Chapter 1: Monday 3rd of October
Wooyoung's POV
Many people would say that I am a social butterfly, always talking and making new friends. My best and longest friend is Kang Yeosang, a 6th year like me except he was sorted into Ravenclaw in our first year. Yeosangie and I have been friends since the day we were born. Our mothers were friends when they went to Hogwarts, practically sisters. My mum was one of the only people that stuck with Mrs Kang when she married a Muggleborn wizard as both my mum and Mrs Kang were Purebloods and in marrying a Muggleborn, she broke off her Pureblood bloodline. Yeosang and I are almost complete opposites in terms of personality but that seems to make us get along better. I'm loud and annoying sometimes while Yeosang is more quiet and observant, being the voice of reason to my shenanigans. My other best friend is a fellow 6th year Gryffindor, Jeong Yunho. Yunho is like a giant puppy and he's my roommate in our chambers. There's another few 6th year Gryffindor's but I'm not as close with them as I am with Yunho. We met on the first day of school in our first year and became close after both being sorted into Gryffindor. He's practically been my lifeline whenever I'm not around Yeosang, making sure I don't do anything too stupid. Don't get me wrong, we LOVE pulling pranks and getting up to mischief but he makes sure I don't go too far. Yunho is also the Keeper for the Gryffindor Quidditch team while I am one of the Chasers. They're my closest two friends but get along with almost everyone on the 6th year, except for the Slytherins. The Slytherins are just plain assholes, truly the worst people I've met. They're all Purebloods, every last one of them and they think that makes them superior to all others. I hate the Slytherins, but there's one that I despise above all others, Choi San. Choi San is my biggest rival at Hogwarts and an arrogant, self-centred prick. Words cannot describe how much I hate Choi San.
"Youngie, wake up." I groaned and rolled over, flipping my pillow over to cover my ears and try to block out the sound.
"Wooyoung, you need to hurry. It's almost 8:30, breakfast ends in 15 minutes," Yunho grumbled, shaking my shoulders. My eyes snapped open and I shot up quickly.
"Yunho what the hell, why didn't you wake me up earlier," I asked as I jumped out of bed and rushed over to my trunk, rummaging through quickly to find my robes.
"Not my fault you don't wake up when you're supposed to," Yunho replied. My eyes landed on my robes and I grabbed them quickly, chucking them onto the bed.
"You could've woken me up earlier," I said with a groan.
"Hey, I'm risking missing breakfast for you. Be thankful I woke you up at all and didn't just leave you asleep and go to breakfast alone," Yunho said. I remained quiet at that, knowing he was right and waiting for me is nice. I quickly pulled off my shirt and pants, changing into my robes. Yunho just remained seated on his bed, waiting for me to finish getting ready. Ones my robes were on, I hurriedly put my shoes on as well.
"Don't bother with your hair, we need to go," Yunho told me. I huffed in frustration but grabbed my wand off my bedside table and slipped it into my robes.
"What do we have first period," I asked Yunho.
"Defence Against the Dark Arts but don't worry about that, let's just get to breakfast before the Great Hall closes," Yunho said as he went to the doorway. I whined but quickly moved over to where he was by the doorway, slipping my hand into his. He squeezed it gently and we hurried out of our dorm and through the common room, down the entryway hall leading back out to halls of Hogwarts. Yunho swung open the back of the portrait and we stepped out. I was surprised to see Yeosang standing outside in his Ravenclaw robes with his book bag. His head snapped up as we walked out and he rolled his eyes.
"You're late," he said.
"I know, I didn't wake up when I was supposed to," I said apologetically. He just sighed and nodded and the three of us made our way down to the staircases to get to the Great Hall where breakfast was. As we waited for the staircase to move, Yeosang reached up and gently ran his fingers through my hair, smoothing it down slightly. I gave him a small smile of appreciation before gently nudging my head against his. He just pats my head before I straightened up, just as the staircase stopped.
"Come on, we need to hurry before breakfast ends," Yunho said. The three of us walked briskly before finally making it to the Great Hall. We all hurried over to the Gryffindor table, Yeosang joining us as there weren't many people and it didn't really matter too much. There was an assortment of foods but I just piled some eggs and bacon onto my plate.
"Remember we don't have much time Woo so don't take too much," Yeosang scolded softly. I just rolled my eyes and started piling the food into my mouth.
"We have defence against the dark arts soon so be quick," Yunho said. I just continued eating quickly.
We ended up being 2 minutes late, the three of us stumbling inside the classroom.
"Mr Jang, Mr Jeong and Mr Jung, why are you late," Professor Irwin asked, looking away from the blackboard he was writing on.
"It was my fault Professor, I overslept," I said quickly.
"That will be five points from Gryffindor Mr Jung. The three of you can go take a seat. Jung you're up front with Mr Choi," Professor Irwin said. I groaned quietly and Yunho and Yeosang sniggered, obviously enjoying my turmoil. I begrudgingly walked to the front and sat down beside San. Our eyes met and he scoffed, scooting as far away from me as he could. I grumbled and did the same, almost falling off the opposite side of the seat from getting as far away as I could. Professor Irwin began talking about non-verbally using protego. We went over some notes before it was time to practice and we went out to the practical area.
"Your desk mates will be your duelling partners. I want you to practice using protego without saying the spell verbally, just speak it in your mind. Your partner will be using the disarming spell only, if I hear anything other than expelliarmus you will get a detention," Professor Irwin said. I frowned and pulled out my wand, turning to San who did the same, his head tilted up slightly as he looked me up and down snobbishly.
"You ready to get your ass kicked blood traitor," he spat.
"You wish Choi," I scoffed, raising my wand.
"You go first, show me how worthless you really are," San said. My hand tightened around my wand, my jaw flexing in anger. I'll show him. We faced each other and a grin slipped onto San's face as he watched me. So arrogant.
"Expelliarmus," he yelled suddenly. I didn't have enough time to even think of the defensive spell before I was jolted back and my wand was ripped from my grip, landing in San's waiting hand.
"That isn't fair, I wasn't ready," I said angrily.
"So, it's not like an enemy will wait for you to be ready," San shrugged, a smirk making his way onto his face.
"Just give me my wand back asshole," I grumbled. He shrugged and threw my wand back to me and I caught it, fixing it in my hand quickly.
"Your turn," I said, already thinking of a spell in my mind.
"Do your worst Jung," San said, the smirk still present on his face. Oh I'll do my worst alright.
"Furnunculus," I said, waving my wand.
"Protego," San yelled instantly, deflecting my spell. He looked over at me angrily.
"Mr Choi, we do it non-verbally," Professor Irwin said.
"He tried to give me boils," San said angrily before turning back to me.
"Incendio," he said. I didn't have time to block it so my robes caught on fire.
"MR CHOI," Professor Irwin yelled.
"Aguamenti," he added, water shooting from his wand to extinguish the flames.
"Levicorpus," I said immediately, causing San to be flipped upside down and dangled in the air.
"Liberacorpus," Professor Irwin said, stepping between the two of us. San was returned back to the ground and he glared at me from around the Professor and I sent him a grin.
"Ten points from both Gryffindor and Slytherin and both of you have detention tonight," he said angrily.
"Everyone back to the classroom. Thanks to these two, we will be doing theory for the rest of class," he said. There were multiple groans from everyone as we headed back.
"What the hell were you thinking," Yeosang asked as he walked over to me.
"He started it," I grumbled.
"Doesn't matter who started it, you shouldn't retaliate. Now you have detention genius," he said, flicking the back of my head lightly. I just huffed and we continued walking into the classroom.
"Mr Jung, switch with Mr Min," Professor Irwin said, obviously not wanting San and I together. Class continued on after that.
The rest of the day went by quickly, San unfortunately being in two of the other three classes I had for the day. My last class was muggle studies, something I find quite intriguing. We were learning about something called emails. It's how muggles communicate instead of using owls. I was walking down the halls, having parted with Yeosang and on my way to back to the Gryffindor common room when I heard a commotion.
"Come on you filthy mudblood." I frowned and looked and saw two Slytherins dragging a small Ravenclaw across the ground. My eyes widened and I went to run forwards but stopped when a different voice spoke up.
"Confringo." A ball of fire hurtled towards the two Slytherins as they jumped out of the way just in time, dropping the Ravenclaw.
"What the hell Park," one yelled. Another Slytherin emerged from another hall, his wand raised and a look of anger on his face. Park Seonghwa, also known as the Ice Prince. He's a seventh year Slytherin who is closed off to most people, always having a blank face as he walks through the halls. He doesn't interact with many people and has a pretty cold demeanour which is why he's nicknamed the Ice Prince. He comes from a long line of purebloods and is also San's best friend. In my years at Hogwarts I haven't really seen him talk much nor had a conversation with him as San is the only one he really talks to. Well, except Kim Hongjoong, a seventh year Ravenclaw who was just being dragged down the hall.
"Touch him again and I won't hesitate to crucio your ass, consequences be damned," Seonghwa said. His voice was sharp and cold, giving off a dark aura. The other two Slytherins stumbled back away from the Ravenclaw on the floor.
"Fucken psycho," they muttered before hurrying away quickly. Seonghwa lowered his wand and instantly rushed over to Hongjoong, helping him sit up. I noticed a book bag close to me on the floor so I grabbed it and walked over to them, watching in fascination as Seonghwa dusted Hongjoong off softly. Everyone has always said that Seonghwa has a cold heart but he seemed quite gentle right now.
"Hwa, you can't use an unforgiveable curse," Hongjoong said softly.
"I can if they're doing something unforgivable to you," Seonghwa replied quietly, standing up and helping Hongjoong up with him.
"Calling me a mudblood and bullying me isn't unforgivable Hwa, you can't just crucio them," Hongjoong chuckled.
"It is to me," Seonghwa replied. See, you learn new things every day.
"Um, I believe this is yours," I said, holding the book bag out. They both stopped talking and turned to me, Seonghwa's grip tightening around his wand.
"It's ok Hwa, this is Wooyoung, he's Yeosang's friend. Right," Hongjoong said, glancing over at me. I nodded in reply. We aren't really friends but I've met him a few times through Yeosang. Seonghwa's gaze sharpened and he looked me up and down. I shifted slightly, not knowing how to react as he was clearly cold towards me.
"Seonghwa, don't be rude," Hongjoong said his hand grabbing the Slytherins bicep as he leant into him. Seonghwa glanced over at him before looking back to me. He frowned slightly before nodding sharply. I guess I can take that as him saying hello or something.
"Sorry about him, he's just a bit emotionally constipated," Hongjoong said, smiling warmly at me. It surprised me how calm and happy he still seemed even after having people dragging him down a hall.
"Right," I said, smiling awkwardly.
"Thank you for my bag though," Hongjoong said, reaching out and grabbing it from me.
"No problem. Are you ok," I asked worriedly.
"I'm fine, they didn't really do any damage. Stuff like this happens a lot," he said with a shrug. His words made me frown, Seonghwa in as much the same state as me.
"Well if something like that happens again and I'm around, I promise I'll help you," I said.
"That's ok," Hongjoong said with a soft smile.
"You're the one who got San put in detention right," Seonghwa said. I stiffened at his words and frowned. That was his fault, not mine. If anything he got me put in detention, not the other way around.
"He started it first so it's his own fault," I snapped back. Seonghwa went to step forwards but Hongjoong tightened his hold on his arm and held it back.
"It's not his fault Hwa, they both provoke each other and heaven knows San can be quite the asshole," Hongjoong said. I bit my lip nervously, not knowing how Seonghwa was going to react but he relaxed and stood back. It's weird how a Slytherin pureblood like Seonghwa seems so close with a Muggleborn. Most Slytherins hate muggleborns.
"It was nice to see you Wooyoung, thank you again for my book bag," Hongjoong said before turning around and pulling Seonghwa off down the hall. Seonghwa glanced back at me briefly his eyebrows furrowing before he placed a hand on the small of Hongjoong's back as they turned down a different hall. Well that was a weird encounter I guess. I shrugged to myself and continued walking off to common room.
"Hello Wooyoung, lovely day today," the fat lady said as I walked up to her portrait.
"It is indeed," I said with a nod.
"Butterbeer," I said. She smiled and bowed her head before the portrait swung forwards. I quickly walked through, going into the common room. My eyes landed on a boy sitting in one of the chairs, reading a book on potions and a grin slipped onto my face.
"Jjongie," I said happily, rushed over and plopping down beside him on the armchair. I wrapped my arms around his neck and placed my legs on his lap, curling up against him. Jongho is a 5th year Gryffindor and he is like a little brother to me. We met on his first day when he was just a scared little boy who got lost and since then, Yunho and I have taken him under our wing.
"Wooyoung, can't you bother someone else," he asked with a sigh.
"I'm comfy," I said with a shrug.
"Fine but we need to get up in about 10 minutes to go down for dinner," Jongho said. I nodded into his chest, tightening my grip around him. He just went quiet and continued reading his potions book as his hand moved to brush through my hair absentmindedly. It was soothing and I allowed my eyes to slip closed as I basked in the warmth that came from the younger boys embrace.
We stayed there for a while before there were footsteps and I peeled my eyes open to see a 7th year walking down.
"Dinner is about to commence, you should head down to the Great Hall so you can eat before it ends," he said before walking down through the entryway.
"Come on, let's go eat," Jongho said. I nodded and moved off his lap, yawning and stretching to get rid of some of the kinks. Jongho quickly hurried off to put his potions book back in his dormitory before coming back.
"Time for food," he said as we walked out of the common room. We hurried off through the halls and down the staircases until we got to the Great hall, walking through the open doors. I scanned the long tables, smiling at Yeosang as I walked past before taking my seat near Yunho, Jongho sitting between the two of us.
"Hey Jjong, how was today," Yunho asked.
"It was alright, I'm having a little trouble in potions though," Jongho said with a sigh, rubbing his hand over his face in frustration. I quickly placed my hand on his shoulder, squeezing it to soothe him slightly.
"Hey, it's ok. It's only the start of the year, Yunho and I can help teach you some stuff ok," I said quickly.
"Yeah, don't stress just yet Jongho, we'll look after you ok, help you out," Yunho said softly. Jongho nibbled on his bottom lip before nodding, relaxing slightly. We all grabbed our plates and begun piling them with some food.
"Make sure you eat properly Wooyoung," Yunho said, glancing at my plate.
"Oh that's ok, I ate a lot at lunch," I said, giving him a reassuring smile.
"No Wooyoung, you need to eat more. You gotta get fattened up for the first Quidditch game in just over a month," Jongho said. I rolled my eyes but put more onto my plate to please them.
"Happy now," I asked, receiving nods in return. I giggled but begun to eat. As I ate, I glanced around the Great Hall and my eyes somehow landed on the unmistakable figure of Choi San. He was sitting at the end of the Slytherin table, Seonghwa eating quietly beside him. His eyes met mine and a smirk fell onto his face. I scowled, glaring angrily at him while he maintained his smirk. His attention was eventually drawn as Seonghwa leaned over to him and he turned away.
"Just eat Wooyoung, stop watching him," Yunho said, making me look away.
"One would think you were infatuated with him," Jongho added. I scoffed at the thought, whacking the back of his head lightly.
"Never, he's an asshole," I grumbled.
"Oh trust me, I know. But he is hot and he's kind of your type. Dark, mysterious, got some musc-."
"Ok, I get it Jongho," I groaned, interrupting him quickly. Jongho giggled quietly to himself.
"The two of them got themselves detention again," Yunho informed him.
"Again? Woo, you need to stop retaliating," Jongho scolded me. Why do I have someone younger than me scolding me?
"He set fire to my robes," I said with a frown.
"After you tried to give him boils," Yunho pointed out.
"He was being a dick before I did that," I pointed out. Yunho just shrugged and continued eating.
"What time is your detention," Jongho asked.
"It isn't until 9. I have to go down to the potions room apparently. I'll probably have to resort things," I sighed.
"Well that isn't too bad. At least you don't have to go to the Forbidden Forest," Yunho said.
"That doesn't give me much satisfaction. It doesn't matter where it is, it's still detention," I pointed out.
"Well enjoy your night time detention with Mr Choi," Jongho giggled.
"You're a menace Choi Jongho, just eat your dinner," I said. He grinned before turning back to his food and continuing to eat as I said. I can deal with a little detention with San, it really can't be that bad.
"You have got to be joking."
"Both of you will have until midnight to clean, no wands allowed. If it is not finished by then, you can come back tomorrow," Professor Slughorn said. I groaned internally as I looked over all of the spoiled potions. It looked as if 20 potions had just blown up and splattered everywhere.
"Here are you buckets and scrubs, you better get to it my boys," Professor Slughorn said before leaving. San immediately turned to me and frowned angrily.
"This is all your fault, I hope you know that. Filthy blood traitor," San spat.
"Oh lay off. You're as much to blame as I am," I retorted. San advanced on me angrily and I jolted back, stumbling until my back hit the wall. San paused, his eyes running over me, analysing before he took a step back. He huffed and grabbed a bucket, walking over to the far end of the room.
"You start on that side and I will start over here so we stay out of each other's way and get this done quickly," San said. I remained silent but grabbed a bucket and started to clean. No point wasting any time.
We ended up finishing just before midnight and we parted ways without a word. I was tired, exhausted even so I walked down the halls slowly, yawning into the back of my hand. After stumbling through the halls for a few minutes, I found myself standing in front of not the Gryffindor common room, but the Ravenclaw.
"Spelled forwards I am what you do every day, spelled backwards I am something you hate." Stupid riddles are so annoying, I couldn't last being a Ravenclaw.
"Something I hate is Choi San but I certainly don't do him every day," I grumbled.
"Stupid thing that other houses can't answer," I sighed.
"You do realise it is meant to be that way because other houses aren't supposed to get in." I spun around in surprise to see Hongjoong walking over.
"Hongjoong, what're you doing here," I asked.
"This is my common room, unlike yours," he said with a chuckle.
"Right. I just meant what're you doing here so late," I clarified.
"Ah. Seonghwa and I went to the Astronomy tower to look at the constellations. They look most beautiful at midnight," Hongjoong said softly.
"Can I ask you a personal question," I asked.
"I guess," Hongjoong replied, seeming puzzled. Understandable considering we don't know each other too well but I'm known for being a little nosy.
"Why're you friends with Park Seonghwa," I asked. It seemed to be the wrong wording however as his face darkened and he frowned.
"Seonghwa isn't what people make him out to be. He's actually quite a good person but no one gives him a chance because he looks intimidating," Hongjoong said.
"I mean he's also a pureblood Slytherin," I shrugged.
"And yet he doesn't act like one. Not all purebloods are bad. You're a pureblood and you're fine. Just because he was sorted into Slytherin doesn't mean he's a bad person. He's my best friend and he looks after me. That is why I'm friends with him," Hongjoong said firmly.
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be insensitive. I'm tired and I sometimes have no filter," I apologised. Hongjoong sighed and relaxed, giving a nod.
"That's ok," Hongjoong replied quietly.
"What are you doing here anyway? I feel like it's much more appropriate for me to ask you that than you to me," he added with a chuckle.
"Ah, I just um, i-."
"You wanted to sneak in and sleep with Yeosangie," Hongjoong said with a nod. Yeah, I've done that a few times before, sneaking in in the middle of the night but Yeosang usually sneaks me in and we talk about it beforehand.
"I just ended up here, I didn't realise I was going to come before then," I admitted.
"Well come on, I'll sneak you in," Hongjoong said warmly before he turned to the entrance.
"The answer is live. You live every day and you hate evil," Hongjoong spoke up clearly. Ah, that makes sense. Once the entrance was shown, Hongjoong grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.
"Stay quiet and go straight to Yeosang," Hongjoong said.
"Thank you," I whispered before hurrying over to where Yeosang's dormitory was. I slipped inside, tiptoeing silently until I got to Yeosang's bed. I gently parted the curtain and climbed onto the bed. Yeosang was sound asleep but he jolted awake when I started moving around.
"Wh-What? Youngie, is that you," he asked tiredly.
"Sorry, you can go back to sleep," I whispered.
"What're you doing here," he asked.
"Just wanted to sleep with you," I admitted quietly. He hummed softly and shuffled over to one side.
"Take off your robes and put your wand on my bedside table," Yeosang said. I did as asked, dropping my robes to the floor beside the bed before closing the curtain and lying down. Yeosang opened his arms and I huddled into them, allowing him to wrap his arms around me tightly. I snuggled my head onto his chest and he held me closer.
"Get some sleep, it's late," Yeosang whispered. I nodded and let my eyes slip closed, drifting off quickly in my best friends arms.
A/NHi guys, I wrote this chapter about 4 months ago and just came across it so I decided to just post it and see what happens. I have no idea whether I will continue this much as it isn't that great and I haven't worked on it in a few months. I am working on another chapter at the moment though so I might have it done an posted in a few days. Let me know what you think and whether I should continue it. I have a vague idea of where I want this story to go but given that this is the only chapter written so far, I am open for suggestions from you guys and things you might want to see, scenarios or dynamics you want more of.
Don't worry, I'm still writing the Pirate story and I have every chapter vaguely planned out but it's good to have a bit of variety in what I'm writing so I don't somehow find myself getting bored.
Anyway, for those who read this, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.
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