Part 12
What to wear! What to wear! I think as I look at all my clothes and reject them all. I decide to wear a black tight dress with ripped fishtail tights and a red and black stripped jumper (see pic at the top) I text alya to see when she will come:
— yo yo it's Mari when will you arrive? Xx Mari
— yo! I am outside! Girl have you heard!? Xx Alya
— what!!???? Mari
— a new guy is coming to the party! His name is Luka he is meant to be gothic and punk! Right up your path 😏xx alya
— alya!!! You know how I have always wanted to fall for someone like that!!! But ADRIENNN 😭 we can talk when we leave. Mari
We decide to walk to the party as this mansion is meant to be near by. "Girl! What's up? You don't seem your self. Is it wat I said to ya?" She asks sadly.
"Yh I'm fine...I just don't know what to say to Adrien. Should I just say it to him and leave or talk to him privately!?" I say bombarding her.
"Girl it's all good I can help you! And any way you look fantastic how can be be disappointed?😏" she says wiggling her eyebrows.
"AYLA!!! don't say that!!!"
We arrive at the party and there is loud music beating and the lights flashing through the windows. This is going to so fun ....I sarcastically think. we open the huge doors and see a mountain of people from our year dancing to the DJ which of course is Nino. We enter the main hall and living quarters are and see even more people clearly there are people here who are not in our school year. I walk further in and see no one except Alya.
Right now I am in the corner or the main hall with many girls surrounding me! I actually love it. One of the girls;which I don't know, comes up to me and I kiss her slightly and tease her. It's so fun to see them squirm. One of them is kissing my neck and I just let her explore but of matter of fact I don't care anymore. I am who I am and yet I haven't gotten some one pregnant! Which is shocking.
I let go of everyone and go for a wonder. I look around and see all the people that I have never seen before. I turn the corner and lila is up against me. she lifts her legs up so that they rap around me. SHe suddenly pulls me close and forces me into a deep hungry kiss. I turn around and pin her to the wall and deepen the kiss. We are doing this for another 1 min until she says. "Come with me"
I see them kissing for like 1 min now and I just can't cope. I cant believe she kisses him like this he deserves much better. Tears come to me as I know where they are going......
I walk around and see a a mob of people and walk through to see what's happing. And I then I see a guy who is introducing himself to everyone must be the new guy!!!!
"Hi I'm luka" she says to me with a love tone of heart skips a beat and I look deeply at him. He is like me my style.. he wears black and acts all concealed .
"Um Hi— I'm Um-um —Mari..nette." I stutter will replying.
"Well Hi I couldn't not notice how nice you look" he says.
"Thank you...:um well nice meeting you! I need to go now" as soon as I say this I run around looking for somewhere to be isolated and alone. The bathroom?! I know there is no time to but I need to cry and let out my pain. I need to tell Adrien before I fall of someone els. Luka seems a lot my genuine and not a 'playboy'
I believe that I should tell him today... I don't think I am his first 'lover' who has become pregnant and I am not excited.
I walk to the huge stairs and wonder weather the toilet is up there as I actually need to go now. 😂 Suddenly Chloe bumps in to me. "Sorry Mari...I was not looking where I was going!"she exclaims.
"It's alright... do you know where the bathroom is?" I ask.
"Sure up the stairs and around the next stairs on the right and fist door on the left."
"Thank" I say and I walk up the stairs and come to the door and What I find in there is not what I wanted to see.
Thank you everyone for reading this far and I hope you have loved it! I will post the next part soon I hope. Byeeeee
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