We ran inside and locked the door. We were panting as the air around us has become thin and more substantial. Ingrid was positively shivering. Questions started popping up in my mind - Who was it that she saw? The same guy from the ball or someone else?
"Can we sleep in one room? I'm scared to death, and what if he turns up at my window in the middle of the night." Ingrid cut me off from my thoughts about the mysterious guy or a creature.
"Yup okay. But on my terms, please keep my room and showers clean" I insisted.
We decided to sleep in one room, and it was mine because my place is always neat and clean unlike her's. Mom and dad are probably sleeping inside; I was waiting for Ingrid to turn up so that I can try digging up information about this mysterious guy. Ingrid went to take a shower, as soon as the water started running, I grabbed my laptop and sat beside the window not wanting here to find out what I saw.
I started typing Man with dark black eyes and hit the search engine. It began to display about how to get rid of dark circles, dark eye treatment. I groaned and shut this " piece of shit" off. I was positively frustrated when Ingrid stepped out of the shower and turned up in her pyjamas. All I could do was to think about this mysterious guy or guys not sure.
Very soon, the night switched on its lights, it was 6 in the morning and its the day we have been waiting for. Our parents are going to leave for a month, and we can finally pull all the parties, hang out with our boyfriends what not. Freedom was too close. I wake up with all these beautiful thoughts running through my head. I yawn and stretch my hands and hear someone yelp.
" Ouch."
"OOps, I forgot you were here."
" Ingridddd, Liliiiii. Woke up..??"
" Yeah, mommmm." I drag my words the same way I drag myself down.
I see Mom and Dad all set with their luggage waiting for us in the foyer.
" All set eh .??" I ask trying to hide my emotions. I sure will have fun, but I will miss just as much.
" Aw baby. Don't cry." My mom says hugging me. I can't hide anything from her.
" I'll miss you, mom, " I say hugging her back.
From the corner of my eyes, I see Ingrid hugging my Dad. She has a mischievous glint in her eyes. I wonder what is she up to now. I see dad sighing probably already understanding the fate of the house and worrying about it.
" C'mon lets have breakfast, and then we shall leave."
We have a silent breakfast, and it's a first. Our meal is never quiet they are always noisy and full of life. Guess we will miss each other a lot.
" Girls listen be careful when we are not here. No talking to strangers. "
" Darlin' no one in this town is a stranger."
" Except one that I met" I whisper under my breath.
" Still. They need to know their limits. And no PARTYING in the house. I need my house in the same condition I'm leaving it. No letting strangers into my house. And no doing any illegal stuff. Get it ??"
" Yes mom." we chorus together.
" Bye kids. Be careful when we are not here. Oh and by the way I told Mrs. Potts to keep an eye on you girls. Don't trouble her okay ??"
" Mom we aren't five anymore," I say embarrassed and Mrs Potts -- Oh I so need to talk to her about last night.
" Still I need to know about you guys, and I trust her. Well, then that's it."
" Have lots of fun kids, but don't bring down the house okay ..' My dad says. This is why I love him more. He knows about us and knows where to draw our limits.
After a tearful adieu and lots of hugs and kisses, we finally have the house to ourselves.
" This is what I say life should be like. " Ingrid says.
She goes and turns on the music system as high as possible all the while singing the lyrics out loud to her favourite song The Nights by Avicii.
She was dancing like a pro. After a scrumptious breakfast of Pancakes with maple syrup, we headed up to our rooms. Reality finally sets in. The previous day flashed by and we realised something is fishy in our town.
The whole day went by uneventful. We had plans of going out, but the rains ruined it.
I heard a knock on my room, and immediately I shut down my laptop not wanting Iddy to find what I was searching for -- Cannibals.
" Come on in," I yell.
" Watcha doing..?"
" Nothing much pretty bored."
" Me too and I blame the rain."
" I swear if granny were around, we would be having loads of fun. " She says sounding distant.
I miss those days, those fun-filled days when granny would tell us stories about her childhood and the SWAN family.
" Lila why don't we go to Nana's room. ??"
" But we aren't supposed to ??"
" We own the house baby, " she says sounding mischievous.
We were nestled in my grandma's room and were laughing our asses out at our old photos when we heard someone unlocking the door.
"Shit..! If they find us here we are dead."
" Quick hide somewhere."
In my hurry to hide inside the wardrobe, yeah that is where my brilliant mind decided would be perfect for hiding, I trip over literally my own feet and fall on my grandma's precious ebony desk. I hear a swirling noise and turn around to find that the large bookshelf was revealing itself. It was a secret room or better yet a tunnel.
" Oh wow. That's a great place to hide. Come on ." Iddy says dragging me.
Soon we step onto the bookshelf to see that it was quite spacious. The minute we step into the bookshelf automatically closes. We soon enough hear muffled voices from the other side.
" Uff. Just in time."
" Where do you think this leads to ..??"
" I have no clue. And no Iddy we aren't going in this tunnel."
" We don't have an option. Remember the door is locked."
Sighing I agree. We follow the tunnel, and it has stairs that go up. This was one of the most significant tunnels that I have seen in my house so far. I mean it has stairs too. We carefully walk over the stairs not knowing where it leads to. It was quite dark thanks to the flashlight in my mobile we could walk without tripping. There were cobwebs in the tunnel, and they gave out all weird vibes. I hold on tight on to my sister's hand, afraid not knowing where we might end up or what might be at the other end. I could distinctly hear the patter of rain on windows and look up to see a small window. I could listen to the rumbling of thunders and see quick flashes of lightning. We finally reach a door, and I was quite sure this wasn't going to be good.
Iddy try' s to open the door and fortunately or unfortunately it opens. We step in to see a few books scattered on the floor. There was hardly any sign of anyone living here except for a few shattered window pieces and old broken furniture. If the tunnel seemed spooky this room was way worse.
I walk around the room towards the window and peep down. All the way from up here also I could see someone lurking in our backyard. I suddenly find them looking up and feel them staring straight at me.
' Iddy RUN. Now."
"Where, why ??"
" I think someone is after us. Let's just run from here."
The minute I say that I hear a shrill sound coming from the window, I turn around to see a giant Raven perched on the window sill.
" How the hell did a raven fly so high.??"
" High..? Where are we, Lili."
" In the prohibited tower."
We see the raven trying to make it's way inside. Something doesn't feel right. I grab Iddy and run through the door slamming it shut. We could hear the raven clawing on the door from inside.
" RUN.!!!" is all I scream before running for the stairs.
" But this book.."
" Nevermind we will put it back later. Now come on." I say dragging her along me but accidentally trip down and fall from the flight of stairs.
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