Chapter 17
"Hi, I'm Emma."
"Hey Emma, I'm Tyler Posey, and this is Dylan Sprayberry." Tyler said pointing to Dylan.
You and Dylan were both staring into each others eyes.
"C-come on in" you said still not making eye contact with Tyler.
Ty ran down the stairs and said hi to Tyler and Dylan and gave then each a bro hug.
"Where's Chloe?" Ty said to himself. "Chloe!" He yelled "Chloe come here!"
"Coming!" She yelled back.
Chloe jogged down the stairs and greeted Tyler and Dylan.
Ty led everyone to the couches. Both Tylers sat together and Chloe sat on the other side of Ty.
You were happily sitting beside Dylan on the small couch so you guys were kind of squished together. (which you didn't mind at all)
You and Dylan were just still staring into each others eyes, and obviously Ty noticed because then he said, "Emma can I see you in the kitchen please?" He said in a stern voice not really giving you an option.
"Uh, okay." You getting up and still looking at Dylan but then someone grabbed your arm so you turned around to see who it was, and it was Ty pulling you along to the kitchen.
"What's wrong?" You asked.
"Do you have a little crushy poo on Dylan?" He asked with a huge smile on his face.
"What? No! Why would I like him?! I mean he's not that bad. Like, I don't know. I might. Okay maybe I do. Yes, I might have a small little very tiny crush on him." You said with a smile spreading on your face just at the thought of him.
"BUT DON'T YOU DARE TELL HIM!!!" You whisper shouted at Ty.
"Don't worry I won't." He chuckled.
"You better not." You warned him.
"Okay, I won't, but just so you know, I think he likes you too." Ty said.
You gasped, "REALLY!?!?!?!?" You accidently shouted inturpt in Tyler, Chloe, and Dyaln's conversation.
"Really what?" Tyler asked from the couch.
"Nothing, don't worry about it." Ty said back.
"Okay." Tyler said and continued his conversation with Chloe and Dylan.
"Okay now go and sit with your 'friend' over there and I swear, if you guys ever become anything more than friends or I find out that he tries to do something to you like kiss you, you're going to have a headless friend." Ty warned.
You smiled and made a kissy face pretending to kiss Dylan. You did that for about a second until Ty raised an eyebrow at you, so you just looked at him and laughed a bit which made him laugh a bit too.
You walked over back to your seat on the couch beside Dylan smiling, and Ty went back over to sit in between Chloe and Tyler.
Ty kept glancing over at you about every 5 seconds making sure nothing was going on.
"Hey you guys want a drink?" Ty asked everyone.
Ty and Tyler were the only ones of legal drinking age, but Ty still gave a beer to Dylan and he told me and Chloe to try this really pretty blue drink.
"What is it?" I asked Ty.
"Just try it." He said back.
"What's it called?"
"I honesty don't remember, but try it and tell me if you like it."
You took a big gulp if it first before Chloe tried hers.
All the boys were watching you to see if you liked it or not.
The second that, that gulp went down you started coughing and coughing holding your throat. Ty chuckled a little and went to go get you some water.
He brought it to you and you took a sip when you were done coughing.
"Why does it burn my throat?" You ask in a raspy voice because your throat hurts.
Tyler laughed a bit and Ty said chuckling a bit, "that's because there's vodka in it."
"Well I don't like vodka."
Everyone laughed for a bit and then Chloe just put hers down not even wanting to try it, which made everyone laugh even more.
After a while of laughing and you and Dylan staring at each other, Tyler and Dylan said their goodbyes to everyone.
Tyler gave you and Chloe each a hug before he left and gave Ty a bro hug.
Same with Dylan, only he gave Ty a bro hug first, then Chloe, and then he gave you an extra long hug to the point where Ty had to break it.
"Okay that's good enough." Ty said.
"Bye little Dyl, bye T-Pose." Ty yelled to them because they were already out the door.
Everyone said bye as they both got in Tyler's car and then they left.
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