Running out of time
I was working on my web shooters in Mr. Stark's lab. He was in a meeting right now but he said I could stay and work on some upgrades. After a while of tinkering I needed to upload the updates into Karen. As the upload started I leaned back and waited. Slowly I started feeling more and more tired as I couldn't do anything else until the updates were fully uploaded. But it was taking forever. Maybe....maybe a quick nap wouldn't hurt. Yeah....just until the upload is done.
"Hey Friday! Can you wake me up once the upload is done?" I asked.
"Of course"
I smiled and soon drifted off to sleep.
"If you're nothing without the suit, then you shouldn't have it!" Mr. Stark said angrily.
But before I could say anything my surroundings started changing aswell as the ground. Everything started shaking. My spidey sense warned me for immediate danger and Mr. Stark just stared at me.
"Mr. Stark!! Please help!" I begged.
But he just stood there. Then the roof I had been standing on collapsed and I fell. I tried webbing myself to somewhere. But I had run out of webfluid. I looked at my wrist only to see that I was wearing my old suit. The one which always ran out of webfluid. My spidey sense then went off again and I looked up only to see a guy with wings and eyes fly by. Vulture. He circulated around me, making the walls collapse aswell. More stones and heavy things started falling above me. I gasped and turned around towards the ground only to immediately hit it. Just as I was about to get out I felt the weight of the whole building on my body. It was crushing all of my bones and stopped me from being able to breathe. I tried lifting it up but I couldn't breathe. I couldn't breathe!! I-I was gonna die right here. And there was nobody around to save me.
"If you're nothing without the suit then you shouldn't have it" Mr. Stark said as he suddenly appeared in front of me.
"Please!! I-I'm sorry!! Please! I-I c-can't breathe!! I can't breathe!!! I don't wanna die! Please h-help me!!" I begged.
But he just stood there
I sighed relieved as the elevator took me up to my private lab. Friday hadn't told me anything about Peter leaving. So he was probably still there working on his suit. I opened the doors to my lab and walked inside.
"Hi kid sor...." I said but stopped as I heard small sobs. "Peter?" I asked and walked towards him.
Was he crying? Did something happen while I was gone? I walked up to him only to see him leaning against the desk, eyes shut. He was having a nightmare. I grabbed his shoulder and started trying to wake him up.
"Hey kid! Hey wake up! It's just a dream! Wake up" I said while shaking him.
The kid's eyes shot wide opened and before I could get another word in he started fighting me. Which wasn't very pleasant considering he was the one with the super-strength.
"Pet....kid!! Kid it's me! It's me!" I yelled while blocking his attacks.
I managed to grab Peter's wrists and he looked at me in shock before he sighed relieved and relaxed.
"I-I'm s-sorry....I had a bad dream" he said as I let go.
"I could tell" I said and sat down on the chair next to him. "Seemed like a really bad one"
Peter nodded and dried his tears away but more seemed to come. I gave him a pitiful look.
"C'mere" I said and hugged him.
Peter didn't argue he hugged me back and finished sobbing. He tried to hide them but he's never been good at hiding his emotions.
"Wanna tell me about the dream?" I asked when Peter had calmed down.
Peter just shook his head and backed away.
"You sure? It might help. I know it does for me when I have nightmares" I said.
Peter sighed deeply and looked down at his hands for a while.
"About a year ago....I was chasing this guy....a bad guy....I followed him into some building....and I thought I had him. I thought I'd caught him and that everything was fine...but he was just stalling....because before I knew it...he....he....he..." Peter said and started sobbing again.
I put my hand on his shoulder and gave him a comforting look.
"Hey hey....take your time kid. out" I said demonstrating breathing.
Peter nodded and did took a few calming breaths.
"He used his wings....mechanical ones....and made the roof fall down on me....a-and I was s-so scared cause....I-I couldn't breathe....I-I thought I was gonna die...a-and nobody would even know....May thought I was at homecoming...m-my friends were used to me just running off....and were mad at the time" Peter said.
I looked at him a bit confused.
"Kid are you talking about the time I toom away your suit?" I asked.
Peter nodded and I did my best not to inhale. I knew the kid fought some guy on a plane and crashed it. But he seemed fine.
"H-how did you survive?" I asked.
"I'm....I'm not sure....I guess...I had to believe in myself a little bit more. If I'm nothing without the suit then I shouldna have it, right?" Peter said with a small smile trying to lighten the mood.
"Peter if I would've known that was gonna happen I would've never taken away the suit" I said seriously, making sure he knew that.
"Well....I learned my lesson from it" Peter said as his phone beeped. "Oh it's my aunt. I gotta get home" he said and stood up. "See you next week!" Peter said as he hurried out of the lab.
"Yeah" I answered and watched him leave.
I sighed deeply, glancing at the screen where the kid was uploading something. Probably an upgrade.
"I'm such an idiot"
Would you look at that
Another whumptober chapter
Changing the subject completely now, I'm getting a new desk and chair. Which is nice since this one is a corner desk so I've got a lot more space now.
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