Chapter 18: Tuesday 3rd of January
Trigger Warning
This has a moment of someone attempting to force Wooyoung to do something sexual but nothing ends up happening except fighting so please don't read if you find that triggering.
Wooyoung's POV
I was sleeping peacefully, having a lovely dream with a faceless boy that seemed familiar to me in a way but I couldn't quite place. It didn't matter anyway as my sleep was rudely interrupted by something soft and cloth-like was shoved over my face. I jolted at that, my foot instinctively shooting out to kick at whoever was trying to smother me in my sleep but it was caught and I was yanked down by bed. I screamed out before hearing giggles and I groaned. I shoved the pillow off my face and sat up to see Yunho laughing at me. I was annoyed with how he woke me up but my happiness for seeing him again overwon my feelings. I launched myself off my bed and straight into his arms. He caught me effortlessly, most likely more than used to me doing things like that. I clung to him like a koala, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.
"I missed you," I said, burying my head into his shoulder. He chuckled warmly and pat my back, his other hand slipping underneath my legs to make sure I wouldn't fall.
"I missed you too," he said. The holidays were now over and pretty much everyone who left came back last night so that they could sleep and get ready for class in the morning but Yunho only arrived this morning so we didn't get to catch up the night before.
"Come on, it's time for breakfast. You need to let go if you want to get some food into you to survive the day," Yunho said, patting my bottom softly.
"But you're warm and comfortable. I'll take hugs over food," I said, nuzzling my head further into his shoulder. I felt more than heard him chuckle lightly, his shoulders shaking slightly.
"I know you're probably craving hugs right now because you've been deprived of them for so long but you do need to eat. I'll cuddle you all through tonight," Yunho said.
"I wasn't deprived, Sannie gives great cuddles," I mumbled, humming lightly as I rocked gently in Yunho's arms. He stopped moving suddenly and I pouted, pulling back with a frown.
"What's wrong," I asked as I noticed his eyebrows were furrowed in thought. He walked back to the bed and placed me down gently, sitting down beside me.
"You and Sannie cuddled," he asked and I went red immediately. Right, I just said that.
"Please don't make a big deal with it to him. We're just getting back to how we used to be and he's getting more comfortable around me. Ple-."
"I'm not going to say anything, I promise. No matter what I think, it's your life and your choice what you do and I respect that," Yunho cut in quickly.
"Good," I said quietly.
"I just, I have a question and I don't want you to get defensive about it," he said. That didn't make me too keen to hear the question but knowing Yunho, he wasn't going to let it go.
"What is it," I asked him. He was quiet for a few seconds, seemingly trying to figure out what to say or how to say it.
"Do you still like him," he asked me and I frowned. I was a little uncomfortable so I shifted my gaze down to my hands in my lap.
"I mean yeah, he's my friend, so..." I trailed off, picking nervously at my fingers. A jumped slightly as Yunho's hand suddenly came into my view, covering my hands and stopping me from picking at my fingers.
"That's not what I mean Woo and you know that. Do you have feeling for San, romantic ones," Yunho asked me. My breath caught in my throat at that and I looked up at him, his words running through my mind.
"I don't know," I said honestly, my hand squeezing his nervously.
"Ok. That's ok. Just know that I'm always here if you want to talk about anything," he said softly.
"I know. I just really don't know. I'm not really focused on that to be honest, I just want our friendship back," I said quietly. That wasn't completely true and deep down I knew that but now is not the time to be thinking deeply into things.
"That's alright. Now come on, let's go and get some food," he said. I nodded and got up, quickly getting changed into my robes while he waited for me. I grabbed my necklace off my desk and quickly put it on, clasping it gently. Once I was ready, we left and headed down the halls to the Great Hall. When we walked inside, I quickly looked towards the Slytherin table, finding San and Seonghwa seated at the end together as usual. Yunho was already heading towards our table however, so I followed him quickly.
"Well hello my little baby bear," I said as I draped myself over Jongho's back. I hadn't been able to catch up with him last night as I spent most of the night with Yeosang.
"Ugh, get off Wooyoung," he groaned but I just giggled and hugged him tightly.
"Don't try to fight it Jjong, I know you missed me," I said with a grin.
"Yeah, yeah, believe what you want. Now leave me alone," Jongho said, whacking my head lightly. I pouted but let him go as I didn't want to push it and I went and sat down on the seat beside him, Yunho going around and sitting across from me.
"So, what subjects have you guys got for the first day back," Jongho asked.
"I have transfiguration, charms, a free period and then potions," I said.
"I have transfiguration, history of magic, astronomy and potions," Yunho added after me.
"I still can't believe you do history of magic. It's like the worst subject ever," I said with a frown.
"I happen to like the subject," Yunho said with a shrug.
"No, you just like napping during class cos Professor Binns doesn't pay attention. You just get your notes off me." I glanced up and smiled as I saw the Hufflepuff sit down beside Yunho.
"Mangi," I said happily, making him chuckle.
"Hey Wooyo," he said with a grin.
"You really need to stop letting Yunho cheat off of you. Just give him a kick in the shin to wake up," I said. Yunho frowned at me as he ate but I just flashed him another grin.
"I may have to take your advice on that. There's no way Yunho can pass his O.W.L.S without me at this rate," Mingi said.
"Just shut up and keep eating, there's no way you'd deny me my must needed sleep," Yunho said, glancing at Mingi. Mingi chuckled but kept silent and quickly shovelled some eggs into his mouth. Everyone was just doing their own thing for a few minutes while I was just zoning out when I was suddenly pulled from my thoughts by a hand on my back. I jolted in surprise and spun around quickly, finding San squatting down beside me.
"San? What's up," I asked in confusion. We had gotten closer over the break but I wasn't expecting him to come over so quickly.
"Hey, can you do me a favour," he asked quietly.
"Um, ok," I replied slowly. I wasn't sure what he was wanting me to do so I was a little bit apprehensive.
"You haven't even touched your plate since you put things on it. You have quidditch practice tonight so you need to make sure you're eating properly for all your meals. There's some bread rolls there so can you make a breaky roll with at least three things inside it," he asked me quietly. He had leant closer to me so I was the only one to hear what he was saying and I was thankful for that. I honestly hadn't even noticed I hadn't eaten, I just zoned out a bit.
"Oh. Yeah, I'm going to do that. I was just thinking about some things," I said quietly.
"Good. I'll see you in transfiguration," he said as he stood up, patting my shoulder before going back to his table. I watched him as he sat back down with Seonghwa and started talking before I turned back to my plate. I quickly grabbed a roll and pulled it apart, adding egg, bacon, cheese and a hashbrown into it before I started eating.
It was tiring to go back to classes after having Christmas break, especially because we've gotten to the years where we are expected to be slammed with knowledge pretty much every class. I was just about ready to fall asleep during lunch while I sat with Yeosang and Yunho which is why I was thankful that my next class was a free period.
"I will see you guys in Potions later," I said, nodding goodbye to them before heading towards the entrance to the castle. I don't really have the option to sleep right now so the next best thing was to get outside for some fresh air. I made my way through the grounds and down to the quidditch pitch to check and see if there was any class in session there. I love playing quidditch but I also enjoy just flying around in the sun and relaxing on my broomstick. I clapped happily when I looked out across the pitch and saw that there was no one there. Perfect.
I went inside our locker rooms and went over to my locker, unlocking it and grabbing out my broomstick before putting my robe inside so I was in my shirt and pants. San was right, I have practice later today but right now I just want to fly around and relax in the sun. I went back out to the pitch, got onto my broom and kicked off the ground. I glided up slowly, tilting the front of the broom up slightly until I finally got to the height of the hoops. I paused up there, letting my eyes slip closed as I lifted my head slightly and took in the sun on my face. I flew around for a while, just weaving around, circling the hoops and chuckling happily as it was so fun. After doing that for a while, I decided to get some proper extra training in for the last half of the period before I needed to head to potions. I started out with diving, going low before pulling up quickly. It was also fun but could be scary at times so I had to make sure I was being safe with it. It's generally better when there is other people there but it's still something good to practice along. After that, I moved onto practicing my throwing form while flying at high speeds. I didn't have the quaffle but I was still able to fly quickly, pretend to throw and pull up sharply.
My watch eventually buzzed to signal to me that it was time to head back to the castle for potions so I quickly flew down to the ground and slipped off my broom. I jogged quickly into the locker room. I've still got 10 minutes until class ends but I set my alarm so I would have time to cool down and get back inside. I opened my locker and placed my broom inside delicately before wiping my forehead with my sleeve to get rid of some of the sweat that had gathered there. I grabbed out my robes and slipped them on quickly, tying it up loosely before closing my locker door.
"What the fuck," I yelled in shock, jumping back as I saw someone leant against the locker beside mine. When I realised who it was I frowned angrily.
"What are you even doing in here. This is the Gryffindor locker rooms, only Gryffindor's are allowed inside," I said angrily.
"I saw you flying out here so I thought now would be the best time to get you alone so we can talk," he said with a shrug. I stepped back more at his words, my hand slipping into my pocket to wrap around my wand.
"My father was telling me some things over the break. Said you're mother is dying or some shit. But I thought to myself, if your mother was dying, why wouldn't you go home to see her whenever you can-."
"That's none of your business and you better shut up about my mum," I spat angrily, my grip tightening on my wand.
"Well that's just it isn't it Jung. I thought to myself, why wouldn't he go home and then I found out right when you said you were staying, it was just after San decided he was going to stay here," Juyeon said. I wasn't liking where this conversation, not at all. I'm fine if he hassles me but I don't want San getting involved.
"Him staying had nothing to do with me," I said tightly.
"Perhaps but you staying certainly had to do with him. What, you found out he was staying and then jumped at the opportunity to stay and stalk him more. You know he's not gay right," Juyeon said with a smirk. I held my tongue at his words, wanting to correct him but definitely not wanting to out San to someone he hasn't told or doesn't want to tell.
"His sexuality has nothing to do with me Juyeon, just go crawl back to whatever hole you came out of," I said. I went to try and walk past him but he blocked my path and shoved me back. I stumbled slightly but caught myself on the lockers.
"Do you like to suck dick Wooyoung." My eyes widened at Juyeon's words, at how rude and invasive the question was.
"What the hell Juyeon," I snapped in annoyance.
"That's not a denial is it? Usually most people would denying the accusation quickly, unless you like sucking dick like a faggot," he spat.
"Don't use that word," I said immediately.
"What? You don't like being told what you are? I'm still not hearing any denial in there," Juyeon said with a smirk as he took a step forwards and I quickly stepped back to stay at a distance. I didn't know what to say, how to reply because on one hand I don't want to give Juyeon any fuel but on the other, I didn't want to lie about my sexuality. San said it was ok, that being gay wasn't wrong. He and Seonghwa are both gay, hell, Seonghwa has a boyfriend. San said it was just dad and some other people who are just bigots that can't change their ways.
"Because I don't need to deny anything to you, I don't need to defend myself. My sexuality has absolutely nothing to do with you," I said, stepping closer to him so we were almost chest to chest. I'm not backing down to the asshole. He thinks he can intimidate me, I think he needs to grow the hell up.
"God, no wonder you mum is dying. I'd want to die too if my son was a dirty little fag." I lunged out and shoved Juyeon back in anger but he just laughed.
"You know what Jung, I'll help you get some practice in, let you fulfill your dirty, disgusting urges," he said as he strode forwards. I was confused by his words, not understanding what he was saying. Those seconds of confusion meant I wasn't focusing on him and that was the worst thing I could of done. I yelped as I felt myself get shoved back into the lockers. I quickly reached out to push Juyeon away but he already had his hands on my chest when I managed to shove him. My shove was enough to push him away but in the process, due to his hands being clutched in my robes and shirt, my robes came undone and he ripped my shirt apart to the fourth button.
"Get away from me," I said. He didn't stop though, he moved forwards again and grabbed me, throwing me into the lockers on the other side. I smashed my shoulder and head into it and it hurt and I groaned in pain. His hand fisted my shirt again and he yanked me forwards, ripping another button off. I quickly swung out my fist and managed to clip him in the jaw. He swore and threw me into the lockers again. I was at a major disadvantage given that Juyeon was a lot bigger than me. Being close in hand to hand combat or whatever you'd call this kind of tussle puts me in a bad place. I tried to reach into my robes for my wand but Juyeon reached out and fisted my hair, slamming back again. I yelped in pain, my head being forced back and I quickly tried to kick out at him. He swung his hand back, slapping me in the face. I was quite shocked at the action, definitely not having expected to be slapped of all things.
"Since you like to suck dick so much, I might as well get in some fun," he said and I felt all the colour drain from my face. He yanked my hair down and I cried out, my knees buckling and sending me crashing to the ground. The force of it shot pain through my knees as well as my head where Juyeon still had a tight grip on my hair. I reached up quickly, trying to tug his hand from my hair as it was painful.
"Come on, I'm sure you love this position you little fag." I gasped as I saw Juyeon reaching towards his pants zipper with his free hand and became crystal clear he was actually trying to force me to do that. I'm only 16, the only thing I've ever done is kiss someone. The situation was clear and at that moment I realised no amount of pain that I could go through to fight back, would be worse than what he wanted to do. I drew in a deep breath and lunged forward, feeling his hand tug in my hair painfully but I managed to reach out and grab his ankle, yanking as hard as I could. I pulled his foot out from under him and he fell backwards, smashing to the ground harshly. It would've been painful but I didn't care. His hand had left my hair and I quickly jumped up, sprinting from the room and outside. I didn't look back, too scared that he was following me and knowing if I faltered, he would catch me. I sprinted from the quidditch pitch and up towards the castle. I ran inside and into the halls before freezing and ducking back. Class had already ended a few minutes ago which meant most people would already be in their next class but there would still be some stragglers behind. I had seen a few people and quickly hid, not wanting them to see me like this. I wasn't sure how I looked exactly but I knew for sure that it wouldn't be a pretty sight. I whimpered and spun around in fear, preparing to see Juyeon right behind me but he wasn't anywhere in sight. I shakily grabbed the sides of my robes and overlapped them, holding them in place as I started to walk shakily down the hall. The people I had seen had already moved on so I was alone in the hall. I had no idea what to do but now that the adrenaline was starting to run down and I once again realised what had just happened, I felt my eyes welling up with tears. My breathing quickened and so did my pace. I just need to get to the common room and then I can just hide myself away there and not think about anything. I sniffled and wiped my eyes quickly, turning down another hall and backing up immediately. There was a Slytherin about halfway down. They were tall and had dark ha-.
"SEONGHWA," I yelled out, running forwards quickly. Any thoughts of hiding away and isolating myself were gone as soon as I saw someone I knew I could trust. He's been nothing but kind to me whenever I've talked to him and he's San's best friend. Seonghwa turned around with an eyebrow cocked up just a few seconds before I launched myself into his arms and started sobbing.
"Woah, woah. Wooyoung? Hey, what's wrong," he asked and there was a thud before his arms wrapped tightly around my body. I choked out another sob, fisting my hands in his shirt and clinging tightly to him.
"Hey, shh, it's ok. I'm here, you're ok. Let's try and take some deep breaths alright," Seonghwa said soothingly. His voice was very calming and he continued to whisper gentle hushes and hold me firmly. It managed to calm me down relatively well, especially because I felt safe enough to relax but I still felt out of sorts. Seonghwa seemed to realise I had calmed down a bit and he pulled away. We broke apart and I didn't really want to because I wanted the comfort but he kept a hand on my shoulder at all times.
"What the hell Wooyoung, what happened to your face," he asked, reaching up the hand that wasn't on my shoulder and cupping my face gently. He then stepped back again and glanced over me, his eyes widening.
"What happened to your shirt? Wooyoung, were you attacked," he asked quickly. It was then that I realised given that I was no longer holding my robes, they had fallen to the sides again. I tried to tell him what happened but my mouth wasn't working. He moved his hand from my face and put it on my other shoulder, looking at me seriously.
"Did someone attack you Wooyoung," he asked again.
"J-Juyeon. He c-cornered me in the l-locker room," I said shakily. Seonghwa's eyes narrowed slightly in anger but it was clear to me he was trying to stay calm for my sake. It made me feel even safer. Seonghwa is one of the strongest wizards in his year, a lot of people are scared of him, including Juyeon.
"And he attacked you? He did this to you," Seonghwa asked and I nodded.
"S-Said I was a f-fag. I d-don't really understand. He c-called me dirty and dis-gusting but then he p-pushed me to my knees and tried to g-get me to, to um, t-to-."
"Oh he fucken did not," Seonghwa said, mercifully cutting me off so I wouldn't have to finish that sentence. His voice was sharp and when I looked at his face I was caught off guard as I saw his expression. It was murderous, he looked like he was ready to kill someone, one of the scariest looks I've ever seen on him. But I wasn't scared because that look wasn't for me.
"I don't understand. Wh-Why? He said I was d-dirty and that it was disgusting. Why d-did he try to make me do that," I whimpered tearfully. Seonghwa stepped forwards and gently pulled me back into his arms. One hand cupped the back of my head, rubbing it gently while the other did the same on my back.
"I've got you. You're safe now, I'm not going to let him touch you," Seonghwa whispered gently while I started to cry once again.
"Come on, we need to tell the Headmaster. He needs to be expelled for what he just did. I always knew he was a real piece of work but I never thought he would be capable as something like this. This is a new low for that shithead," Seonghwa said angrily. I sniffled and pulled back slightly, wiping my eyes with my sleeve.
"Why did he want me to do that if it was so disgusting," I asked, my voice small.
"Don't worry yourself about that Wooyoung. Nothing he did was your fault, nothing he said was even remotely true. He is a seriously troubled individual," Seonghwa said before he leant down and placed a delicately kiss to my temple. I whined at that and reached out to him quickly. He brought me back into his arms again.
"Let's go," he said softly. It was then that his earlier words registered in my head.
"No. No, we can't. Seonghwa we can't," I said, pulling back hurriedly. If we go to the Headmaster, my dad will be informed and there will be an investigation. Juyeon will most likely lie about what happened and my dad will find out I'm gay and he'll be on Juyeon's side. He'll either say I deserved it or try to say I was most likely lying. Things will get worse at home and I can't do that, I can't survive that.
"Wooyoung, what he just tried to do is grounds for him to be arrested, he at the very least needs to be expelled," Seonghwa said with a frown.
"He'll hurt me-."
"He won't be able to, he'll be gone," Seonghwa cut in.
"No, dad. Dad will hurt me, it will get worse. Please, please Seonghwa I'm begging you. I can't do it," I said shaking my head fearfully. Seonghwa cursed and his hand squeezed my shoulder lightly.
"Why," he asked.
"He doesn't know I'm gay but he hates gay people and he despises me enough already. The outcome of doing that will be way worse than better. I can't go through that, please Seonghwa," I begged.
"Ok. Here's what we're going to do. We're going to go back to the library and we're going to find Hongjoong. We've got a free period but I was just ducking back to my room to get some books. There isn't many people in the library so you don't need to worry about people seeing you. I'll get him to stay with you and take you to the room of requirement while I go down to potions and get Yunho and Yeosang for you," Seonghwa said. Ok, that sounds better. I nodded quickly. He let go of me and turned around, grabbing my hand in his softly.
"Come on," he said, guiding me down the hall. I followed along behind him quickly, hastily holding my robes together with one hand. We slipped into the library that was only a hall over and I was thankful to see that there was actually no one in there. We walked over to one of the back desks where I saw Hongjoong with his head down working.
"Hey Joongie," Seonghwa said.
"Yes baby," Hongjoong replied, not lifting his head up from his work. Ok, I don't care about what just happened, that is so adorable.
"Hongjoong," Seonghwa said firmly. Hongjoong's head snapped up, obviously noting the urgency and seriousness in Seonghwa's voice. His eyes widened when he saw me.
"Wooyoung? What's going on," he asked in confusion.
"Something has happened and it's really serious. I won't explain now but you need to take Wooyoung to the room of requirement. I need to go get Yunho and Yeosang from potions downstairs," Seonghwa said. I frowned at that, clutching Seonghwa's hand tighter. No offense to Hongjoong but Seonghwa was the person I found, the person who had been consoling me and for some reason I didn't want him to leave right now.
"Wait, c-can't you take me," I asked nervously. Seonghwa glanced at me with a frown before nodding.
"Joong, you need to get the two of them from potions and meet us in the room of requirement," he said. That sounded a lot better but there was still something missing.
"Wh-What about Sannie," I asked quietly.
"San's in class, yeah," Seonghwa said with a nod.
"I think Wooyoung meant that he wants me to get San as well. Is that right," Hongjoong asked and I nodded.
"Ok. You go get San, Yeosang and Yunho and meet us there. I'll take Wooyoung up to the room right now," Seonghwa said with a nod. Hongjoong nodded and closed his book before standing up.
"I'm just leaving my stuff here, I'll grab it later. You go get him comfortable, I'll meet you there soon," Hongjoong said before hurrying off.
"Come on," Seonghwa said, once again gently guiding my from the room. I padded behind him quickly while holding his hand. I nibbled my bottom lip nervously before shifting my hand to link our fingers together. Seonghwa didn't react except to give my hand a light squeeze. When we got to the seventh floor, he let go of my hand to walk up and down until the door showed. He grabbed my hand again and bought me to the room. There was immediately a large fireplace that showed up, a soft looking mattress appeared on the floor before getting covered by big fluffy blankets. I didn't even have the chance to think about them but I felt relief when I saw them. They looked so warm and comforting.
"Come on, let's get you cuddled up," Seonghwa said. It still shocked me to see how gentle and comforting Seonghwa was. If someone had tried to tell me before this year that this is how the Ice Prince was really like this, one of the people I felt so safe with when in distress, I would have thought they were crazy. We sat down on the mattress, Seonghwa taking off both our shoes and robes before he wrapped one of the blankets around my body, bundling me up in his arms. I let out a breath of relief and leaned my body on his, my head dropping onto his shoulder.
"You're safe," he whispered. And I believed him, I felt safe, letting my eyes slip closed.
Here is Chapter 18, I hope you guys enjoyed it
The last couple of chapters have been pretty tame so I brought back some angst cos everybody loves some angst. I also wanted something that would force the events of next chapter so yeah, angst was needed
Let me know your favourite parts of this chapter, what you enjoyed
How do you guys think everyone is going to react after what happened?
As usual, if you have any ideas or things you'd want to see in future, let me know
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