Chapter 22
The boys had so much energy that you didn't exactly know where they got if from. You was all sat around the table eating breakfast when two of them started a fight. And I bet you can't guess which two....
And you most probably guessed by now.
Anyway another was trying to calm them down. While the others was laughing at the three. You on the other hand was eating your food. After that was done you washed the dishes and then put them away.
Ring, ring, ring
You walked to the phone and then answered it. "Hello?" You say into the phone. You could slight breathing but no one answered you raised an eyebrow and then moved your eyes towards the phone. "Hello? Who is this?" You asked.
"Hello....Is Kirito or any of the boys there by any chance?" The person said.
"And who is this?"
"My name is Ayato."
"Ayato? Ok hold on a second."
You walked to the living room and then saw them all watching TV. The phone was still in your hand as you approached them. "Guys do you know anyone with the name Ayato?" You asked them.
They all looked at you and then raised an eyebrow. "Ayato?" You nodded your head and then they shook there's.
You put the phone to your ear again and then opened your mouth. "I'm sorry but they don't know you. Maybe you have the wrong number." You said to him.
"....yeah I must do. Sorry about that. Those idiots." He mumbled the last part making you unable to hear it.
"Well good luck getting in contact. Bye." You said to him.
"Yeah....thanks bye." He said and then hung up.
You put the phone down and then and then sighed. You walked over to the others and then looked at them. "Guys are you sure you don't know anyone called Ayato?" You asked them because the person on the person on the phone seemed like he knew them.
(Do you know? I'll give you a clue! One of you told me that everyone calls him Ayato. So what I'm going to do is make the reader know his name as Ayato but the boys call him ___________! So who is it? Ok you all know you can do this!!)
You looked at all of them and they shooked there heads at you while trying to remember where they heard that name from. However it wasn't coming back to them.
You nodded your head with a smile on your face and then walked away. You walked up to your room and then started to play a game on your 3DS. You started to play the game and got really into after all it was (favorite ds game).
About an hour later you stopped playing because you wanted to do something. You looked around and then shrugged your shoulders. You had nothing to do. You had a shower this morning so that's out. You don't want to watch TV. You also didn't want to draw. So what could you do!?
That guy over the phone popped into your head. He said Kirito's name so of cause he knew him. But how come they didn't know him. It didn't make any sense. How could they not know who he is, but he knows who they are!
Something is wrong....but what?
Your thoughts wandered to the boys. They all had horrible backgrounds as far as you know....but they keep on smiling and having a laugh with each other. Which is what you most admire about them. All of them push through the things they went through and they help eachother out if they need to.
You decided to get. You walked down stairs only to hear the doorbell ring. You opened the door and there stood a tall boy with black hair he had a smile on his face as well. When he looked at you he was a little shocked to see you but it was barely noticeable.
"Yes?" You asked him.
"Are Kirito and all them here?" He asked you.
That voice sounded familiar to you. You nodded your head and then invited him in. "who are you?" You asked him.
"I'm Ayato." He said to you.
You raised an eyebrow and then shrugged it off. You walked into the living room and then tapped Shoto o the shoulder since he was closest. "Yeah?" He asked you.
"Ayato's at the door." You said to him.
He raised an eyebrow and then looked around. "But he's there." He said pointing to Ayato.
You pointed your thumb at the back of you and he followed it. His eyes widened as he got up. "Oh....Y/N we are out of bread and eggs and...."
"Shoto what have you taken we have plenty of those things." You said to him.
"Then....why don't you go and get yourself new games. My treat. *Gives you money and then pushed you to the door* or buy yourself new clothes or something." He said to you.
"Shoto your acting weird."
"No I'm not! Kirito help me." Shoto said.
Kirito put his head up and then looked at the Shoto, then you and then "Ayato" his eyes widened as he got up and then gave you more money.
"Why not buy more DVDs or CDs or anything you like just keep yourself occupied for...."
"For two hours." Shoto said.
You sighed and then nodded your head. As you walked out the door smiling at the boy as you left. He nodded his back as you left.
Luka's POV
As we all got up and turned out head we saw that Kirito and Shoto was trying to make Y/N go out the door. I saw a guy standing by them as I looked at him my eyes widened as I saw him. Y/N closed the door and then walked away. We all waited until she left.
"Yandere-Kun!?" He all shouted.
He stood there smirking and then moved his head towards the door. "Aw~ and I wanted to actually meet her as well. Ashame." He said.
I guess we should have realised when Y/N said Ayato. That's what he is named. He tells everyone that he doesn't know that his name is Ayato and he told us to call him Yandere-Kun. (Go with it!)
"Well then....any of you know who she likes more?" Yandere-Kun asked us.
We all looked at him and then lowered our heads. I guess that gave him an answer. Too bad it's not the one that he or any of us wanted. It's not even easy to guess who she likes more since she pays attention to us all equally.
"So what happened with Claudia?" He asked us all.
"Y-you know about that?" Makoto asked him with wide eyes.
"Of cause! Why wouldn't I? I have to make sure my favourite people are ok. Don't I?" He asked us all.
We all smiled as he said that to us. All of us made our way to the couch.... And sat down.
That's when Makoto explained what happened on that day.
So I decided that Yandere-Kun will appear in this story a bit more. Because it is fun putting him in here. And now I have more ideas for it. Also made this a little longer than planned for you lonely people.
Kirito: ....
Huh? What's up Kirito?
Kirito: I saw some of the comments and I just wanted to tell Reader-Chan that I'm not an emo.
Shoto: why am I here?
I don't know....
Shoto: tch. I'm leaving.
Nothing to say to Reader-Chan?
Shoto: you want to know something ask. Boom.
Your mean....
Luka: hi Reader-Chan!
Asuta: *smiles* Hiya Reader-Chan!!
March: hello~
Ayato: hi!!
Makoto: hi Reader-Chan how are you?
Wow all of you are here! Well thanks for reading.
Kirito: don't call me emo.
Asuta: I hope you enjoyed it!!
Bye for now
Shoto: to be Continued.
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