Chapter 14: Friday 16th of December
San's POV
"Took you long enough. Can you ever be on time," Seonghwa said with a sigh as I came down the stairs.
"I'm not that late," I replied with a shrug as I finished tying up my robe.
"Breakfast already started 15 minutes ago," Seonghwa said.
"It's 15 minutes," I replied, rolling my eyes as we left the common room and walked out into the halls.
"Still late," Seonghwa said with a shrug. I rolled my eyes again at his dramatics. 15 minutes is seriously nothing, we still have half an hour. We walked through the halls, heading towards the Great Hall. They were basically empty because most people would already be in the Great Hall which I guess might mean that we're a little bit late but I'm not going to admit that to Seonghwa. As we got a few halls from the Great Hall, I noticed a figure sitting on the ground. I was confused at first as they had their head in their hands as they leant against the wall but it took me all of 3 seconds to recognise who it was.
"Wooyoung," I called out as I ran over to him, Seonghwa following quickly. Wooyoung's head lifted up slightly and I slammed down to my knees beside him, concerned as I saw a tear falling down his face.
"Hey, what's wrong? Are you ok? Are you hurt," I asked quickly. Wooyoung sniffled and shook his head slowly.
"I'm ok, I just got really dizzy," he whispered. Seonghwa reached out his hand and quickly placed his palm against the younger boys forehead before frowning.
"You don't feel hot at all," he said.
"I'm not sick, just dizzy," Wooyoung whispered. I glanced around the hall to see if some of the others were nearby as Wooyoung usually comes to the Great Hall with Yunho and Yeosang but it was empty.
"Where's Yeosang and Yunho? Aren't they usually with you," I asked him quickly. Wooyoung sighed and closed his eyes, leaning his head back against the wall.
"I told them to go without me because I was going to be late," he said quietly.
"Are you just dizzy or do you have a headache," I asked, noticing how he rubbed the side of his head with his fingers.
"A little headache but mainly just dizzy," he replied. I glanced over at Seonghwa who had furrowed eyebrows as he was deep in thought.
"I think you might just need to eat, get some food and energy into you," Seonghwa told him.
"Maybe," Wooyoung said with a sigh. He didn't move at all and I realise he was probably still feeling dizzy and not up to moving around.
"Do you want some help," I asked him. His eyes peeled back open and he glanced at me nodding slightly. I stood up quickly and held my hands out to him. When he grabbed them, I gently and slowly pulled him up to his feet. He stumbled slightly as soon as he was standing before his eyes slipped closed and he just collapsed completely. I yelped and wrapped my arms around him quickly, stopping him from falling to the ground. I was frozen in place and it was quiet for a few seconds before Seonghwa broke the silence.
"Did he just faint," he asked.
"Uh, yeah, I think so," I said, glancing up at him in panic.
"Ok, we should probably get him to Madam Promfrey then. If he's fainting then that really isn't good," Seonghwa said with a frown. I nodded and quickly moved my arm under Wooyoung's knees and scooped him up properly into my arms. His eyes were still shut and his head flopped onto my shoulder.
"Should I be panicking more about this? I feel like I'm not panicking enough about this," I said hurriedly, looking back to Seonghwa.
"No. You don't need to panicking. Right now you need to take him to Madam Promfrey," Seonghwa said.
"You're not coming," I asked in confusion.
"No, I'm going to go and inform the others about what happened, so they don't get confused and worried when he doesn't show up," Seonghwa replied.
"Right, makes sense," I said with a nod. I turned down the hall leading to the Medical Wing, carrying Wooyoung in my arms. I moved as quickly as I could without dropping or accidentally hurting Wooyoung, pushing the door open with my back.
"Madam Promfrey," I called out, carrying him over to one of the beds. I very carefully placed the younger boy down onto the bed, resting his head on the pillow.
"San, what's going on," Madam Promfrey asked as she walked over.
"Wooyoung fainted in the hall and he hasn't woken up so I'm worried there's something wrong," I replied, stepping to the side as she started to assess him.
"Did he mention there being anything wrong before he fainted," she asked me.
"Seonghwa and I found him crouched in the hall so we asked what was wrong and he said he was feeling pretty dizzy. He also mentioned having a slight headache but he was mainly dizzy. Seonghwa thought maybe he might just need to eat but when I helped him stand up, he fainted," I told her. As I said that, Wooyoung started moving slightly and he let out a groan.
"Wooyoung," I said quickly, reaching out and brushing his hair back from his forehead gently. His eyebrows scrunched up before his eyes slipped open and he blinked slowly.
"Madam Promfrey," he groaned out.
"Hello Wooyoung, you gave San here quite the scare," Madam Promfrey said. Wooyoung frowned before glancing over at me and I shot him a small smile to try and reassure him it was fine.
"Did I pass out," he asked.
"Yeah, you did," I said with a nod.
"Oh," he said softly.
"How're you feeling now Wooyoung? Are there any spots in your vision," Madam Promfrey asked.
"No, I'm fine. I just feel a little tired I guess," Wooyoung said quietly.
"How much have been eating lately," she asked him.
"Um, enough," he replied, glancing down at the bed. Ok, so that's not very reassuring at all.
"Your idea of enough and what actually is enough could be very different. I'm going to need to ask you some questions but if you feel uncomfortable answering in front of San he can leave because I need you to be truthful," Madam Promfrey said firmly. Right, Wooyoung might not want to open up about things like this with me here.
"San's ok, he can stay," Wooyoung replied quickly, surprising me. I mean I know we've cleared everything up a couple of weeks ago but I still wouldn't expect him to want to talk about something that could be an issue in front of me. He glanced over at me briefly and I gave a nod to assure him I was fine with it.
"Ok. First of all, name everything you've eaten starting from breakfast yesterday," Madam Promfrey said.
"Oh, um. For breakfast I had some grapes because I wasn't very hungry. I had a sandwich with turkey for lunch and then for dinner I had some salad," Wooyoung said. I frowned at that. Surely he ate more than that? That's nowhere near enough to be eating for a boy his age.
"What else did you have," Madam Promfrey asked. Wooyoung was quietfor a few seconds, and I could see on his face that he knew he hadn't eaten enough. I jumped slightly as my hand was touched but I glanced down to see Wooyoung's fingertips reaching out. I was confused but quickly slipped my hand into his, allowing him to hold it tightly.
"That's all," he told Madam Promfrey and she sighed.
"Wooyoung, you and I both know that is nowhere near enough for you to be eating in a day. Especially because you play quidditch and it uses up even more energy. You promised after last time that you'd make sure you were eating more," Madam Promfrey said sternly. Wooyoung's hand tightened in mine and I gave it a reassuring squeeze.
"I have been eating more, I just wasn't that hungry yesterday," Wooyoung said with a shrug.
"What did you eat the day before," Madam Promfrey asked. Wooyoung opened his mouth before snapping it closed again. He was quiet for a few seconds before letting out a small sob.
"I'm sorry," he cried. I quickly squeezed his hand again and rubbed the back of his hand with my thumb, trying to figure out how to comfort him as I'm not the best with comforting people.
"It's ok Wooyoung, I know you find it hard sometimes. I do think the reason for you fainting today is because you haven't been eating enough though. You really need to do your best to eat more than what you're currently eating or else you're going to be in here quite frequently," she said. Wooyoung sniffled but nodded, wiping his eyes with his free hand.
"Wait here while I go get a healing potion for you," Madam Promfrey said before walking off, leaving Wooyoung and I alone together.
"Uh, do you want a hug," I asked uncertainly. He glanced up at me before nodding quickly. I let go of his hand and moved closer, bending down and wrapping my arms around him as he sat up and hugged me. I thought back to what I've seen Seonghwa do with Hongjoong and I rubbed my hand up and down Wooyoung's back in a hopefully soothing motion. Madam Promfrey came back a few minutes later and I pulled away, allowing her to bring the potion over to Wooyoung. Wooyoung drank it quickly, scrunching his nose up cutely at the taste.
"This will help you feel better for today but you really need to keep on track of what you're eating Wooyoung," Madam Promfrey said.
"I try to but sometimes I just can't help it," Wooyoung said. Madam Promfrey was silent in thought for a few seconds before she glanced over at me.
"How about we do this. There is a week before Christmas holidays. I want San to sit with you at mealtimes and make sure you're eating properly. I know you might not like it but he can keep track and push for you to eat more if you aren't eating enough," Madam Promfrey suggested. That's something I would willingly do but I'm not too sure if Wooyoung would enjoy that much.
"I don't want to force San to babysit me," Wooyoung said with a frown.
"I'm ok with doing it and it's not babysitting. All it is, is just making sure you're healthy. I would gladly do that with you or Seonghwa," I said quickly. I don't want him thinking he's going to bother me to stop him from getting help from me.
"Are you sure," Wooyoung asked quietly.
"Positive. If you're ok with it, I'll definitely keep an eye on you," I promised.
"How does that sound Wooyoung," Madam Promfrey asked.
"Uh, we can try it out. See how it goes," Wooyoung said with a shrug.
"That settles it then. San, you just need to make sure he's eating what you would deem enough to gain the energy he needs. You play quidditch as well so you can gauge from what you eat. Don't be too forceful but encourage him to eat more if he's not eating enough," Madam Promfrey said and I nodded quickly.
"Good. There should be about 20 minutes left of breakfast so I want you two to go there and have a little bit to eat. You don't need to eat a lot now Wooyoung because you just drank a potion but I do want you to eat something," Madam Promfrey said.
"Ok," Wooyoung said with a nod. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up as I hovered by quickly, making sure he wouldn't faint and fall again.
"You ok," I asked worriedly.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Wooyoung said, his voice slightly clipped. I backed off immediately, noting how he seemed annoyed. He was most likely feeling a bit embarrassed about everything that had happened. The two of us left the room and walked to the Great Hall. I glanced around quickly before my eyes landed on the Ravenclaw table where he saw Yeosang, Hongjoong, Seonghwa and Yunho sitting together. Wooyoung seemed to see them as well as he went towards the Ravenclaw table rather than the Gryffindor and I followed him. As soon as Yeosang noticed us walking over, he stood up and closed the distance.
"I'm fine Sangie, let's just sit down," Wooyoung said, cutting Yeosang off before he could even open his mouth. Yeosang nodded and placed his hand on Wooyoung's back, guiding him to sit down next to him. I went over and sat down beside Seonghwa as he put some waffles onto a plate for me.
"Thanks," I said quietly.
"Eat quickly because breakfast closes in 15 minutes," Seonghwa told me and I nodded. I cut into my waffle and glanced over at Wooyoung to see what he was doing. He was just sitting there with his hands holding his plate. I slipped my hand into my robes and discretely pulled out my wand, pointing it to the waffles. I glanced around briefly to make sure the others weren't watching before muttering a spell. I quickly hovered a waffle over onto Wooyoung's plate, one that wasn't too big. Wooyoung jumped at the action and his eyes snapped over to look at me.
'Eat,' I mouthed to him. He gave me a small smile and nodded before he started eating.
"Oi, Choi." I sighed and stopped walking, turning around to see Juyeon and his two goons walking towards me down the hall.
"What do you want Juyeon," I asked with a frown.
"Did you seriously think you were going to get away with beating me up huh? You think just because you're all smitten with that useless blood traitor that you can get away with anything," Juyeon said angrily. Right, he's butt hurt.
"I beat you up because of what you did to Jung. Four against one isn't a fair fight and you know it," I said.
"Who gives a shit. You're a Slytherin. Since when do you even care about that pathetic piece of shit," Juyeon spat.
"Look I'm not going to argue with you," I said rolling my eyes. I turned around and continued walking down the hall.
"Choi, don't turn your back on me," Juyeon yelled out. I ignored him and continued making my way towards the Great Hall for dinner.
"Stupefy." Before I had a chance to react, there was a white hot pain hitting my back and my vision blacked out.
I groaned out as I came to, shifting slightly. I felt something soft and warm underneath my head and I slowly peeled my eyes open. I frowned as my eyes met slightly familiar ones but I couldn't quite place them.
"Uh, hi," I said slowly, glancing around and noticing we were in the middle of an empty hall on the ground against the wall. My head was resting in this persons lap.
"Hi," he said.
"Um, why am I on the floor," I asked him.
"Why don't you tell me? I found you unconscious in the hall about 10 minutes ago," he said. It was then that I remembered what happened and I recognised the boy.
"Jongho right? Gryffindor 5th year," I said.
"Yeah. So what happened," he asked me.
"Juyeon stunned me. Must've just left me here. I'm surprised he didn't give me a few more brusies while I was unconscious," I said with a sigh.
"He stunned you? Are you ok," Jongho asked quickly.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Hurt like a bitch but I'm fine," I replied, sitting up.
"Are you sure," he asked.
"I just said I'm fine," I said firmly.
"Jeez. Forgive me for worrying because I found you unconscious in a hall," Jongho said.
"Right, sorry. I'm fine though," I said as I stood up before holding out my hand. He grabbed it and allowed me to pull him up to his feet.
"You should report Juyeon to the headmaster," Jongho said.
"No way. I'm not giving him that satisfaction. He's a coward and he hit me from behind, he doesn't have the guts to have a proper duel," I said with a frown.
"That doesn't surprise me, he's an ass," Jongho said with a shrug.
"You can say that again. Anyway, thank you for making sure I was ok. Have you eaten yet," I asked.
"No, I was on my way when I found you," he replied.
"Right, well come on," I said. He nodded and we both walked towards the Great Hall. When we got into the Great Hall, I went over to the Slytherin table where Seonghwa was sitting alone at the end.
"You're late. Don't tell me you got into trouble in class again," Seonghwa said with a sigh.
"Nah, I ran into Juyeon in the hall," I replied as I sat down and put some food onto my plate.
"I hate Juyeon. Did you get him good at least," Seonghwa asked.
"Yeah it was fine," I lied. Seonghwa is a worrier but there's no need to stress him over nothing.
"You ok? You seem off," Seonghwa said quietly.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied with a nod. Seonghwa watched me for a few more seconds before nodding. We were eating for a few seconds before there was a sudden presence by my side. My head snapped to the side to see Wooyoung sat beside me.
"Hey," I said slowly, unsure what he was doing. He looked tired, no exhausted and it worried me a little. He didn't say anything, just put on the hood of his robe and leant his head down to rest on my shoulder. My eyes went wide and I froze, turning to look at Seonghwa. Seonghwa wasn't watching us though, he was just eating. I quickly kicked his ankle to gain his attention, making him look over to me in confusion. I slowly leant my head back, allowing him to see the head currently resting on my shoulder. His eyes widened and he covered his mouth, clearly laughing at my predicament. I glared at him and he grinned. He mimed wrapped in arm around my waist so I sighed and did the same with Wooyoung tugging him closer. Wooyoung's arms came up to wrap around my waist and I felt him relax against my side. I fought the urge to tense up and recoil, glancing around the Great Hall anxiously. Thankfully no one seemed to be paying attention, too busy chatting amongst themselves. It was then that I realised I was supposed to be keeping an eye on what Wooyoung was eating.
"Hey Jung, what have you eaten so far for dinner," I asked softly, giving my shoulder a light jolt.
"Not hungry," Wooyoung mumbled. I put down my knife that I still hand in my left hand and turned to face Wooyoung better.
"I can tell you're tired but you need to eat something. You promised you'd start eating a bit better remember," I said.
"Not hungry," he whispered.
"I know, but you still need to eat please. You promised remember? I can feed you if you're too tired but you still need to eat," I said.
"Ok," Wooyoung whispered. He didn't move and his eyes remained closed so I took that as him agreeing to being fed. I glanced around the table before my eyes landed on some mash potato and I quickly piled it onto my plate. I scooped some onto my spoon and lifted it up to Wooyoung's mouth.
"Open," I said quietly. His mouth slipped open obediently and I gently placed the spoon into it. He ate it slowly before and once I deemed he had enough time, I moved onto the next scoop. We continued this routine for a few minutes until I had fed him all of the mash potato on my plate. I was about to look for something else to feed him as I wanted to give him as much as I could slip in while he was accepting the food when Seonghwa suddenly put some pulled pork onto my plate. I glanced over at him and raised an eyebrow but he just shrugged and motioned over to Wooyoung. I rolled my eyes but scooped some onto the spoon.
"Open up," I whispered before putting the spoon into Wooyoung's mouth. Wooyoung let out a small hum as he chewed on the pork and I smiled softly. I managed to get him to eat another three spoonful's before he shook his head and didn't want to eat anymore. I let him stay resting on my shoulder while I quickly ate some more myself until I had my fill.
"You finished," I asked Seonghwa who was fiddling with his wand.
"Been finished for a while. You done," Seonghwa asked and I nodded.
"Great. Do you want to head back to the common room now," he asked me.
"Slight problem with that," I pointed out, nodding my head to Wooyoung sleeping on my shoulder.
"Just carry him to bed, you seem to enjoy doing that," Seonghwa said with a shrug.
"Enjoy doing it? Since when have I ever given you that idea," I asked.
"The last two times you've done it," Seonghwa said.
"Whatever. But no, I'm not just going to carry him here. It's bad enough that I'm basically cuddling him in front of everyone," I said with a frown. Wooyoung's head suddenly lifted from my shoulder and I glanced over to see his eyes open.
"Sorry, I'll go," he said quietly. He went to stand but I quickly grabbed his wrist and tugged him back down.
"I'm not annoyed or anything," I told him.
"But you-."
"I was just worried about getting you back to the Gryffindor common room," I explained.
"I can just walk back, it's fine," Wooyoung said.
"No, you look really tired so I'll walk you back," I said quickly.
"It's fine, I can just go back to Sangie and Yunho," Wooyoung said.
"You can do that as well. Come on, I'll walk you back to the table," I said.
"It's like 5 metres away," Wooyoung said.
"I know, come on," I said, tugging him up gently. He sighed but the two of us walked over to the Gryffindor table where Yunho was sitting next to Jongho. Yunho glanced up and frowned when his eyes landed on Wooyoung.
"I thought you were going to Yeosang," he said.
"He's pretty tired. The healing potion Madame Promfrey gave him earlier must've worn off," I told him. Yunho nodded and stood up, slipping his hand into Wooyoung's who grasped to it tightly.
"You heading back yet," Yunho asked.
"Indeed we are," Seonghwa said as he stepped up beside me.
"Good. We can all head back then," Yunho said. Jongho stood up as well before the five of us headed out of the Great Hall. Yunho continued to hold Wooyoung's hand as we walked and I noticed how Wooyoung huddled up close to him. I didn't realise just how much of a problem Wooyoung had with his food habits but it seems like it's worse than I thought it was. His dad really is a real prick.
As we were walking, I started to feel a bit dizzy and I could feel a sharp pain in my back. I winced and shifted my hand back to rest on my lower back. I blinked quickly, getting rid of the black dots in my vision.
"You guys going home for Christmas break," Yunho asked.
"Probably. We usually do," I replied with a shrug while Seonghwa nodded.
"What about you guys," I asked.
"We're staying here. Wooyoung doesn't want to go home and neither do I so we're staying and I think Sangie is going to stay as well," Yunho replied. I nodded in reply before the pain in back increased suddenly and my vision blacked out.
I groaned and opened my eyes to see three faces peering down at me. My eyes locked on Wooyoung who seemed worried before they shifted to Seonghwa who was frowning disapprovingly.
"When were you going to tell me you got stunned," he asked.
"Never, it wasn't something you needed to be concerned about," I said.
"Considering you just passed out, I think that would be cause for concern," Seonghwa said.
"Key word in what I said was it wasn't, not it isn't," I pointed out. Seonghwa scoffed and rolled his eyes but gently sat me up. He cupped my face delicately and his eyes scanned over it worriedly.
"I'm ok Hwa," I said quietly.
"Why must you always make me worry so much," he whispered.
"I'm fine. I was just stunned, not tortured. I guess I'm still just feeling the aftereffects," I said. Seonghwa sighed but nodded, standing up before slipping his arms underneath mine and very gently lifting me up onto my feet.
"You ok? Not dizzy at all," he asked worriedly.
"Stop stressing Hwa, this is exactly why I didn't tell you," I said with a sigh.
"I'm sorry but you just fainted on me so of course I am going to stress about you," Seonghwa said with a frown.
"Right. But stop stressing because I'm fine," I said.
"It's weird seeing you two this relaxed and caring. I'm used to seeing you all ice cold and unemotional." Seonghwa and I both went quiet, glancing over to where Yunho was watching us in intrigue.
"Contrary to popular belief, Seonghwa and I aren't heartless bitches," I said, making Jongho and Wooyoung chuckle.
"I never said that-."
"You didn't have to. We're well aware of what people who don't actually know us think of us," Seonghwa cut in.
"Enjoy the rest of your night, we'll be heading off to bed," he said added curtly. I immediately caught on that Yunho's comment had irritated him and he wanted to leave.
"See you guys tomorrow," I said, nodding to Seonghwa before we started heading the other way.
"San!" I paused and turned around just as Wooyoung's arms wrapped around me tightly.
"Thank you," he whispered.
"Get some sleep," I said softly, patting his back before pulling away.
"Are you sure you're ok," he asked me nervously.
"Yes. I'm 100% sure I'm ok Wooyoung," I said with a nod. He relaxed at that and nodded before hurrying back to Jongho and Yunho. Seonghwa and I continued heading back to the Slytherin common room.
"You're pissed off," I said with to him with a chuckle.
"I don't like people analysing our relationship. There's a reason we control our emotions around people," he said with a frown.
"I know. But still, no need to be so uptight," I said with a shrug.
"I'm not uptight," he said.
"You so are. Maybe you should go pay Hongjoong a visit. Loverboy always seems to brighten your day," I said, wiggling my eyebrows.
"He's not Loverboy and I'm perfectly fine thank you very much. You brighten my day just fine," he said. I chuckled but nodded.
"I want you sleeping with me tonight, I don't want you near Juyeon," he said quietly.
"I'm fine with that. We can cuddle right," I asked hopefully. Ever since that first night I slept in Seonghwa's arms, I've done my best to coax him into letting me do it every once in a while. I know I could just ask and he would accept every time but I'm not really one to ask for things like that.
"Yeah, we can cuddle," he said with a chuckle. I smiled happily to myself at his words, trying not to show just how excited I was for the comfort that would come in his arms.
Hi guys, long time no see for this story. I think it's been about 2 months since I last updated it. But anyway, here is Chapter 14 and I hope you all enjoyed it.
Let me know your thoughts on this chapter, what you enjoyed.
Let me know if there's anything you guys might be interested in future chapters
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