Chapter 4: So, what Now?
•Lucy's p.o.v •
I tried to rest as of course I need it. Come on, I was in a freaking suitcase for so much of time; but I am not a nap taking person so I decided to just lay down watching the scenery out side. We were on a highway going somewhere. I was getting bored so I thought of starting a chit-chat with these 2.
Lucy : "hey, Man in black hair"
Black haired guy : "yes blonde beauty."
Lucy : "Awwww...... U are such a cutie"
Salamander : *while driving ofc* "just what do u want form him."
Lucy : "come on dude, chill for a min. Would ya ..."
Black guy : "u know what I am surprised about one thing"
Lucy : "and what that one thing can be?"
Black haired guy : "like come on, u are kidnapped, u are alone with 2 guys who kidnapped u, u don't know what's gonna happen to you and your are so relaxed. I love your guts."
Lucy : "why, thank you. Now I have a Question."
Salamander : "ask it."
He said it in a very sweet voice. I was kinda shock as how such a jerk can look so cute.
Lucy: "so can u plz tell me that why the HELL YOU ARE DRIVING MY CAR!!!! "
Black haired guy : "And....
I take my words back"
Salamander : "clam down. Chill....."
Lucy: "chill..... Chill.... CHILL!!!!! How in the Hell I can calm down. I am kidnapped and my kidnappers are driving my car!!!"
Black haired guy : "listen here, if u don't want to go back into that fucking suitcase then plz... calm.... The.. Fuck.... Down....."
Well, he was right I didn't wanted to go back to that damn suitcase
Lucy : "OK I am cool......... So now, why did you guys took my car?"
Salamander : "well I am telling you what my partner told me. So..."
Lucy : "before that, pinky what that black guy is named as"
Black haired guy : "you shall call me as Dark Lord"
Lucy : "Nah, I will call u blackie
Blackie : "OK. I accept defeat. Hands up M'lady "
Salamander : "and call me SALAMANDER!"
Lucy: "OK. OK salamander. Happy"
Salamander: "Happy. So what do u want?"
Lucy : "why are u driving my car?"
Salamander : "so basically, you have a very nice car and it's really smooth to drive you know and I liked it's body as well as your so called 'Blackie'. And yeah one thing more."
Lucy : "Bark it."
Salamander : "you have a very nice body too..."
He said it with a wink looking into the mirror which helps us to look for the traffic at the back side.
I couldn't help it but blushed. He was looking hot while doing that and not to mention he has a fire looking hot body......
Oh~la~ la~.......
he had some sort of aura that I never felt before around previous boys I have Being with. What is that thing that wants me to be with him even though he is a criminal. Well I will think about it later.
Salamander : "What? *sanps his fingers* lost in my thoughts already. hehe...he.."
Lucy : "shut up *blushes a little*"
Salamander : "your blush is saying something else..."
Lucy : "agh!!!......leave it."
"So,what now?"
Blackie: "what do u mean?"
Lucy: "what are u going to do with me right now?"
Blackie : "And why should we tell u?"
Lucy : "well u are going to do something. So I guess I kinda have a right to Know what are u doing to me."
Blackie : "sorry miss but we are not telling you"
At that I pouted like a child
Lucy : "awwww.......... Come on plz tell me. I wanna know what are u doing to me."
Blackie : "sorry but we are not telling you. Right Salamander."
Salamander : "well I don't know about that.......... Maybe we can? Maybe not
............ I don't know ' Blackie ' "
Blackie : "first if all. Don't Call Me That.
Secondly. Are you serious?"
Salamander : "well yeah, I guess we can tell her as....... As......... As
.......... I just feel we can trust her."
Blackie : "trust her for what?"
Lucy : "Ahem! Guys. I am here...... And-"
Lucy: "see who is freaking out now 🙄"
Salamander : "so on the topic .
We can tell her if she wants to know"
Blackie : "why should we tell?"
Salamander : "why can't we tell her?"
Lucy : "yeah, why can't you tell me?"
Blackie : "stay out of this blondie"
Lucy : "Oh Hello, this blondie has a name"
I said it in a rather annoyed tone
Salamander : "and what that can be?"
Lucy : "Lucy Heartfilia"
Blackie : "OK blon-lucy I mean."
Salamander : "we are telling u"
Blackie : "Seriously?😑"
Lucy : "so you guys are telling me or not?"
Salamander : "we are telling you"
Blackie : "you are on your on man" *wears earphones to ignore them*
Salamander : "so basically;
We are heading hargeon and we will reach there in some days after that we will show you to our boss to set a price for u after which we will deport u to Stella kingdom which is kinda far - far away from here and sell u to our contacts. After that we are free......"
Lucy : "boss u say.......... are some sort of minions of someone"
Salamander : "ouch! That hurted my Ego"
Lucy : "that means you are 😂"
And I don't know why but that made me laugh like an idiot. He was really cute and chat-able. I didn't know why but I don't want to go back I want to stay with him. With my kidnapper....
When I stopped laughing I finally fall asleep. His voice is like a sweet lullaby And I want to hear it everyday.........
So, How was it
I hope u like it ......
Sorry for not updating for so long I was having some shitty exams
And I guess I will not update for some time as I am going on an exchange program (be jealous of me 😈😈)
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