Now fast forward to present
Jordan's pov:
We both sat on the bed, staring at eachother. In shock. There must've been something we had done wrong, messed up a spell, something.
"We messed up bad.." Ava said, looking me.
"But how?" I asked.
"I don't know, that's the problem," she said, putting her face in her hands.
"Ava.." I started. "I think we need more help."
"What do you mean?"
"We have to tell Carmen everything."
She hesitated before agreeing. We decided to call Carmen and asked her to skip school with us. It took a LOT of convincing but she finally agreed and we met at the park down the street from the school.
We couldn't go to Ava's house or Carmen's house because their parents would flip.
The only place available now was my house.
We headed back towards my house. I was nervous. My parents were home and who knows what fighting we'd hear when we got there.
"So," Carmen started, "is there a reason you two peer pressured me into doing bad kid stuff."
"Uh." Ava started.
I grinned, "We're gonna show you our witchcraft."
"Haha. Seriously though, why are we skipping school?"
Ava and i looked at eachother and didn't say a word.
We made it to the house and I slid my window open and we climbed in one at a time.
"Do you not believe in doors?" Carmen grunted while climbing into my room.
Ava grabbed her hand to help. "Of course she doesn't, she's dramatic."
"Gotta have my grand entrance or I'll have to throw myself away."
I sat on the bed waiting for them to sit with me.
"Carmen." Ava started.
"Don't freak out." I finished.
"You two are weird.." she said.
"We're witches," I added. "And before you say anything. No. Not Hocus Pocus witches."
"And no. We don't fly on brooms." Ava added.
"You guys are funny."
We stayed quiet for a minute and I opened my cupboard with all of my stuff in it.
"Carmen we practice the craft. Really. But we think we messed up because something is really wrong." Ava said.
"What she said." I added.
"So you guys are witches. And you fucked up. So you drag me in the middle to fuck up with you?"
"Do i have a choice?"
"Not really."
"I'm in."
- (everything re-explained)
"So let me get this straight. You guys are having dreams and things that are happening in your dreams are effecting you in real life?"
"What do you want ME to do?"
"Help us figure it out, silly." I stated sarcastically.
"Help us do research or something, help us figure this out. Our dreams are too real and I'm scared of what's about to happen." Ava said after chugging a cup of coffee.
"Do your magical smart stuff and look for stuff this could be." I said while throwing a ball of paper into the trash can from across the room.
"First of all, you guys need to buy a Bible."
"Thats not exactly our religion, Carmen." Ava stated.
"We have Gods and Goddesses. Deities." I added.
"If you guys don't take it into consideration, you can count me out. If we're gonna figure this out and you want my help, we're doing it MY way," she said, nervously. "If you guys think doing that is what caused this all to happen, stop doing it."
Ava and I looked at eachother.
"We'll get a Bible."
"My mom has one in the drawer in the living room." Ava said.
"The problem with that is that we can't go-"
I was cut off by the sound of screaming and a door slamming maybe ten feet away.
"We can sneak in through my room," she whispered. "you guys can wait in my room while I ninja roll through the house and get the Bible. That simple."
"Ooouuu, a mission."
"I'm not ok with that." Carmen said. "If we get caught, we're all in trouble."
"No, YOU two are in trouble." I added. "My parents forgot I live here."
A door slammed in the bathroom right beside my room followed by loud stomps and a refrigerator door opening in my parents room.
"You could stay HERE if you want, Carmen." I smiled.
We grabbed our bags and slipped back out of the window, onto the driveway and through the alley toward Ava's house. We walked in silence for a minute. We knew what we were in for. We tried to act collected but I knew we all were scared. We didn't know what was happening but we wanted to stop it before it got any worse.
The air smelled odd. Not particularly nasty.. like sea salt.
Ava and I stopped dead in our tracks. We looked straight at eachother, scared.
"What are you two doing, what's wrong?"
"Do you smell that.." Ava asked.
"Sea salt." I answered.
"What does th-" I cut Carmen off.
"Sea salt is used in protection spells."
Carmen clenched her jaw. "I hate you guys so much."
We sped up. We got to the corner by Ava's house and Ava and sprinted across the yard to her window. Carmen followed.
Ava slid the window open and climbed up, then me. Then Carmen.
Carmen and I plopped on the bed.
"Give me a minute and I'll go get it." Ava said. "I'm nervous."
"LAAAME." I said, jumping up and stepping into the hallway.
I crouched down by the banister and listened for anyone walking around. I didn't hear anything so I walked downstairs and walked over to the table and looked in the drawer. I didn't see a Bible. I looked around a little more but didn't see a Bible. I wondered into the kitchen and was about to open the closet when I felt someone touch my shoulder. I spun around but there was nobody there. I flung the closet open and found the bible. I grabbed it and ran up the steps as fast as I could and ran into Ava's room, grabbed my bag and jumped out the window. They grabbed their bags and did the same.
"Nope nope nope nope nope." I said as I ran to the corner away from the house.
They followed and stop beside me.
"What happened?" Ava asked.
"SOMEONE touched me when I found the Bible. It wasn't in the drawer. It was in the closet in the kitchen."
"That's not right, I watched mum put it in the drawer last night. "
We all looked at eachother. "No worries, I got it."
I put the Bible and my bag and we headed back towards my house.
When we got there and climbed back through the window, I plopped on the bed and stuck my hand in my bag, tracing the cover of the Bible. "Ok Carmen. What next?"
"We can take turns reading."
"UHHHH I don't read." I stated.
"I'll go first." Ava said.
I looked through websites for maybe two hours while Ava flipped through the leather book.
I guess she found nothing because she plopped the book onto the bed beside Carmen and rolled her eyes. "Your turn."
Carmen started reading and kept showing us quotes that didn't look very usual but we wrote them down just in case. We still had no idea. We were lost. Carmen and Ava kept flipping through the book and I crawled into the bean bad chair in the corner of my room to supervise and make sure no monsters sneak attacked my friends. I'm a good friend.
I ended up falling asleep.
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