"Mooom? Where are you?" I called out as I came in the door. I heard her call back to me from the laundry room in the back of the house. You could always tell because it had a faint echo when you talked in there. Maybe it was the ducting. I popped my head in and my mom smiled over at me.
"How was your day at work hunny?" She asked sweetly. I grinned at her.
"It was good. I got to work on three Toyotas today. Oh and that guy came back and asked me out for dinner." I tried to add the last part nonchalantly, but I was blushing when my mom looked over at me with a surprised face. I gulped.
"You mean that guy that gave you his card? I thought he just wanted to thank you for the car thing?" She replied hesitantly. She was watching me closely and it made me shift in my socked feet. I stood in the doorway awkwardly, picking at the door trim a little.
"Ah, I guess he kinda likes me now? Do you think... it would be okay if... you know, I went out with him? Maybe just once. To... you know, see if I like him?" I couldn't look over at her but the silence was stretching out a bit longer than was comfortable. I risked a look up and my mom had stopped what she was doing and was full on staring at me while she bit her lip.
"I don't know hunny. He is quite a bit older than you. Are you sure this is a good idea? I don't want to get your hopes up if he isn't serious enough to wait for you to get a little older." She was putting that on the table and I knew it was a warning.
"I don't think he's like that mom. He is a nice guy. It will just be one date and... and you have all his work information already, right?" I reminded her about the card that was currently taped to the fridge.
"I don't know...." She looked serious as she folded a shirt against her stomach. I walked in and hugged her tightly.
"Pleeeease? Pretty please? I will fold socks for you!" I begged as I squeezed her torso.
"Oh alright. ONE. One date. I want you to have your phone on and fully charged. I want to know when and where you are going. No detours to any other place, and I do mean ANYWHERE mister. Oh, and I get to approve your clothing choice." She demanded with a smile as I started lifting her up in my arms and keening in delight.
"Yes Mom! I promise. Thank you thank you thank you!" I cried out. I put her down after she whacked my shoulder a few times and barreled out of the room to text Derek.
I was at the mall with my sister. Yeah, I know. It was awful. I tried calling Nate earlier that day but he didn't answer his phone. He must've been busy with his family or something. That was kind of disappointing, but at least I didn't have to hear him lecture me again about Derek. It seemed lately all we did was argue about the guy.
I didn't even want to share my news about my upcoming date. He would probably just insult the dude some more and whine about my flirting. I wasn't though. I swear I wasn't. Even if I was I don't know what business it was of his. He never got this way at school. Although now that I thought about it, he got hit on far more often than I did, so if anyone should be exasperated it should be me.
I glanced at my phone and noted that Nate still hadn't called me back. What was he doing now? It was odd for him to be busy on a weekend. We had the same schedule even if we were in different areas of the floor, so I knew he wasn't working. Unless he picked up an overtime shift? I mean it was possible. I huffed in frustration.
This was driving me crazy. I stared at the store I was sitting outside of bad-temperedly as I watched my sister drift around the racks. I was done my shopping half an hour ago and she was still wandering around. What was she even here for? She had over double the number of clothes I did as it was. I bet she wouldn't have any money left for University the way she was going.
My stomach gurgled and I shifted on the bench angrily. This was ridiculous. I got up and stormed into the store. She avoided me and ducked into the changing rooms. I whacked the wall. My stomach shifted again and I turned back around and made my way across the mall. I couldn't wait for her to stop playing hide and seek. I had to go!
I ran in the toilets as fast as I could and sighed with relief when the door was shut and I could finally sit down. That was a close call. I blamed the chili my mom made for dinner last night. Oh god it was so delicious though... I scrunched my nose at the horrible smell as I sat there now and weighed the cons of my mom's home cooking. Spicy, meaty goodness was worth this, right?
I heard the door open and two guys came in chatting away to each other as they went to the urinals. Hopefully they wouldn't notice the gross guy taking the crap of his life over here. I wondered how bad it actually smelled. Maybe if I was quiet... I tried not to shift on the rickety seat. I was gonna wait until they left to avoid the glares from my rank ass.
"So what are you banging lately?" They were at the sinks now directly in front of me. I caught sight of one of them and squinted in familiarity. Was that...?
"Nothing yet. I have my mark lined up though. He is so cute and naïve. The boy was down right eager to go out with yours truly next week. I can't wait to pop that sweet little cherry." He grinned a little as the words made my stomach sink into the toilet.
"God, you are sick. I don't get the attraction man. What is the point of all that work if you are just going to marry the bosses' daughter? Just come to the club with us and grab a quickie." His buddy dried his hands and the blower disguised the gasp that tore from my mouth. I covered my face and waited desperately for them to leave.
"Are you kidding? Virgins are the tightest. I just love the look on their faces the first time." His voice was amused and the conversation trailed away as they went through the door. I had heard enough though. I sat there in shock for another whole minute. It didn't even bother me anymore, since my life stunk so much worse right now.
I cleaned up, flushed and stood dazed in front of the mirrors. I was washing by rote as I stared at my reflection. I didn't get it. What had I done wrong? Was I really such a sucker? Derek was an asshole and I had fallen for his flirty, nice guy act. That is what it had all been. A creepy stalker act to get in my pants. I hadn't even done anything and I felt kind of... dirty.
I couldn't even be mad about it. Nate had warned me and I hadn't listened. Instead I felt kind of ashamed. I had wanted the guy to be real. I had wanted it all to be real, and now that it definitely wasn't... I wanted to hide my head in the sand. The door popped open again and I wiped the tear from my face with my arm, dried my hands and left.
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