Part 32
I forget how to breathe. The letters. She knows about them.
"Mm-m-ho-w- do you- know about them-?" I said shyly.
"A while ago I went to your hotel with my manger. I saw your maid acting sketchy with some mail" she proclaims calmly, " I followed her a bit and finally approached her, she told me she had been seeing letters come in everyday repeatedly by the same sender"
I look down and smile to my self.
"Your maid had been cleaning your dads room and saw the first 20 letters sitting in a box under the bed, its safe to assume your dad was hiding them" she says plainly.
I feel the anger rising up inside me. How dare he.
" I decided to help your maid hide the letters, we had waited a while to give them to you. She put the first one with your breakfast this morning" Isabella walks over and places her hand on my shoulder and says "todays photoshoot was clearly deliberate of your father, he's trying to get you to forget about her".
"Thank you Isabelle" I smile and give her a hug.
"Mmm Adrien before you leave....", she asks "how much did you love her?"
"I asked her to marry me".
I get in the car and make my way to the Hotel. I enter my room and lock my door. I stubble to my bed and flop onto it. Todays been a rollercoaster. I honestly don't know what came over me.... I yearn for physical touch and affection.
I roll onto my side and feel a package. Something dense and uncomfortable. I get up and reach for it.
I can't believe my eyes. It's the letters, all 61 of them. All the letters are stacked, with string around them with the earilest at the top.
A tear comes to my eye.
I grab the letters firmly Im my hands, my phone and keys. I run to the door.
I walk quickly to the near by park, but not to close that my dad sees me. I find a bench and sit down. The sun beams down and warms me just like how my heart is when I see the amount of letters she kept on writing. I blush a deep red.
'Day 2! Hello my Love,
My mum and dad don't know I'm writing these. I'm so cheeky *smily face. I woke up this morning with a smile on my face. I'm booked in for a hospital appointment this afternoon for a check up. I'm getting assigned a new drug to help me with my phases. Don't worry I'm getting better. I know it's only day 2 but I have a good feeling.'
A big smile fills my face
'Day 3........ I love you...'
A tear slides down my cheek, I love you too baby.
A turn to my side on the bench and get comfy. A lot of letters to read.
'Day 4.... School is boring. Chloe is actually nice to me.... Ooooo imma change my style abit I think, introduce more colour into my walldrope...'
New style ayy?
'Day 5... I miss you...'
I miss you too.
'Day 6.... My parents are looking in my room I think I need to write my letters more sneakily...'
She is so sneaky. I giggle.
'Day 7... right I need to study for my exams.... Wish my luck'
Good luck my darling.
'Day 8... studying is difficult'
She is cute.
'Day 9...... pulling an all nighter!!! Might need lots of coffee!!!....'
She doesn't drink coffee,,,? I laugh
'Day 10..... I'm tired..'
What did I say? I chuckle.
'Day 11.... I'm such a good girl for sticking to the letters. It's enough for you to just read them. Please be reading them..'
Im reading them don't worry baby.
'Day 12... doctors said I'm a lot better.... My body seems stronger and my mental health is also getting better'
Well done my Love.
I open the next letter... and I see the date. It's her birthday!!! I open the letter quickly.
'Day 13..... Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me....'
Happy birthday to Mari, Happy Birthday my darling.
'Day 14...oooo I brought my first legal drink out!! Totally didn't get drunk. Went out with Alya and the girls..'
Mari you best not drink to much
'Day 15.... I got a hangover..'
*smacks forehead
'Day 16..... time for a new hair cut...'
You look beautiful
'Day 17..... I miss you.,'
I know
'Day 18.... I want a hug...'
*Air hug
'Day 19..... made myself some new clothes... imma enter a fashion competition wish me luck!!!'
I wish I could see
'Day 20...... I won!!!!!!'
Im so proud.
The next 20 letters were amazing. I shredded many tears. She's seems to me doing really well. I wish I could say the same about myself. But I can't.
'Day 41..... went out with Alya....
Im speechless. She's just as beautiful! Or even more so! Her hair is lovely. Her fringe covers her face less and I can see her perfect blue bell eyes.
The next couple of letter included more photos. I stare at them for ages and hug them. The letters even smell like her.
The next 21 letters were just as amazing. I really miss her and I need to find a way to contact her.
The next thing I know It's really dark and I'm cold. I stubble to my feet and walk back to the hotel. I get to my room and lock my door. I collapse on my bed. Today has been the best day in a long time.
Light floods my room. Its only midday and I slept in.
Wait that means my letter comes today!!! I ring for my maid.
She comes in with my breakfast on a sliver tray. And to my delight I see a letter. She winks at me and leaves the room.
I put the food down straight away and open the letter.
'Day 63...
Hello Adrien, I saw your photoshoot...'
Next chap soon!!
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