Chapter 23: Sunday 19th of February
San's POV
"Get. Out. Of. Bed," Seonghwa huffed as he kept shoving my back to try and push me off. It wasn't working, I just curled closer to my pillow.
"Go away," I mumbled. It's a Sunday so we don't have class and I am far too comfortable to get up right now. Why can't he just let me sleep in?
"No, you're going to miss breakfast," Seonghwa said, ripping the pillow out from under my head.
"So, I can just go to Hogsmede and get something if I'm hungry," I replied, slipping my arms under my head instead.
"You are going to Hogsmede. You've got a date with Wooyoung remember," Seonghwa said, making me shoot up in bed.
"Well that made you get up," he giggled.
"I do not have a date with Wooyoung, he just wants get some sweets and I told him I would tag along," I said quickly.
"So you've said, I just wanted you to get out of bed. Why so defensive though Sannie," Seonghwa said with a grin. I frowned and ripped my pillow from his hands before chucking it back at him, making him laugh.
"I hate you, you know that right," I said, glaring at him.
"Ah Sannie. One day you're going to admit it and I'm going to say I told you so," Seonghwa said with a sigh.
"What, like you and Hongjoong? I'll admit I like Wooyoung the day you admit you're in love with Hongjoong," I said.
"So you do like him," Seonghwa said with a grin.
"Nope, I just said that, so you'd finally admit to yourself you're in love with Hongjoong," I said with a shrug.
"I'm not, now hurrying up and get ready so I can go have breakfast," he said with a frown. I sighed but got up and waved him out of the way so I could grab some clothes to get changed into as well as a scarf for the cold. Once I was done, we left the room and headed down to the Great Hall. It was relatively empty as a lot of people would have headed down to Hogsmede by now but Wooyoung was sitting there with Hongjoong.
"Well look at that," I said, changing direction to head over there, Seonghwa following.
"Morning," I said as I sat next to Wooyoung who looked up from his food and smiled.
"Hey Sannie," he said softly.
"Hey, what're you eating," I asked.
"Not much, it tastes terrible," he said with a frown as he pushed his fork around his plate. I glanced at it and saw that it was something brownish mashed up all over the plate. I frowned and glanced around the table, my eyes landing on some baked beans.
"Did you mash up the baked beans," I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Don't judge me, I was bored," he said with a shrug.
"Then grab something else to eat. Baked beans isn't the only thing here to eat," I pointed out.
"I know," he said quietly. I waited for him to continue talking but he didn't, the only thing he continued was pushing the mush around his plate with his fork. I sighed and grabbed two plates, putting a waffle on each and drizzling some maple syrup over them.
"Here," I said, putting the plate in front of Wooyoung as I moved the other one out of the way. He glanced up before looking down and pouting.
"Can I have some strawberries," he asked.
"What," I asked in surprise. Usually I'm having to add stuff and tell him to eat it, he never asks for more.
"Strawberries are nice on waffles," he said.
"Yeah. Yeah they are," I said, scooping strawberries onto both of our waffles.
"My fork's all yuck," he said with a frown. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the fork, licking the food off before giving it back to him.
"Eww, you expect me to eat from this," he said with a disgusted face.
"Do what you want," I said with a shrug and a grin as I grabbed some cutlery and begun eating my waffle.
"Rude," he muttered as he grabbed new cutlery and started eating. I felt a kick to my ankle and I glanced up to see Hongjoong looking up at me. He gave me a small nod and smile, I'm guessing of appreciation for getting Wooyoung eating.
The rest of breakfast went by quickly, Wooyoung and I eating silently while the other two were chatting quietly to each other.
"Do you still want to come to Hogsmede today," Wooyoung asked as he finished his breakfast.
"Of course," I replied quickly with a nod.
"I'm just going to go up and get changed, I'll meet you back at the entrance," Wooyoung said.
"Sure, no rush," I said with a nod. He got up quickly and hurried off, leaving me with Seonghwa and Hongjoong.
"Thank you for going out with him today. Yeosang mentioned he's been excited but everyone else is busy," Hongjoong said once Wooyoung was out of earshot.
"It's fine, I enjoy spending time with him," I said with a shrug.
"Oh, uh. That's, that's great," Hongjoong said with a smile.
"Don't need to sound so surprised," I said with a frown.
"I'm not, I'm just glad you're showing your true colours now. I always hated how much you would switch up when you were around others," Hongjoong said softly.
"I acted the same with you as I did with anyone else except Seonghwa," I said.
"No you didn't. You treated me carefully, like I was something fragile you had to protect," Hongjoong said with a grin. I rose an eyebrow in confusion. I was never that nice to Hongjoong. Sure I tolerated him but I never went out of my way to be nice.
"I think you're imagining things," I said slowly.
"No, I'm not. You may not have paid too much attention to it because you didn't want to admit it to yourself but you always looked out for me. I distinctively remember a few times that Hwa and I were studying and you let me fall asleep against your shoulder so he could keep studying. And that was when you weren't very into physical affection," Hongjoong said.
"I still don't like physical affection," I said with a shrug.
"Except when it's with Wooy-."
"I do it with Seonghwa as well," I cut in.
"I know, I was gonna say him as well. No need to get so defensive. Point is, you've always looked after me," Hongjoong said.
"Because Seonghwa loves you, which means you're someone I care for," I said with a sigh.
"Interesting. And have you always cared for me," Hongjoong asked, a small smile on his lips. I hesitated and glanced at Seonghwa who had his head tilted slightly and was watching me closely. I'm meant to be trying to change still, so why not be honest.
"I've always cared about you Hongjoong, you're an important part of Seonghwa's life and by extension mine. I don't know if you even realised it but um, you turned into a kind of parental figure to me, l-like Seonghwa. I never said anything but, it always made me happy when you would help me with schoolwork when we were younger, when you would encourage me. Made me feel like someone was proud of me," I said, my voice getting quieter at the end. My eyes instinctively shifted down, not wanting to see their reactions. I hadn't even told Seonghwa about how I felt during those years. I definitely didn't mention Hongjoong around my parents, but it got complicated sometimes. My parents are quite skilled in legilimency, so I always actively never let my thoughts drift to Hongjoong because I don't want to run the risk of them finding out. It was hard sometimes though because whenever I thought I was failing my parents, I would comfort myself by remembering the encouragement Hongjoong would give me. I never told anyone how much it meant to me.
"It made me feel good and helped me when I disappointed my parents," I added quietly. Neither of the two replied but a seconds later there was a body next to me and small arms wrapped around my body. I let out a breath and curled into the gold, wrapping my arms tightly around his body and burrowing my head into my neck. It felt weird to hug Hongjoong so openly, so easily after all this time but it felt nice. I would never have dreamed of hugging him like this, if it weren't for the hugs Seonghwa started to indulge me with.
"I'm glad I was able to help you all those years, even if it wasn't something you were comfortable showing," he said quietly. I let out a breath and tightened my hold on him.
"I'm sorry I was so horrible to you. You were always such a nice person and you never held it against me even when I was so rude to you all the time," I said. He really was. Hongjoong is a very gentle person and he's always been really sweet, even after all the times I would give him the cold shoulder.
"You've had a troubled upbringing San. I know you might not think you've gone through anything bad, not compared to someone like Wooyoung but your parents aren't good people. They have unrealistic expectations for you and are never encouraging. That's not how parents should be. Not only that but they force you to be someone your not and to uphold their ideologies even though you don't agree with them and you can't speak up about it. I've never blamed you Sannie, not once. Seonghwa's been my person for years, my best friend, of course I know what you two go through," Hongjoong said softly, running his fingers through my hair.
"It doesn't excuse it," I said sadly.
"To me it does. You were a kid, you still are a kid. Kids are easily influenced by their parents and it's hard to go against them," Hongjoong said.
"Maybe," I said quietly.
"Definitely. If we were switched places, I would have grown up doing the same thing," Hongjoong said as he pulled away to look at me properly.
"Seonghwa was in the same situation but he didn't act like I did," I pointed out.
"Yes I did. For ages I did Sannie." I glanced around to the other side to see Seonghwa sat beside me.
"I don't know how you've forgotten but I was an absolute shit the first couple of years. I was horrible to Hongjoong when we first met. I called him a filthy mudblood and I taunted him all of first year," Seonghwa said.
"I think the full quote was filthy little mudblood. You attacked my height a lot with your comments cos you couldn't think of anything better," Hongjoong said with a giggle while Seonghwa rolled his eyes.
"You were tiny, still are," Seonghwa mumbled.
"Wait, wait, wait, hold up," I said quickly, making them both turn their attention back to me.
"You used to call Hongjoong a mudblood," I asked Seonghwa.
"Yeah, I did. I called him that most of the first year until Hongjoong found me in the library one day and decided to sit next to me and help me with charms work. I was struggling a bit and he helped me despite how horrible I had been to him. We talked and I stopped calling him a mudblood, I found the term to be far too derogatory. I still teased him a bit for the next year before we truly became friends," Seonghwa explained.
"I never knew that," I said quietly. It's hard to believe that Seonghwa, who is so obviously in love with Hongjoong, used to be mean to him and call him a mudblood when he has always been so adamant about me not using that word with him.
"I tried to set a better example for you, but I always understood that it was something you felt you had to do for your mother and father and even if it upset me, I didn't want to take that away from you," Seonghwa told me.
"Well I'm glad I've finally come to my senses. I like the new friends we've made. Though if you tell them that, I will deny it straight away," I said, making them chuckle.
"Don't worry, your secret is safe with us," Hongjoong said.
"Anyway, you should probably head off to meet Wooyoung before he wonders where you've gone. Hongjoong and I have some homework we need to get to so we're going to head to the library," Seonghwa said. Right, Wooyoung might already be waiting for me.
"Alright. You two go have fun studying, but not too much fun," I said with a wink to Seonghwa who scowled at me. I jumped up before he could do anything worse and hurried from the hall, heading towards the entrance. It's so fun to tease Seonghwa, though I still do wish they would get their shit together. It's really annoying.
"There you are. I thought you'd left without me," Wooyoung said as I walked over quickly.
"Sorry, I got distracted," I said sheepishly.
"I see how it is, I'm down on the list of importance," he said, shaking his head with a frown. My stomach dropped and I was hit with the immediate urge to rectify his thinking.
"No, of course not. You're near the top of my list. I was just having a bit of a heart to heart with Hongjoong and Seonghwa," I said quickly.
"Oh, that's nice. Also I was joking, I don't mind," Wooyoung said with a soft smile. I like it so much better when he's smiling than frowning. He should be happy, not sad.
"Come on, let's get going before we miss out on everything," I said. He nodded and we left the castle, heading towards Hogsmede. It was a bit of a chilly day, one where we could see our breath as we were breathing. I glanced at Wooyoung and noticed he was shivering slightly, his hands tucked under his armpits for warmth. He was wearing a baby blue hoodie, which looks very much like Hongjoong's one and some grey sweatpants but it didn't seem to be helping him with the cold too much. I frowned, noticing that his teeth were also chattering. His cheeks and nose was also tinted pink from the cold which was kind of cute but it also meant he was quite cold. I quickly grabbed his hand to stop him, making him turn to me with a raised eyebrow.
"Everything ok," he asked.
"Yeah, you just look cold," I replied. I slipped my scarf from around my neck to instead wrap it around his, making sure it was tucked nicely.
"What about you? Now you're going to be cold," he said with a giggle.
"I'll live. I'd rather not see you get sick again from the cold," I said with a shrug.
"But it won't help at all if you get sick instead San. I can just go back and get my own scarf if it's an issue," Wooyoung said.
"No, that's fine," I replied, shaking my head.
"Stop being so stubborn," he said with a pout. My heart stuttered slightly, an odd warm feeling overtaking me as I looked at Wooyoung. He was pouting, with pink cheeks and a pink nose, all bundled up in my scarf.
"You keep going and I'll meet back up with you. I'll duck back to the castle and grab another scarf," I said.
"Is there a certain place you want to meet up," he asked me.
"I don't mind, wherever you want to go," I replied with a shrug.
"Perfect, I'll meet you at Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop," he said.
"M-Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop," I questioned slowly. It's a small shop located just off the High Street in Hogsmede and it absolutely vomit worthy. Not the treats and drinks, no they're actually quite nice. But the decorations are all pink and cutesy and it's a known spot for couples to go so you'll end up sitting down to eat or drink while watching people basically make out near you.
"Yeah, I love the brownies they make and I could do with a hot drink," he said. Right, that does make sense.
"Fine, I'll meet you there in a bit," I said with a sigh. It's not like I'll have to sit there for long, he'll most likely be almost finished by the time I get back. He nodded before continuing to walk down the path while I turned back the other way. I don't actually have another scarf but Seonghwa does and he's studying with Hongjoong in the library which means he won't be needing his. I'll just go to his room and steal it. It took a few minutes to get back to the castle but I hurried inside and headed towards the dungeons.
"San?" I paused and turned around to see Yunho behind me with a book in his hands.
"Aren't you supposed to be going with Youngie to Hogsmede today," he asked.
"Yeah, I'm just grabbing a scarf cos it's cold but I don't see how that has anything to do with you," I pointed out with a frown. He's a very nosy person and it's honestly really annoying.
"I was just asking, no need to be snippy," he said with a scoff.
"Yeah, whatever," I said, rolling my eyes as I continued on. When I got to the entrance, I gave the password of Pure-Blood and went inside. I hurried over to the seventh year dormitories but paused at the entrance. I frowned and scrunched up my nose as I heard giggles coming from inside. Seriously, it's the middle of the day. Sure, it is highly unlikely anyone would come back here before dinner on a Sunday, but still, it's in poor taste. I was about to turn around and leave, finding getting the scarf not worth it to see a lovey dovey couple but I froze as I heard a voice.
"We're supposed to be studying baby, isn't that what you told Sannie." My eyes widened and I glanced at the door. That was Hongjoong's voice.
"I know but this is so much more fun than studying. We've both been working hard lately and we deserve a break and I just so happen to miss my boyfriend." My heart stopped as I recognised the second voice. I mean it would be the only explanation for Hongjoong being in the Slytherin rooms but still, hearing Seonghwa's voice made it more real. Boyfriend? Seonghwa said he didn't like Hongjoong in that way, that they weren't together. He's been telling me for ages that they aren't together. He told me just this morning and now they're suddenly boyfriends? That's not right though, it isn't suddenly, they would've had to be together for a while now. He said he was missing his boyfriend, which means they've been together fo-."
"I love you."
"I love you too baby," Seonghwa replied and I heard what I could only assume is the sound of kissing. My heart broke as I heard their words. It was words that I have wanted Seonghwa to utter for ages but hearing them now, it didn't bring me any joy. Seonghwa is my brother, the person I have trusted with everything my entire life, my deepest secrets. How could he lie to me about something like this? Why would he lie to me? How long has he kept this hidden from me, actively. He's been so adamant that there's nothing going on when actually they're making out and apparently together. It stung, to know the person I used to trust with anything, didn't reciprocate those feelings.
I turned away from the door and left quickly, my thoughts racing. My eyes watery slightly but I refused to let any tears fall, taking deep breaths to try and calm myself down. My body was on autopilot, walking out of the castle and towards Hogsmede. I didn't even recognise the cold, nor the time it took for me to get to the Tea Shop. I went inside and glanced around, finding Wooyoung seated at a table in the corner. There weren't too many other people in there and Wooyoung seemed to have chosen the seat furthest away from everyone which was better than nothing. I seriously don't feel like watching that, especially after what I just heard. I walked over and sat down, my mind still pretty out of it.
"-an, San." I jolted and glanced up to see Wooyoung watching me with a frown.
"You ok? I was calling your name and you didn't answer," he said.
"Sorry, I was a little distracted. What were you saying," I said quickly.
"Nothing. But where's the scarf, weren't you going back to get it," he asked me with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh, right. Yeah no, I couldn't find it," I said absentmindedly.
"Are you sure you're ok? You look a little out of it," he said with a frown. I glanced at him again, seeing the concern in his eyes. If I'm going to talk about it with anyone, my best bet would be Wooyoung.
"Seonghwa and Hongjoong are together," I said quietly. I watched as his face lit up, a smile slipping onto it. See that is how I would have been if I didn't realise Seonghwa had been hiding it from me for who knows how long. Wooyoung probably wouldn't be too happy about him hiding it either, or Hongjoong.
"He finally told you, that's great," Wooyoung said.
"Yea-wait, what," I asked in confusion as his words registered in my mind.
"I hated having to keep it a secret from you, I wanted someone to be able to gossip with. How cute are they, aren't they just adorable," Wooyoung said happily. I froze, not knowing what to do or say. Seonghwa told Wooyoung? He told Wooyoung but he didn't tell me? How many other people has he told? Is it just me he won't tell? Why wouldn't he trust me? And having to keep it a secret? Did Seonghwa tell Wooyoung not to tell me? Why wouldn't Wooyoung tell me anyway, I've talked about them before? How long has he known!?
"-ute. I mean sure it's a bit of a shock to see them kissing but oh my god, Hongjoong calls Seonghwa baby and it's adorable. Oh an-."
"How long have you known," I asked, cutting Wooyoung off.
"Huh," he said in confusion.
"How long have you known about Seonghwa and Hongjoong," I repeated.
"Oh uh, since around early November I think," he said slowly. November? It's February now, that's three months. He's been dating Hongjoong for at least three months and told Wooyoung about it but lied to me all the time about it. And Wooyoung has been lying to me about it as well.
"But Se-." I didn't even let him finish what he was saying, I just stood up and quickly left the shop. My heart was pounding and I felt my sadness turn into anger. They're supposed to be my friends but friends don't lie to you for months, not about something like this. What did he think I was going to do? Tell our parents, berate him? I have been supporting him for ages and yet he still chose to lie to me.
"SAN. SAN WAIT." I didn't listen to Wooyoung, I just continued walking down the street and onto the path that lead back to the castle.
"SAN," Wooyoung called out again. I turned to him but didn't stop walking. I don't want to be anywhere him right now.
"Don't come near me," I spat at him angrily. I saw surprise flash on his face as he faltered but I turned back and continued walking. After a few more seconds, I felt a hand enclose around me wrist and tug.
"Stay the fuck away from me Jung," I yelled as I spun around, using both hand to shove Wooyoung away. He stumbled and tripped over, landing on the ground. His eyes were wide and looked a little misty but I didn't care.
"San I don't...what did I do wrong," he rushed out quickly. My eyes landed on my scarf and I reached forward, grabbing it and yanking it off him. The force of it caused him to be tugged forward slightly before it came free and he caught himself on his hands as he fell.
"Ow Sannie," he mumbled, rubbing his neck. Part of me felt bad, thinking I may have hurt him but then I remembered what he had done.
"I don't want a filthy blood traitor hanging around me," I spat, seeing his face drop. It hurt me to say those words but I couldn't have him anywhere near me and this is the only way I know how to stop that. I turned around once again, leaving him on the ground as I stormed back to the castle. My chest was heaving as I walking into the castle, trying to make sense of my emotions and settle down. Two of the people I thought I was closest to betrayed my trust. Not only that, but they clearly didn't trust me.
"Oh San, I've been looking for you." I tried to keep on walking but wasn't able to as he stepped in front of me.
"I want to talk to yo-."
"Not right now Mingi, I'm not in the mood," I said with a sigh. I really just wanted to yell and punch something but Mingi isn't involved with this so I shouldn't take it on him. Plus pretty much everyone likes Mingi so if I upset him badly, I'd probably get a hit put out on me.
"Oh, are you ok," he asked.
"Yeah I'm fine, I just want to be alone right now," I said with a frown.
"You don't look fine now that I think about it. You look upset," Mingi said.
"I'm fine. I ju-."
"Do you want a hug." I paused and glanced up at Mingi who had a look of concern on his face as he watched me.
"What," I questioned in confusion.
"Do you want a hug? You look like you need one," he said. I frowned angrily and stepped back.
"I do not need a hug," I said quickly.
"Please don't kill me but you look like you're struggling not to cry and I don't like seeing people sad so if you want I hug, I can give you one," Mingi rushed out quickly. I what? Sure I did kind of want to cry. Who wouldn't when the people they care about most hurt them. But still, I thought I was hiding it a bit better than that.
"I um, I don't need a hug," I said quietly, deflating a little.
"Ok. But do you want one? I've been told that I give the worlds greatest hugs," Mingi said, flashing me a small smile as he held out his arms. I hesitated, glancing around the halls but they were empty, most people either out at Hogsmede or somewhere studying. Mingi just continued to stand there waiting and I felt my resolve begin to break. At the start of the year I wouldn't even consider it but I've felt how comforting a hug can be, I've been on the giving and receiving end and now that I know that feeling, it not something I can easily forget. I took a step forwards, hesitating for another second before finally giving in. I moved into his arms and they wrapped around me instantly. His hug was firm, a lot different from Wooyoung and even Seonghwa's but maybe that's because he's a bigger person. He rubbed his hand up and down my back as I let go of some of the tension in my body. My eyes welled up and a few tears finally spilled over but I remained quiet, just soaking up the little bit of comfort. I felt a bit embarrassed given that I'm not really friends with Mingi but it also felt nice and I knew it was something I needed. I allowed myself to hug him for about twenty seconds before I pulled back. I sniffled and wiped my eyes quickly, ducking my head down so he wouldn't see.
"Will you be ok," Mingi asked me.
"Yeah, I'll be fine. Thank you for the hug, it was nice," I said quietly.
"Anytime. Just look after yourself," Mingi replied. I gave him a small nod before continuing to walk down the hall. The anger had completely left me at this point and was instead replaced once again with sadness. I just don't understand it. Why would he do this? I trust Seonghwa with everything, I thought he did as well. I made it back to the common room and immediately headed to my dorm. I ripped off my hoodie and chucked it on top of my trunk, placing my wand on my bedside table before climbing into bed. It was still only the middle of the day but I didn't feel like going and doing anything, I didn't have the energy. I just laid down on my bed and faced the wall, letting the tears finally fall. I curled up slightly and turned my head to the side, burying it in my pillow to hide the quiet sobs I let out. The last thing I want is for someone to come in and see me like this.
I don't know how long I spent like that, curled up crying and wallowing in my misery. I was abruptly pulled from it as the door to the room slammed open and I sat up in confusion. I glanced to the doorway and frowned instantly as I saw who it was.
"You're crying, shit." I scoffed and felt the earlier anger start bubbling up inside of me again as I continued to look at Seonghwa.
"San, I'm so-."
"Get out," I said, cutting him off.
"Sannie please listen," Seonghwa said quickly as he stepped inside. I rolled off my bed, further away from him and shook my head.
"Get out," I repeated angrily.
"Just let me explain-."
"There's nothing to explain, now get the hell away from me," I spat. I could see his face drop and usually it would worry me but now it only angered me more. He wasn't the person wronged here, he doesn't get to act like he's been hurt.
"It's not what it think it i-."
"I DON'T CARE. GET. OUT," I yelled. Seonghwa still didn't move so I strode forwards, grabbing my wand and raising it to point at Seonghwa whose eyes widened.
"Sannie please," Seonghwa said, his voice a little shaky. I faltered slightly as I saw the tears that started to fall down his face.
"Just let me explain. Hongj-."
"I don't give a shit about that little mudblood, I just want you to leave me alone so get out," I said heatedly.
"Y-You don't mean that," Seonghwa said quietly.
"I do. Now leave," I said, tightening my grip on my wand. I was doing everything I could to keep my hand from shaking. My resolve was beginning to break and I desperately needed Seonghwa to leave soon. There was no way I could ever hurt Seonghwa and no matter how badly he hurt me, I would never want him harmed. He's my favourite person in the world and he forever will be.
"I love you, and I will be here to talk when you want to but don't ever talk about Hongjoong like that again, do you understand me," Seonghwa said. What? Is he seriously taking that so seriously and making it a big issue. Why is he getting angry at that after what we talked about this morning. Can't he see I'm hurting or has he already replaced me? My arm dropped and my eyes welled up with tears as I took a step back.
"Please go Seonghwa, please," I begged, trying desperately to hold back the sobs but they slipped out.
"God, San, I didn't want to make things worse. Please, I just-."
"Please leave Hwa, I'm begging you. Pl-Pease go, I don't want to be n-near you right now," I said.
"Please, this is just hurting me more," I sobbed out.
"Ok, ok, I'll g-go. But please just know I have an explanation and I never meant to hurt you, I didn't want you to find out like that. I'll be here when you're ready to talk," Seonghwa said before finally leaving the room. Once the door was closed again, my knees felt weak and I only just managed to stumble to my bed before collapsing into it. The sobs came freely then and there was no way I would be able to muffle them. My chest was heaving with every sob and I curled up tightly, tucking my blanket over my body. It felt like the temperature in the room had dropped, leaving me shivering.
It's so cold.
Here is Chapter 23 everyone, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. This has officially surpassed Family Doesn't Require Blood as my longest fic
Poor Sannie is feeling betrayed by everyone but it's just a misunderstanding. And I know some people may think he's overreacting but just remember, Seonghwa has been more like a father figure to him growing up and is the person he is closest to and trusts the most in the world. He isn't upset he was never told (maybe kind of), the main thing he is upset by is the fact it was actively hidden from him and he was lied to which makes him feel like Seonghwa doesn't trust him
Anyway, let me know your favourite parts of this chapter :)
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