"Please." I said to the shadowy figure. They didn't move. I stared at them, feeling my chest tighten up in panic. They wouldn't look at me. I couldn't figure out who it was, but I was terrified they would leave.
"Don't go." I begged in a voice I hardly recognized. The figure still didn't move. They didn't turn or say a word. I reached out towards them, but they grew further and further away. I fell to my knees.
"Please don't leave me." I whispered. The figure grew misty and ghost like. Little pieces began to break off like ashes raising from a bonfire. I gasped as the figure began to disappear.
I shot up from my bed with my heart pounding a mile a minute. This was the third time I had had a similar dream. Each time the person was facing away from me. Each time they had slowly disappeared on me while I begged them to stay. It was making me feel sick inside. Was it a premonition?
Ohhh, maybe I was psychic. That wouldn't explain why I couldn't predict who it was in the dreams though. Not once had I gotten to see my mystery person's face. They were always facing away from me, in the shadows, or I couldn't turn to look at them. It was driving me a little crazy if I admitted it.
I stared at my alarm clock and the red numbers glowed with over an hour before I actually had to get up. I turned my head and tried to get comfortable again, but there was no way. I was sweaty. My heart was still pounding a little too fast and hard. My face felt flushed and my hands felt a little shaky. Maybe I should get up and finish my homework.
I must be desperate, I thought as I took out my half done sheet. I sighed as I opened my text book. A few crumbs fell out onto my desk and I stared at them. Oh right, from that time. I swept them into a pile and tossed them in the bin. My pencil scratched across my page as I filled in a few missed answers. I was nearly done all my work when the alarm blared finally.
I think I surprised my sister when I turned it off right away because she came to stand in my doorway all bleary eyed and stared at me. I was packing up my notes and I just gave her a wave. She frowned at me and went to the bathroom. The sound of the spray turning on was heard the next minute after. I had showered last night, but I almost needed another one.
I compromised with putting on my nicer smelling deodorant and a fresh pair of clothes, ones that were actually still folded from the laundry that is. I looked in the mirror for a second and tsked at the slight shadows under my eyes from the lack of sleep. That was why I always tried to get a good sleep. It was too obvious with my skin tone when I didn't.
I sighed and went to the kitchen. A box of cereal was on the counter with bowls and my mom was nowhere in sight. Dammit. I poured a bowl and sat eating it thoughtfully. My sister came in and sat next to me. She stared at the bowl for a second and then poured her own.
"Mom's in a bad mood. Pass the milk." She mumbled. I passed it over to her and nodded.
"She's not the only one. Must be the moon phase." I muttered back irritably. She grunted and ate her breakfast. Neither of us saw our parents before we left that morning. I heard shuffling and swearing from my dad's office. It was that time of the year for accountants after all. We probably wouldn't see him for the next month.
I climbed into Nate's car and put my head back to take a nap. Three sets of eyes regarded me warily. I hardly ever was pissy in the morning, so it was no surprise that they were shocked at my lack of chipper greeting. I dozed a little on the trip in an effort to make up for my lack of real sleep. It didn't work though.
I felt like I was in a fog. Nate dragged me around this morning instead of the other way around. He didn't give me a hard time or anything, just quietly helped me through my morning. I think it was lunch before I finally felt like I was jogging out of it.
"Rough night?" He finally asked me. I nodded.
"Yeah. Exams are going to be shit. Why am I even.... Never mind. I remember. Must escape prison." I pushed my food around on my plate restlessly. Nate gave me a half smile. He was on his second sandwich. I wondered where he put it all some days. Maybe he was tall because he ate so much?
"The guys are getting together the week before exams for a study session. Do you want to come?" He inquired gently. I shrugged. I probably should. Maybe it would help me get through them.
"Sure. Thanks buddy. I need all the help I can get."
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