The bell rang and we all parted ways. I headed towards my usual boring first period class. Math.
I walked in and sat my books down on the desk and got out my sparkly notebook and glitter pen and started doing the morning notes when the chair right beside me scooted out. An attractive guy sat beside me. He had blonde hair and the most beautiful lips I had ever seen, it made me jealous. He looked at me with a half smirk and without saying a word, touched my hand and everything went white.
I was staring, I couldn't move. Just staring into his bright blue eyes, I felt sad. I felt tears well up in my eyes and I started crying. I stood up and grabbed my stuff and pushed my chair in. I took off down the hallway where I saw Jordan. Standing there. With her eyes closed. I had heard about her wiping out in first period so I ran to check on her.
She was talking to herself but I couldn't understand what she was saying. It was like she was speaking a different language.
"Jordan?" I said while putting her face kinda roughly. She doesn't like being touched.
I got no response. "Jordan, this isnt funny, you need to stop."
I got nothing. I started to worry so I started shaking her.
Nothing. I kept shaking her, I was terrified. "Jordan? Who are you talking to?" I asked. Hoping she'd give me a sign.
Suddenly her eyes popped open and she spun around. Then looked back at me. She looked confused like she didn't know where she was.
"Jordan, what's wrong with you?"
"What? Nothing. That guy said something really weird."
"What guy?"
"That guy, the guy who just walked away."
"Jordan, I've been standing here shaking you for five minutes, you kept mumbling with your eyes closed, I was about to call 911."
I didn't sleep that night. I kept thinking of the look on her face when she "woke up.."
What she said.. "that guy"
I should've questioned her. I should've told her what had happened to me but I didn't. I have to tell her.
I sat up all night, contemplating, trying to make sense of all of this. What could be an explanation. Nothing in any book I have could possibly explain this. This. This has to be something else.. something much older, different than anything our practice covers.
I heard pounding on my window again. I flipped the light on and slid the curtain open. It was Jordan. I sighed. I knew I'd have to come clean.
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