Into the unknown
"....and she was actually really impressed" Peter said.
"Well if I saw a skinny kid like you eat 30 tacos I'd be impressed too" I said.
Peter and I were working on a sort of calory potion for his super metabolism. Since the kid needed 3 times more calories than the average teenager he sometimes didn't get enough to eat. So we were working on something simple he could carry with him to get at least close to the amount of calories he needed per day.
"Shouldn't dr. Banner help us with this? Biology isn't our strongest subject" Peter said.
"You're saying that as if I knew nothing about it" I said faking to be offended.
"No, no that's not what I mean. I just mean that the biggest expert on this isn't here. We're both tech guys" Peter explained.
"Yeah, yeah I'm just messing with you. And Bruce was busy with some paperwork. But it's fine. My science bro may be slightly better at biology but I'm not far away" I smirked cockily.
"Alright but if I get sick I'm blaming you" Peter said sarcastically.
"Please I know what I'm doing. Friday run a diagnostic on this and see if it works" I said and put the bottle with the red liquid into a scanner.
"Scanning......scanning complete. The potion should according to data help underoos' fast metabolism"
Peter groaned annoyed when he heard his nickname. I just chuckled already knowing why he was annoyed.
"Alright. I should get going or May won't be too happy" Peter said.
"Yeah. You'll probably be fine but that woman will kill me" I said.
Peter just giggled at that.
"Boss Legolas got stuck in the vent hatch again"
I groaned annoyed and stood up. Clint is such a dumbass. Not all vents in this place are meant to be crawled in. I really should take care of it or I won't have any vents left. But maybe....
"Mr. Stark I'll just collect my stuff and leave don't worry about me" Peter said already knowing what I was thinking.
"You sure?"
"Yeah just go. Make sure Mr. Barton doesn't break his butt again"
"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow underoos" I said and gave him a quick hug from behind and messed with his hair. "Bye" I said and left.
"Bye!" He yelled after me.
Well Clint didn't break his ass. That's something. I walked back into the lab and was surprised to see Peter's stuff still on the desk.
"Kid?" I asked "You still here?"
The kid never left his stuff after leaving. He was always very good at cleaning up after himself. Which was one of many reasons I liked to have the kid in my lab. When I walked closer to the desk I saw that the kid's pants socks and shoes were left on the floor. What the hell??
"Peter?" I asked looking around.
Then I heard a small gasp coming from the corner of my lab.
"Mr. Stark?" Someone asked.
It didn't sound like Peter. The voice was so high pitched it almost sounded like a young kid. Slowly I started walking to the corner of my lab where I had a bunch of crap laying around.
"Peter is that you?" I asked to make sure.
I then looked behind the pile of junk to see a small kid with brown curly hair in Peter's hoodie. The hoodie was way too big for the kid who had the hoodie like a long dress with extremely long sleeves.
"Mr. Stark...I think something went wrong" the kid said.
"P-Peter!?" I asked shocked and bent down.
The kid nodded and I nearly had a heart attack there and then. Yeah, we fucked up big time on this one. Both me and Peter just stared at each other for a moment. I was trying to process the fact that we had accidentally turned him into a baby and Peter was most likely staring at me for answers on what to do now.
"Alright....well we have to have done something wrong. So let's just find out what" I said and reached out my arms to pick him up.
But Peter backed away.
"What are you doing?" He asked confused.
"Picking you up we need to find out what went wrong," I said.
"I can walk on my own I'm not a....I can walk on my own!" Peter said after realizing that in this case, he was actually a baby.
"Alright, c'mon....big guy" I said and accidentally let out a snort as I stood up.
"It's not funny Mr. Stark!" Peter yelled and followed me.
"Alright, alright!" I said and put my hands up in defense as I sat down on my chair and Peter walking up to his. "Why did you even drink the potion? Weren't we gonna try it tomorrow?" I asked trying to kill my laughter as Peter walked towards me with a giant hoodie on and looked pissed.
"I don't know. My stomach growled and I thought it was a good idea to try it out science Friday already ran a diagnostic on it" Peter said and held his hand on his chair, getting ready to climb up.
My god, he was so adorable. Talking about diagnostics in a two-year-old's body. Peter jumped and slowly started pulling himself up on his chair. But halfway there he fell back down and had to try again. After a few failed tries I couldn't take it anymore.
"Friday please tell me you're recording this?" I asked not hiding my amusement.
"Mr. Staaaark! It's not funny!" Peter whined.
"It's a little bit funny" I said. "Need some help?"
Peter nodded slightly and held up his arms while he looked away and his cheeks turned red in embarrassment. I smirked as I picked him up and put him on the desk so we could see eye to eye.
"Friday scan Peter and please give us some good news." I said.
Friday then turned quiet and me and Peter shot each other a look. When doing full-body scans it usually takes Friday a minute or two to get all the data.
"What if it's permanent?" Peter asked and looked down on the floor with a sad look.
"Hey..." I said with a soft voice and leaned down a little to get eye contact with Peter. "We're gonna figure this out, okay?"
Peter sent me a small smile. Gosh his aunt never told me he was this cute as a baby.
"I really don't wanna go through puberty again" he said and I couldn't help but laugh a little.
"Peter I promise you, I will do everything in my power to make sure you don't have to go through puberty again" I said and we both laughed a little.
"Scan completed. Underoos has deaged to 2 years old. His powers are still active as well as his fast metabolism. However since the body is younger and much smaller underoos now only need 2000 calories for as long as he remains in this state" Friday said.
"How long's that?" Peter asked and looked up at the ceiling.
"48 hours"
Well I can't actually say that's bad news. I mean the kid's adorable and it won't last forever. So he'll be okay. Peter however did not see it that way. He sighed deeply and looked down on his feet again.
"Hey bud. It's gonna be okay. I'm gonna call your aunt. Give her the biggest lie of my life. And then you can stay here for those 48 hours, okay?" I asked.
"What are you even gonna tell her?" Peter asked.
"I don't know" I said slightly panicking.
Peter just giggled at my misery. It's good for him that he's two years old or I would've taken away his lab privileges.
I don't know.
But I love the idea of Peter turning into a baby but still being just as smart as a teenager.
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