medic. When they were back in the car Tom spoke up. "Why was Alex so upset?" He sounded confused.
"Alex takes things very seriously. He tends to get distressed if he doesn't understand something. He may seem happy and like an asshole most of the time, but he's very insicure and needs to understand everything." Tord sighed. "It's not great traits, but they're ones that he has."
Tom nodded, understanding.
The next few weeks sucked for Tom. First he had to be calm and sober on Christmas, when he should be on the roof trying to kill Santa again. He had spent the whole day bitching about shit christmas was. Then the twins had seemingly endless energy and will to kick and punch and headbutt their way out of him. When new years rolled around Tom threw all of the alcohol out of the house because the smell of it might make him throw up. He spent that day bitching too.
But now it was mere days before the twins due date and they had not stopped moving about, causing cramps and nausea for Tom.
On one particularly cold January morning Tom was feeling worse than normal, so in an attempt to make things better they were watching a flim. Tord an Tom cuddling on the sofa and Edd and Matt on the floor.
"And so he said: "YEET THAT HEAD!" Tord yelled as the main villain's head was chopped off by the hero. This caused laughter to erupt through the boys. Tom having to stop due to pain. He let out a gasp and one leg spasmed and kicked Edd in the back of the head.
"Sorry Edd." Tom apologised.
"It's okay Tom, but are you? You look really pale." Edd sounded concerned.
"Yeah, just-" He broke off with a low groan of pain. "False contractions."
Tord was the next one to say something. "I do not think these are false. You need to go see Alex."
"Fuck no I don't. I'm f-fine." Tom folded his arms, eyes scrunching up in an attempt to elevate some pain.
"Tom. You are not, get up, you are going to see a medical professional." Edd sounded stern.
"I'm not dressed Edd! I can't! I'm-" he broke off panting slightly before continuing to argue. "Only in commies hoodie and some shorts." He let out another groan.
"You are going. That is final." Tord said picking Tom up.
"We are coming too!" Edd asserted, standing up.
"We are?" Matt obviously not spoken up due to being shocked silent.
"Yes. We are. I do not care if you do not want us to, but we have known Tom longer than you Tord." Edd stood there, glaring at the shorter man.
"Fine. Get into my car." Tord turned and ran from the room, clutching Tom to him.
About twenty minutes later they arrived at the base, Tord had been speeding due to fear for Tom. He parked poorly and got out the car, picking Tom up and running to the door, followed closely by Edd and Matt.
None of the soldiers stopped the men in their desprate dash to the medical wing. Either too tired to care, or scared by the fear on their leaders face, none confronted the two tall Brits sprinting after their leader.
"Alex! Help! I think the twins are arriving!" Tord yelled, almost kicking the door down. This jolted the head medic awake and he nodded.
"Set him on the bed." He ordered, then he spoke into his coat. Tord set Tom down, concern on his face.
Not long after medics rushed into the room, checking Tom over. Vee looked at the three men. "Sirs, please vacate the room, we need space to work. I will collect you when the twins are here."
"No! I need to be here for him! He's hurting!" Tord looked about ready to push the Finnish man over.
"Red, with all respect. You do not need to be here, please leave." Vee was trying very hard to sound peaceful.
"Tord, it'll be okay, Tom's safe. Let's just sit down." Edd put one hand on his friends shoulder and began to guide him from the room. Tord just complied.
Several hours later a shreak cut the air. Then another. Tord stiffened, fearing the worst for Tom. Then it became quiet again. Matt had fallen asleep, using Edd as a pillow. Edd stayed awake, watching Tord through tired hazel eyes.
Several more hours later a very tired Alex walked out. "Congrats bastard. Two little fuck trophies. You can come in." He turned and Tord followed him into the room.
Laying on a bed was Tom, he appeared very tired, but happy, cradled in each arm was a child. Both were tiny, one had a little tuft of Tord's caramel hair, the other two tufts of Tom's darker brown hair. Tom smiled when he saw Tord. "They're so beautiful. I wanted you in here when their names were said." Tom sounded tired.
Tord nodded. "Can I hold one?" He hardly whispered, love for his little family filled him.
Tom nodded. "The one with your hair colour is our daughter. You can hold her." He smiled at Tord as the Norwegian gently took his daughter and held her. She was so small and fragile. A sudden protective instinct flared inside him. He knew he would do anything to protect his children.
"Inger Asta Lund. Such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. And Leif Samiel Lund. My brave little son. Nothing will hurt you." Tord smiled at the two children, running a thumb over Inger's head.
Tom smiled. "They're so beautiful Tord. And Leif has both his arms. Both children are just a bit small."
"So just like you Tommy." Tord teased his boyfriend, a smirk on his face.
"Shut up commie." Tom snapped back, smiling at Tord.
Inger yawned and Tord smiled at her. "I now understand that whole protective father thing. I would not let anything hurt them. Or you Tommy."
Tom laughed. "I should sure hope not." He yawned. Alex bustled over, pushing two little clear plastic cots.
"So Tom can rest I ask that the twins be put to sleep in here." He instructed.
Tord was reluctant to part with his daughter put placed her in the purple cot. He the gently took Leif from Tom's arms and layed him in the yellow one.
Tom smiled and fell asleep not long after. Tord sat in a chair next to the bed, he too, fell asleep quickly.
A/N: hey guys! So instead of working through a recent issue I stayed up all night to bring you this chapter! I'll go back and edit later, though may upload without doing that as it is currently midnight as I am writing this and I am in pain.
Tom's whole craving orange juice thing was because at the time of writing it all I could think about was how good some damn oj would be at that moment. So I used to to give insight to the parts of this that don't get seen.
The story isn't over yet! I have a few more chapters to write, just little snippets from as the twins age! And some wholesome gay shit too!
This is the longest chapter yet.
Anyway! Have a good day/night. -Alex.
Edit: to make this 3333 words I did this.
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