Chapter 22: Sunday 15th of January
Wooyoung's POV
I woke up with a warmth against my side, curled around me but there was still this emptiness inside me. I peeled my eyes open slowly and turned my head to the side to see Yunho spooning me from behind, his eyes closed as he slept peacefully. I glanced around at the surroundings and sighed as I realised I was once again in the Medical Wing. Great. I shifted around slowly, trying to get myself out of Yunho's grip without waking him but it proved to be useless as he stirred almost instantly. He sat up quickly and shook his head to orientate himself, brushing his hair back before he looked at me.
"Good morning," he said quietly and I flashed him a nervous smile.
"Hey," I said quietly, preparing myself for the lecture that was to come.
"You've got to stop doing this Wooyoung, it isn't healthy," Yunho said and I frowned.
"I'm not doing anything," I said with a shrug.
"Woo, you're barely eating. This is the third time in the past two weeks you've passed out and ended up in the Medical Wing because you aren't looking after yourself properly," Yunho said and I sighed.
"I'm fine Yunnie," I said, turning away from him. I don't like getting scolded when I'm not even doing anything wrong, it makes me uncomfortable.
"Look, I get it Wooyoung, I do. What happened to San shook you, hell it shook the rest of us as well. But you can't just shut down and not take care of yourself. When San comes back, how do you think he will feel if you're all skin and bone and look like death on legs," Yunho said, making me frown.
"If he comes back," I said quietly.
"He's coming back Wooyoung, it should be soon as well. He woke up a couple of days ago and Seonghwa said he was recovering well. Don't you want to be healthy so you can help him when he's back," Yunho said softly and I just shrugged.
"Like I said Yunho, I'm fine," I said.
"You aren't fine Wooyoung. You're passing out and losing weight. Weight you barely even had in the first place," Yunho said, making me roll my eyes. I sighed and laid back down, letting my eyes slip closed.
"I'm tired so if you want to keep bothering me, you can leave. If not, you can cuddle some more," I said quietly. I heard Yunho sigh but he laid back down and his arms wrapped around me once again. It was quite for a few minutes before Yunho shifted slightly. I wasn't sure if he was going to try and talk again so I quickly pretended I was asleep. I felt him gently run his fingers through my hair and I relaxed involuntarily.
"You're scaring me Woo. Please just hang in there and don't lose yourself. I know it's been hard with everything that's going on but we're here for you. I just wish you would ask lean on us for support," Yunho said quietly, his thumb gently soothing over my forehead. He sighed and cuddled closer, hugging me tighter and tucking his head into the crook of my neck.
"He's going to be ok and so are you," Yunho whispered. I squeezed my eyes closed tighter and willed myself to fall back asleep, not wanting to think about what was being said.
"Come on, he needs to wake up now."
"Let him rest, he hasn't been sleeping enough lately."
"He hasn't been doing anything he's been supposed to be doing lately. He hasn't been living."
"Why? How did it get so bad." My heartbeat quickened and I snapped my eyes open instantly. There were arms wrapped around my waist but I shrugged them off quickly as I sat up. My eyes scanned the room and my heart skipped a beat as they landed on the person I had been missing for the past two weeks. I jumped out of bed and tried to rush to him but my legs gave out almost instantly and I went crashing to the ground, hearing everyone call out for me.
"Woo." My head was lifted up and my eyes met Yeosang's worried ones.
"Are you ok," he asked quickly and I shook my head.
"San," I whispered, looking around again.
"Let's get you back into bed first ok. You don't have much strength right now," Yeosang said.
"I'm ok," I said quickly.
"I know, now come on," he said helping me up. I didn't really want to but I was too weak to do anything so I allowed him to guide me back to the bed as my eyes welled up with tears. The last time I had seen San, he was unconscious and covered in blood. He looked like he was dead. As soon as I was in bed, I went looking again but I didn't have to look very far.
"Hey," San said quietly as he stepped up to the bed. My hands shot out and I grabbed his arm, yanking him as hard as I could to get him closer. I didn't pull very hard but he moved easily and allowed me to wrap my arms around him. He was a little tense but slowly relaxed as I held him tightly. Before I could stop myself, the tears were falling and I let out a sob, clutching tightly to the back of San's robes.
"I'm ok," San whispered softly and it only made me cry harder.
"There you go, get it all out," Yunho said and I felt him rubbing my back softly. I felt San's arms come up to wrap around my waist and hold me firmly. He was ok. Yunho and the others had told me he was going to be ok but no one saw him in the state I did. I was not going to believe he was ok until I saw it with my own eyes.
"Y-You're o-ok," I sobbed out, my hand shaking slightly from the exertion of clutching his robes so tightly.
"Yeah, I'm ok. Didn't someone tell you? I've just been getting some checkups and monitoring the past couple of days. Did none of you tell him," San said quickly.
"No, we told him. I think after what he saw, he just needed to see it with his own eyes. There was going to be no way we could convince him you were ok," Yunho said. I sobbed out again and tucked my head into San's neck, feeling him jolt slightly but hold me closer.
"Well I'm ok Wooyoung, really. The worst of it was healed in a few days and they just kept me asleep so my body could recover a bit better," San explained. I took a shaky breath to try and calm down a little before pulling back to look at San.
"Y-You looked d-dead," I whimpered, remembering him laying on the bed in the medical wing with blood all over him.
"What do you mean," San asked with a concerned frown.
"Wait. Wooyoung, did you see San when he was hurt? You told everyone you were asleep and didn't notice anything when we were trying to figure out what happened," Seonghwa said, stepping up beside San. I tensed slightly and San tugged me closer.
"No one told me you saw what happened," San said worriedly.
"Because he never told us he did. No wonder he's been so upset about it. I would've been distraught if I saw you in that kind of state. The staff at St Mungo's explained to me what happened," Seonghwa said with a frown. San frowned as well and glanced back to me before surprising me by leaning down and resting his forehead against mine. I let out a breath and curled closer to him.
"I'm sorry you had to see that," San said quietly.
"You were covered in blood San, you looked dead," I said, shivering slightly.
"What actually happened? All we've heard is that you and Juyeon got into a fight, not what actually happened," Yeosang said. San sighed and rubbed my back gently.
"He's been suspended the pa-."
"No, he's been expelled. They had to wait for me to wake up to get a statement but the Headmaster came to the ultimate decision that what Juyeon did was far too dangerous. Plus he attack someone who did even have their wand out," San said with a shrug.
"Wait, I thought you two were duelling," Mingi said.
"No, we weren't. I knew if I goaded him enough, he would attack me even if it was in the middle of the day with people around," San explained. I froze and my eyes widened as I thought about what he said.
"Are you saying you deliberately made Juyeon attack you," Hongjoong asked quickly. San sighed and rolled his eyes.
"San this is a serious matter, he almost killed you," Seonghwa said with a frown.
"Yeah and I'm not the first person he's done that to. He was the one who almost killed Hongjoong and he's the person who has been trying to make Wooyoung's life a living hell the entire year," San said with a frown. Wait, Juyeon was the one who hurt Hongjoong that one time?
"But you deliberately got yourself hurt to what? Seriously, what was the point," Yunho asked with a frown. San's hand came up to gently run his fingers through the hair at the base of my neck.
"To make sure Wooyoung wouldn't have to see the person who tried to basically rape him, every day, so he wouldn't feel terrified all the time. And also so Juyeon wouldn't go around and continue hurting people," San said with a frown.
"San," I whispered, my heart breaking at the thought that I was the reason he ended up that hurt.
"It was my decision Wooyoung, it didn't just have to do with you. Juyeon has been taunting and bullying muggle-borns for years, he's not a good person. Someone had to do something at some point," San said, shaking his head.
"That was stupid San," Seonghwa said quietly and San frowned.
"Are you saying if Juyeon tried to pull that shit on Hongjoong, you wouldn't want to protect him, to make sure he doesn't have to be harassed by the asshole that hurt him every day? Or is it different because it's Wooyoung and you don't give a shit about him," San asked angrily. My eyes widened at his words and I glanced at the eldest to see him frowning angrily.
"San, I get you're frustrated right now, but that doesn't give you the right to be a dick. We were all upset about what happened to Wooyoung, I was even the first person he found for safety. But you are my brother, and I am allowed to be concerned about the fact that you put yourself in harm's way and got hurt so badly that you were sent to St Mungo's for almost 2 weeks," Seonghwa said, his voice kept scarily even.
"I'd do it again," San said quietly, turning so his back was to Seonghwa and I could see his face.. His eyes were narrowed, lips pressed tightly together as he seemed to be trying to compose himself. It wasn't a look I enjoyed seeing on him so I raised my hand and gently pressed my palm against his cheek, making his eyes widen and snap up to meet mine.
"Thank you," I said softly, hoping to lift his mood. His frown only deepened and he grabbed my hand, pulling it down from his face to rest on the bed.
"I'm fine now Seonghwa. They patched me right up and all I have is a little scar on the side of my chest which won't kill me," San said.
"Not only that but Juyeon is expelled, he's gone from here. He can't bother Wooyoung, or Hongjoong, or anyone else," San added. Seonghwa sighed and walked over, placing his hand on San's shoulder while the younger looked down.
"I said it was stupid. I didn't say I wouldn't have done the same thing if I had the chance," Seonghwa said quietly. It still shocks me just how different those two are to what I've thought for years. I never would have thought either of them, let alone San, would put themselves in harms way to protect me. The door to Madame Promfrey's office suddenly opened and she stepped out.
"What are you boys still doing here? You've been hanging in this room for hours when it's sunny outside. Go and get some fresh air, Mr Jung won't pass out again and if he does, he's still in bed so he won't get hurt," she said.
"Do we have -."
"Yes, you have to. Now chop, chop, I can't have eight boys clogging up the Medical Wing when they don't need to be here," Madame Promfrey cut in. The others grumbled but started to get up to leave, except for San who didn't move.
"Can San stay? He hasn't been here long and he only just got back, he might need to have a checkup or something," I asked quickly, making everyone pause and glance over.
"Fine, but everyone else out," Madame Promfrey said sternly.
"Thanks for stopping by guys," I said, giving them a little wave.
"Just look after yourself Youngie, we'll see you tonight," Yeosang said as the others all left.
"Rest properly. I'll check in with you in a couple of house," Madame Promfrey said before heading back to the office, leaving me alone with San. I glanced up at him to see he was still looking at the ground, then my eyes drifted down to our hands with our fingers linked together. My cheeks heated up slightly and I cursed myself as I felt my heart skip a beat. I shouldn't do this, not again. This isn't happening.
"How're you feeling, really," San asked quietly, finally lifting his head to look at me.
"I'm fine," I said with a shrug. I felt his hand squeeze mine tighter as he stepped closer to the bed.
"Yunho said you've passed out three times in the past two weeks. That doesn't sound fine to me," he said and I sighed.
"It's fine San, seriously. I just haven't been that hungry lately and I dunno, I felt a little down but I'm perfectly fine now. Yunho shouldn't have told you anything," I said with a sigh.
"If he didn't, someone else would have. Why haven't you been taking care of yourself. And the truth," San said softly.
"Look, if you're going to interrogate me, at least give me some cuddles while you do it," I said with a frown.
"Oh, uh, ok," he said awkwardly and I giggled at his cu-. I cleared my throat quickly and sat up slowly, letting go of his hand and shifting to the side to give San the room to lay down. He climbed onto the bed quickly and laid down, slipping his legs under the blanket. I moved closer and laid my head against his chest. He tensed slightly before relaxing just as quickly and I remembered his injury.
"Sorry, did that hurt," I said quickly, trying to lift my head but he stopped me.
"No, you're fine," he said, running his fingers through my hair softly. I relaxed back against his chest and let my eyes slip closed.
"So, interrogation time," he said quietly and I chuckled lightly.
"You scared me, a lot. I didn't actually see you at first, I just heard Madame Promfrey and Professor McGonagall talking. They were talking about how vile it was for Juyeon to have done that, to put you in the state that you were in. I didn't know they were talking about you to begin with, not until they mentioned your parents. The curtain was closed so I pulled it back and there you were, covered in blood and pale as a ghost. Your eyes were closed and I couldn't see your chest moving. There was so much blood that I couldn't even figure out where it was coming from. You looked dead Sannie," I whispered, lifting my head to look up at him. He glanced down at me, his eyes sharp as his eyebrow furrowed. I jolted slightly as I felt his hand cup my face but quickly realised he was brushing away my tears that I didn't even know were falling down my face. I hesitated for a second before pushing myself up a little bit and wrapping my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly while I buried my face into his shoulder. His arms came to wrap around my waist to hug me back.
"I thought you were dead," I cried, my chest heaving as I fought for breath, my breathing quickening.
"It's ok darling, I'm not even hurt anymore," San said softly. I choked on an inhale, trying to calm myself down.
"Youngie, you're working yourself into a panic attack," San said and I could hear the worry in his voice. I tried to slow my breathing but it was easier said than done. I shifted my head, pressing it into further into his shoulder and nuzzling against his neck. San's grip around me tightened. I thought back to the last panic attack I had. It was with San in the broom closest and he calmed me down by making me match his heartbeat. I trailed my hand up his chest, fiddling around blindly until I reached the top of his robes before quickly slipping my hand under to rest over his heart. His skin was warm and I felt how he flinched slightly, most likely at the coldness from my hand. I placed my palm flat over his chest and quickly felt the steady thrumming of his heartbeat. I furrowed my eyebrows as I noticed how quickly his heart was beating. If anything it was beating as fast as mine, his chest rising and falling quickly beneath my hand.
"Y-You ok," I choked out.
"Hm, yeah I'm fine. You're the one having a panic attack," San said quickly. I frowned and tilted my head down slightly so it was still tucked against his neck but I could see his chest and my hand, watching it curiously.
"Your heart is racing," I pointed out.
"Yeah, I could be getting sick," he said quietly. Sick? I sniffled and sat up slightly, still watching the rise and fall of his chest, rubbing my thumb over his skin gently. I felt the way his heart skipped a beat and tilted my head curiously.
"You get sick a lot with me," I said slowly.
"What," San asked and I turned to look at him, seeing his cheeks were tinted red.
"Your cheeks are red," I pointed out and he sat up quickly, my hand slipping from his chest. He placed his palms against his cheeks and frowned.
"I must be getting sick," he said. That's interesting.
"Do you often feel sick around me? The flushed cheeks and increased heart rate," I asked.
"What," he asked, glancing at me.
"Does your heart race and your cheeks heat up when you're with me a lot," I asked him.
"Uh, s-sometimes but I'm, it's just sickness," he stuttered out. Oh my god. My eyes widened and I went to move closer but paused. San has said he isn't used to physical touch and attention, that he doesn't always feel comfortable with it.
"Is it ok if I touch you," I asked him.
"Wh-what," he stuttered.
"Would you be comfortable if I got closer to you," I asked.
"Uh, sure. I mean we've been cuddling and stuff, you've sat in my lap before," San said with a shrug.
"Can I do that again," I asked him.
"Which part," he asked.
"The last part," I replied. He was quiet for a few seconds before nodding.
"Yeah, that's fine," he said quietly. I could tell from his voice that he seemed confused but I wanted to test a theory. I slipped my wand from my pocket and quietly muttered a spell to draw the curtain around the bed before I climbed up into his lap and sat down. I looked at him closely, running my eyes over his face to see if there were any changes. His blush remained and I noticed he was looking anywhere but my face. It can't be what I think it is right? There's no way. I reached out and grab his chin, turning his head so he was facing me.
"Tell me to stop and I will," I whispered. His eyebrows furrowed but he nodded slowly. I waited another couple of seconds before I begun to slowly lean forwards. I felt San's hands snap up to grab my hips but he didn't push me away, he just held them there. I continued leaning forwards until our faces were only a breath away before I paused. I could hear the quick breaths coming from him and felt how tight his grip got on my hips but he still didn't push me away.
I could kiss him right now. All I need to do is lean forwards another centimetre or two and I could kiss him. But I don't want to, I shouldn't. I don't like him like that anymore, he's just a friend. Plus, he doesn't even seem to realise he might have feelings, or at least he doesn't understand it. It wouldn't be right. I let out a small breath and leaned to the left, pressing a kiss to his cheek before leaning back.
"I'm tired. Do you want to have a nap with me," I said as I shifted to lay down on top of him, resting my head down on his shoulder.
"Wh-what. O-oh, s-sure," he stuttered out. I let my eyes slip closed and I nuzzled closer in his hold. He shifted at that, turning onto his side and making me fall onto the bed beside him. I was slightly disheartened but San immediately wrapped his arms around me and tugged me even closer, tucking my head under his chin. I smiled softly and cuddled closer, letting out a breath to relax.
"Sleep well Youngie," he whispered. There was the soft press of lips against my forehead and I squeezed my eyes closed tighter as I tried to ignore the skip in my heart.
Here is Chapter 22 everyone, I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for reading.
Let me know what your favourite parts in this chapter were.
Let me know if there's anything you wish to see in future chapters
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