Chapter 25: Thursday 23rd of February
San's POV
I sighed to myself as the bell rang, signalling the end of the last period. After what Wooyoung told me yesterday, I told him I would talk to Seonghwa but I've kind of been avoiding the talk because it's something that needs to be done when we have more time. I skipped breakfast so I wouldn't come across him but now there's just dinner and some free time before curfew so it would be the best time to talk.
"You ok?" I glanced up to see Yeosang standing by my desk with his books already packed up.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I said with a shrug as I hurriedly packed up my books.
"Can I talk to you for a second before you head to dinner," Yeosang asked. Anything to delay the inevitable awkward conversation I'm going to have with Seonghwa, yes. I nodded and followed him out of the room quietly. While everyone went downstairs, we slipped off to the side.
"Are you doing ok? I know Wooyoung talked to you yesterday and he's explained what happened but I just wanted to check in with you, make sure you're alright," Yeosang said. I was silent in shock. Why would he even care how I'm feeling? Like I get we are semi getting along now but I certainly wouldn't expect him to be checking up on me.
"Don't look so surprised. I've already told you I don't care about the stuff you used to say. You're struggling and I don't like seeing that," Yeosang said. I was still surprised by his actions but I felt myself getting a little teary-eyed. I'm still not used to having people other than Seonghwa care about me.
"I'm um, I'm ok," I said with a nod.
"Thank you for checking in," I added with a nod.
"Of course. And look, I know we aren't close but if you ever find yourself not being able to find someone to talk to about something, I'm more than happy to listen," Yeosang told me.
"I appreciate it Yeosang," I said with a nod. He flashed me a small smile before he made his way down the stairs. I drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly to calm my emotions before I headed downstairs as well. I headed down towards the common room to put my books away but as I turned one of the corners, I came face to face with Hongjoong and Seonghwa and froze. Seonghwa's eyes widened and I saw him tense up. His face was a little pale and he looked like he'd also been having trouble sleeping the past few days because there were dark bags under his eyes. Hongjoong was just standing behind him, glancing between the two of us.
"Hi Sannie," Hongjoong said softly, breaking the awkward silence.
"Um, hey," I said quietly, unsure what to say.
"Seonghwa and I are just heading to dinner, do you want to join," Hongjoong asked. I glanced back at Seonghwa who was still frozen before looking away again.
"I'm actually heading to the common room to put my books away," I replied, flicking my eyes up. I noted how Seonghwa's face crumpled slightly and he looked down quickly.
"But um, I'll see you guys at dinner though and maybe, maybe we can go for a walk afterwards Hwa. If um, if you want," I said nervously. It felt unnatural to be this awkward around Seonghwa, to be so careful of what I was saying. We've never had a fight like this before. We've never really fought before to be honest. Seonghwa looked back up again, his eyes still wide as they ran over me.
"Y-Yeah, yeah o-of course," he stuttered out quickly. I nodded before making a split second decision and stepping forwards, wrapping my arms around Seonghwa. His arms instantly shot up to hug me back with a force, gripping my back tightly. My books nearly slipped from my hand but I managed to tighten my grip and still hug Seonghwa. Neither of us said anything but I felt the way Seonghwa melted into the hug, his hands fisting my robes firmly. I gave it a few more seconds before pulling away and Seonghwa followed quickly, stepping back beside Hongjoong.
"I'll um, see you guys later," I said quietly before stepping past them and hurrying off. When I got to my dorm room, I rushed to my area and dumped my books on my trunk before flopping facedown onto my bed. I buried my head in my pillow and let out a groan of frustration. Wooyoung's explanation as to why Seonghwa did what he did made so much sense and was so very Seonghwa but I still felt hurt. I love him so much and I want to make things right and I know he meant well and didn't mean to hurt me. But that doesn't change what happened and it doesn't help how I found out either. I sighed and rolled onto my back, glancing up at the ceiling as thoughts swirled through my head.
I ended up heading down to dinner a little late, walking slowly to try and figure out how to act once I get there. I'll have to sit with Seonghwa this time but hopefully Hongjoong is at least there as well so it won't be as awkward. When I got to the Great Hall, I glanced over to our table but frowned in confusion as I noticed Seonghwa wasn't even there. My eyes searched a bit more until I finally found him and Hongjoong sitting at the end of the Gryffindor table with the others. I guess that's better than just Seonghwa. I let out a sigh and headed towards where they were sitting, taking the empty spot that was thankfully beside Wooyoung.
"Hey, nice of you to join us today," he said softly, making me roll my eyes.
"I'm hungry," I said with a shrug, glancing over at Seonghwa who was talking to Mingi.
"Have you guys talked yet," Wooyoung asked me quietly and I shook my head.
"Tonight. I wanted us to have proper time," I whispered back.
"That's a good idea. Now eat, you're starting to look like me," Wooyoung said, making me frown.
"You're insinuating that's a bad thing. Which either means you know you don't eat enough or you think you don't look good," I pointed out.
"I eat fine. You on the other hand have barely been eating so eat up some more," he said and I frowned even further. I glanced around quickly to make sure no one was looking before leaning closer so my lips were beside his ear.
"You're beautiful Wooyoung, anyone would be blessed to look like you," I whispered. He squeaked slightly and shifted back, glancing at me with wide eyes.
"It's true," I said with a shrug as I moved away again and put some food on my plate. Wooyoung's arm suddenly wrapped around my waist, his chin tucking over my shoulder.
"Thanks," he said quietly before pulling away again.
"Any time," I said, flashing him a soft smile before turning my attention back to my food. I ate in silence for the rest of dinner, just listening to what everyone else were talking about. My mind drifted after a while, thinking about what I was going to say after dinner was over.
"San?" I blinked quickly and glanced up to see everyone was looking at me.
"Sorry, what did you say," I asked.
"Are you ready for tomorrow," Mingi asked. Tomorrow? Oh, right.
"Yeah, should be a pretty easy match," I said with a shrug.
"Hey, our team is good," Yeosang said with a frown.
"If you say so," I said.
"We do say so. Just you wait San, Ravenclaw will smash you tomorrow," Hongjoong said, making me scoff.
"You wish," I muttered, turning back to my food as the chatter picked up again.
"Are you feeling ok for tomorrow," Wooyoung asked me quietly.
"Of course, why wouldn't I be," I asked with a frown.
"Because you've had a rough few days," he said. I smiled softly at his concern, glancing at him. His eyebrows were furrowed in worry, his teeth nibbling his bottom lip. I glanced away quickly and cleared my throat.
"I'm fine Wooyoung, I'll be my usual awesome self tomorrow," I told him.
"Will you come and watch," I added.
"Do you want me to," he asked.
"You don't have to but I wouldn't mind having you there watching. Maybe you can learn a trick or do," I said, making him chuckle.
"Last time I checked, it was you who needs some tips from me," Wooyoung said, making me scoff.
"You wish," I said, shaking my head. Wooyoung giggled and leant closer to me, his shoulder brushing mine and I felt my cheeks warm slightly. I thought back to Wooyoung's words over a months ago, of what how he acted in the infirmary. Of-.
"Hey Sannie." My head shot up and I looked to my right to see Seonghwa knelt beside me.
"If you've finished, could we go for a walk," he asked me quietly. My heart clenched and I scrunched my left hand nervously beside my leg. I sucked in a sharp breath as I felt a hand grip mine softly.
"Go. I'll stack your plates," Wooyoung said quietly. I glanced at him and gave him a small smile before standing up.
"Let's go," I told Seonghwa. He nodded and stood up, the two of us walking from the Great Hall. Neither of us talked while we walked, I'm guessing he was just as nervous as I was. I wasn't sure at first we were going but I understood pretty quickly as we got to the stairs of the Astronomy Tower. It used to be a place Seonghwa and I would often go to watch the stars in our first few years.
"Let's sit down," Seonghwa said quietly as he sat down. I sat beside him, leaning up against a pillar. It was quiet for a few minutes as I didn't really know what to say.
"I um, I don't know how to start this but I know it should be me making the first move. I was the one in the wrong," Seonghwa said quietly. I frowned and glanced down at my hands in my lap, picking nervously at my fingers.
"I'm sorry Sannie, for not telling you. I know it doesn't make things right and it doesn't change how hurt you felt. Which don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to downplay it any way, I understand fully that my actions were wrong. But I was only trying to protect you, I would not have done it if I knew how much it would hurt you," Seonghwa said.
"That's what Wooyoung said but I still don't get it. How does you lying to me, protect me? Cos that's what it was. You lied to me constantly, for three years. It wasn't even just you not telling me, you lied every time I mentioned your obvious love for Hongjoong. I feel like a fool," I said, shaking my head as tears welled up in my eyes.
"I'm sorry San, I really am. You know how are parents are ok, you know how risky even being friends with Hongjoong is. We both have to actively not bring him up or think about him when we're around them, I didn't want to add to that with you knowing about our relationship as well. I don't want to risk your wellbeing but also Hongjoong's life. I don't know what our families will do to him if they find out we're together. I didn't want that burden on you," Seonghwa said. I glanced up at him, noting the shakiness in his voice and I saw that he was crying. That was enough for my own tears to slip through and trail down my face.
"I hate that I hurt you Sannie. You're my little brother and if I was older, I would even say I sometimes see you as my child. I've watched you grow up and fought so hard to make sure you'd be happy and I hate that I was the one to make you cry," Seonghwa said sadly.
"You should have just told me Hwa, I would have preferred that. Instead I had to find out by hearing you two together. I was. I was just going to steal your scarf. Youngie was cold so I gave him mine and you said you and Hongjoong were in the library studying. I love you so much Seonghwa, and I care for Hongjoong. I have always wanted you and Hongjoong to be together, god I've hassled you about it for ages. I thought it would happen one day, you would tell me and I would be so happy for you two, it would be so amazing. Instead I had to stumble upon you two. I was shocked and so I went back to Wooyoung and I told him you two were together. I was in shock and I was hurt and confused. I thought he could help reassure me or something but instead I found out he already knew-."
"I didn't tell him San, I've told no one. He found out himself," Seonghwa cut in quickly.
"I know, he told me that as well but not at the time. All I knew at the time was that you and Hongjoong were together and you had lied to me about it but had told Wooyoung about it," I said.
"And I'm so sorry Sannie. I promise you it was never my intention-."
"I know Seonghwa, I get it," I said, reaching out and grabbing his hand in mine.
"I just, I needed time to gather my thoughts about it. You came to me that night and I understand you were trying to make things better but it was a bad idea. I was hurting and you were worried, neither of us were in any state to have a proper conversation. I am sorry for what I said that night and for calling Hongjoong a mudblood again, I shouldn't have done that," I said with a sigh.
"You're right, you shouldn't have but I get it and so would Hongjoong. You were hurt and it was a defensive mechanism, I know that," Seonghwa said quietly.
"About that though. Your um, your reaction to what I said afterwards was not what I was expecting. I thought you'd lash out at me because that was how you were acting. But you didn't, you seemed more hurt," Seonghwa pointed out softly. I thought back to those moments and sighed once again.
"It was a cry for help Hwa. We had talked that morning about how I did care for Hongjoong, yet the moment I insulted him you didn't think to try to console me further, you only thought to defend him," I said quietly. Seonghwa let out a groan and he shuffled over beside me quickly, wrapping my up into a hug. I let out a breath of relief and fell into his side.
"I'm sorry. As you said, we weren't in the state to have that sort of conversation. I should have understood how you were feeling and not latched on to your attempt to push me away," Seonghwa said quietly, leaning down to press a kiss to my forehead.
"You blame yourself to reacting that way, it's understandable. But we're ok now, right. We get that we were both idiots, we both had our faults but it's behind us now. I love you and I'm happy for you," I said softly. Seonghwa chuckled lightly and held me tighter.
"I'm sorry I lied to you for so long but I'm happy you know now," he said.
"Let this be the last time you keep a secret from me for three years ok," I told him.
"It is, I promise. Once is already too much," Seonghwa said softly, giving my back a gentle pat.
"Now why don't we go and get ready for bed. We can um, we can cuddle if you'd like," he said.
"I'd like that. But first I need to do something so I'll meet you up there," I said as I stood up. He nodded and stood, the two of us heading down the stairs from the Astronomy Tower.
"Go do what it is you need to, then come up to my room," Seonghwa said. I nodded quickly and watched him leave before turning and heading the opposite way. Dinner had finished by now so the halls were busy but I scanned around before I found who I was looking for and headed over.
"Oh hey Sannie. Everything all good," Wooyoung asked as he and the others stopped.
"Uh yeah, we've worked things out," I said with a nod.
"Good, I'm glad," Wooyoung said softly, flashing me a small smile.
"Yeah, actually could I talk to you for a minute," I asked as I glanced around.
"Me," Hongjoong questioned and I nodded.
"Yeah, sure. Come on," Hongjoong said with a nod. I nodded goodbye to the others and followed Hongjoong as he started walking back the way we came.
"Is this a serious chat we're having," he asked me and I nodded.
"Kind of," I said quietly.
"Ok. We'll find a proper place to talk then. I would take you outside but curfew is soon so we'll just go into an empty classroom. Is that ok," he asked and I nodded quickly. We walked for a minute or two before we finally found an unlocked classroom. Hongjoong opened the door and waved me inside, following behind and closing the door. I went over and grabbed a chair, sitting down on it. Hongjoong followed and grabbed one himself, sitting on it in front of me.
"Are you doing ok? I know it must've been a shock to find out about Seonghwa and I and I apologise for hiding it from you," he said with a sigh.
"It's ok. Seonghwa has talked to me about it, he told me why he kept it a secret," I said quietly.
"That doesn't excuse it San, and it doesn't change the fact that it hurt you. I never wished to hurt you, especially not after what you told me that morning. God, I feel awful. I mean, y-you said I was like a parental figure. And then Seonghwa and I go ahead and break your trust mere hours later," Hongjoong said sadly, shaking his head. I got up quickly and stepped over, leaning down to hug him. He hugged back and we held if for a few seconds before I pulled away and sat down again.
"It's done now Hongjoong, it's ok. I know you might feel guilty but when I look at it the way Seonghwa did, I agree. You're very dear to him and it's always been clear to me how much the two of you cared for each other. Our pureblood lineage is protected fiercely and they're all absolute assholes. Horrid people if you look at it from the outside. I've known that for a while but I never wanted to admit it to myself. I don't know what they would do to you if they found out about your relationship," I said with a sigh.
"They have the power to hurt me and sweep it under the rugs, I've always known that. But I love Seonghwa, more than anything. I am a capable wizard and so is Seonghwa. Once we finish school, he can leave his family which is what he intends to do and we will be able to live our life together," Hongjoong said with a sigh.
"I'll join you. Once I'm done with school, I will leave as well," I said firmly, making Hongjoong smile softly.
"You do what is best for you San, there's no need to rush into decisions right now," Hongjoong said.
"Who knows, you might find someone you cherish just as much as I cherish Seonghwa and you may follow your heart," Hongjoong said with a light chuckle. I thought about his words and nibbled my lower lip nervously as I remembered the reason I had to come to Hongjoong in the first place.
"How did you know that you loved Seonghwa," I asked him quietly. His eyes widened in surprise before he smiled softly.
"I have always felt this pull towards Seonghwa, even when we were young and didn't get along. I always wanted to interact with him, even if it was just to argue. I was so happy when we started to get along, when Seonghwa stopped being a twat," Hongjoong said, making me chuckle softly.
"But, if you want to know how I know it's love that I feel for him. My heartbeat always seems to quicken when I'm near him, as if it is trying to sync with his being. When we were younger, I never knew how to control my emotions with him so I would blush constantly, and would feel this warmth inside of me. I mean I still feel the warmth when I'm with him, I'm just not blushing like a teenager whenever he is close to me," Hongjoong said with a chuckle. I thought of his words and let out a breath, linking my fingers together.
"I really am happy for you two," I said softly.
"Thanks Wooyoung, it means a lot," Hongjoong said happily.
"Is there anything else you wanted to talk about, or have we covered it," Hongjoong asked.
"Uh, no, I think we're good," I said with a nod.
"Good. You should head off to bed, you don't want to end up getting caught out of bed after curfew again," he said as he stood up and ruffled my hair. I tensed slightly at the contact but allowed it. I was still sitting by the time Hongjoong got to the doorway but he paused.
"Oh and San," he said, making me look up at him to see him smiling.
"Your secret is safe with me, I promise. But don't keep it in ok. Talk to him, tell him how you feel," he said softly and I felt my cheeks heat up.
"Have a good sleep, tell Hwa I said goodnight," he said with a smile before leaving the room. I let out a breath of relief and dropped my head into my hands with a sigh as I thought about Hongjoong's words. The feeling was familiar in a way to me, one I had felt for ages but never known what it was. All this time I thought perhaps I was getting sick. I shook my head and brushed my hair back before leaving the room. I walked quickly through the halls and headed back to the Slytherin common room. I went to my dorm first and got changed quickly before heading to Seonghwa's. I paused outside the door, remembering what had happened last time I was in that position. I let out a breath and opened the door, slipping inside quietly. I padded over to Seonghwa's bed as he sat up and lifted the covers.
"How'd it go? Did you do what you needed to," he asked softly as I laid down beside him.
"Yeah. I went and talked to Hongjoong, congratulated him," I replied. Seonghwa let out a breath and hugged me tightly.
"Thank you, I am glad," he said softly.
"Of course. I've got to keep myself in the good books of my brother in law to be right," I said with a grin, watching as even in the dark, Seonghwa's face turned bright red.
"Idiot," he snorted, flicking the back of my head. I yelped before laughing and cuddling closer to him. I rested my head on his shoulder and let my eyes slip closed, basking in the comfort of his embrace.
"I love you," I whispered.
"I love you too Sannie and I always will," he replied gently.
Here is Chapter 25 everyone, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it
Seonghwa and San made up thankfully and San is starting to come to some realizations. Whether he will act on them or not is another thing
Let me know if there's anything you wish to see in the coming chapters
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