Part 19
I limp into class with Adrien carrying my bag. He places it down on my desk and leans over.
"We are alone you know,"he smirks "this was the class where we first made out" this time he licks his lips and looks down at me.
I pull his shirt so he comes crashing down on top of me. I am fast and wanting. I wish we had longer and I wasn't in a cast!!!
We break way as soon as we hear the door open. Adrien grunts and walks over to his seat annoyed. Everyone walks in and finds their seats.
But there is one guy different from the rest...he walks in slowly and takes a seat at the front. I couldn't help but stare at his beautiful blue dip dyed hair. He is stunning. His ears are Pierced and his nails are painted black. He wears wristbands and a denim jacket. He would be a dream boyfriend if I wasn't with Adrien. I know this boy! I am only realising his stunning features now!!??? What's wrong with me!? What's his name again? LUKA! Yes luka . Omg he asked me out not like on a date...well I don't think it was a 'date' per say. Maybe just for a drink. OMG he asked me out!!?? Act cool mari. Forget he asked you!! Nothing happened. I compose my self and sit still and wait for the lesson to start. Unfortallly it's English class and I am not good at writing assays and we have our final exam on Romeo and Juliet soon. I zone out glaring dreamily at luka. I hear Something about getting into pairs but I am too busy glaring. Shit I said no to him!!!!!
I am brought back to reality with a person in my face. It's luka! He is Even more stunning close up. "Uh hi lu-k-a" I stutter.
Shit think of adrien!! Mari please!
" wanna be my partner?" He asks.
Where's adrien! I need him. I can't cope like this. I am not letting my heart wonder away.
"Sure sure I don't mind" I say calmly.
Good mari act normal good one.
Luka sits next to me and I feel a cold shiver go down my spine. He is so close. I hold my breath and close my eyes. A hand touches mine and I go cold.
I touch her and she goes cold as ice. Did I do something? I really want to be her partner it's just I wonder whether she wants to be mine. She has a boyfriend the perfect Blonde.
Act cool luka! She is just the most beautiful girl in the world and she clearly has good fashion sense. She has that perfect thick emo fringe that covers her red checks. The perfect pair of pale plump lips which I would love to just kis—
" so Romeo and Juliet eh," she smirks "always liked this one" she pulls away her hand and stares at me. She looks so beautiful. "I think we need to read the next act and summaries it...I wasn't listening"
"Umm yh I think so... yh act 3" I say quickly.
The lesson went to slow! All I did was read a love story by Shakespeare next to a girl I really like!!! My heart is beating really fast now! I need to leave. But wait. "Umm mari would you like to go out for a drink of movie or something? Not a date of Course...I asked you before but I wanted to ask again."
"Of of Course I would" she reply's with a warm smile. "We can go after school?"
"Yah that's fine I will be outside school"
~~ adrien~~
The day has been too slow it's unreal. I have been so distracted! Mari has been with the new guy a lot and I don't like it. I saw her hang out with him all lunch and in lessons.
I walk out side of school and wait for her as she is still at my place.
"Hey adrien...I was doing to hang out with a friend after school and I will meet you back at yours at like 6"
It's luka isn't it.
"Ummm sure....will you be fine?"
"Yes yes" she says sternly.
"Okay well I will see you soon"
She walks over and kisses my cheek "see you later babe"
Yh I have nothing To worry about right?
I leave adrien feeling so guilty. I limp over to the other boy. My stomach hurts. This is so weird. But so right.
Hope you guys liked it!!! I will try and publish soon as pos but I have my final exams and I am stressing!!!😭😬😢
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