Chapter 8
It was the middle of the night but you heard something. You walked out of your room and heard crying. You walked closer to Asuta's to and the volume of crying got louder. You was a little confused at first since he always has a smile on his face. He always
You knocked on the door, but you didn't have any answer. You knocked again and still no answer. So this time you walked in. You saw Asuta sat on the floor in the corner crying his eyes out. Your eye widened a bit. The sight broke your heart seeing such a happy guy break down before you. "Asuta?" You called out to him.
He snapped his head to you and then his eyes widened as they fell onto your frame. You quickly walked over to him and sat down next to him. You saw some beer cans around the place. "Asuta what's all of this?" You asked him.
"It's the only way I can deal with the pain." He answered with.
You turned your head to him and looked at him. He seemed so happy with life that you would never expect to feel anything like this. You went to hug him but then back off. You didn't know if he was the as Makoto or not but just to be safe you decided not to hug him. "Asuta. What happened?" You asked him on a concerned voice. He looked at you tears rolling down his face.
"W-when I was younger my mother used to like pretty things. She would be so obsessed with them that she would make them hers...." He paused for minute and the tears kept rolling.
Where is this going?
"S-She thought that I was pretty and handsome. So one day when my father was gone it was just me and her in the house. I was only 8 at the time. Anyway she came up to me and asked me if I wanted to play a game with her...." He paused again.
(Believe it or not but I literally have a deadpan on my face right now. On the inside I'm crying for him. This is not a joke so don't think I'm making fun because I ain't. It's sad I know but.... I have nothing else. So please don't hate comment!)
You looked at him with a raised eyebrow still unsure where this is going. Asuta opened his mouth and continued to speak. "She was my mother, any child would want to play a game with their parents right? I had a smile on my face and nodded my head. She smiled as well. She took me to my bedroom and made take my clothes off. I didn't know what kind game it was so I was happy. I thought I could learn a new one. B-but.... M-my own mother raped me." Once he said that he pulled you into a hug. His face was on your chest.
You were shocked, you had no words. None. What could you say? "After that day. When we were in the house alone she would just fuck me harder and harder. Then I finally gave in around when I was 13 I told the others and They said I could live them. I escaped her. But I didn't escape the memories and the pain. I found that drinking took the pain away so that's what I done." He said to you.
You pulled out of the hug and looked at him in the eyes. He was still crying. You put your hand either side of his face and got ride of the tears. "Asuta....Why didn't you go to the police?" You asked him.
"She said that if I told them, she would deny everything and it would a kids word against hers. And they would believe her more than me. So I make everyone think I'm ok. Everytime something goes wrong I smile because of that. No one will believe me so what's the point in showing that there is something wrong. So I don't. I smile instead." He told you.
You saw the tears streaming down his face again. You put your hands back on to him since they fell to your side and whipped them away. "Don't drink anymore. I'll help you in anyway. But if you drink too much you could die. Please Asuta. Let me and the other boys help you get through those times. Your not alone anymore." You told him. He put one of his hands on one of yours and held your hand.
"Thank you." He said.
He pulled you into one last hug and then got up. You sighed and then got up as well. You was about to walk out when Asuta hugged you from behind. You stayed like that for what seems like forever. He didn't want to let you and you felt safe with him. He seemed so happy so when he told that you didn't know what to do. But he seems so happy just being with you like this....
But was it a real happiness that he was feeling?
(I think we all know the answer to that question! Hehe~)
It felt like years have gone by but in reality it have only need a couple of minutes that you was standing there with him like that.
"Asuta....I need to go. I'm getting tiered."
You felt him nod his head at you and then lifted it up from your neck. (*Face palms* forgot to say that he put his face in the crock of your neck didn't I? Yeah I did. Sorry about that!) Once he lifted it up you was still in his arms and for some reason you didn't want to leave his grip.
"I will always be there for you. No matter what."
And with that he let go of you. You turned to him, smiled and then left. After you climbed back into bed you fell asleep again.
Thanks for reading guys.
😭😭 My heart cries out to you Asuta😭😭
Anyway, hope your enjoying it so far. And finally one of them have shown their Yandere-ish side. Haha!
Bye for now
To be Continued!
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