If you thought the head trauma was bad....
I was standing outside of school, biting my lip. My head hurt like a corner lego piece under your foot at 3 am, in other words a lot. When I first started feeling like I was getting a very bad headache I went to the nurse who almost immediately sent me home and told me I had a migraine. So I had called Happy to get him to pick me up. He didn't really ask why only said he'd be here as soon as he can. That was about 15 minutes ago and finally I saw a black range rover pull up to the parking lot. I walked over to it and got inside. Happy was sending me worried glances through the rearview mirror while I was putting on my seatbelt.
"You don't look too good kid. Something happened?" He asked worriedly as the car started moving.
"Ugh....apparently I have a migraine" I answered.
"Oh. Let's get you home then so you can get some rest" Happy said with a much lower voice.
I sent him a small smile. Happy's been driving me ever since dad and pops adopted me. I knew him before and back then he was much colder towards me. Not exactly mean but we didn't exactly chit chat. Nowadays he's the best company to have in the car and he's become quite good at reading me. After a while, the car stopped and I got out, thanking Happy for the ride while making my way towards the tower. Happy had taken me to the back where there was a semi-hidden door only a few used. Usually there are not any people here and I silently thanked Happy for being the best driver and bodyguard ever. Now there was only an elevator ride and a short explanation to my parents as to why I was home early, between me and some rest. I stepped inside the elevator and leaned towards one of the walls while trying to massage my temples. It really hurt and I couldn't concentrate on anything. The elevator dinged and I sighed relieved as the doors opened. But just as I got out I almost collapsed because of all the pain that came rushing to my head. Outside the elevator there was basically a war zone between my whole family. Pillows were all over the place along with food, everyone where yelling and screaming at each other for no reason. Normally I would've just screamed back to get their attention and see what the problem was. But my head had started hurting so bad I couldn't think straight. And everyone just continued screaming and yelling at each other. Slowly the loud noises and constant pain in my head were making me nauseous. And I couldn't continue to my room it all hurt so bad I was frozen in place. And right before I threw up all my lunch on the floor I heard dad call my name and asking what I was doing here. When I pulled everyone fell silent and it felt like a small blessing before dad shouted at uncle Thor to carry me to the medbay which was a nice thought. But the shouting from dad and the very loud reassurments from my uncle wasn't helping. He put me down in the medbay where uncle Bruce started to examine me.
"Uhm....t-the school nurse said I had a migraine....which is why I'm here" I said weakly.
Bruce and the others sighed relived since there wasn't anything else than a migraine. Dad stepped forward and gave me a short smile
"Why didn't you tell us kid?" He asked.
"I... I tried to. But all the screaming and yelling made my head hurt so bad....I couldn't say anything" I explained.
Dad looked at me for a moment before he broke eye contact looking guilty.
"I'm sorry buddy. We'll keep it down now" he said and hugged me.
So I came out to my brother today
It was a bit awkward not gonna lie. But he was very accepting and wholesome. He had some questions which I answered. One of them kinda melted my heart.
"So anything else than that?....do you still wanna be adressed as she/her?"
Which even though Gender identity and sexuality is not the same thing I just think it was nice that he asked and seemed ready to change what he was calling me if I wasn't comfortable with she/her pronouns anymore
And he also hugged me several times within the same hour which was nice since he doesn't usually give me too many hugs
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