jealousy kills
Johnny's pov
I watch as pony and Nathan walk out of the house chating about paul newman. My heart is slowly breaking. I just lost ponyboy to Nathan. They have eveything in common i would replace me too if i could. I look to my side and see soda and steve looking at me. I walk out and start to walk to bucks. Tears were streaming down my face. I knock on the door and step back.
"What do you want kid?"
"Dally, i need to talk to dally."
"He's busy."
"Buck whos at the door?"just the guy i wanted to see. Dally came down shirtless. Its like when i killed bob all over again."hey kid, what do you want?"
"A place to sleep me and p-pony are fighting."
"Alright hold on." I decided to go for a walk,there was just so much on my mind I thought maybe a little walk would do me some good.Thats were evething goes wrong
"Hey your the greaser that killed Bob!" said and grabs me. He pick me and and throws me to the ground. I hear bones cracking and pain running though my body. I try to scream for help but it was no use. I pull my switch out and stab him right in the stomach. Great on the run again. I get up and run even though there was pain runing through my body. I ran back to bucks and walk right in.
"Johnny whats going on?" Dally asked.
"I killed another soc!" I was shaking like a leaf.
"Shit!" Dally said under his breath. He pulls me upstairs by the arms. He tells me to sit on the bed well he makes a phone call. I sigh and wish i would of just stayed at the curtis'. I start sobbing louldly not careing of dallas fucking winston seen me cry.
"It's okay kid,take it easy. I called a old buddy of my he said that you can stay with him till this whole thing blows over."
We walk to the train station and gets the first ticket to new York city. The lady at the desk said if i hurry i can catch the train before it leave. I say a quick goodbye to dally and run to the train.
Goodbye tulsa
Poor Johnny
Let me know what you think.
Dally:damn it johnny.
Soda: noooo not johnny.
Pony:im a bad boyfriend
Steve:damn soc's were beat there heads in
Soda: i agree with stevie
Two-bit: - insert colorfull word here-
Darry: -.-
Johnny:on the run again but this time im alone.
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