Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Friday 18th of November
Wooyoung's POV
"Come on Wooyoung, you need to get up. If you don't hurry up, we're going to be late for breakfast," Yunho said, shaking my shoulders.
"I can't," I whined quietly, curling up further into my blankets.
"Wooyoung come on. What are you doing? Yeosang is probably already waiting outside for us already," Yunho said.
"Just go away Yunho," I snapped angrily. It was quiet for a few seconds before Yunho huffed and I heard shuffling and footsteps before the sound of the door closing behind him. I let out a breath and curled up more in bed. I felt bad for snapping at him but I just didn't want to get out of bed. I haven't gotten out of bed since lunch yesterday because I've been feeling like crap. My muscles are sore and I feel completely drained. I kind of wish my mum were here to look after me. Growing up she was the one that took care of me when I was sick but she can't since I'm at Hogwarts. I let out a sigh and decided it was best to just suck it up and lay here. I pushed the pain and hunger to the back of my mind and let my eyes slip closed.
I stirred back awake to the smell of something nice and the feeling of something wet on my forehead. Was Yunho back already? Doesn't he have class? I wouldn't have expected him to have come back to look after me, especially because he'll likely be annoyed that I snapped at him. There was a soft clinking noise and I finally decided to peel my eyes open. I should probably apologise to Yunho for earlier. He wasn't the way that I was facing so I turned around to look over him. I froze at what I saw though.
"How did you get in here," I asked with a sigh.
"No, but seriously, San, how the hell did you get into the Gryffindor Common room," I asked in confusion. Better yet, why the hell is he here?
"First years are easy to influence," he said with a shrug as he leant back against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest.
"You got the password from a first year," I said with a frown.
"Yeah, I asked for the password, and he gave it to me," San said with another shrug.
"You realise they were probably scared of you right," I pointed out.
"To be quite frank, I don't really care," San said.
"Well, you should. No one likes an asshole," I said with a frown.
"Ah, so you're talking to me again but you're being a dick," San said with a nod. What a hypocrite.
"Yeah, isn't that our thing. Since you know, we don't care about each other in any way whatsoever. That's our thing right, we hate each other so are constantly out each other's throats," I spat angrily. Well, as angrily as I could while I was feeling like death. After what happened at the quidditch game, I would say San made his feelings quite clear. Which is why I'm confused as to why he's here.
"So, why are you here," I asked him.
"You weren't in Charms this morning," San said.
"I know. But why are you here," I asked him.
"Well, you weren't in potions yesterday either and I didn't see you at any of the meals," he said slowly.
"Again, I know. That's not what I-."
"I brought you some soup. You haven't been at meals which means you most likely haven't eaten," San said, cutting me off.
"So, that doesn't concern you," I said with a frown.
"It's not healthy," San said.
"I've gone longer without food. Again, it doesn't concern you," I said. He said he doesn't care, so why is he even bothering with this.
"It's unhealthy, so it does concern me," San said. I frowned angrily and sat up quickly, the towel falling off my forehead. I was immediately hit with a wave of dizziness and my vision blurred as I swayed and fell sideways slightly. I didn't fall very far as arms were wrapped around my body and I slipped off the bed fully, landing in San's lap. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and I just rested against him as I caught my bearings again. When my vision cleared and the dizziness went away, I sat up slowly against San's chest. He was slightly tense up against me, but his arm was wrapped around my waist, his other hand running through my hair.
"I've got you," he whispered.
"San," I said quietly.
"Yeah," he replied.
"Why are you really here," I asked softly. He was silent for a few seconds before replying.
"I was worried about you. I just wanted to make sure you were ok and that you had something to eat," he said quietly.
"You hate me San," I pointed out. I looked up at him and saw the conflict in his eyes. Seonghwa's words came back to me. He said San wasn't a bad person, that he didn't actually believe what he was saying. I don't know if I can believe that. San just sounds way to convincing. But maybe, just maybe it could be true. I reached my arms up and wrapped them around his shoulders, tugging myself closer to him and tucking my head properly into his neck. He tensed up for a few seconds before relaxing and hugging me back.
"Squeeze my waist if you don't actually hate me," I said with a small voice, so small I wasn't sure he was going to hear. However, I felt his arms tighten instantly and my heart skipped a beat. That isn't just a coincidence, right.
"I'm ok," I told him.
"You don't seem ok Wooyoung. You already don't eat enough without what's happening at the moment," San said. I frowned in confusion, pulling back to look up at him.
"I eat just fine. Why does everyone think I'm having eating problems," I said with a frown.
"Please just eat the soup Youngie," San begged. I sighed but ultimately gave in and nodded. San shuffled around slightly, slipping an arm under my knees and lifted me up, placing me back down on my bed. I leaned back against the pillows and headboard, watching as San grabbed the bowl of soup and sat on the edge of the bed before holding it out for me. I grabbed it and placed it in my lap before taking a spoonful. It was actually, surprisingly really good.
"Where did you even get this," I asked between mouthfuls.
"I asked Missy if she wouldn't mind making some because you were sick," San replied.
"Who is Missy," I asked in confusion.
"She's one of the house elves," San said quietly. I paused in shock, glancing to see San picking at his pants. San is friends with a house elf. Now I did not see that coming.
"Well tell her I said thank you, she made it very nicely," I said softly.
"She'll appreciate that," San said quietly.
I continued on eating the soup until it was all gone and I was nice and full and content. I let out a small yawn to which San took immediate note of.
"Are you tired," he asked as he took the empty bowl from my hands.
"Yeah, I haven't been sleeping well," I admitted quietly. San's eyebrows furrowed and he glanced towards the doorway to the dormitory.
"Do you want to get some sleep," he asked me. I blinked tiredly before nodding.
"Yeah, you can head off and I'll probably take a nap," I said. San nodded and stood up slowly before pausing.
"Do you maybe, do you want me to stay. To you know, make sure you don't die in your sleep or something," he asked.
"I'm not going to die in my sleep Sannie," I mumbled as I rolled over and curled up.
"I can still stay, I have a free period," he said quietly.
"If you stay then you give me cuddles, otherwise you can go," I said with a sigh. It was quite for a few seconds and I thought he had decided to leave but that was proven wrong as the bed behind me suddenly dipped down.
"I don't really know what to do," he whispered.
"Just cuddle against my back and put your arm over my waist, it isn't hard San," I replied with a huff. He shuffled closer before tentatively pressing his chest up against my back. He seemed hesitant and unsure of himself so I rolled back slightly, reaching back and grabbing his hand, tugging it over my waist. His hand flexed slightly a few times before he finally settled down and wrapped his arm more firmly around my waist.
"I'm probably going to get you sick if you're this close to me," I whispered.
"I could do with a day off," he replied quietly. I just nodded and turned around slightly, cuddling closer to San. He didn't react much, just stayed quiet and allowed me to tuck my head into his neck.
"Don't stay too long," I whispered, already beginning to feel myself drift off to sleep.
"I won't, you just sleep," he said quietly. I relaxed completely and finally let sleep consume me.
When I woke up again, I was engulfed in warmth and was surprisingly feeling a lot better than last time. I blinked my eyes open to see San peaceful sleeping face beside mine. We were curled up together, our arms and legs entertwined. I still don't really get what's going on, he's giving seriously mixed signals but the comfort is nice so I'll take it. I glanced off to the side to see the clock on the wall and my eyes widened. It was 5pm, way past when San was supposed to leave and way later than I expected it to me. I quickly untangled myself from him and sat up shaking his shoulder quickly.
"San. San, wake up," I said quickly. His eyes blinked open slowly before he shot up and looked around, his eyes eventually landing on me.
"What's wrong? You ok," he asked me quickly.
"I'm fine but you need to go. It's already 5, you've missed all your classes and it's almost the end of the last period," I said. San glanced over at the clock before nodding. He slipped off the bed and stood up, turning back to me.
"How're you feeling," he asked.
"I'm feeling a lot better actually, I appreciate you staying with me," I said quietly. He nodded again before walking towards the door to the room, pausing when he got there.
"Wooyoung," he said quietly, not turning to face me.
"Yeah," I asked in confusion.
"I do care," he whispered before walking out of the room. I blinked in shock for a few seconds before hurriedly getting up to follow him but I didn't get very far before I stumbled. I groaned in frustration and sat back down on the bed. You can't just throw something like that out there and leave. This boy needs to get better with his emotions!
I sighed and slowly pushed myself to my feet again, not getting dizzy this time as I moved slower. I stood still for a few seconds to make sure I was ok before I moved over to my trunk and pulled out my robes, putting them on quickly. I may not be 100% right now but I am feeling a lot better and I really need to find that idiot. I slipped my wand into my pocket and left the common room, heading out into the halls. They were pretty much empty given class doesn't end for another 10 minutes. I tried to figure out where San might have gone but it was hard given that I don't really know him that well on personal level. We're always just fighting with each other usually. I continued to walk around the halls, trying to figure it out and hoping he hadn't gone to the Slytherin Common room because that's the one place I can't go. I heard the bell ring, indicating that class was now over and the halls started to fill. Great, there's no hope now. I sighed and gave up, turning back around to head back to the common room. There's no point continuing to walk around aimlessly when it's just going to make me exhausted. As I was walking back though, I noticed a certain Ravenclaw and Slytherin walking together. If anyone is going to know where San would go, it's going to be his best friend.
"Seonghwa," I called out. Seonghwa stopped and turned around with a frown, Hongjoong close to his side. When his eyes landed on me however, he relaxed. The two of them walked over, meeting me halfway.
"Wooyoung, hey. Are you doing ok? Yeosang mentioned you haven't been attending any classes and no one has really seen you today," Hongjoong said.
"Yeah I'm fine, just not feeling great. I've been stuck in bed basically all day," I explained.
"All alone? Wooyoung you should've told someone so you could've been looked after," Hongjoong said sympathetically, stepping up beside me and brushing my hair back with his hand softly. I sighed and leant into the touch slightly.
"I'm fine. Plus, I was looked after anyway," I said quietly.
"Ok, that's good. But your forehead does feel a bit more, why don't I take you down to the Madame Promfrey," Hongjoong said.
"Hongjoong, you have a meeting," Seonghwa spoke up. Hongjoong frowned worriedly and pulled me in to a hug.
"It's fine, he needs to get fixed up," Hongjoong said.
"I'll take him, you go get to your meeting," Seonghwa said.
"Are you sure," Hongjoong asked.
"Of course. You go, I've got this," Seonghwa said with a nod. Hongjoong gave me one last squeeze and pat my head before hurrying off, leaving me with Seonghwa.
"Come on," Seonghwa said, shifting his books to tuck under one arm and slipping his other hand into mine. I was caught off-guard by the action but latched onto his hand in an instant. He gently guided me throughout the halls towards the infirmary. I decided to push my luck a little more by linking our fingers and huddling closer for extra comfort. I get clingy when I'm sick, sue me. Seonghwa glanced down at me but didn't say anything, allowing me the extra comfort.
"Hey Seonghwa, can I ask you a question," I asked quietly, breaking the silence.
"Sure," he said with a nonchalant shrug.
"If Hongjoong was sick, would you skip class to look after him," I asked.
"Of course, he's my best friend. I'd want to make sure he's ok," Seonghwa said with a nod. My mine briefly drifted to what I saw that day in the room but I pushed it back. That's their secret, it's best not to pry.
"Why do you ask? Did one of the boys come and stay with you," Seonghwa asked.
"Um, kind of. I got a visit from someone," I said slowly.
"Ah, San came to check up on you," Seonghwa said. I stopped walking at that and turned to him as he did the same.
"How did you know it was San," I asked him quickly.
"Because you're coming to me about it," Seonghwa pointed out.
"Oh, true," I said with a nod.
"Was he alright with you? I hope he didn't give you a hard time," Seonghwa said softly, squeezing my hand gently. How do those two do that? Seem so harsh and unapproachable but then so soft and gentle?
"No, he was, he was great. I really don't. I don't understand it to be honest," I said quietly.
"He's confusing you, giving you mixed signals," Seonghwa said. I bit my lip nervously before nodding.
"Hongjoong said I did that a lot the first few years we knew each other," he said with a nod.
"You wanna have a proper talk," he asked me.
"Yes please," I said, nodding eagerly.
"Alright, come on. I'll take you to the infirmary after," he said. I nodded and he directed us into an empty classroom, closing the door before we both sat down.
"Talk to me, what happened," he said.
"I don't really know. He came to check on me today and stayed to look after me. He was acting odd and I just don't get it," I said with a frown.
"San and I have grown up in really strict households Wooyoung. Neither of us are good with dealing with emotions. It took me a long time to be able to be comfortable with Hongjoong and that was only because he was a persistent little shit who wouldn't give up," Seonghwa said.
"Yeah no, I get that. But San was literally telling me a week ago that he doesn't give a shit about me," I pointed out.
"San's a complex person Wooyoung and I usually don't like to interfere with his life because it pisses him off but I need to in this instance. You're a good person Wooyoung, Hongjoong tells me that all the time and I can see it myself. San doesn't hate you, he never has. It is very clear to me as someone that has know him his entire life that he cares about you," Seonghwa said.
"He told me that today, that he cares. And then he ran off straight after, it really pissed me off," I said. Seonghwa chuckled at that and I pouted. I don't find that very funny.
"Do you know what happened after our first year, why he changed so much," I asked quietly.
"He was a kid Wooyoung. A kid whose family was constantly feeding him these ideologies that it just kind of stuck with him. He wanted to make his parents proud and so he did what he thought they would have wanted. He regretted it pretty quickly but it was too late to go back because you already hated him," Seonghwa said. I was stunned for a few seconds after that, his words playing in my mind.
"Seonghwa I tried to sit with him on the train in second year and he called me a filthy blood-traitor. He pulled his wand on me until I left the compartment," I said, unable to keep the hurt from my voice. Seonghwa's face dropped slightly and he nodded.
"Yeah, I know about that," Seonghwa said with a nod. He seemed so dismissive, like it didn't matter. I can't believe these two, it's like they're playing with me. I seriously don't understand what's going on, how they feel, what San wants.
"I think I'm going to go back up to bed," I said quietly, standing up quickly and trying to keep the tears from falling from my eyes. I'm so fucken confused, this is hurting my brain.
"Wooyoung. Hey, hey, just wait a second," Seonghwa rushed out and I felt him grab my wrist as he jumped up. I flinched instinctively and whimpered, making him let go instantly. I turned around and back into the wall, holding my hands up to my chest protectively. I saw how Seonghwa's eyes roamed over me before he took a step back.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you but I'm not going to hurt you. We were just talking remember," Seonghwa said gently. I sniffled and nodded before plastering a fake smile on my face.
"I'm gonna go," I said quietly. Seonghwa nodded and quickly stepped back, allowing me to hurry out of the room. I moved quickly down the hall, trying to hold back my tears. I don't understand what is going on, I just want my best friend right now. It took a few minutes before I was outside the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room. By this time tears were already trailing down my face.
"What four-letter word can be written forward, backward or upside down, and can still be read from left to right." How the hell am I supposed to know this? Why do you have to answer stupid questions to get in?
"I don't know, just please let me in," I sniffled, trying to wipe away the tears that continued to fall.
"What four-letter word can be written forward, backward or upside down, and can still be read from left to right." I let out a sob and shook my head, grabbing the brass knocker and trying to tug it but nothing happened.
"Please just open," I cried.
"What four-letter word can be written forward, backward or upside down, and can still be read from left to right."
"I DON'T FUCKEN KNOW," I yelled before bursting into even more sobs. I hit the door with my fist a few times before slowly sliding down to the floor, leaning heavily against the wall.
"What four-letter word can be written forward, backward or upside down, and can still be read from left to right." I whimpered and reached up, covering my ears to try block out the noise and scrunching my eyes closed. I don't know how long I was there for before I felt a hand on my knee and I opened my eyes quickly. I didn't recognise the person but they seemed to recognise me and I slowly lowered my hands down.
"Wooyoung? What're you doing," she asked.
"I want to see Yeosang," I said between cries.
"Ok, he should be inside," she said with a nod.
"What four-letter word can be written forward, backward or upside down, and can still be read from left to right." I whimpered at that as I stood but the girl just pat my shoulder.
"Noon, it's noon," she said. Stuff these Ravenclaws and being so smart. The door opened and the girl directed me inside, heading over to the hall that leads to the boys dormitories.
"Ya, Kang Yeosang get out here," she yelled. It was quiet for a few seconds before there was the sound of a door opening and I saw Yeosang walk out. He seemed confused before his eyes landed on me and he frowned. Wait, he frowned? Why is he frowning? Is he mad at me? Did I do something wrong? I burst into more sobs and Yeosang quickly hurried forwards.
"Thank you Mina," he said quietly as he wrapped his arms around me and directed me towards his dormitory. Thankfully it was empty in there except for Yeosang. He tugged me over to his bed and we sat down, hugging tightly. I curled up against his side and buried my head into his neck as I sobbed.
"Wooyoung, you need to calm down or you're going to make yourself sick," Yeosang said quietly.
"S-Sor-Sorry," I sobbed out. I tried to calm down but I couldn't. It was like I was overloaded with emotions and the fact that I was already sick really wasn't helping. Yeosang held me tightly and pat my back but for some reason my mind felt even more anxious. His hug felt off, cold in a way and I couldn't understand why. I whimpered and clung tighter to him desperately, not knowing what I've done to upset him. Why is everyone confusing me so much today?
"Wooyoung, take a breath and settle down ok," he told me.
"Y-You're an-angry," I sobbed out.
"Just calm down Wooyoung," Yeosang said gently.
"Why are you angry, I don't understand," I wailed.
"Hey, hey, shh. I'm not angry Woo, I'm just a little annoyed. It's ok, everything is ok. We can talk about this later," Yeosang said hurriedly. Angry, annoyed, what's the difference? Wait, if he's angry with me right now, does that mean he's just doing this because he feels like it's his obligation. Oh no, what if I'm forcing him to comfort me when I've done something horrible. The thought didn't sit right with me and I quickly started squirming, trying to get out of his hold.
"Wooyoung, Woo, what're you doing," he asked quickly but I just whined and continued trying to stand up.
"Hey, just sit down for a minute, what're you doing," Yeosang asked.
"M'gonna go," I replied.
"No, no, why're you going. You're upset Wooyoung, you don't seem like you should be alone right now," Yeosang said as I finally managed to tug myself out of his grasp.
"I'm sorry, I know you're annoyed, you don't have to do this if you don't really want to," I rushed out quickly between sobs. Before Yeosang could react, I rushed out of the room, pulling out my wand and quickly charming the door shut behind me before I practically ran out of the common room and into the halls, still crying. I grabbed the hood of my robe and flicked it over my head, trying to hide the fact I was upset as there were many people still out in the halls. I thought about going back to the Gryffindor common room but I was worried about how everyone would be acting so I tried to think of somewhere else I could go and hide out for a bit. My mind immediately thought back to the room Hongjoong and Seonghwa had shown me. That's a perfect place. I walked quickly through the halls and up the staircases to the seventh floor, finding where Seonghwa had shown me the entrance. I'm pretty sure he said something about walking around in front of it and thinking something so I did just that. I walked up and down, thinking about my need for a place to be alone and eventually I saw a door emerge. I let out a sob of relief and quickly slipped inside, whining in disappointment when all I found was an empty room.
I was really hoping I would find somewhere with some beanbags that I could just curl up in and cry out my sorrows. It was with that thought that I noticed a large fluffy beanbag by the corner. Oh, well that's convenient. I quickly waddled over to it and plopped down, curling up in a ball and tucking my head into my arms as I continued to cry. This is what I need, to just sit in here and cry without worry. Or well, I guess I'm full of worry but just not extra worry. I don't know how long I was curled up on that beanbag but I started to feel myself getting a headache and cold was seeping into my bones. I shivered slightly and curled up more, hiccupping between sobs.
I thought about how pathetic I was, curled up all alone in a cold room, crying about something so pathetic. I whimpered and curled up more, tucking my knees into my chest and burying my head into it.
It's so cold.
Ok this time I actually did some writing. I know I already posted today but I just finished this so imma post it because it's been over a month since I updated this fic, so yeah.
Anyway, this is Chapter 8 everyone, I hope you enjoyed it. It was a bit of an emotional rollercoaster ride but, well, I like putting you guys through that lol. Bit of fluff at the start, then a lot of angst at the end, the best.
And yeah, I totally mislead you guys with the chapter photo but Wooyoung is such a cutie and has a beautiful smile, so I wanted to give you all something happy before you read the chapter.
What were your favourite parts in this chapter?
What do you think will happen next?
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