Chapter 19: Tuesday 3rd of January
San's POV
I frowned slightly as Professor Slughorn walked into the room and started to get set up. The teachers are usually the last people to come into the room and then classes start a few minutes later. That's not an issue. The issue at hand is that I couldn't see Wooyoung anywhere. He should be here by now and he isn't which means that something must have happened. Was he sick? Did he have to go to Madame Promfrey? I checked to make sure Professor Slughorn was distracted setting up before I spun around in my chair to face the table beside me where Yeosang, Mingi and Yunho were chatting.
"Yeosang," I called out quietly, gaining his attention.
"Yeah, what's up," he asked.
"Where's Wooyoung," I asked him. Yeosang blinked before glancing around the room and frowning.
"I don't actually know. He's probably just late," he replied with a shrug. I mean that's true, it wouldn't be the first time Wooyoung has showed up late, especially after he has had a free period but for some reason I had this bad feeling in my stomach.
"Are you sure? Something might be wrong," I pointed out. Yeosang frowned more at that and turned to Yunho, saying something quietly to him. Yunho also glanced around the room and then seemed a little unsettled as he glanced back to me.
"There isn't much we can do right now. If he's not feeling well, he'll lay in bed or go to Madame Promfrey. We'll go look for him after class," Yeosang said quietly. It wasn't very reassuring but he was right, we can just leave in the middle of class, we shouldn't. But I couldn't shake this feeling that something was wrong.
"Good afternoon class. Now I understand that it's the last period of our first day back so everyone is feeling tired and bored and you just want it to be over with. So for this class I have decided to give you guys a break. I want everyone to partner up and you can choose any potion I have written on the board to try and create. You will not be marked on these, it's just some fun," Professor Slughorn said. There was some cheering from people in the class but I couldn't find it in me to be excited. I nervously fiddled with the bracelet on my wrist as I tried to come up with any possible reason he wouldn't be in class right now.
"San, come sit over here," Yeosang said, waving me over. I hesitated, glancing at the other two at the table. Mingi won't mind because he is a literal overgrown puppy that loves everyone but Yunho has made it pretty clear that while he tolerates me for Wooyoung's sake, he doesn't like me.
"Don't worry about him, he doesn't bite," Yeosang said.
"I never said he did, I'm just not too keen on having someone bitching to me for an entire class," I said, raising an eyebrow in challenge towards Yunho. Yunho scoffed and rolled his eyes before turning his attention towards Mingi. Yeosang sighed and grabbed my hand, tugging me over to their table.
"The least I can do considering Wooyoung isn't here is look after you," Yeosang said, pushing me down into the chair next to him. Look after me?
"I can look after myself Kang," I said in annoyance.
"Sure you can. No offense but you have no friends here and the other Slytherins hate you so you don't have a partner," Yeosang said. I opened my mouth to retort but realised there was nothing I could actually say because he was right.
"Whatever," I muttered, grabbing my books and shifting them over to their table. Yeosang giggled and I glanced up at him in surprise but he was looking at his book, not me. It feels so weird to be sitting with these boys, with Yeosang especially and hearing him laugh and be so nice to me. I was so rude to him, so mean over the years and he acts like it was nothing.
"Hey Yeosang," I said quietly, drawing his attention back to me where he raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"I'm sorry, for everything that I've done to you. For calling you a mudblood as well. I never meant it but it still doesn't make it right," I said quietly. Yeosang smiled softly and slipped his hand into mine which shocked me but I held it gently.
"It's ok San, really. I get it to an extent you know. You feel pressured to conform to the society that you've grown up in. You've been raised to hate people like me. I never had an issue with how you were to me, I could see it in your eyes that your feelings were conflicted. I hated you for what you did to Wooyoung though, but that's all in the past now," Yeosang said with a shrug.
"Still, I'm sorry," I said.
"It's ok, I forgive you," he said.
"Now come on, let's figure out what potion we are going to make today. Our last one turned out quite well if I do say so myself," he added. I nodded and grabbed out my book but was interrupted as the door to the room opened. Everyone looked over to the doorway as it's unusual for interruptions and saw Hongjoong standing in the doorway. His cheeks were slightly flushed, as if he had been exercising and his robes were a little bit ruffled. He straightened them out before striding over to Professor Slughorn who looked delighted to see him. Hongjoong said something quietly and Professor Slughorn nodded.
"Why of course. Are they needed for the rest of the period," he asked.
"Yes Sir," Hongjoong replied with a nod.
"Very well. Mr Kang, Mr Jeong and Mr Choi, you have been requested for an assignment to help Mr Kim here. Grab your books as you won't be back before the end of the period. There won't be any need for you to make up work as we're just having a fun class anyway," Professor Slughorn said. I get Hongjoong wanting to do something with Yunho and Yeosang because they're actually friends but I wouldn't classify us the best of friends. Hongjoong is more an acquaintance I know through Seonghwa and keep an eye on because Seonghwa is clearly in love with him even if he doesn't know it. I glanced at Yeosang to see him frowning, seemingly seeing it as odd as well. The three of us quickly packed up our books and followed after Hongjoong, bowing to Professor Slughorn as we passed. As soon as the door closed, Hongjoong started walking quickly down the hall towards the staircase and we followed quickly.
"Something's happened to Wooyoung," he said and my heart clenched. Something didn't feel right, I knew something was wrong but I was stupid and dismissed it.
"What do you mean something happened to him? What happened," Yunho asked quickly.
"I don't know. I was in the library getting some study done and Seonghwa left to go get something. He came back not long later with Wooyoung. He looked like he had been crying and he had a cut on his face. My best guess is that he got into another fight but Seonghwa didn't say what actually happened. He just told me to get you two and then Wooyoung asked for me to get San as well," Hongjoong explained hurriedly. I had stopped walking at the mention of the cut on his face. Wooyoung and I have been at each others throats for years and though we have gotten into fights before, I've been the instigator or I've egged him on. There's only one other person I've known to be aggressive with Wooyoung and that's Juyeon.
"San." I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up to see the others had stopped further down the hall and were looking at me.
"You guys go, I've got something I need to do," I said. Someone I need to visit. I warned him last time what would happen if he hurt Wooyoung again but obviously it didn't really sink in.
"No, you don't. Right now the only thing you need to do is come and see Wooyoung," Hongjoong said.
"He'll be fine, a cut won't kill him. Madame Promfrey will fix him up," I said.
"No San, I don't think you understand. He looked out of it, like really out of it. He was clinging to Seonghwa like he was his lifeline and his eyes had this glazed over look in them. He was trying to hold his robes together but I could see his shirt was torn a bit. This was a proper fight and I don't think he too well in it," Hongjoong explained.
"He asked specifically if I could get you. Seonghwa just said the other two and then Wooyoung asked for you. I don't care what shit you two had going on between you two, that stupid rivalry because that's done right. You two and now friends and you've been looking after him and you stayed with him for Christmas to hang out. Whatever shit you think you need to do now, you don't. It can wait because you have more important things to attend to right now," Hongjoong said sternly. Ok, even if he didn't already have me at Wooyoung not seeming with it, Hongjoong can be scary when he wants to be. I have never seen him use this kind of tone on anyone. It was firm and had a hint of anger laced into it. There's no way I'm going to deny him what he asked. I hurried to catch up with him and we all continued walking quickly up the stairs.
"Also he isn't going to Madame Promfrey. Seonghwa took him to the Room of Requirement," Hongjoong added as we walked.
"The what," Yunho asked.
"Room of Requirement. It's a secret room on the seventh floor. Why would Seonghwa bring Wooyoung there though. If there's something wrong, shouldn't he go to Madame Promfrey," I asked quickly.
"I don't know. Like I said, I wasn't told much apart from getting you guys," Hongjoong said.
"Ok, but I'm still stuck on this secret room," Yunho said.
"We can explain is better later but it's basically a room that whatever you want and picture in your head, it will appear. Apart from like food and living things," I explained.
"Interesting. I'd be more excited usually but I'm worried about Woo," Yeosang said quietly. When we eventually go to the seventh floor, I paused and let Hongjoong walk up while the other two watched and gasped as the door appeared. Hongjoong opened the door quickly and we all stepped inside before he closed it. I glanced around but didn't have to look far as my eyes immediately landed on the two figures curled up on a mattress in front of the fire.
"He's shivering. I think he might be going into shock," Seonghwa said as he looked up at us. Wooyoung was wrapped up in a fluffy blanket, curled up in Seonghwa's arms. Yunho and Yeosang both hurried forwards and sat down beside Seonghwa, drawing Wooyoung into their arms.
"Hey Wooyoung, you doing ok? It's Yeosang," Yeosang said softly, running his hands through Wooyoung's hair while Yunho held him tightly. Hongjoong walked over as well but I remained standing where I was. Unless he specifically requests for me to come over, it's best he just gets comfort from his friends.
"I'm ok, I think," Wooyoung said quietly. His voice was so small that I could barely hear him so I took a step closer.
"You're shaking," Yunho said, rubbing Wooyoung's arm.
"It's a little cold. Or at least I feel a little cold. I think it's more shock from what happened," Wooyoung said.
"Do you want to talk about it," Yunho asked and Wooyoung immediately shook his head.
"That's ok Woo, you don't have to say anything," Yeosang said gently.
"Let's just try to relax you and stop this shaking before anything," Yunho said, tugging Wooyoung closer. I could see the obvious shivering, the shaking in his shoulders as he was curled in Yunho lap. It was concerning me, a lot. It hurt to see him like this, in this kind of state. We've gotten closer since Christmas and just in generally so I can admit to myself that I do care for him. When I find Juyeon, I'm going to make sure he ends up having to see Madame Promfrey, I don't care if I will get into trouble.
"Do you want to hold my hands," Yeosang asked, holding them out for Wooyoung but Wooyoung shook his head. Wooyoung glanced to his left where Seonghwa and Hongjoong were sitting, keeping an eye on things.
"Where's Sannie. I thought, I thought you said you were getting him," Wooyoung said, his voice sounding a little shaky. The others all glanced around before they all turned to me except Wooyoung who didn't seem to have realised.
"He's here," Hongjoong said, pointing towards me. Wooyoung spun around in Yunho's lap to face me and it was then that I got a proper look at his face. His eyes were puffy and red and there was a cut and bruise along his cheek that made my jaw tightened in anger. I had zoned out slightly but snapped back into attention when I heard movement and a little grunt. Wooyoung had peeled himself from Yunho's arms, squirmed his way out of the blanket and was padding over to me. I was confused and worried because he was supposed to be getting some proper comfort to try and calm him down and reassure him everything was ok but now he was leaving that comfort. He padded over and slipped his arms around my waist, burying his head in my chest and I quickly hugged him back, not wanting the others to get annoyed at me for not trying to comfort him. Having him against me, his body touching mine made me able to feel the shivers wracking his body. I frowned and hugged him tighter, dropping my head down against his. That seemed to work as it wasn't even a few seconds later that he let out a breath and I felt the shaking stop completely.
"You ok," I asked worriedly as I ran my hand up and down his back.
"Not really but I'm safe so that's all that matters," he said quietly.
"Was it Juyeon being a dick again," I asked and he nodded.
"Juyeon is an ass. Next time he tries to start a fight just walk away and come get me. I'll put that bastard in his place," I said, receiving a hum from Wooyoung in return.
"It wasn't really a fight. Well it was but that wasn't what upset me I don't think," he said. Ok, not very descriptive.
"Do you want to tell me what happened," I asked him. He sighed but nodded and pulled back slightly.
"Just, just hold me please," he whispered. I nodded and pulled him back into my arms, holding him securely. I glanced to the others in confusion but they all had different expressions and I wasn't in the mood to analyse it too much.
"I wasn't feeling great so I went down to the pitch to just fly around for a bit and then get some practice on my form," he started quietly.
"Practicing so you can beat us huh," I joked softly, hoping a light joke would put him more at ease. He chuckled lightly at that and nodded.
"We always beat you anyway, I don't need much practice," he said. I scoffed but didn't say anything, letting him have it this time.
"I went back to the lockers and packed up my stuff and got ready for class but when I went to leave, Juyeon was there," he said.
"In the Gryffindor locker room," I asked with a frown. We're not supposed to go into each others locker rooms and it's really dodgy that Juyeon attacked him there as there was no one around and it's secluded.
"Yeah. I told him to get out but he wouldn't leave and wanted to talk. He told me he found it suspicious that I stayed here over break when he's heard my mum is dying and I should want to spend all my time with her. He also pointed out I said I'd stay back after you mentioned it as well. Accused me of trying to make you gay when you aren't," Wooyoung said quietly.
"Hard to make me gay when I'm already gay but sure. Don't worry about that, he's just a homophobic asshole, the whole lot of that branch are," I assured him quickly.
"Yeah. I didn't want to say anything cos I didn't know if you wanted him to know so I steered away from it. Then he got a bit personal asking me if I liked to you know, suck stuff but I told him that was inappropriate so he said more stuff and called me fag-."
"God he's a dick," I said with a sigh, lifting my hand to brush it through his hair. I can see why that would upset him so much. Hearing such vulgar and personal insults hurts.
"He said he'd want to die as well if his son was a dirty fag," Wooyoung said sadly.
"I'm suddenly very much wishing unforgivable curses were allowed," Yunho said and I glanced at him briefly to see him frowning.
"I'm sorry," I whispered softly. I felt Wooyoung push closer to me, his hands tightening in my robes.
"He um, he said he was going to help me get some practice and fulfill my disgusting urges. It didn't even register to me properly and I let my guard down because I was confused," Wooyoung said. My body froze at that, the words registering right away and worrying me. I willed myself to calm down so I wouldn't do anything stupid. I need to let him finish first and chances are nothing happened. I'm hoping nothing happened.
"He attacked me after that. He grabbed my robes and I shoved him away. He ripped my shirt through my robes but he didn't stop. He threw me into the lockers a couple times and I tried to fight back but I can't beat him in a muggle fight because he's a lot bigger than me," Wooyoung said as he slowly pulled back in my arms. I kept my hold on him, not sure if he wanted to pull away completely but he seemed content to stay in my arms and just wanted to look at me properly. His eyes looked a little watery and there were a few tears on his face. I moved without thinking, the urge to protect Wooyoung, to look after him the strongest I've ever felt for anyone. I cupped his face with one hand and gently wiped under his eyes with me thumb.
"He grabbed my hair and pulled it to get me on my knees and said he may as well get in his fun. He said I love the position and he started to unzip his pants," Wooyoung cut himself off to take a breath, his voice having been wavering at the end. My heart was racing as I pictured a crying Wooyoung forced onto his knees in front of that piece of shit of a human being.
"I freaked out when I realised what he was trying to do and I managed to take out his legs so I could get away. I ran into Seonghwa in the halls and then you know what happened after that," Wooyoung said with a small voice. I quickly pulled him back in my arms, holding him and rocking him gently as he started to cry. I was helpless, not knowing what to do when Wooyoung very clear just went through something traumatic even if he managed to get away. I glanced over his shoulders at the others to Seonghwa hugging Hongjoong tightly and rubbing his back, Yeosang crying quietly and Yunho looking shocked, his hand covering his mouth. I nibbled my bottom lip nervously and drew in a deep breath to keep myself calm. Committing a murder was starting to look really good right now.
"I just, I don't understand," Wooyoung whimpered.
"He's a piece of shit Woo, it's got nothing to do with you," I said firmly, running my fingers lightly through the hair at the back of his head.
"He said I was dirty and disgusting though. He said I was a fag and it's disgusting. Why would he say that and then try to make me do that," Wooyoung asked quietly.
"Because he's an asshole and he deserves to rot in Azkaban. What he did, has absolutely nothing to do with you though," I said firmly.
"I know. Seonghwa said the same thing," Wooyoung replied and I chuckled weakly.
"Yeah, Seonghwa is really good advice. It's a good thing you ran into him," I said. Wooyoung sniffled and nodded before he pulled away properly this time.
"I'm sorry I caused you guys to be pulled out of class," he said nervously, glancing at the others on the mattress.
"Don't say that. Please don't say that Wooyoung. You're my best friend and I would do anything to make sure you were saw. That, that vile bastard tried to force himself on you Wooyoung, nothing would ever stop me from coming to you to make sure you're ok," Yeosang said. Wooyoung sniffled and grabbed my hand, tugging me over to the mattress where he made me sit down as well.
"Thanks," he said, reaching out and grabbing Yeosang's hand briefly to give it a little squeeze.
"How are you feeling now that it's all out," Yunho asked.
"Better. It's helped to get it off my chest," Wooyoung said with a little nod.
"Good. We need to go to the Headmaster and tell him what happened. Juyeon nee-."
"No. No, we aren't going to him. We aren't telling anyone what happened and I doubt Juyeon will tell anyone because he knows he could get into trouble," Wooyoung said quickly. Wait, what? There's no way any of us is letting Juyeon just get away with that.
"What are you talking about Wooyoung? He tried to force himself on you, he needs to face the consequences," Yeosang said angrily.
"I-I can't. If I do then there will be a whole investigation and my parents will be called. Mum is really sick right now and she doesn't need this added stress and dad-. I just can't," Wooyoung said, shaking his head quickly. As soon as he mentioned about his parents getting contacted, it clicked in my head what he was trying to say. His dad doesn't know that he likes boys but he's made clear his stance on the subject which is why Wooyoung is scared of him finding it out. He's got it hard enough as it is and who knows how far his dad would take it. I wanted to talk to Wooyoung about it, to run through things with him but the others don't know. I've talked to Seonghwa about it and he thankfully knows that neither of them know so he kept quiet as well.
"That's ok. Wooyoung I'm sure your mum would rather you tell someone about it to make sure you're safe. They'd be devastated if they found out something happened to you and didn't say anything because you didn't want to worry them," Yeosang said. Wooyoung shifted slightly, shaking his head again, his hand slipping into mind as he squeezed it firmly.
"Yeosang, respectfully, you have no idea what I'm going through at home ok. You don't know what it's like to see mum like that every day, to go through that every day at home," Wooyoung said with a frown.
"Wooyoung, I agree with Yeosang. I understand you don't want your mum knowing but you can just request for your dad to be to-."
"NO. NO I'M NOT GOING THROUGH THAT," Wooyoung screamed, cutting Yunho off. I quickly moved onto my knees beside him and held his hand tightly. His chest was heaving and it I could hear the way his breathing had picked up.
"It's ok, just relax ok. We're all here and everything is ok. All we're doing is just talking about options," I said softly. Wooyoung sniffled and shook his hand.
"They don't understand. I can't do it San, I just can't," Wooyoung said shakily. I shifted closer to him so I could talk to him without the others hearing.
"I know. I get why you don't want to say anything but you're right, they don't understand. They can't understand because you haven't told them," I said quietly, my voice low so only he could hear it.
"I know. I know that. But, they, they should know. I need them to know so they understand," he said. I sighed but nodded and moved away, sitting back down. It's his choice so it's up to him if he would like to or not.
"What do we need to know," Yeosang asked slowly. Wooyoung drew in a deep breath and clenched his hands in the knees of his pants. Seonghwa quickly moved around Hongjoong and grabbed Wooyoung's hand while I grabbed the other again. I noticed Yunho's expression shift at that and he frowned.
"What, so is this something you've told those two but not us? The two people you hated at the start of the year and barely know," Yunho asked and I noticed the hint of anger in his voice.
"Yunho shut the hell up. I've been friends with Wooyoung since we were born and I've literally grown up with his family. If he finds something hard to talk about and needs to wait until he is ready, then that is up to him and I am perfectly fine with it. Sometimes not knowing someone as well makes it easier to talk to them," Yeosang said and Yunho looked guilty, apologizing quickly.
"If it helps, he didn't actually tell either of us. I stumbled upon it and Seonghwa is just really observant," I said quickly. Yunho glanced at me but didn't say anything, just shifted his attention back to Wooyoung.
"I think I shoulder start by warning you guys, especially Yeosang that this is going to upset you," Wooyoung said.
"That's ok, we'll live," Yeosang said.
"Ok. So um, first of all, my dad absolutely despises you," Wooyoung said, looking at Yeosang. Yeosang had a look of shock on his face before frowning.
"What are you talking about. Your dad is practically my dad," Yeosang said quickly, shaking his head. Wooyoung sighed and glanced at me, nodding his head back to Yeosang. I took that as him wanting me to back him up.
"Do you remember that day early in the year where we got into a fight and you had to take us to the headmasters office," I asked.
"Yeah, of course. You were being a dick," Yeosang said with a nod and I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, that day. Well our parents were called and they came, both of mine and then Wooyoung's dad. Headmaster Yoon said that we were getting into fights and disrupting things in class. Wooyoung was really closed off the entire time so it was on me when they asked us to explain and I um, I used the excuse of him being friends with you as the reason Yeosang," I said guiltily. I could hear the slight hurt in Yeosang's eyes but he didn't interrupt.
"My parents obviously didn't care after that because they see it as a good enough reason, sorry Yeosang," I said softly.
"It's ok, I'm used to it," Yeosang said with a shrug.
"Um, after that Headmaster Yoon asked what being your friend had to do with anything but I couldn't answer. Wooyoung's dad stepped in and said it was just boys being boys and he would talk to Wooyoung about it and my parents said the same and we left," I explained. I paused after that, not knowing if he wanted me to say what happened later so I glanced at him.
"You can continued," he said quietly. I think it helped him to have me say it rather than to admit it himself.
"I talked to my parents for a bit and then they left so I was making my way back to the common room. I heard Wooyoung and his father talking in an empty room so me being me at that time, I went over to listen. He was telling Wooyoung that he already told him to stop being friends with you Yeosang and when Wooyoung protested, he said he didn't care. He said I was right and he shouldn't be hanging out with a quote 'half-blood like that'. He also said that Wooyoung didn't need someone like that in his life and he needed to end the friendship," I said, glancing up at Yeosang again who looked shattered.
"Wh-When did he stop liking me," Yeosang asked quietly.
"He never did, he just pretended because you're the son of mums best friend and mum would never cut you guys off. He hates your whole family," Wooyoung admitted. By this point, Yunho was holding Yeosang's hand and half hugging him as Yeosang teared up.
"How long, um. How long have you known," Yeosang asked.
"He told me to stop being friends with you when mum became bedridden and wouldn't notice," Wooyoung said sadly. Yeosang let out a sob at that and clung to Yunho's arm.
"That's four years ago," Yeosang said.
"Yeah. I refused every time he told me to because you're my best friend and there's no way I would get rid of you from my life. You're too important to me," Wooyoung said shaking his head. Yeosang cried for a minute or two before pulling himself together.
"Ok, so that was a bit of a shock, sure but what has that got to do with telling the Headmaster? If you're worried your dad will see me with you, I can stay away from you while he's here," Yeosang said with a frown. Wooyoung drew in a deep breath before turning to me.
"Can you please continue," he asked me.
"Yeah. With what happened that day or explain something else," I asked.
"With that day," he asked. I took a deep breath before nodding and preparing myself for their reactions.
"I was peaking through the door and Wooyoung looked scared when he was disagreeing with his dad and it confused me and then I heard a noise. When I paid closer attention, I noticed Wooyoung was looking down and his dad had his hand raised because he had hit him." My voice had gotten quieter and quieter throughout the explanation but they all understood what I had said and both Yunho and Yeosang gasped, even Hongjoong's eyes widened. It seemed Seonghwa hadn't really told him about it which surprised me because he tells Hongjoong almost everything.
"No. No you're joking. He doesn't-. We'd, we'd know. I know you. I know your family. I've known you me entire life. He wouldn't, he. Oh god. Yeosang shot up and walked back, shaking his head as his hands came up to grasp his hair. He was muttering to himself and shaking his head quickly. All of a sudden a wall appeared partially in between us, separating Yeosang from everyone else. Seonghwa got up quickly and went over, going around the wall as it didn't connect from wall to wall.
"I'm sorry," Wooyoung whispered with a sniffle and I glanced at Yunho to see he was still frozen in shock.
"I can't, I can't be here. Please I need to go, I can't do this," Wooyoung said, shooting up and rushing to the door. I jumped up and ran after him, catching up with him outside.
"Wooyoung, wait," I called out to him. He slowed his pace but didn't stop walking. I rushed up to him and grabbed his wrist, pulling him to a stop.
"Talk to me, what's going on," I asked quickly.
"I don't want to continue talking about this right now, please don't make me," he begged.
"I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want Woo, it's ok. Just, tell me what you want to do," I said quickly. Wooyoung gasped and shook his head, grabbing his hair and looking back down the hall from where we came from.
"I can't just do that. I can't just tell them that and leave them like that but I can't, I can't talk about it right now," Wooyoung said with a sob. I hushed him gently and pulled him into a gentle hug, wiping his tears with my sleeve.
"Seonghwa and Hongjoong can look after them for now. They need time to process and you also need some time to process," I assured him gently.
"Now tell me what you want to do right now," I said softly. He was quiet for a bit as he thought before sniffling.
"I want to stay with you, is that ok," he asked and I agreed immediately, not wanting him to end up alone when he's so upset. It's hurting me so much to see him upset right now and I hate that I can't help him. It still shocks me how drastically my feelings have changed so quickly but I've just resigned myself to embrace it at this point.
"Is there somewhere we can go and just lay down and relax and sleep," Wooyoung asked sadly. I thought about it for a moment. We couldn't go to his common room because Yunho would be there and so will the other annoying Gryffindor's. We can't go to my room cos, you know, disgusting pricks. The Room of Requirement is a little preoccupied right now. There was only one other place I could think of but I knew it would be perfect for right now.
"Come on," I said, grabbing his hand and tugged him down the halls towards the destination. He was quiet but he followed me down the halls until we got to the portrait with a pear that I tickled quickly.
"What are we doing here," he asked me quietly.
"You'll see," I said, smiling to him softly. We walked inside when the door opened and heard the sounds of all of the elves working to get dinner prepared.
"Hey guys," I called out and was immediately met with cheers and hellos back. There was a loud noise and rushed footsteps before a body was flying towards me and I caught her easily.
"Hello Trix," I said with a grin.
"Hey Sannie. You bought Wooyoungie as well," Trixie said with a clap in my arms.
"Yeah I did. I tell you what, why don't you stay here with Wooyoungie and talk his ear off," I suggested to her. She seemed excited and eagerly reached her arms out for Wooyoung. Wooyoung seemed surprised but he took Trixie from my arms and smiled softly as Trixie started talking animatedly. I made sure Wooyoung was doing ok before I continued into the kitchen, looking for a specific elf which I found at the back near the soup being prepared.
"Hey Ralph, you got a sec," I asked him.
"Do I look like a have second you bozo," he huffed as he continued cooking. I quickly sat down on a stool and wrung my hands. I have never told anyone this and it's not something I discuss but I've been coming to the kitchens since my second year and the elves have helped me through my problems and dilemmas throughout the hears, listening to my rants and giving me advice. Ralph is like the dad of the elves and he's always been a big help for me whenever I need it even if he pretends to be all gruff and grumpy all the time.
"It's important," I said quietly. He glanced at me as he stirred before sighing and stepping back. Clicked his fingers to charm the spoon to continue stirring itself.
"What is it, lay it out for me boy," he said and I smiled softly.
"A boy tried to force himself on Wooyoung and it's got him really out of sorts. He asked me to stay with him which I'm of course going to do but we can't stay in our rooms as he just needs for us to be alone right now," I explained. Ralph's expression shifted into anger and he glanced to the door where I looked to see Wooyoung still chatting with Trixie happily, seeming to be feeling a bit better. That's the Trixie effect.
"Follow me," Ralph said gruffly and I stood quickly, following him as he waddled through the kitchens to the back. There was a door and he opened it to show me the room. It was small and supposed to be a slightly bigger than average storage closet but the elves had turned it into a little napping room. It had a mattress, pillows and blankets in it. I've been in the room before, sometimes hiding there to nap in my earlier years.
"This good enough for ya," he asked.
"Yeah, it's perfect. I just, I have one more request sorry," I said quietly and he nodded.
"Wooyoung's clothes are torn from what happened and I don't think he wants to-."
"I'll geta change of clothes for both of you," Ralph interrupted.
"Thank you," I said quietly and he nodded before clicking and apparating. I drew in a deep breath and walked back to the front where Trixie and Wooyoung were giggling.
"Sorry Trix, I'm going to need to steal him from you," I said and she giggled but nodded. Wooyoung bent down and placed her on the floor where she rushed off.
"Come on, follow me," I said, nodding my head towards the back. Wooyoung nodded and I bought him back to the room.
"It's not much but it's pretty comfy and you can relax knowing you're safe and won't be interrupted," I explained.
"Will you stay," he asked.
"Yeah, of course. Ralph will be back in a second," I told him. Wooyoung threw his arms around my neck and hugged me tightly.
"Thank you," he whispered and I nodded, patting his back softly. There was a pop and a grunt.
"I would like to make an inappropriate joke but I shall refrain this once so you're lucky." I pulled away from Wooyoung and chuckled, knowing it was a good thing he didn't say anything cos it would definitely embarrass me.
"Here you go," he said, holding out the clothes. Wooyoung grabbed his and I grabbed mine, thanking him softly. He just nodded and waddled off.
"You get changed first and I'll wait out here and then we'll switch," I said. He nodded and did as asked then we switched and I got changed as well, piling our folded clothes on a small shelf before opening the door. When I opened it, I found Wooyoung sitting on the ground with a cute little table in front of him with a few dishes on it, enough to feed both of us.
"We figured you two would want something to eat before you went to bed," Beth said.
"Thank you Beth," I said and she nodded with a smile before hurrying off to continue her work. Wooyoung and I ate our food quickly before taking the dishes to the sink where the elves shooed us away so we wouldn't clean them and told us to relax so we went into the room and closed the door. I let Wooyoung lay down first before laying down to next to give him some space in case it was triggering for him but we was latched to my side in an instant. I just wrapped my arms around him and held him closer, allowing him to rest his head on my chest and slot our legs together.
"Thank you for everything San," he whispered.
"You don't need to thank me. You just get some sleep," I said, brushing his hair softly.
"M'kay," Wooyoung whispered before I felt him relax against me. It took a few minutes before Wooyoung's breathing evened out and he fell asleep on top of me. I let out a breath I had been holding in but held back a groan. It seems so surreal to have Wooyoung like this, sleeping so comfortably and peacefully against me even after what he had gone through. Never in my right mind would I ever think I would have something like this with anyone, let alone Jung Wooyoung of all people. It was shocking but I found that I liked it. I like having Wooyoung close, having him feel safe around me and so relaxed. I glanced down at him and my heart melted. He looked so cute as he slept peacefully, his lips pouted and his little freckle under his eyes. He looked so beautiful. This is how he should always look, not scared and crying after everything had happened to him. He doesn't deserve that.
That bought my thoughts back to Juyeon and I was seeing red. He is so lucky that Wooyoung needs me right now because as soon as Wooyoung is ok and doesn't need me with him, Juyeon is going to be in for it. I'm going to make that piece of shit go through a pain worse than what he's put Wooyoung through, consequences be damned.
Here is Chapter 19 everyone and I hope you enjoyed it.
The lead up to this chapter I wanted was something that opened Wooyoung up to tell the others about the abuse he has suffered with his dad and though it wasn't explained fully to them, it will in future.
Let me know your favourite parts of this chapter, I'm eager to hear
Is there anything else you guys would like to see in future chapters?
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