Chapter 50
"Andrew is... was, my older brother."
You couldn't belive that son of a bitch killed one of the only people that knew you. Like, really knew you. He was living at his university campus. You were going to go live with him but that psycho that was apparently your 'father' said he would kill you and him if you ever went to go live with him. Your parents actually loved him. Not you thought. They hated your guts. But Andrew was the only one; and forever will be the only one that knows what happened to you. He knows everything that happened to you. No one else knows that. You're not even to sure the assholes that did it to you know what they did. They were drunk off their asses. But that's still no excuse. Tyler doesn't know what happened, Dylan doesn't know what happened, your old boyfriend who shall go unnamed, doesn't know what happened... Gosh, even your best, best friend Chloe doesn't even know what fully happened. 'Maybe I should tell someone. What if I tell Ty? Would he be mad at me though. What am I saying, of course he would. He would yell at me for not telling him the truth in the first place.' You thought.
"EMMA!?!" Someone yelled in your face snapping you out of your thoughts.
"I asked you if you were okay. Are you okay?" Ty asked me.
"Uhhh" Every single thought ran through your head. You slowly felt your chest tightening. It was getting harder and harder to breathe for you. You suddenly clutched your chest gasping for air.
"Em, Emma honey you need to focus on my voice. Okay? You can do it. Just breathe with me. Emma. Look at me. You need to breathe okay? Deep breathes. In and out." You faintly heard Ty saying. Your vision and your hearing started to get fuzzy. Everything was sounding so muffled.
Suddenly someone grabbed your hands and said, "breathe with me." And they started breathing in out. You didn't know why, but hearing that voice made you feel so calm and so nervous at same time.
You were able to calm down just enough to get an actually breath of air. Your vision and hearing were back to normal.
You looked around at your surroundings and you felt safe again.
You looked at who was talking to you and who calmed you down.
You just fell in his arms and gave him a huge hug. "Thank you so much."
"No problem Emma. I'm always here to help." He said.
You were so happy you had someone like him in your life. Standing in front of you was one of my favourite people ever. It was...
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