Chapter 21: Thursday 5th of January
Wooyoung's POV
"Ugh, that was the most boring class ever. Why can't we just get to do practical work all the time? I had theory," Mingi moaned as we walked out of the transfiguration room. I agree, theory work is just boring.
"Because we need to read up and learn about thing before doing them. If we just steamrolled through everything without taking the time to learn it properly, it would cause a lot of disasters," Yunho said, lightly whacking the back of Mingi's head.
"Of course you don't care. You barely pay attention to theory classes, you just bank on me having all of the notes. I'm like your personal slave," Mingi said with a frown, making me chuckle.
"And for that I am eternally grateful. You protect me from disasters," Yunho said with a sigh as he flung his arm around Mingi's shoulders. I heard Mingi grumble under his breath but he didn't shurg Yunho off.
"Hey, do you guys want to eat outside today? It's really nice outside and I wouldn't mind some fresh air," Yunho said.
"Sounds good to me," I said with a nod.
"We can head to the Great Hall, get the others and some food and then head out," Mingi said. I glanced behind us as we walked, noting the other people heading for lunch but I continued to search until I found who I was looking for.
"I'll meet you guys outside," I said, patting Yunho's shoulder as I hurried back.
"Hey," I said, smiling softly.
"Hey," San replied, giving me a small smile back.
"Uh, Yunho just organised for all of us to eat outside for lunch, do you and Seonghwa want to join," I asked him. San was quiet for a second before nodding.
"I'm sure Hwa won't mind. He'll probably be all lovey dovey with Hongjoong," San said with a shrug.
"Those two are cute together," I said, making him scoff slightly.
"Yeah, if only they'd actually get their shit together and tell each other they're completely in love," he said rolling his eyes. It hurt me to keep something so important from San, especially when it has to do with Seonghwa who is practically his brother, but they didn't want anyone knowing and I'm not going to expose that.
"Did you need to go anywhere or are we fine to just head straight outside? Mingi and Yunho have gone to get the others and some food," I said.
"I might need to go and get Seonghwa," San said.
"I think they will get him as well. Or at least Hongjoong would make him come along, probably assume you were with me," I said. San glanced down at me as we walked, an odd look on his face before he looked away.
"Yeah, probably," he said with a sigh. I frowned slightly at that, noting what sounded like disappointment in his words.
"Does that bother you," I asked quietly, making his head snap down to look at me.
"What? Of course not. No, it's just if someone told me at the start of the year that people would automatically believe I was somewhere with you, I would have thought they were stupid," San said quickly. Right, makes sense. I would honestly think the same thing at the beginning of the year.
"I'm glad that's changed," I said quietly.
"Yeah, me too," San replied instantly. We continued walking outside and I guided San over to a large tree a couple of minute walk from the castle. It's not often that my friends and I eat outside but when we do, we always go to this tree. I sat down quickly before glancing up at San who just continued to stand there.
"You going to sit down," I asked him with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh, right," he said quickly sitting down beside me. I shuffled closer to him and flopped my head down on his shoulder. I felt him tense and was going to pull back but he relaxed after a second.
"How're you feeling," he asked me gently.
"Fine I guess. I haven't seen Juyeon yet so that's been good but I have no idea how I will react when I do come across him again," I said with a sigh. San hummed before his hand slipped in to mine and I clutched it gratefully.
"It's odd that he hasn't been in class but he may be sick or something. Bastard deserves it," San said with a frown.
"San, I don't want to see him again," I whispered, squeezing his hand. San sighed and wrapped his free arm around my shoulder, hugging me gently.
"I know. And I wish there was something I could do to stop that from happening but I can't and that kills me," he said huffing in frustration. Hearing him care for me so much made me happy. Sure, I don't want him upset about things but he's upset on my behalf, because he cares about me. I glanced up at him to see he was looking out across the grounds with a frown on his face.
"Thank you, for caring about me," I said quietly. He glanced down at me and his face softened slightly.
"Thank yourself for making me care," he said, giving my hand a light squeeze. My heart fluttered in my chest at his soft tone and my eyes scanned over his face. I was hit with a sudden urge and before I could stop myself, I leant forwards and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. It was a bit too close to the corner of his lips and as soon as I did it I started to panic as he gasped. However a second later he ducked down and hurriedly pressed a kiss to my cheek as well, making my face break out with a smile. I rested my head back down and huddled closer to his side, my hand moving to fiddle with the string of his robes while we waited for the others.
"Food and friends are here," Yunho called out as he and the others walked up with a few different containers filled with food. Jongho was also with them and I jumped up happily.
"Baby Bear," I yelled running over and launching myself at him. Jongho yelped but he caught me as I wrapped my arms and legs around his body, clinging onto him.
"Get off me," he groaned but I giggled and continued to cling to him, hearing chuckles from around us. Jongho grumbled some more before his hands came up to my sides and he pressed his fingers in, making me let go of him to get away and fall to the ground with a grunt onto my back. I was going to giggle at the scenario but was cut off before I could.
"What the fuck! He could have gotten hurt."
I shot up quickly and turned to San who had also stood up and stepped closer to Jongho, a look of anger in his eyes.
"Woah, woah, Sannie. San it's just a joke, we were playing around," I said quickly as I placed a hand on his chest to stop him.
"It's not a joke if someone gets hurt. You can't just throw someone to the ground like that. He landed on his back, that could have hurt him," San said. I appreciate him defending me, but this isn't going to end well.
"San get a grip, it isn't that big of a deal," Yunho said with a frown.
"Don't worry Jongho, San's just being a dick, you were fine. Trust me, San has hurt Wooyoung a whole lot more than that before," Yunho added and I cringed. Yunho was just defending Jongho but his words clearly struck a nerve with San and by extension, Seonghwa.
"Seriously Yunho? We're going down that path again? I think San has more than made up for the previous issues they both have. And might I remind you the key thing of both. They both were assholes to each other. I don't get why you're annoyed that San is sticking up for him even if it wasn't that big of a deal," Seonghwa said in annoyance.
"What, am I wrong? You guys can't just come here and think you know our dynamics when you're the ones that chose not to be friends with anyone. Wooyoung and Jongho do this all the time and San does not have the right to yell at Jongho for it," Yunho said.
"Yunnie, I appreciate it but San was just-."
"I'm not doing it for you Woo, not everything is about you all the time. Jongho does not deserve to be yelled at over nothing," Yunho said angrily as he cut me off. I flinched back slightly and remained quiet, not wanting to set anyone off more.
"Don't yell at him Yunho," Yeosang said quickly.
"Let's just stop yelling at everyone. Yunho was just sticking up for me," Jongho said.
"By having a go at San and bringing up old incidents that we are way past at this point. You were fine yesterday so stop switching and make a choice. Do you hate San or do you not care because you can't pick and choose each day," Seonghwa said. I glanced up at San to see he was now watching Yunho angrily but he was keeping quiet.
"You're blaming me for this? Why are yo-." Everything else people were saying were blocked out from me as my eyes landed on a familiar face in a small group of people across the grounds. My throat closed up and everything went quiet but the sound of my heart pounding in my ears. I glanced at the others but they were all still arguing and I couldn't find my voice. I felt San move against my hand I stumbled back slightly, not having the strength to hold him back as my eyes scanned back over to the small group.
Juyeon met my eyes and he smirked, waving to me and my stomach churned, bile rising to my throat as the memories came back. It all happened so quickly and I was bending over, vomiting onto the grass as my ears unblocked and the sound came back.
"Wooyoung!" I dropped to my knees and heaved again, feeling hands rest on my back. Only a small amount of vomit came out this time and my stomach clenched tightly in pain. I heaved again painfully as nothing came out but it burned my throat.
"There, there, get it all out."
"Is he sick or did he eat something bad." I let out a sob and shook my head, feeling tears trail down my face. My stomach spasmed slightly and I groaned, wrapping an arm around it.
"Wait, do you think I actually did hurt him? Maybe he hit his head and got a concussion." I lifted my head up and tried to reply to Jongho but nothing came out other than a sob.
"I don't think he's even eaten enough to be throwing it up." I knew I shouldn't but I couldn't stop myself from looking out across the grounds again and my eyes landed on the group of Slytherins laughing together. Juyeon was still watching with a smirk on his face and I let out a sob as I looked away quickly. The hands that were touching me suddenly felt uncomfortable and invasive so I quickly shook them off.
"Hey, yo-."
"DON'T TOUCH ME," I spat out, finally managing to find my voice as I shoved away another hand that tried to touch me. It felt pathetic, that I was breaking down like this just at the mere sight of him. I was breaking down in front of him, showing that he was getting to me but I couldn't help it.
"What's going on? Woo, can you talk to us." I dropped my head down to the ground, shaking my head and trying to block out the voice, my breathing coming in sharp pants. I remembered what happened in the locker room. I remembered getting forced to my knees, the hands gripping my hair tightly. They weren't safe. No one is safe. I lifted my head up, body shaking in fear as I saw all the people huddled around me. Were they just waiting for the moment they could try and do something to me? Is that why they were there? I saw someone's mouth moving, their eyebrows furrowed in anger but I couldn't make out what was saying. Someone stepped closer to me and knelt down but I quickly flinched away from them, making sure they couldn't grab me.
I looked through the people around me again before pausing as I noticed Slytherin robes. I recognised who it was and I recognised the safety that came with them. He protected me last time and he'll protect me again. I stumbled to my feet, pushing through everyone to get to him where I latched on quickly. His arms wrapped around my body instantly, enveloping me in a blanket of warmth and safety as he slowly lowered us to the ground. I let out a breath of relief. He won't let anyone hurt me, I'm going to be ok, it's over now. My heart continued to race but after some time, I slowly started to calm down. My arms were wrapped firmly around his neck, locked in place as my head was buried into his shoulder. I don't know how much time had passed but eventually the sounds came back to me again.
"What do we do? The bell should ring soon but he's still out of it."
"Give it a few more minutes. You guys can start heading off but we'll stay here and make sure he's ok."
"I think we all want to make sure he's ok. He just suddenly started vomiting and freaking out, that's not normal."
"Is it safe," I whispered. I felt the body beneath me tense before his arms tightened around me.
"Yeah, it's safe," he said softly. I sniffled softly and slowly lifted my head, peaking out behind me. The boys were all still there. Yunho was sitting next to Jongho, while Mingi was resting against his other side. Yeosang was sitting beside Hongjoong just off to the left of them and San was sitting directly next to us. Seonghwa's hand came up and he gently wiped the tears from my face though there were a lot of them.
"Why did you think it wasn't safe," Seonghwa asked.
"What," I asked, glancing up at him in confusion.
"You just asked me if it was safe. Is that why you panicked earlier, because it wasn't safe," Seonghwa asked gently. His words reminded me what had happened and I looked out across the grounds but there was no one there anymore.
"What're you looking at," Seonghwa asked me and I turned back to him.
"I don't-. He was s-smiling at me," I said shakily.
"Who was," Seonghwa asked me with a frown.
"Oh that fucker, I am going to kill him. I don't even care if I get sent to Azkaban, I am going to kill him," San spat angrily. I turned to look at him, my eyes meeting his and I could see the fury in them.
"Who," Jongho asked.
"I'm going to take a wild guess and say we're talking about Juyeon here," Yeosang said with a sigh.
"What did he do this time," Jongho asked.
"Tried to force Youngie to perform a sexual act on him in the Gryffindor locker room," Yunho replied quietly. Yunho knows me well enough to know that I'm close enough with Jongho for him to know that. He also knows well enough that everything else said the night before was to be kept secret.
"What the hell. When was this," Jongho asked quickly.
"Two days ago," Yeosang said.
"How is he still here? You need to report him to the head-."
"We've already talk to Wooyoung about everything and we're respecting his wishes to not go to the Headmaster," Seonghwa said.
"Are you sure? If you had that great of a reaction to seeing him, it's going to be terrible for your mental health if you're constantly seeing him around every day," Jongho said, turning to me.
"I'm sure, but thank you Jongho," I said quietly.
"San and I are going to talk to Juyeon, hopeful come to an agreement even though we both would love to stun his stupid ass. We would have done it earlier but we haven't seen him since it all happened," Seonghwa said. The bell suddenly rang, signalling lunch was over and cutting the conversations short.
"You all head to class. Joongie and I have a free period so we'll take Wooyoung to Madame Promfrey and get him to have a bit of a lie down," Seonghwa said.
"I don't need to, I can go to class," I said quietly.
"No, you're going to have some rest. You just threw up whatever was left in your stomach so you'll get some food into you and relax the last two periods," Seonghwa said, brushing the hair back from my forehead.
"He's got a free for the last period so it won't be too bad. We'll all take notes for you in potions though," Yeosang said.
"Does that sound good to you," Seonghwa asked me. It's not like I can really say no but I also don't want to take my chances to possibly see Juyeon again.
"Yeah," I said with a nod. Everyone started to get up at that, sending glances my way before walking off until there was only me, Hongjoong, Seonghwa and San.
"Go San, you're going to be late for class," Hongjoong said as Seonghwa and I stood and stepped apart. San frowned slightly before stepping forwards and wrapping me into a tight hug. I melted instantly and hugged him back tightly, feeling him bury his face into my neck before moving it back up so his lips brushed my ear.
"I won't let him touch you ever again, I promise," he said before pulling away. My chest felt tight and there was a lump in my throat so I just flashed him a tight smile and nodded. There's no way for him to guarantee that but I appreciate him looking out for me as much as he is now.
"Go on Sannie, we'll get him to Madame Promfrey in one piece," Seonghwa said. San sighed before finally hurrying off.
"Come on, let's get going," Hongjoong said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and tugging me towards the entrance to the castle.
"You guys don't have to look after me. You should be studying," I said quietly.
"Nonsense, we're going to make sure you're all settled in with Madame Promfrey and then we'll head off," Hongjoong said, knocking his head gently against mine.
"Ok," I said quietly, allowing them to guide me through the halls to the infirmary. When we walked inside, Madame Promfrey came out of her office to greet us.
"Hello boys, what can I do for you," she asked.
"Wooyoung isn't feeling too good. He threw up earlier and he's been a bit dizzy so we thought he might be able to lie down for the last two periods of the day," Seonghwa explained. Madame Promfrey tsked before walking over and placed her palm to my forehead.
"You aren't burning up which is a good sign. What classes do you have," she asked me.
"I have potions now and then a free period but my friends are going to take notes for me," I said.
"Very well. Why don't you go lie down in the bed. I'll get you a potion to give you back some nutrients and fluids you lost when you vomited and then you can rest. Do you two need anything," Madame Promfrey said, turning to Seonghwa and Hongjoong.
"No, we were just making sure he got here all good," Hongjoong said.
"Alright well I'll take it from here, you two get to class," Madame Promfrey said. The other two nodded and pat my shoulder before Seonghwa quickly leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my forehead. My heart lifted slightly at the soft action and I smiled lightly. I love physical affection but it's always so much better when it comes from a person it never usually comes from. Hongjoong bid me goodbye before they both left the room.
"Go lay down Wooyoung, I will being the potion out to you in a couple of minutes," Madame Promfrey said. I nodded quietly and went to the bed in the corner. I slipped off my shoes and my robes before climbing into the bed and laying down. I let out a breath of relief and relaxed, dropping my head back on the pillow. I was having such a good day but all it took was one look from Juyeon and I was reduced to a crying, scared little baby. I hate looking so weak, it's pathetic but I still couldn't get rid of the fear lingering in the back of my mind from those moments in the locker room.
"Wooyoung, drink this." I sat up quickly, not even realising how much time had passed. I grabbed the mug and thanked Madame Promfrey quietly before she left and I looked at the contents in the mug. It didn't look the most appetising but it certainly wasn't the worst thing I've had to drink. I sighed to myself before downing the contents quickly so I didn't have time to think about it. It tasted a little bitter but nothing too bad. I placed the mug on the beside table and laid back down, curling up to get some more rest and hopefully forget about everything that's been happening.
"Minerva these wounds might be far too great for my expertise. I have healed the boy as best as I could, but we need to transfer him to St Mungo's as soon as possible for proper treatment."
"I hear what you're saying Poppy. Yoon has already contacted them as well as his parents so we will have representatives here soon to transport him."
"How did he even end up in this state? This is vile." I furrowed my eyebrows and slipped my eyes open slightly, trying to see the state of the person they were talking about but also trying not to get caught.
"There was a fight between him and Mr Lee. A student alerted me about what was happening but by the time I got there the damage was already done," Professor McGonagall said.
"He ought to be severely punished for this, at the very least expelled," Madame Promfrey said. Wait a minute. Lee, as in Juyeon? Who did Juyeon get into a fight with. I slipped my eyes open properly and scanned the room quickly, hoping to see what the two teachers were talking about.
"The Choi's are going to be furious that this was able to happen on school grounds, Yoon is going to have to pull a lot of strings. They're one of the schools biggest funders," McGonagall said. Wait. Choi? I shot up in bed quickly, ripping back the curtain near my bed and I froze in shock.
"Wooyoung, get back in bed," Madame Promfrey said but I couldn't move. Laying on the bed beside mine was San, his face ghostly pale and covered in blood. In fact, most of his body was covered in so much blood I couldn't even tell where it had come from.
"Sannie," I gasped, jumping from my bed. I tried to rush to him but Professor McGonagall stepped in front of me.
"Mr Jung, now is not the time to mess around. Get back in your bed right now, Mr Choi does not need any more stress," she said sternly.
"No, I don't. I won't. What happened," I stuttered out, my heart racing.
"Professor what happened? Why is he hurt? What did Juyeon do. I don't. I can't-." My voice cut off as I started to wheeze, my breathing struggling to come out as I panicked. San looked dead. They were talking about sending him to St Mungo's. It was that bad he had to go to a proper hospital, Madame Promfrey couldn't treat him. Madame Promfrey can treat everyone.
"Mr Jung, you need to calm down," Professor McGonagall said. A choked sob escaped my lips and I tried to get closer to San but was once again stopped.
"Wooyoung, I understand this may look scary to you but we're helping San as much as we can right now. We just need you to stay in bed and rest of," Professor McGonagall said, his voice taking on a softer tone.
"N-No, he's. Sannie," I sobbed out desperately as I was gently pushed back towards my own bed.
"SANNIE," I screamed before my legs gave out and everything went black.
Hi guys, welcome to another chapter, it's been a while. This is Chapter 21, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.
What do you think happened to San and why do you think it happened
What were your favourite parts of this chapter?
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