Them Bois and Flowers and shit
Okay, since Zinnia compared Elliot to a Lavender flower, and Zinnia compared herself to a Zinnia flower -- Imma do the rest of the cast boi.
((meanings are from http://livingartsoriginals.com/infoflowersymbolism.htm))
Bluebells have long been symbolic of humility and gratitude. They are associated with constancy, gratitude and everlasting love. Bluebells are also closely linked to the realm of fairies and are sometimes referred to as "fairy thimbles." To call fairies to a convention, the bluebells would be rung.
2) Yoshiki Furamenko -- Birds of Paradise
The bird of paradise flower is freedom, good perspective, faithfulness (when given from a woman to a man). The bird of paradise flower is so-named because of a resemblance to the actual bird of paradise. In South Africa it is commonly known as a "crane" flower. The leaves are large, 30-200 cm long and 10-80 cm broad, similar to a banana leaf but with a longer petiole, and arranged to form a fan-like crown of evergreen foliage.
3) Yui Enoshima -- Anemone
The anemone, on a darker note, indicates fading hope and a feeling of having been forsaken. On a positive note, it symbolizes anticipation.
4) Kohaku Hoshi -- Sweat Pea
The flower symbolism associated with sweet peas is bliss, delicate pleasure, good-bye, departure, adieu and thank you for a lovely time. Sweet peas were very popular in the late 1800s and are often considered the floral emblem for Edwardian England. Sweet peas are the flowers most closely connected to the month of April.
5) Hijime Namaeda -- Gladiolus
The flower symbolism associated with the gladiolus is preparedness, strength, splendid beauty and love at first sight. The gladiolus is named for the shape of its leaves, "gladius" or sword. The gladiolus is said to have symbolized the Roman gladiators. The British used the stem base (corms) as a poultice for thorns and splinters.
6) Leon Luden -- Fuchsia
The flower symbolism associated with the fuchsia is confiding love. Fuchsia flowers are a very decorative pendulous "eardrop" shape, borne in profusion throughout the summer and autumn, and all year in tropical species. In many species, the sepals are bright red and the petals purple, a combination of colors that attract hummingbirds.
7) Nichibotsu Ikari -- Hyacinth
The flower symbolism associated with the hyacinth is games, sports, rashness, and playful joy. Hyacinths are sometimes associated with rebirth. The hyacinth flower is used in the Haftseen table setting for the Persian New Year celebration.
8) Eda Sakura -- Azalea
The flower symbolism associated with azaleas is temperance, passion, womanhood (China), take care of yourself for me and fragility. Azaleas are members of the rhododendron family (see below). Azaleas grow as shrubs and small trees with large, showy flowers and are popular as ornamental plants in landscaping. The English name derived from the Greek word azaleos, meaning "dry."
9) Ayameko Yayashi -- Lotus
The flower symbolism associated with the lotus is estranged love and forgetfulness of the past. The lotus is the national flower of India. The blue or Indian lotus, also known as the bean of India and the sacred water-lily of Hinduism and Buddhism. Lotus roots are also used widely in Asian cooking.
10) Kosabachi Kaiba -- Orchid
The flower symbolism associated with the orchid is love, beauty, refinement, many children, thoughtfulness and mature charm. Orchids have become a major market throughout the world. Buyers now bid hundreds of dollars on new hybrids or improved ones. Orchids are one of the most popular cut-flowers on the market.
11) Yige Pianzi -- Bamboo
The bamboo is the most popular plant in China and represents the spirit of summer. The bamboo is considered a gentleman with perfect virtues. The bamboo combines upright integrity with accommodating flexibility. It has the perfect balance of grace and strength, or the Yin and the Yang. When a storm comes, the bamboo bends with the wind. When the storm ceases, it resumes its upright position. Bamboo also symbolizes longevity, immortality and youth. Its ability to cope with adversity and still stand firmly without losing its original ground is inspirational.
12) Kaoru Tachi -- Aster
The flower symbolism associated with asters is daintiness, love, from Greek word for "star." Asters are believed to have healing properties. Asters were laid on the graves of French soldiers to to symbolize the wish that things had turned out differently. There are many varieties of asters that are popular garden plants. Asters grow in all hardiness zones.
13) Albert Tatabana -- Lilac
The flower symbolism associated with the lilac is beauty, pride, youthful innocence and youth. A pale purple color is generally known as lilac after the flower. Lilacs can also be white, pale yellow, pink or burgundy. Lilacs are known for their strong, perfume-like scent and are the state flower of New Hampshire. Lilacs grow on shrubs or trees. A pale purple color is generally known as lilac after the flower.
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