I added this as an after thought so it isn't going to be that long. I wanted to point out a few changes to Harry's looks as a reason he went through pain during the adoption. And the same for Snape but not that many. Let me know what you think.
Harry woke the next morning feeling different. He didn't know why. He looked around the room. Blinked his eyes. Subconsciously looked for his glasses. He found them, but didn't put them on.
"Finally awake I see. Would you like to come get breakfast?" Snape asked standing at the door.
"No it's okay." Harry said automatically even though he was hungry.
"Harry I'm not taking no for an answer. Come." Snape insisted.
Harry climbed out of bed and started to walk towards the man. When he got closer to the door he stopped and his mouth fell open. He had caught his reflection in a full body mirror. He wanted to say something but couldn't so he ended up looking like a fish out of water to Snape. Snape watched curiously as Harry examined himself closer.
Harry had become 'fuller'. He wasn't looking at a scrawny boy with barely any meat on his bones. He had gotten a bit taller too. Now he actually looked like a 13 year old and not 9/10. His eyes, although still a dazzling emerald green, had specks of Snape's obsidian orbs. His hair remained the same in colour and length, but it wasn't as untamed as usual. It fell almost perfectly flat. Harry's features had become more defined as well. His jaw line and cheek bones more visibly determined. He still had the scar on his forehead and it was still covered by his bangs. Harry lifted up his shirt to find he could no longer see his ribs. His chest and stomach were flat and slightly defined. His skin was a shade lighter than the usual tan he had. And... He was holding his glasses in his hand. Harry looked shocked. He put the glasses on and his vision went blurry. He took them off and it was fine. He did this a few times before casting the glasses aside and looking at Snape.
"Pleased are we?" The man asked.
"Your... Your eyes!" Harry gasped.
"Ahhh yes. You were not the only one who went through some changes. It is expected from an blood and magic adoption. You could say it finalises the bond between the parties. Had I been married and two people adopted you much more would have changed for you." Snape explained.
"But... Why didn't you? Marry I mean." Harry asked.
"Well looking at how you turned out. I should have married your mother. She was the only person I truly loved. I couldn't bring myself to be with anyone else. And if I don't say so myself. I wouldn't have those eyes or that nose taken away." Snape smiled.
"Is it just your eyes?" Harry asked.
"No. Come now breakfast is getting cold." Snape turned and walked towards the kitchen with Harry following close behind.
Snape's eyes had changed, but only a little bit. So Harry had to have actually paid close attention. Like Harry his eyes had been littered with specks, but of emerald green instead of obsidian. Snape didn't change in height or body structure. His other changes were more internal. He found he had a higher tolerance for anything and everything. He didn't feel like brooding all the time. The pit in his heart was filled and he felt rather attached to Harry like he had raised him from a baby. Snape was actually happy. He had flooed Dumbledore that morning to ask him to find a substitute for the year because "I have just come down with a rather curious case that needs to be investigated. I am not sure if it is contagious yet. I have been unable to concentrate on what needs to be done and have already blown up three of my cauldrons." The half truth had come out easy enough and Dumbledore accepted it.
Snape wanted to spend time with Harry and couldn't think to leave him with Lucius just yet. Harry was scared of him that much was evident. They sat down for breakfast, but Harry didn't eat. He picked at the food thinking about how he still felt different. It wasn't just his looks it was something else as well.
"Everything okay Harry?" Snape asked.
"Yeah." Harry brooded.
The day went on and the only thing Harry had eaten was an apple. The next day came and went and much like the previous one Harry only ate a single apple. Two more days passed the same. On the fifth day Snape had had enough. Breakfast time they sat and Harry picked at his plate.
"You will eat Harry." Snape said.
"Not hungry." This made Snape made and he hurt.
"BULLSHIT!!!" The man yelled and Harry flinched. "Eat or I will make you eat!"
"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!?" Harry yelled back. "MY FATHER OR SOME SHIT?!?"
Snape smiled a little at this before calmly responding. "As a matter of fact Harry I am your father. So you will respect and obey me. Do I make myself clear?"
Harry flushed he was so stupid of course Snape was his father now. "Not Hungry." Harry repeated.
That was a mistake because that was when the fiasco broke out. Snape got angry and so did Harry. They stared at each other anger climbing with each second. Snape ordered Harry to eat and Harry refused. By the third time that happened the room was swirling with magic. Snape had realised what else had changed in Harry before Harry even knew. A verbal battle of sorts broke out. Then Snape had had enough. He spelled Harry in place marched out of the room and returned within seconds. Harry was too shocked to know what had happened. Snape marched up to him and poured a potion down his throat. Harry tried to spit it out but Snape stopped it. Eventually Harry swallowed the potion and Snape removed all the spells. He started to feed Harry and wouldn't let him move until Snape was satisfied with how much he had eaten. Snape then handed him another potion. Harry refused at first earning a furious look from Snape. Harry took it and downed it still angry.
"What was that?" Harry asked afterwards.
"The first one was a calming drought. The second one was so you can't go and vomit everything out." Snape said sitting down.
"That's unfair." Harry moaned.
"That is looking after you. Now I will make a deal with you. Eat three times a day, even if it's just a little, and that will never happen again." Snape said.
"Fine deal." Harry huffed.
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