Part 38
My eyes tear up, these particular tears could fill a olympic sized swimming pool. With my knees shaken to it's core I wobble and feel weak. With the last amount of energy I can muster, I make my way over to a bench by the lockers. Trembling fingers, weak knees and a fuzzy head, I manage to collect myself enough to open the letter. The paper is so delicate and fragile.
Just like me.
Worried that I will destroy the content with just one touch, I carefully open the folded up paper. Shocked I cover my mouth with my palm.
It can't be..
Dear marinette,
Ive never written anything this fast in my life, I don't feel like I have enough time to put into words all the reasons why I regret everything I've done in the last comments we've been apart. These times we have had apart has proven to be a challenge for the both of us. I feel like I'm on a one way street; all the letters you've written me, not have received a single one from me. Until right now. I don't except you to forgive or even dare look at me in the face.
Everyday, there hasn't been a day where I've wanted to ever forgot you, our memories, our love..
I only received these letters all at once, I remember leaving my hotel and running far away to a isolated bench to read them. Each letter brought a new pair of eyes ready to just burst into a waterfall.
You've given me a reason to continue, continue hoping that one day, one day ill lay my eyes upon your beautiful face one more time. I long for the chance to touch your face, run my hands through your silky midnight hair. To kiss your soft lips. I wish for all our troubles to melt away.
There wasn't a moment when I wished to be with someone els, to dream of someone els. It's always been you Mari.
I long for your forgiveness, but one day, somehow I will find you. There's a chance that this letter will not find you in time... I'm about the give this to my maid to post. But with that comes a great risk. A risk that can either lead me to you and our love could continue through these letters, or a monster could be in our way, a man who will destroy this and stop our love forever.
I will prepare myself for that. If I don't get a reply It could be that you have forgotten about this passion that we so share and treasure. but remember I will never stop loving you.
Yours sincerely
I go pale.
He still loves me
Even after all these days, months even years..
There could be hope.
Shit! When was this written! I try and recall the past. He Wrote this letter when I thought he he... I stand up and go to my locker. How did I only get this letter now... why now? The fashion show starts soon. I rummage through the content of the locker and inside the sleeve that holds my dress. With no luck I decide to put on the dress and do my makeup. This make-up is needed to cover up my eye bags. All those tears, the evidence needs to be gone. I manage to smile since I know that there could still be hope for Adrien and I.
My hair is down and I look in the mirror, all traces of the old me is gone, my old hair, my old clothes and the way I presented myself, I've changed. How could Adrien love the girl I've become. Im more confident yes, I'm stronger inside and out yes, im happier yes. But im not. I can't truly be happy without him.
Shutting my locker in a hurry, with the letter in one hand I feel something under my shoe. I look down and lift up my heel. A note. A small piece of paper. Confused I pick it up and examine it.
The dark silhouette wasn't a figure of your imagination.
Go into the classroom where it all began.
Heya I'm okay 💕☺️👍🏻Ahha I've just been so preoccupied. I really didn't realise how many people actually liked this story! 😱😮
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