Part 21
My mind goes into shock but he is serious. He stares right into my eyes as if he can see inside me. I go bright red but as cold as ice. He grabs my hand and places it on his heart.
I can't not look away. This beautiful boy is giving himself to me. What do I say? We are only young! He is 17 and I am nearly 17!!! What the hell. I want a future with him....I want kids and the one I want to share that with is.......,him.
I am full of anger and rage About her cheating but I know that I have done terrible things in my past and I am willing to over look hers. I love her with all my heart and what better way to express this than to ask her to marry me? Right? I know we are young as hell but....when our child Died that made me want her even more! I don't ever what her to die because of me. I love her and I also will do.
Her hand is on my chest and I need her to believe me that I love her.
"Think about it...pleas-"
"Adrien stop" as soon as she says this she hungrily presses her lips to mine. She shows that she loves me by this one kiss. I wrap my arms around her small waist and gently push her to the ground. We exchange small kisses while taking in small breathes.
"Adrien please—" she moans.
"Only if you reply to my question" I smirk.
I rip off her clothes and mine also. I have completely ruin her clothes but who cares.
"Aaaaaa adrien" she whines as I enter her.
"Is that a yes...or" I play around "I need an answer"
"Yes yes Adrien!! I will-" at this moment I enter deeper and she moans so loud.
"What about Luka?"
"Who gives a shit about him!! Aaaaaaaaa-" she shouts and then moans." I love you adrien only you it had always been you... aaaa since the class room make out scene-aaaaaaw! I need you!" She proclaims.
I ease out of her and carry her upstairs to my room. I place her on my bed and we stare at each other.
"Why did you do it mari? Am I not good enough for you?" I wimper.
"No no adrien you are I was just stupid!!! He was just so kind to me...we have the same interests I don't know...."
"Do you like him?" I look down.
She tilts up my head. "I thought I did at the time...but you Adrien can never be replaced! Because I love you" she pleads "how did you know anyway?"
"I walked past you guys on the bridge—" my eyes begin to water. "Did you enjoy it? More than our kisses?"
"Shit!! Of course not!! We are the ones who have sex how many times!!?"
"Lots" I laugh.
I push her down and we have the best s** i have ever than in my life. (find it weird to type now!!😂)
It's now 1 in the morning and we're lying naked on my bed. I grab some shorts and throw them on. The door rings and I walk slowly downstairs trying not to wake mari up.
Who the hell is it at this time in the morning!!? Like the heck!
I open the door slowly with my eyes half closed.
"How the f*** dare you treat mari like that you son of a bitch!!!" A fiery and fierce luka shouts at me so loud that I can hear mari up stairs open the door.
Luka comes inside in spite of my body pressing door against him. He is red and is drenched with sweat. He pushes me to the ground and hits me in the jaw.
"What the f*** man!!!! You bastard!" I shout.
I wrestle him down and roll on top of him. It's my turn to throw some punches. My dad forced me to take boxing lessons so I can definitely win this fight.
I walk down the stairs with the bed sheet wrapped around my thin body. I let it trail behind me as I enter the bottom on the hallway. And then I see luka. A sweaty luka and a sweaty adiren fighting. What seems like to the death. "LUKA DONT!! What you doing!! Get of him!!" I cry/shout.
LUka swings one massive punch right at Adriens face and adrien drops to the ground not moving a muscle.
"NOOOO" I cry as I push past luka. I elegantly swoop/glide down by his side. Tears streaming down my face. "AD....rien.." I whisper.
He doesn't move. He is weak. He is bloody. And he looks dead.
Guys I am so SORRYY THAT I HAVENT UPDATED IN SOOOO LONGGGG OMGGG. I'm hoping this chapter was worth the wait... I will write the next one very shortly!! Dw ❤️❤️🖤
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