Part 23
"Do it for me.." a small marinette says quietly but I can hear her the most out of all the scream people. Adrien don't get distracted by this new girl!! Just bevause she slightly looks like Mari it doesn't mean you need to go all 'fuckboy' all of a sudden.
I lunch forward striking her on her hip. As I lean forward she still moves away, in doing so I try to strike again but I end up making her fall down on the front and I fall on top of her.
Sweat runs down my face and I begin to get really hot. We are so close. Her a** is by my face and we are so close. Adrien stop looking at her backside and get up!! I say GET UP!
I get up quickly and try to get another hit. She is really good and skilled but I soon realised how easy it was to beat her.
A couple of mins later
"Yessss adrien!!!" Shouts max and the rest of the class.
I Hank of my helmet and drop it to the floor. I walk closer to mari and I start to gain pace as soon as I know it I'm running. I really want to just cover her with kisses and tell her how much I love her.
I see adrien run over to me and I run to him. I jump up and rap my legs around his waist and hug him hard. "Well don—" but I couldn't finish as he planted his lips on mine forcefully but passionately. He swings me around and I giggle in his embrace.
"I love you. You know that right" he whispers in my ear.
I just smile and kiss his cheek. "Yes I do. And I love you too" I whisper back.
Adrien then turns around to the sound of his name. It was her. "Good game time I won't easily let you win" we playfully says.
"I would to see you try" I smirk.
I leans in and gives me a note without anyone easing. "I'll be waiting" we says and then bites her lip. I begin to beat up. I Opened the note and begin to sweat hard. 'Meet me at the back of the building in 30 mins and come alone' I go super pale with shook but yet I wanna go. "What was that?" Marinette says behind me. I put way the note and walk up to her. "Nothing.. come on let's go see everybody". I wrap my hand around her waist as we walk because of guilt.
Once I had been congratulated from everyone. Everybody leaves and so does mari.. she said she was hanging out with Eyla and Nino.
I had 3mins left to spare when I arrived at the back of the building. And then I see her. I tense up and panic. Adrien what are u doing!!! Don't you dare do anything to upset mari!!!!
"Hi...." she flirts. I take a big gulp. "I see you are still in your uniform.... let me take it off" she smirks.
"Um—-" she cuts me over by flipping my over pinning me to the the wall and unzipping my uniform. Once they are all over I'm left in my shorts and top. She leans in a kisses my neck slowly making her way up to my mouth. She finally kisses the edge of my mouth. ADRIEN STOP HERRRR!!!! think of mariii!! Then it's too late she kisses my lips soft and then hard. I pull away and push her off me. "I have a fiancé....." I shout. She goes soooo pale and ghost like. "I—I-I didn't know I - I thought she was your girlfriend..."
"But does that still make it okay to kiss me even if she is just a girlfriend!!" I pick up my clothes from the floor and walk back to the changing rooms.
I hope mari doesn't take this out of proportion
HEYYY GUYSSS! sorry I've been so inactive recently!! I will try and write more chapters cause!!! The book is soo not over yettt!!!!! Thank you so much so Reading my book!! Love u all ❤️
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