Chapter 24
~~Two hours previous~~
Reader-Chan's POV
I walked out of the door after Kirito and Shoto made me. Like seriously what is wrong with them?
I walked away and then got into my car. I drive to the town and then got out of my car. I walked through the streets and went into some shops. Man it's so boring! I have ligit nothing to do. No where to go....wait!
I had an idea.
I got back into my car and then drove to my old apartment. Once I got there I got out and then walked to the front desk. "ah Y/N. Good to see you. How are you?" The lady asked me.
I smiled at her and then nodded my head. I then opened my mouth. "Nothing to complain about." I said to her.
She smiled and then nodded her head. She knew exactly who I came to see since that's the only person I actually go and see. As I made my way up I heard someone talking while out on door. It came from my old apartment. There was this man that was at the door. I ignored it and made my way up to the door I was supposed to.
I knocked at the door. When the door opened I saw the one of the people I wanted to see. "Y/N!?" She smiled at me.
Nobody's POV
"Paiten!" You exclaimed.
You walked through the door after she moved to the side. Once you walked in you saw a boy with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. (No not Kagamine Len!!) He seemed familiar to you. "Y/N!" Nagisa exclaimed. You looked down at the small boy and then smiled.
"Hi Nagisa. How are you?" You asked him. (Remember, not Nagisa from Assassination Classroom!)
"I'm okwy." He said to you.
You smiled at him and then looked back at the blonde haired boy. He really did seem familiar to you. "I know you don't I?" You asked him.
He looked at you and then smiled. "Yeah you do. I'm Luke. You was in the same school as me until you moved." He said to you.
"Luke! Oh my god. How are you?" You asked him as he got up.
Luke smiled and then hugged you. You hugged back and then heard him say words. "Yeah I'm good. How have you been?" He asked you.
"Fine. I'm living with friends. They are do nice." You told him.
"Awesome." He said.
You and the other hanged out for quite awhile. You then decided that it's time to leave. You walked out of the building after saying bye to all of them and made your way to your car. Before you could unlock it someone grabbed your waist and put a hand over your mouth. Your eyes widened as your tried to fight it but you couldn't.
When the person dragged you to a car you had a blind fold around your eyes (no duh) they put you into what seemed like a van and started to drive. The person had already tried your hands which you are only now noticing. What the....when did they do that?
You sat still, you couldn't do anything so you didn't. Suddenly the van stopped and the person ln got you out. The person the dragged you inside a building and tied you up with your hands over your head your feet couldn't even touch the floor. They took the blindfold off and you squinted your eyes because of the light. Once they adjusted to it you saw Claudia standing right there.
Your eyes widened with shock as you turned your head and saw a boy next to her. Then that shock just left. He brown hair and grey eyes. You looked back and at Claudia and saw her smirking. That's when you realised that there was another boy there too. The boy had black hair and brown eyes.
"I'll leave her up to you Sato. Make sure she's in alot of pain. And Kite make sure she stays conscious." Claudia said and then left.
As soon as she closed the door he began to cut your legs. He then moved up to your waist and once he was finished you didn't even scream. Which pissed him off. So he cut by your collar bone. This time you did scream. You saw the other boy looking away. He it looked like he didn't want to be here. The boy that was in front of you which was Sato looked at he done. Your face, collar bone, arms, waist and legs were cut. Warm red blood spilling out of every cut that was made. You suddenly heard your phone go off. He un-cluffed one hand so you could get it. The caller ID was March. You answered it.
"Hello. March!"
"Y/N! Y/N where are you!?"
"March please you....hello?"
That's when Sato took your phone off you and stepped back.
"Oh~ you must be the little bitches friend....or boyfriend~?"
"Now, now. Don't worry I'll give her back to you. Giving her back with a pulse is a different issue however."
"Haha. Oh well~ guess I'm going to have to die. She's already a bloody mess."
"Oh don't worry~ she has a pulse!....for now at least~"
He walked over to you and checked your pulse to make sure you weren't dead. And you weren't.
"Oh sorry about that making sure she isn't dead. And I got good news and bad news. Which one first?"
"Ok, bad news is I think I lost my phone. Good news is that she's still alive."
He turned to you and you mouthed "Idiot" to him. He looked at you and you could sense the bloodlust from him. Which scared you a little but not that much. March's little tantrum was worse that.
"Oh....I found it."
"Jeez calm the shit down. I'm at (random address) well I'll see you guys later~"
After he hung the phone he turned to you and done some more damage. After he cuffed your other hand back of cause. You was serious pain.
Sato then walked out.
The other boy Kite came up to you and genteelly dabbed a cloth on your wounds not for them to get infected. "You seem nice." You said to him.
He looked at you and then smiled. "Thanks. I'm sorry that they have to do this to you. So what did you do?" He asked you.
"Nothing." You answered him without hesitation.
He looked at you with shock but then nodded his head. "I see. Well Claudia can go over board. Don't worry though I'll help you to escape when it's time. I promise you that. If you didn't do anything then you don't deserve this." Kite said to you.
You looked at him with shock. But that shock soon turned to a smile. You was happy that you had someone there with you. "You know your really nice." You told him.
"I know how it feels to get beating up and you didn't do anything. So cause I wouldn't stand by and let it happen." He said to you.
"Thank you, Kite."
He smiled at you and nodded your head. That's when you both heard commotion out side.
And I'm done with this chapter!!
Thought you all should know what happened and how it happened! Wait you already knew what happened....but you didn't with the blood. you know. And damn Sato is a jerk.
But at least Kita is nice!
Or is he?
Oh and sorry for not updating I was watching for the first time Hunter x Hunter.
*Cries* my poor baby boy. No brother should do that to there younger brother. Not even there mother should do that! Poor Killua. *Cries*
Bye for now
To be Continued!
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