Flash back to yesterday
Ava's pov -
I put my book down after finishing it. It was only 12:40 so I decided to text Jordan and Carmen in the groupchat.
Ava 🐢
Hey guys.
Jordan 🔮
Carmen 👾
Jordan 🔮
Why are you awake ?
Ava 🐢
I just finished my book and now I don't know what to do with my life.
Jordan 🔮
A bit dramatic dontcha think? 🤔
Guys we should go ghost hunting.
Carmen 👾
No. No no no no no no big no, you guys made me play with that ouija board at Ava's party and the agreement was that I didn't have to do anymore spooky stuff.
Ava 🐢
Jordan 🔮
I set my phone down. I was scared to go to sleep because of the dreams I'd been having but there was no point in fighting it anymore. I hadn't properly slept in over a week and had been running on coffee.
I layed on my back and took deep breaths. I tried to count to 100 but passed out around 24.
I was in the middle of the woods. Sitting on the ground. I looked around expecting to see Jordan sitting beside me lighting our candles. She wasn't here.. I was alone. Which was strange because I never go into the woods alone. I reached around for my bag to get my book to flip through to see if there were any spells I could've done that would've backfired. My bag was nowhere to be seen which was even stranger because I never go anywhere without my bag.
It was getting dark. Not the normal rate, it got extremely dark, extremely fast. I started to freak out. I stood up and looked around and noticed a fire in the distance.
I stood up and dusted myself off and crept towards the light. I couldn't see a thing now, it was pitch black. It felt like I had been walking for hours and then I saw it. A cage. A giant cage. And my heart dropped. I saw her, I saw Jordan. She was unconscious inside of the cage. She was laying down, facing away from me. I looked around to see if I could find anyone else but I saw no one. I got ready to sprint towards the cage but I was stopped by a voice.
"It's almost time," I heard. "In just a few hours, we'll be free."
Then I heard him.. "Yeah but THEY won't.."
I heard another familiar voice say, "Don't pity them. They chose this path."
"I just don't think it's right. Maybe he's wrong."
"I kind of agree." I heard a deep voice say. "They don't deserve this."
"Stop." The first guy, snapped. "If he hears you, you'll end up like her."
My heart sank. I could tell he was talking about Jordan.
"She's a mean girl.." a fourth voice said. "She hit me in my nose."
The deep voice laughed. "If you were being grabbed from behind by a small Korean boy. What would be your first instinct?"
"Wait.." the first guy said. "Do you smell that?"
"Um. Yeah."
"She's here.."
I had a lump in my throat bigger than a crystal ball. I went to stand up to run when I felt two arms reach around me and slam me off the ground.
Then I woke up.
I looked at the clock. 3:30.
I grabbed my book and flipped through the pages, looking for an explanation. Signs it was a vision. Anything. I did what came to mind and grabbed sea salt and all the equipment I needed for a protection spell. I set up the alter and began the spell.
When I finished, I closed my book and lit sage incense and sat on the floor.
Maybe meditation would help me understand what's happening. I sat. And tried to meditate, I sat for maybe two hours but I got nothing. Not a single clue. I got up and got ready for school, drank two cups of coffee due to the fact that I only got three hours of sleep again tonight. I thought I'd leave my protection spell equipment out until after school so I could do another one immediately after I got home and then I heard pounding on the window. I nearly jumped out of my skin and frantically rushed to put away my supplies. If it were Jordan and she saw that I had done a protection spell, she'd worry. None of my other friends know that Jordan and I do the practices that we do. Also, none of my other friends go to my bedroom window before the front door.
I slid the curtain back and made eye contact with her. She looked terrified, my heart sank. If I told her what had happened, she'd try to contact whatever it was that I had seen. So I'll keep it a secret for now..
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