Chapter 18
Sorry it took so long for me to update this :/
Welp, here it is~~~~
After resting near the wall for a while, I start walking along it. I find the end of the wall which enters into the kitchen.
I look up to see Jacob and Henry talking. I start running towards them, screaming at the top of my lungs. Neither of them noticed me.
~3rd person~
Someone else other than The two boys had noticed Charlie.
Eithan, he had noticed the small being while eating a chip. He was wondering what to do when he saw her reach Jacobs shoe.
He walked towards the two boys.
"Hey," he said, it almost sounded like a question. Both Jacob and Henry looked at him questioningly. Eithan simply pointed to where you were standing, right next to Jacobs foot.
~Jacobs pov~
I looked to where Eithan was pointing, to see a tiny figure on the ground. My eyes widen in disbelief, could it really be her? She is okay?
Henry reached down and scooped her up in his left hand and carefully place her on the kitchen counter in front of us.
Eithan was the first to speak, as I was too shocked to say anything.
"Charlie, why were you trying to leave, I'm sorry for what I did to you, I know I shouldn't have, but it was my only chance to actually talk to you and I'm just so sorry, I'm so so so sorry, please don't leave me." Eithan finished.
Charlie looked as surprised as I was. She glanced back up at me before looking back to him.
"I thought you were dead!" I blurted out, I wasn't even thinking. She looked so hurt when I said that.
"Did you give up on looking for me?" She asked quietly, yet loud enough for them to hear.
"What, of course no- well actually, to tell you the truth, I did give up, I'm sorry, it's all my fault." I looked down at her hopefully, she looked like she was about to cry.
~Charlie pov~
I was so shocked, I was sure Jacob would look for me even if it's been years, but he gave up on me so easily. I thought we were friends, best friends. We should never give up on each other. I never once believed he wasn't going to come for me, but he had already stopped looking.
Before I realized it, I had been crying. I didn't know what to think, both him and Eithan had apologized to me, but Jacobs words hurt.
I could feel their sympathetic faces as I collapsed onto the ground(or counter) and started sobbing. One of them gently picked me up and placed me in their shirt pocket. I only continued crying until I fell asleep to the rhythmic beating of his heart.
~~~ a while later~~~~~
I woke up on a bed, no not cotton or tissues, an actual bed. It wasn't huge either.
I opened my eyes, sitting up in the process. I looked around, and I couldn't believe it.
I sat in the bed just staring at anything I could see before realizing where I was.
I was at Jacobs house.
Jacob had taken me home earlier.
Suddenly, the doorknob turns and Jacob walks in. I suddenly remember what had happened before I fell asleep. I looked away from him, not wanting to talk about it.
"Hey," he started," I'm sorry."
I looked at him,
"Is that it? You're sorry? About what? You gave up on me Jacob! Do you know how that feels?! For your best friend, your only friend to give up on you so easily?!" I was screaming now," How could you?! How could you do that to me?! I NEVER ONCE GAVE UP ON YOU!" I screamed, I was crying again.
" I never once gave up on you." I said quietly, more to myself then to him.
I suddenly remembered something, or rather, someone.
Eithan, he apologized, he cares, would he give up on me? He did put me into a jar, but was he trying to protect me?
"I'm sorry," I said before running out of his room, out of his life.
What have I just done? I've left my only friend for someone who treated me as a pet. What am I doing? I don't even know where he lives.
I find myself at an abandoned playground. I sit myself down on one of the swings before burying my head in my hands, thinking about what I have just done. I left Jacob.
I left Jacob.
I left my best friend.
My only friend.
I had stopped crying, but my heart still hurt. My heart was yearning for something, for someone, for Eithan.
Why heart?
Why the one who trapped me in a jar?
Why the one who treated me like a pet?
Why him?
I was so focused on my thoughts, I hadn't realized someone had sat down on the swing next to me. I looked to see who it was.
"Hi," he said,"you know, I already said I was sorry, I just didn't want to loose you, I was being overprotective and irrational."
He stood up, I stood up too.
"I promise I will never give up on you I will always protect you." He said.
I looked up at him and nodded my head.
"I didn't know before, but I think I'm in love," I paused.
"I'm in love with you."
I looked him in the eyes.
He looked back into mine.
He took a step forward and hugged me.
Thank you, thank you and I love you, Eithan.
And that's all folks
What'd you think of the ending? Cheesy?
I honestly didn't know what to do and I'm so sorry that it took so long.
It probably doesn't make sense why she loves him, but love is unconditional, no matter what happens you can still love someone, even if everyone thinks they are rude and nasty.
Love brings out the best in people.
Anyways, enough cheesy stuff, tell me what you thought.
Thank you guys so much!
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