•Inger's POV•
I sat in my normal desk. A collection of rather bad colouring pens set out on it. We had been told to draw our family.
Doing as Uncle Eddy had instructed me I started on drawing the base in pencil. The soft scratching of the pencil top on the paper was soothing.
I started by drawing four large boxes, then two smaller ones. Once the boxes were done I moved on to drawing circles for the heads.
I then went on to drawing hair. I started with Daddy's as he was the easiest. Just four spikes. I then drew Pappa's hair. Then Uncle Matty's and then Uncle Eddy's.
Pausing to look up at Leif I stared at his hair. It stuck up like daddy's but had Pappa's colour.
I went straight back to drawing, working so carefully on Leif's hair. Once his hair was done I went on to mine. Two little pigtails that stuck up with four spikes in them. I frowned, scanning my memory to find out exactly what hair bands I had in today. I then remembered that they were little flowers. I smiled and continued to work on my art.
I put the pencil back in the middle of the table and scanned for the blue pen. It was laying beside a boy colouring with a brown one.
Doing as Pappa's always told me I was polite. "Uhm... Could I have the blue pen?"
He looked up and smiled. "Sure." He passed the pen to me and I took it.
"Takk!" I smiled at him before going right back to my art. Colouring Daddy's hoodie in with gentle movements of the pen. It was slightly running out of ink but that didn't really matter to me.
Once I was done with the blue I put the pen back and took the red, getting started on Pappa's hoodie. Frowning I added some red to my flower hair bands.
I didn't notice the passage of time before Mrs. Shill called for us to stop drawing.
I just scribbled the last bit of green for Uncle Matty's coat and turned to look at her.
She was dressed in a sickly yellow dress with obnoxiously pink butterflies on it.
Clapping her hands she spoke. "Alright kids. Off to break. Come with me."
The hideous scratching of chairs on horridly carpeted floors echoed through the room, I covered my ears. My eyes clenching closed.
Mrs. Shill didn't care. She never did. She lead the class from the room. Leif staying close to my side as we walked into the playground.
I blinked against the warm glow of sunlight. Concern for my brother flitted in my mind. Due to his eyes he was very sensitive to light, just like Daddy.
Knowing the unasked question he just nodded, smiling at me. "All is good Ingey!"
I smiled back at him, just enjoying the company of Leif. Together we started our normal game of "Army Leader" basically what we did was one of us would pretend to be Pappa and in charge of an army. While the other would be a rival and have to try and get us to not be the leader anymore by tagging us. The "Leader" always wins, because Pappa always wins!
Laughing I ran away from Leif. I always loved this game. It was great fun to play! Today I was the Leader.
"Pink Leader, you shall fall soon!" Leif laughed running after me.
"Never! I am the Pink Leader and I shall never fall!" I cried, running away faster, laughing all the while.
I turned to look back at my brother and then I hit something, I stumbled back and fell on my butt. Looking through tear filled eyes I focused on the boy who sits in front of me.
He shook his head and got to his feet, his blue jeans slightly dusty. "Are you good?" He asked, holding out a hand.
I took it and he helped me to my feet. "Ja, takk." I smiled at him.
Confusion glinted in his eyes.
It was Leif who said the meaning of the phrase. "She said "Yes, thank you" I knew you were thinkingining." He clapped his little hands.
•3rd person POV•
Content with this the three children began to talk animatedly. Despite the difference in appearance that the twins had, it didn't seem to bother their new friend. He had pale brown hair and bright, friendly, blue eyes. Small freckles speckled his cheeks.
Together they ran about, laughing with that joy that only ignorant people and children have. The cliche introduction that they had not affecting the blossoming friendship that had sprouted between the children.
At last the screeching bell yelled that it was time to go back to class, and the three children headed back to the line slowly forming of disappointed children, grumbling about how short the break had been.
Only four and they're already cynical bastards.
Sulking, they headed back into the class, taking their seats. The normal and expected disruptions when you fill a room with 20 hyperactive young children, never letting the class settle into silence.
Inger found herself fidgeting, unable to sit utterly still. An unexplainable panic had rested in her gut. She could feel the slow flogging of her mind as one child screamed.
It was like a switch had flicked in her brain. All was dark, she couldn't hear, or see, yet everything was too much, too fast. She found her head hitting something, something hard. Then soft. The change scared her. Scream. Terror of the purest form had filled her body. Ice hot pain flashed from her shoulder. Scream. She longed to move, but her body wouldn't let her. She longed to get the people crowding away, but she couldn't. She felt a large hand touch her hair. She lashed out. Hitting. Kicking. Biting. Pulling. Anything to make it stop. But it didn't.
She was lifted by steady hands. Thrashing. Her struggles didnt help. She knew that she was being moved, to where was that she didnt know.
After what felt like forever to the poor girl in an extreme meltdown, she was set on what she had assumed was a chair. Nothing touched her.
Slowly she began to calm down. Her senses returned back to normal and she slowly sat up. Looking about she slowly recognised the obnoxious walls that belonged to the school's office.
Blinking, she then noticed her brother, he was sitting next to her, hand not quite touching hers. She reached out and gently took her brothers hand, running a thumb comfortingly over the back of his paler skin.
He looked up at her, black eyes devoid of any emotion. "Inger?" His voice was concerned, eyebrows furrowed.
"Leify, is okay? Why are we here?" That question lingered in the air like a poison.
Finally Leif responded, looking at his feet. "You screamed... You hit Mrs. Shill... They're calling Daddy and Pappa." Once he had finished talking he looked up at his sister, tears filled those voids he had for eyes.
Inger found herself blinking, shocked. "I... No... I... I don't rememberer." Inger managed to stammer out the objection, starting to shake slightly.
"You did... Sorrey..." Leif toom his sisters other hand and pulled her into a hug.
After a few minutes their parents, along with Edd and Matt, entered the office.
"Alright. Where's the little shit who hurt my daughter?" The click of Tord's heeled boots causing this commanding question to be even more intimidating.
"S-sir! Please don't use that language here!" The small, mousey office worker voice quavered with fear.
"Listen here. One of the little shits that attend here hurt my daughter. I'm not going until I know who." The snarl in his voice caused the receptionist to shrink into herself. It also caused the children to curl closer to each other.
"Tord calm down. You're being irrational. I'm sure it was a mistake." Tom soothed the worked up Norwegian, resting a hand on his shoulder. "We need to comfort out kids. Edd and Matt can take care of this."
Tord just nodded to what Tom had said and allowed himself to be guided to his distressed children.
One on either side the calmed them down, allowing the tears to flow, not reprimanding them for the crying. Slowly both began to calm down.
While this had been occurring Edd and Matt had been talking to the obviously petrified woman behind the desk.
They were in no way the most adept in gathering information, hell, even half of The Red Army's idiots could do a better job than these tall brits. Edd was trying too hard to be friendly and Matt had simply gotten distracted and was typing away on his phone.
Venting a sigh, Tord headed over to her, his posture had relaxed, and he no longer held the mask of pissed off army leader/father. Now it was all concerned father.
Perhaps just a little pissed off army leader. There's always some pissed off army leader.
"Please can you inform me of what happened?" He tried his best to sound polite, though his accent slipped out just a bit too thick and made him sound upset.
The woman nodded. "Inger Lund had some form of meltdown and attacked her teacher. Leif Lund refused to leave her side."
"Any reason for her to act in that way?" Tord found himself tapping one foot against the hard wood floor.
"Mrs. Shill, her teacher, says that there was no reason for her to act like that." The receptionist said, in a strained yet polite tone.
"They're in Mrs. Shill's class?" Tord found himself once again allowing the pissed off army leader voice to slip through. "I thought I had it guaranteed that they would be in Mr. Grey's class. In exchange for that this place would be able to say that Red Leader's children attended here. I thought that was sorted out."
"I am sorry Mr. Lund. I am not in control of who is in what class." The receptionist apologised, gently moving some hair from her face.
"Okay. Please inform the school that until this issue gets resolved I shall withdraw my funding. And the protection." That last part was hardly a whisper, but the receptionist heard it clearly and gulped.
"Also, can you get Rebekka out here? We need to talk." He smiled at the receptionist and she nodded. She called the Rebekka that Tord had mentioned.
Not a minute later Mrs. Shill arrived. "Tord!" She cried out walking over to him, giving off an air of familiarity.
"Rebekka." Tord said with a sharp nod of his head, holding up his cold walls.
"Did you finally realise how much of a mistake it was leaving me?" Mrs. Shill, or Rebekka, asked. A slight flirtatious hint played on her words.
"No. I want to know why you cause my daughter to have a meltdown." He just glared at her with a cold grey eye, a hardly hidden rage boed within its steel depths.
"That silver and black eyed freak is your kid? I thought she was some science mistake from your lab." Rebekka looked shocked.
Inger let out a sniff, but was quickly comforted by Tom.
"Rebekka, Inger and Leif are my children, so shut your mouth and learn some respect, or you may regret it." He smiled at her, a creepy and dangerous smile. "Also, treat them well, we both know that you would just hate to get on the wrong side of The Red Army." The word "hate" had extra emphasis placed on it, as in typical Tord fashion it was a threat.
Rebekka just nodded and backed out of the office.
Turning to the receptionist, who had been avidly watching the scene unfold, Tord spoke. "I am taking my children home." And with that the six people left the school.
0h my g0ds, thank you so much for all the amazing questions on the QnA! It is still open, and will be until the 14th of Feburary.
Also the next comment better be bloody good as it will be the 200th comment this book has.
Thank you so much for reading this dumpster fire of ideas, it means the world to me.
Sorry this chapter is short, it's gone midnight.
Alrighty, have a good day/night -Alex.
(Ps, you are all amazing.)
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