Chapter 4: Wedneday 26th October - Thursday 27th October
San’s POV
“San, hey San.” I let out a huff and stopped in the hall, turning around to see a tall Hufflepuff running over.
“What is it Mingi,” I asked with a huff.
“I was told to give you these, it’s Potions notes because you missed class yesterday,” Mingi said, holding them out to me. I quickly reached out and grabbed them from him.
“Thanks,” I said quietly.
“No problem. You excited for tomorrow,” he asked me eagerly. Mingi is a very energetic Hufflepuff in my year. He’s a halfblood and a bit annoying but he’s more like an oversized puppy so I just let him go.
“Are you referring to the practice match against Slytherin,” I asked him with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah, I’m gonna come watch,” he said.
“I mean it’s just a practice match, nothing special. But I definitely am looking forward to beating Gryffindor,” I said with a nod.
“Well, good luck,” he told me and I just nodded before continuing on my way to the Great Hall for lunch. I was already late so I picked up the pace, walking quickly. As I was walking, I noticed someone up ahead of me, stumble into the wall and lean against it slightly. I frowned but didn’t pay much attention to it as it was a Gryffindor.
“Ah shit,” they groaned and that’s when I realised who it was.
“You good Jung? Making out with a wall now,” I asked with a chuckle. He straightened up and turned his head around to glare at me.
“At least it’s the wall and not you, probably is better,” he scoffed.
“As if. I could kiss you better than most people in this school,” I said angrily. How dare he insinuate I can’t kiss. He frowned at that before rolling his eyes and pushing off the wall, heading down the hall away from the Great Hall. I just frowned before continuing to the Great Hall, bumping into Yeosang as he came running out. What is with those guys and popping up everywhere?
“San, have you seen your arch nemesis,” he asked me quickly.
“He just went down the hall. He insulted me and said a wall could kiss better than me,” I said angrily.
“You two have kissed,” Yeosang exclaimed with wide eye. Wait what? Where the hell did that come from?
“Ew, what the hell. No, of course not. What gave you that idea,” I cringed.
“You just said he said a wall is a better kisser than you,” Yeosang said slowly. God some people can be stupid. How could he possibly think that Wooyoung and I would kiss? We hate each other. Never in a million years would I get close to that asshole.
“Yeah, it was-. Well never mind it doesn’t matter. We would never kiss. Go find your annoying friend,” I said, shoving past him into the hall. I quickly walked down the halls and over to Seonghwa who was eating quietly alone, his eyes staring off at something. I quickly sat down beside him and looked to where he was staring off to and I rolled my eyes.
“Stop trying to undress him with your eyes,” I said, grabbing a plate and putting some food onto it. Seonghwa jolted and snapped his head to the side to look at me.
“I’m not trying to undress him,” he rushed out quickly.
“The fact that you know exactly who I’m talking about begs to differ,” I pointed out.
“There’s only one person you could be talking about San. He’s the only other person I talk to and the person you have randomly decided to start delusions about him,” Seonghwa said with a sigh.
“They aren’t delusions if they’re true,” I said with a shrug.
“Just shut up and eat,” Seonghwa said quickly. I chuckled but didn’t say anything else, following what he asked.
“Do you guys have Quidditch practice later,” he asked me after a little bit.
“Yeah, we have it at about 7,” I said with a nod.
“You prepared for tomorrow? I know how much you love beating Gryffindor even if it’s just a practice match,” Seonghwa said.
“Yeah, we’re going to absolute smash them tomorrow,” I said with a grin.
“Good, I’ll watch you play. Can’t miss getting to see Slytherins star chaser in action,” Seonghwa said with a grin. I smiled happily at that, preening as Seonghwa reached over and gently pat my head a few times.
*The Next Day*
“Alright boys, are you all ready to crush the stupid Gryffindor scum,” Moonbin yelled out. Moonbin is our Captain and keeper, also a 7th year.
“Yeah, we’re gonna smash this game. Get everyone scared before the season even begins,” another one of our players said. We all got changed into our uniforms and grabbed our brooms before going out onto the pitch. I swung my leg over the broom and kicked off, shooting into the air. The Gryffindor team was already out there so I flew up and stopped beside Wooyoung.
“Ready to get beaten,” I asked him with a grin. He just scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“You wish Choi,” he said snidely. I could see his grip tighten on his broom and I grinned, knowing I was getting to him. Once both teams were in place, the Ravenclaw Captain released the snitch, then the bludgers, then threw the quaffle up. It’s a practice match organised by us so there isn’t a referee and the rules are pretty loose to begin with. Wooyoung and I both shot forwards towards the quaffle. I quickly rammed my side into Wooyoung’s side, knocking him off course and managing to reach the quaffle first. I had to quickly dive down however as another Gryffindor came at me but I was able to evade. I quickly threw the quaffle forwards and into the hands of another of our chasers and the zoomed forwards. I drew my broom to a stop and turned to see Wooyoung flying up with a frown.
“Gotta be quicker Jung,” I taunted.
“Go to hell Choi,” he spat back.
“As you like to stay, I’m already there because you’re here,” I said with a grin. He huffed but shot forwards quickly, making me grin in triumph. Yunho is the Gryffindor keeper and I can begrudgingly admit that he’s a good keeper. He stopped our shot for the goals with ease so I quickly flew forwards, go after the Gryffindor that now had the quaffle. I flew up beside him before crashing my shoulder into his side, making him fall off balance slightly and drop the ball. I ducked down and scooped up the quaffle, dodging as someone came at me.
“Chaeyoung,” I yelled out, gaining her attention. She nodded and we both flew towards the rings. I threw the quaffle to her and she faked, making Yunho lunge before throwing it back to me and I scored with ease. I grinned and flew over to Chaeyoung, high fiving her. We’re already 10 points up and the game has barely begun!
As much as I wanted to smash Gryffindor, the game was close and intense. It had already been going for 45 minutes and we were neck and neck with each other, scoring alternating between the two of us. The scores were now 90-80 in Gryffindor’s favour and it was making me absolutely seethe. We cannot lose to this stupid team, I will not allow it. I saw an opportunity and shot forwards, intercepting the quaffle as it was thrown. There were immediately two Gryffindor’s on either side of me so I quickly flew up higher, preparing to dive down towards the rings. I was about to do it when a sudden scream caught my attention.
“WOOYOUNG!” I immediately tugged my broom back, bringing it to a sudden halt and making the Gryffindor’s shoot past. I snapped my head back, looking for the boy Yeosang had called for and it wasn’t long before my eyes locked in on the worrying sight below me. Wooyoung was on his broom but he wasn’t flying around, just sitting there with his head dropped. His body was also slumped forwards and that meant his broom was slowly pitching down.
My heart skipped a beat in fear and I quickly wrapped both of my hands around my broom, pitching it down and practically nose-diving towards Wooyoung. Wooyoung started to drop more but I managed to reach him and pull my broom to a stop. I grabbed the front of Wooyoung’s broom and tugged it up slightly so it was more level but Wooyoung was still slumped and seeming half unconscious.
“Wooyoung,” I yelped as he almost slid of the side. I let go of both my broom and his broom and grabbed his waist, pulling him up right again. That caused me to almost fall off as well but I managed to steady both of us for the time being. I looked down and begun to panic as I realised how high up we were and how dangerous this was. What the hell happened?
“Wooyoung if you’re conscious right now, I need you to tell me and I need you to help,” I said quickly. He didn’t say anything, didn’t even move.
“Shit,” I groaned.
“Wooyoung,” I snapped. His head lolled to the side slightly but I noticed his hands twitch towards me.
“I need you to get your arms around my neck ok. You gotta do that for me,” I said frantically. His head came up slightly and I saw that his face was completely pale and he looked about ready to pass out but he somehow managed to lift his arms up. I ducked down to help him, allowing his arms to slip around my neck before I placed my hands on his hip, getting a tight grip. I made sure to keep my body on centre and straight so I would accidentally fall and drop us both to our deaths. Now that wouldn’t be very fun would it? I need to somehow get him on my broom. I looked around for help but realised both teams were still playing. I glanced to the end of the pitch to see Yunho still keeping but watching with an expression of panic and desperation. Great, so it’s just up to me to somehow do this. I need to get him onto my broom first of all, that’s the best way to keep him safe.
“Wooyoung, I’m going to lift you onto my broom ok, don’t panic,” I said softly. I heard a light hum so I took that as the go ahead. I took a deep breath before quickly and swiftly, lifting Wooyoung from his broom and onto mine. His legs were on either side of my broom but he was facing me and leaning forwards into my chest. I watched with a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach as his broom went careening to the ground and snapped on impact. I sucked in a breath and wrapped my arm tighter around Wooyoung, letting out a shuddering breath. The broom hitting the ground and snapping seemed to catch everyone’s attention and show that something was definitely wrong. I kept a tight grip on Wooyoung and slowly tilted my broom down, getting us to the bottom of the pitch safely. Once I hit the ground, I dropped my broom and scooped Wooyoung up so he wouldn’t fall.
Within seconds Yeosang, Mingi and Yunho who had flown over where there beside us. Yunho came straight over to me and wrapped his arms around Wooyoung, pulling him from my arms. I was shocked by the sudden protective instinct to pull Wooyoung away and to keep him in my arms, keep him safe. I caught myself quickly though and reluctantly let go of him, biting my bottom lip nervously.
“He’s barely conscious,” Yunho gasped out. Yeosang huddled over to him and grabbed his hand softly.
“We need to get him to Madam Promfrey right now,” he said quickly.
“Come on Woo, hang in there. Everything’s ok,” Yeosang whispered before the three of them hurried off with Wooyoung to get him to the Medical Wing. I was just left standing there with a pounding heart, going over what just happened.
“San.” I spun around to see Seonghwa walking over with a confused frown on his face. Ah, great.
“I’m confused by what I’ve missed,” he said slowly.
“Nothing, you haven’t missed anything,” I replied quickly.
“Since when did you start caring so much about Jung Wooyoung? I thought you hated him,” Seonghwa said. I scoffed quickly at that.
“I don’t care Seonghwa. I just didn’t want someone to die at school because that would mean school would get cancelled. And I quite enjoy school, I like getting away from everything at home during the year,” I said with a frown. And it’s true, I don’t care. So why do those words make me feel a bit weird inside. Seonghwa nodded, seeming appeased with my answer and I let out a breath I didn’t realise I was holding.
I was lying in bed later that night but I couldn’t get to sleep, too much on my mind. Wooyoung was taken straight to the Medical Wing and I saw Yeosang later but Wooyoung didn’t pop up anywhere, meaning he was still in the Medical Wing. I drew in a deep breath, trying to relax and fall asleep but I couldn’t. I was worried. I was worried for stupid, annoying Jung Wooyoung and I knew I wasn’t going to be able to get any sleep until I saw him and knew he was ok. Something happened on that pitch. Something made him almost completely pass out in the middle of a quidditch match. I quickly and quietly slipped out of bed and out of the dormitory. I cast a silencing spell over the entrance before opening it and slipping out into the halls. It was stupid, really stupid given that I could get caught and get into a lot of trouble but I continued on. I eventually made it to the door to the Medical Wing. I very gently and very quietly opened the door and slipped inside, closing it just as quietly. I glanced around the big room, noticing that Madam Promfrey was thankfully already gone. All the beds were empty but one in the back corner so I quickly hurried over to it. Wooyoung was curled up in his bed, eyes closed and face lax. I squatted down and smiled softly before sighing and placing my hand on his shoulder. He jolted slightly and his eyes slipped open, his head lifting slightly as he glanced around in confusion.
“Sannie,” he mumbled sleepily.
“One hour,” I whispered to him. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion before seeming to register what I said and he smiled before nodding quickly.
“Can I sit beside you,” I asked him quietly.
“Yeah, sure,” he said with a nod. He shuffled to the side slightly and I climbed onto the bed, lying down on top of the blankets beside him. I was a bit uncomfortable and went to stretch out the arm I was leaving on when I accidentally put it across his pillow. Wooyoung didn’t seem to mind though as he actually rested his head on my arm.
“What did Madam Promfrey say was wrong,” I asked him
“I haven’t been able to eat a lot lately. I don’t know why, I just don’t have much of an appetite. Madam Promfrey said that I fainted from low energy levels due to not eating enough,” he said with a sigh. I frowned in worry at that and subconsciously tugged him closer.
“You need to eat Wooyoung, even if you don’t feel hungry. You can’t just barely eat anything, it’s not good to starve yourself,” I said softly.
“I’m not starving myself, just not very hungry,” he huffed. I quickly noted in my head to keep an eye on Wooyoung during meals, make sure he’s eating. Cos you know, I should look after my classmates.
“You should see the potion I have to drink tomorrow morning,” Wooyoung said with a groan. I chuckled and looked over as he held out a drink from the bedside table. I looked inside it and saw it was an ugly brown and disgusting smelling drink.
“Oh my god, good luck,” I laughed.
“You’re so mean,” he said as he put it back before turning around and pouting at me. I instinctively went to reach out but quickly stopped myself and nibbled my bottom lip awkwardly.
“You are such a bully. Next time I’m hurt, just leave me to my misery,” he whined.
“If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t even be conscious right now,” I pointed out, leaving out the part where he could possibly have died. Wooyoung went quieter at that and I was shocked as he cuddled up close to my chest, snuggling down in my hold. I instinctively held my breath at that, trying not to tense up too much but I’m still not used to it.
“Thank you for saving me. I can’t remember much about it but Yeosang told me what happened,” Wooyoung said quietly, tucking his head under my chin.
“It’s no problem, really. I’d never let you die,” I whispered.
“What, you wouldn’t have the person to fight with in every class,” he asked.
“It’s become quite the routine, I don’t want to ruin that,” I said with a slow nod, making him giggle.
“Hey Sannie, I have a question,” he whispered.
“Sure, what’s up,” I asked him, reaching my hand up to brush through his hair.
“Remember that class in Care of Magical Creatures two weeks ago,” he asked me.
“Vaguely. What were we learning,” I asked.
“With the thestrals,” he said. I immediately tensed at that and he seemed to notice, moving a hand to squeeze my hip which was surprisingly comforting.
“You were acting odd. Could you see them,” he asked quietly.
“And you don’t have to answer, I don’t want to be intrusive,” he rushed out quickly.
“Yeah, I can see them,” I whispered.
“Can I ask who,” he asked softly.
“It was a maid of ours. They were a squib and my parents ran them to the bone and they died from exhaustion. I was eight,” I whispered, closing my eyes in shame.
“Oh San, I’m so sorry,” Wooyoung whispered and I felt his head nuzzle against mine.
“Why are you sorry? I didn’t do anything to stop it,” I said quietly.
“San you were eight years old. There was like literally nothing you could have done,” he said.
“She collapsed in front of me and I tried to wake her up but she was already gone,” I said with a sigh. Wooyoung whined and moved even closer to me, turning over and laying on top of me, much like I did with Seonghwa a couple weeks ago. I was extremely surprised at the contact and I froze, very quickly being overwhelmed.
“W-Woo,” I rushed out quickly. I placed my hands on his shoulders, prepared to push him away but he was off of me in an instant. I drew in a deep breath, calming down quickly as the weight was gone.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” he rushed out quickly, sounding panicked. I quickly reached out and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, tugging him back down to my side like how he was earlier.
“S’okay, just not used to it,” I mumbled quietly.
“I know, thank you for telling me you weren’t comfortable with it,” he whispered. I frowned in confusion at that.
“What do you mean,” I asked.
“Well I’d hate to do something you aren’t comfortable with, so you always should speak up about it if I do make you uncomfortable for you,” he said.
“What, like consent,” I asked with a frown.
“Yeah, exactly,” he replied with a nod.
“Wooyoung, that’s only for sexual activities,” I pointed out.
“What? No it isn’t. If someone does something that makes you uncomfortable, it’s your right to tell them to stop,” Wooyoung replied quickly.
“Oh,” I said softly.
“Have people put you in uncomfortable situations before,” he asked me. I thought back to my childhood and just sighed.
“Enough about me ok Wooyoung, you’ve gone through enough today,” I said.
“I’m fine,” he huffed.
“You need to get some sleep, it’s late,” I said with a sigh.
“Is it ok if you stay with me until I fall asleep? Do we have time,” he asked.
“Yeah, we have some time,” I said with a nod.
“Can you stay for a bit please? Is that ok,” he asked me. I smiled softly down at him before nodding. He practically passed out today because he hasn’t been eating enough, of course I will stay to make sure he’s ok. Wooyoung smiled softly before his eyes slipped closed and he rested his head on my chest. I placed my hand on his head and pat it softly before moving to gently run my fingers through his hair. I felt him relax more against my side, letting out a deep sigh as he melted into me. I remained quiet, just continuing to do what I could to relax him and help him fall asleep. It took a few minutes of my ministrations before I felt him go completely lax against me, feeling soft, even puffs of air hit my neck lightly. I smiled softly and glanced down at him before very slowly and very gently removing myself from underneath him until I managed to slip out of the bed without waking him. once I got off the bed, I turned around and looked down at his peacefully sleeping face. He looked so peaceful and delicate while sleeping.
I don’t know what’s happening right now and I don’t understand it at all. I’m quite confused with myself and what is happening with my emotions lately this year. Sure, Wooyoung and I may have possibly been friends in the first year but from second year until now, we’ve been arch nemesis. I hate Wooyoung, I really do, I despise even just the very name Jung Wooyoung. I do, I really do. But for some reason lately I’ve been finding myself worried about Wooyoung. About his safety, his well-being and his happiness. I shouldn’t be feeling like this. I shouldn’t be looking after a blood traitor. I shouldn’t be worry about a blood traitor. What would my parents say?
Here is chapter 4 everyone, i hop you enjoyed it.
Let me know what you thought of this chapter and what your favourite parts were.
I had this chapter overwritten because ive been on holidays for 3 days. So I'm not sure when I'll get the next chapter written and posted
Thanks again everyone for reading!
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