Chapter 6: Tuesday 8th of November
Wooyoung's POV
I was in the library studying during my free period when I was notified that the period was over and it was time to head to potions. I was excited for potions as I've been having a long day and I'm eager to hug and cling to Yeosang. I packed up my bag and put it over my shoulder before hurrying out of the library. I was running a few minute late so I moved quickly down the halls that were pretty much empty as almost everyone is already in class, leaving only a few stragglers like me. My bag started slipping off my shoulder so I looked down and quickly readjusted it, slowing down slightly. When I looked back up, I yelped and halted as there was someone in front of me, a Slytherin.
"Juyeon," I said slowly.
"San has a concussion," he said. I frowned at that but nodded. I already knew about what ended up happening with San and I felt absolutely awful about it but as far as I know, no one knows he got it from me. San and Seonghwa for some reason didn't tell anyone what happened and didn't throw me under the bus.
"So I've heard," I said quietly, tightening my grip on my bag.
"Word has it that the reason he ended up in the Medical Wing with a concussion is because you attacked him," Juyeon said.
"I did not attack him," I said quickly.
"Don't lie Jung, we all know about your jealousy of him. And we're here to get payback," he said. We? Before I could say anything, there was a thump in my back and I cried out, collapsing to the floor as a sharp pain shot through it. I tried to reach for my wand but both of my hands were grabbed and tugged back. I looked up and saw another two Slytherins, neither of which wielding their wands but they didn't seem too interested in them anyway. I was dragged back to my feet and a fist was punched into my stomach, making me cry out yet again. I tried to get away but my hair was suddenly grabbed and yanked back, my head colliding with the wall. I was crying at this point, scared and confused. I've never been attacked like this before, I've never had someone actually wanting to cause me harm. I was thrown to the floor before they started to drag me down the hall. I was panicking at this point, knowing there was no chance I could win this fight no matter how much I try to. It's three against one, clearly not a fair fight even with a wand. I started sobbing and thrashing to get away but they continued to drag me down the hall. All of a sudden one of them went rigid and there was a thump as they fell back and hit the ground. The others all froze and turned before gasping. I was confused but looked up tearily to see Seonghwa standing down the hall with his wand raised and anger in his eyes. Oh no. I know how cold and aggressive Seonghwa can be and I haven't seen him since the night I hurt San so I just hope that he isn't still angry at me. The last thing I need is Seonghwa wanting to hurt me on top of the others.
"You have to the count of three to let Wooyoung go or so help me I will hurt you," Seonghwa spat, venom in his voice. Oh n-. Wait, what? Did he just threaten them to protect me? I was shocked and I could tell the others were shocked as well.
"One," Seonghwa said with a frown, his grip on his wand visibly tightening. The two Slytherins quickly let me go before grabbing their body-binded friend and hurrying off, leaving me crying on the ground. I sniffled and wiped my eyes jolting when I noticed Seonghwa walking over towards me. I curled up slightly, unsure about what Seonghwa would be wanting but he just knelt down beside me and held out his hand. I was confused but grabbed it and Seonghwa gently pulled me up before placing a hand on my back and guiding me forwards. As we walked past my bag, he bent down and grabbed it, throwing it over his shoulder. I was confused as to what we were doing and where we were going but Seonghwa continued to guide me with a gentle hand on my lower back. By this point the halls were well and truly empty and I vaguely noted that I was supposed to be in Potions but there was really no point in going now anyway, not when I'm in the state I'm in. We walked up the stairs all the way to the seventh floor before stopping in front of a wall.
"What're we doing," I asked quietly. Seonghwa glanced at me before moving away and walking up and down a few times. I was confused as to what he was doing but my mouth dropped open in shock as there was a noise and a door suddenly appeared on the previously empty wall. Seonghwa paused in front of it and turned to me, beckoning me over. I quickly moved forwards, allowing him to guide me into the room. My eyes widened as I looked around the beautiful room. The walls were brown, there was a small table with chairs, a fireplace and beanbags and cushion in front of the fireplace as well as some armchairs. There was someone sitting on one of the beanbags with a book on his lap. He lifted his head and as it was to be expected, it was Hongjoong. He seemed surprised but no one said anything as Seonghwa gently guided me over to where Hongjoong was, tugging a beanbag beside Hongjoong and gently sitting me down in it. Hongjoong closed his book quickly and put it to the side before rolling closer to me and wrapping me up in a soft hug. He lifted one hand and delicately brushed it through my hair. I subconsciously curled closer to his side, craving any sort of comfort I could get. I glanced up to see Seonghwa walk over to an armchair and sit down before beginning to write on a parchment.
"You ok," Hongjoong asked me suddenly and I looked back to him as he continued to run his fingers through my hair. I went to smile and nod but I couldn't quite get the smile out. Hongjoong's face dropped before he gave me a sad smile.
"It's ok Woo, I can fill in for Yeosang right now," Hongjoong whispered. I tried to hold it in but my face scrunched up and a sob slipped out and before I could stop myself, I was continuously sobbing. Hongjoong wrapped me up tightly and I buried my head into his neck, letting it all out. What happened scared me and I was not prepared for it in any way. I clutched my hand tightly in Hongjoong's robes, tucking my knees up to my chest and curling even closer into his side.
"It's ok, I'm here, we're both here," Hongjoong whispered. I continued crying but I peeked my head out from Hongjoong's shoulder to see Seonghwa staring at us with a frown. I shivered slightly and tucked my head back away in Hongjoong's shoulder.
"Shh, it's alright baby, you're safe," Hongjoong whispered. I let out another sob so he just rocked me softly. I was crying for another 5 minutes at least before I finally managed to get a grip on my emotions and slowly calm down.
"I'm so-."
"Don't apologise, you're fine," Hongjoong cut me off softly. I pulled back slightly from the hug and lifted my arms, wiping my eyes with my sleeves to dry them. I gave him a watery smile to try and show that he was ok and he just gave me a gentle smile, patting my head softly.
"You wanna tell me what happened," he asked gently. I bit my lip nervously before glancing back at Seonghwa, finding him writing on the parchment once again.
"I um, I was late to class because I got distracted in my free period. I was rushing to get to class but three Slytherins in my year stopped me," I said quietly.
"They knew I was the one who h-hurt San but I didn't mean to, I swear I didn't mean to hurt him," I said quickly.
"I know Wooyoung, we talked about that. And San doesn't blame you for what happened either," Hongjoong said. I perked up at that slightly.
"San doesn't blame me," I questioned quickly.
"No, he doesn't." I glanced over at Seonghwa who glanced at us with a frown. Does he ever not frown?
"But why," I asked quietly.
"Because he provoked you. He told Seonghwa what he said and I appreciate that you stood up for me but San didn't mean it," Hongjoong said.
"He called you a mudblood," I said quietly.
"No one ever said he was smart," Seonghwa grumbled. I shrunk slightly as I noticed how Seonghwa was glaring at the parchment. Was he mad at me? Hongjoong tightened his hold around me and chuckled softly.
"I don't know why you're so scared of Seonghwa, he isn't a bad person," Hongjoong said. I raised an eyebrow and very briefly glanced at Seonghwa before looking straight back at Hongjoong.
"I don't think he likes me," I whispered.
"Wooyoung, he just went searching through the halls to double check and make sure you weren't in any trouble because he caught wind of a few Slytherins talking about going after you," Hongjoong said. My mouth once again dropped open in shock and I blinked owlishly. Hongjoong grinned and ruffled my hair.
"He did that to protect you, he went out of his way to make sure you were safe. It's his way of showing that he likes you," Hongjoong said.
"He's still scary," I mumbled, trying but most likely failing to hide a shy blush painting my cheeks.
"Seonghwa just doesn't know how to show proper emotions unless you know how to pry them out of them. He really can be a softie if he wants to be," Hongjoong said with a grin. He raised an eyebrow before nodding his head to signal behind me. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion before turning my head quickly, finding Seonghwa watching with wide eyes. When he noticed me looking, he hurriedly focused back on his parchment, a slight red hue on his cheeks. Oh my god. I turned to look at Hongjoong, most likely with shock written on my face and he just grinned even more. He leaned forward, placing his lips beside my ear.
"Told you he likes you," he whispered. I giggled softly and cuddled back up to Hongjoong, ducking my head into his neck. Despite calming down, I was still rattled from earlier and usually I would be all over Yeosang but this isn't Yeosang so I need to ask first.
"Is it ok if I sit in your lap," I asked quietly.
"You still a bit upset," he asked me and I nodded slightly. He moved his hands down and scooped my up, placing me fully in his lap to calm down more.
"Hongjoong," Seonghwa said quietly. It was quiet for a few seconds before Hongjoong gently shifted me more to the side so I was back by his side and I couldn't stop myself from whining in confusion. Hongjoong paused and I lifted my head quickly, glancing at Seonghwa who was watching us with a frown on his face. Only this time it didn't look like his usual angry frown, it looked kind of anxious. I wasn't sure what was going on but I was hit with the sudden urge for something else.
"Seonghwa," I said quietly, making his attention shift to me.
"What," he asked, a sharpness to his tone. I immediately backed off, scrapping the thoughts from my mind. It's just delusional to think like that.
"Never mind," I said quickly.
"No, what is it," Seonghwa asked me.
"I don't, it doesn't matter," I said shaking my head.
"Look Hongjoong is right, I'm not the horrible person everyone thinks I am. If you have something you want to say or ask, then just do it," Seonghwa said. I nibbled my lip anxiously before taking a deep breath.
"Can I have a hug," I whispered. Seonghwa blinked, the hardness of his face slipping away as confusion took over.
"You want me to hug you," he asked. I remained quiet but nodded quickly. I didn't expect him to do anything but I watched as he sighed and glanced at Hongjoong for a few seconds before opening his arms.
"Come here," he said.
"W-Wait, really," I asked in surprise.
"Yes really, come here Wooyoung. I'm not going to bite, I promise," he said, his voice considerably softer than I had ever heard. I got up quickly, stumbling over and wrapping my arms around Seonghwa tightly as my eyes began to well up with tears yet again. I barely registered when I was tugged onto the chair and into his lap, I just latched on tightly and started crying yet again. I slipped my arms around his waist and dropped my head onto his chest, feeling him wrap his arms around my waist. I felt instant relief from something I didn't even realise I was so tense about.
"Th-Thank you," I whimpered.
"You don't need to thank me Wooyoung. Just as I look after Hongjoong when he gets harassed, I'm gonna look after you ok," Seonghwa said softly, rubbing my back gently. I sniffled but nodded and held him tighter.
"Wh-Why," I questioned quietly.
"No one deserves to get bullied or hurt. I absolutely hate bullies," Seonghwa said. I decided to push my luck and pull my legs up, curling around in his lap but Seonghwa just took in stride, rocking me gently as he pat my back lightly. It was quite soothing and I found myself calming down quickly, relaxing in his hold. My breathing calmed down and the tears stopped so I was just lying curled up in Seonghwa's lap. I was surprised at how soothing and comforting Seonghwa was, given how he usually looks and attacks. The pain from earlier and the constant crying had tired me out and I found myself blinking sleepily.
"You ok Wooyoung," Hongjoong asked. I let out a breath and gave a small nod.
"I think he's tired," Seonghwa said.
"Should we let him sleep," Hongjoong asked.
"Wooyoung, do you want to have a bit of a nap? There's still at least an hour before the end of this last period but you've also got another hour and a half after that until dinner," Seonghwa said.
"I've gotta talk to Sangie and Yunnie, they'll be worried when I didn't show up," I said quietly.
"Don't worry, Seonghwa already has that handled. He sent an owl to Yeosang from me to tell him you're ok, just resting," Hongjoong said. In that case a sleep does sound nice.
"Sleep," I whispered.
"Ok. Come on, let's get you into bed," Seonghwa said. In bed? What bed? I was gently lifted up and placed on my feet and I followed along tiredly before I landed on something soft. I blinked my eyes and realised that I was indeed on a bed.
"Where the hell did that come from," I mumbled tiredly.
"We'll explain when you wake up, you just take a nap," Hongjoong said softly, rubbing my hair. As much as I wanted to figure this out, I was exhausted and I found myself drifting off to sleep.
I awoke to the sound of soft giggles, making me smile subconsciously. I slowly rolled over and slipped my eyes open, looking towards where the giggles came from and my mouth dropped open in shock. Seonghwa and Hongjoong were curled up on one of the beanbags, kissing softly. Hongjoong was leaning over Seonghwa while Seonghwa gently cupped his cheek and jaw with his hand, their lips pressed together. Holy shit, they're kissing. Hongjoong pulled away and Seonghwa grinned before pulling the younger on his lap and they started to kissed again softly. Oh no, I am not supposed to be seeing this right now. I rolled onto my back quickly and shut my eyes, clenching them closed tightly. Ok, so this is not something I was expecting, let me just pretend that never happened. I started shuffling around, making sure to make some noise as I stretched out. When I opened my eyes again, Seonghwa and Hongjoong were sitting on separate beanbags watching me. Hongjoong got up quickly and walked over to me with a small smile.
"How're you feeling," he asked, sitting down beside me on the bed. Right, that's something I needed to address.
"How is there a bed here right now," I asked with a frown of confusion.
"I'll explain that in a second but right now, how are you feeling," Hongjoong said.
"I'm fine. A little bit sore but ok," I said with a small smile, appreciating the concern from the older two. I've only really known Hongjoong through Yeosang so it meant a lot that they were looking after me.
"How long was I asleep for," I asked.
"Dinner is in an hour, so about an hour and a half," Hongjoong replied.
"So, now the bed," I said slowly. Hongjoong chuckled but nodded.
"Right. Welcome to the room of requirement," Hongjoong said, opening his eyes wide.
"The room of requirement," I asked in confusion.
"It's a room that only shows when someone is in great need and you can basically ask for anything and it will appear. Though it won't give you food," Seonghwa explained.
"So if I wanted something, I just have to ask. Like if I wanted another pillow, I would get one," I asked. Hongjoong nodded and pointed to the end of the bed. I looked over there and saw a pillow sitting there.
"Ok, that is so cool. How come no one knows about this place," I asked them.
"Because it's hard to get to. You have to walk past it three times thinking about what you want before the door appears. Hwa stumbled on it by accident in the third year," Hongjoong explained.
"That's so awesome. It's like a secret hideout," I said with a grin.
"Exactly," Hongjoong said with a nod.
"Thank you guys, for looking after me," I said softly.
"Any time. Plus San proba-."
"Hongjoong," Seonghwa interrupted and Hongjoong snapped his mouth shut.
"Right, well we should probably head out, you should catch up with the others before dinner," Hongjoong said with a small smile.
"Ok," I replied, standing up and stretching out.
"Come here, I'll fix your hair for you," Hongjoong said. I walked over and ducked my head slightly, allowing Hongjoong to brush my hair into place. Once we were all ready, we left the special room and I parted ways with them, heading towards the Gryffindor common room. I started jogging to get there quicker but there was a pain in the back of my head as well as my stomach so I stopped quickly and hunched over slightly and took a deep breath to try and push the pain away.
"Wooyoung? Is everything ok?" I straightened out and turned around to see Jongho walking up.
"Of course Jjong, just a little winded," I said with a grin.
"You were holding your head, do you have a headache," Jongho asked me worriedly as he came over quickly.
"I seriously am fine Jongho," I said rolling my eyes. Jongho's ran up and down my body as if making sure I wasn't lying before he paused and his jaw tightened.
"Have you been around any Slytherins today," he asked me. I shivered slightly as I remembered what happened earlier but quickly shook my head. Jongho's eyes narrowed before he straightened out.
"Come on, I'll walk with you back to the common room. You should have already put your things back in your room," he said, holding out his hand. I smiled happily and quickly slipped my hand into his, noticing the way he glanced down towards the ground and his jaw tightened once again. We walked hand in hand through the halls, passing by others as they headed back to their common rooms. When we got to the Fat Lady, Jongho said the password and she swung open.
"I'm going to head up to my room, I'll see you at dinner ok," I said. Jongho suddenly moved forwards and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me softly.
"Look after yourself Woo," he whispered.
"Always," I said with a grin, patting his head as we pulled apart. I went up the stairs and into my dormitory finding it empty except for Yunho and Yeosang who were on Yunho's bed talking quietly. They both turned when I entered.
"I can't believe you skipped class. You bad boy," Yunho said with a grin and a chuckle. Yeosang however, he didn't seem too happy.
"I got Hongjoong's email. He said you had a headache so you decided to rest," he said. Ok, so that was the lie we're going with.
"Yeah, just didn't think I would get through class," I said with a shrug. Yeosang scoffed and shook his head.
"What," I asked with a frown.
"You once got a migraine and still went to class. You ended up practically curled up in my lap crying because you didn't want to leave class," Yeosang said. Shit, yeah I forgot about that.
"What happened," Yeosang asked.
"Nothing happened," I said quickly. I lifted my arm nervously to scratching the back of my head but Yunho suddenly gasped and Yeosang cursed.
"What's wrong," I asked in confusion.
"Who hurt you," Yeosang asked. Wait what, how does he know.
"Wooyoung, you have a massive bruise on your wrist," Yunho said quietly. I yelped and looked down, seeing that sure enough there was a dark bruise around my wrist.
"Oh, how did that get there," I said with a weak chuckle.
"Wooyoung who did this," Yeosang asked quickly.
"It's fine Yeosang, I promise. A couple of Slytherins jumped me but Seonghwa dealt with them," I rushed out.
"He looked after you," Yeosang asked me.
"Yeah, he did. He did a lot more than I would have ever expected from him," I admitted. Yeosang let out a breath of relief and nodded.
"Good," he said quietly while Yunho walked over and hugged me gently. I let out a breath and snuggled up in his arms, my lips curling up in content.
"Come on guys, let's get down to the Great Hall for dinner," Yeosang said after a while. I yawned and let out a breath, nuzzling my head further into his chest. We had been lying on my bed for the past half an hour with myself curled up against Yeosang's side while he and Yunho chat.
"You're too comfy, I just wanna lie here," I whispered.
"Nope, you gotta eat," Yeosang said, patting my back gently.
"I'm not hungry," I said quietly.
"Wooyoung, I'm not having this conversation again. You're barely eating at meals, there is no way we're letting you skip any," Yeosang said firmly.
"I can't help that I'm not hungry," I said with a pout.
"You've still gotta eat Woo, I agree with Yeosang," Yunho said. I sighed but sat up with Yeosang as he got up. We all fixed up our robes before leaving the Common room and walking down the hall towards the Great Hall. I dropped my hand down and grabbed Yeosang, fiddling slightly before linking our fingers together. Yeosang shifted closer and leant over slightly, knocking his head against mine softly. I grinned and tightened my hold on his hand, holding out my other one towards Yunho. He chuckled but moved to my other side and grabbed my other hand. The three of us continued to hold hands until we got to the Great Hall, letting go and walking inside. We quickly took our places at our tables, Yeosang leaving to go sit at the Ravenclaw table while Yunho and I sat near Jongho and a few other 5th years who were talking in hushed whispers.
"What're you guys being so secretive about," I questioned as I dropped my head on Jongho's shoulder, smiling as he instantly placed a hand around my waist.
"Have you guys seen Juyeon lately, the 6th year Slytherin prick," Sanha said. I tensed at that, but relaxed as Jongho rubbed my waist gently.
"What about him," Yunho asked.
"Look at him," Jongho said quietly, nodding towards the Slytherin table. Yunho and I both looked over where they were looking and my eyes widened in shock. There was quite a large gash on the side of his head, one that wasn't healed so clearly came from a spell.
"Damn, who finally put him in his place," Yunho asked with a chuckle while I just frowned. Did Seonghwa go after him again?
"Choi San did," Sanha replied. My head snapped over to look at him, my mouth parting slightly in shock. San went after Juyeon? Why?
"Gossip spreads quickly. Everyone's saying Juyeon did something to piss San off and San cursed him and threatened him with something to not snitch," Sanha said with a grin. Damn, I guess Juyeon just pushed his luck too far today. Fancy hurting someone to try and "avenge" your "friend" and then provoking that so called friend to the point they curse you. I wonder what it is that Juyeon said.
Here is chapter 6 everyone. Sorry it's been a while since I posted but I literally haven't gone on my computer in like a week not gonna lie. My 18th birthday was last Friday so I've been doing a lot of celebrations and stuff but I should be getting back on track again now.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter despite the time it took to have it posted.
What do you think about what Seonghwa did and what do you think the whole reason was?
Why do you think San ended up hurting Juyeon?
Any thoughts on what may be happening next or what you might want to happen next.
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