Venom Pt 1
This was requested by @MissFabulousOfficial. I hope you like it! Happy reading! Side note. Did you guys know I actually have people following me?
Tony Stark was a busy man. Working on suits and weapons for his superheros BFFs, hanging out with his wife Pepper, hanging out with his son-figure Peter, doing any work required by Pepper to keep Stark Industries alive, attend fancy galas and charity events, making guest appearances at schools and graduations, and a whole bunch of other stuff. In short, he doesn't have a lot of time. So one of his genius ideas involved multi-tasking. For instance, part of his time with his wife would be spent doing paperwork. Hanging out with Peter often entailed creating new technology. To spend more time with his wife and kid, Tony would often take the two as his guests to any formal event he was invited to.
One day, Tony woke up to a phone call from a wealthy scientist in San Francisco. Her name was Isabelle Waton, a brilliant billionaire with four PHDs (but she was working on her fifth). She was primarily a chemist but dabbled in physics and engineering as well. Dr. Isabelle called asking for a business/research partner for a new project. Despite her wealth and brains, she needed a partner, fully aware Tony knew things she didn't and vice versa.
Tony of course had jumped at the chance and had already begun packing before he even hung up the phone. He threw clothes in his suitcase, gently woke up his sleeping wife and told her to pack, had Happy bring around his beige colored Audi, booked his private plane to leave in three hours, and woke up Peter all within the space of fifteen minutes.
The billionaire was excited to work with someone similar to him in both lifestyle and profession. Isabelle made her fortune from her company. It was similar to Tony's billion-dollar company, but her's was worth about 1.5 times as much and had existed for three months more than Stark Industries. She called it Watt-On.
The name was a clever pun of her last name in addition to the work done there. While Tony had created his arc reactor for clean energy, Waton had invented a special machine she called the IWLB (Isabelle Waton Light Bulb). Her invention was similar to a regular lightbulb. The main difference was the materials it was created from in addition to its benefits. For example, this lightbulb required less energy to run (reducing electrical bills) and could function without electricity (great for power outages). It also doubled as a radio, speaker, and home phone that could be connected to a regular cellphone via Bluetooth. Ever the philanthropist, she had donated a 10-year supply to every home and business in San Francisco.
Within six hours, Tony was walking down the steps of his private plane onto the tarmac of Isabelle's airport with Pepper and Peter following shortly behind. Oh yeah, she had an airport (part of the reason she was on track to become the first ever trillionare). Isabelle was there to great the small family as they arrived, standing a few feet away from the plane's steps in a gorgeous black dress complete with matching red bottoms.
Pepper (and Tony and Peter) was taken aback by how gorgeous and put together the chemist looked. Her hair was done in an intricate braid, not a hair out of place despite the gusts of wind. Her perfectly manicured nails were free of grease and chemicals. Pepper made a mental note to point that out to Tony later.
As the trio approached the woman, she stepped forward to greet them. Tony extended his hand to shake but she ignored it and instead kissed his cheek. "Welcome, Mr. Stark. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Isabelle smiled before moving to kiss Pepper's cheek. "Mrs. Stark I presume? I read the article Forbes Magazine wrote on you recently and I am positively astounded at your career as CEO. You'll have to give me your secrets over a cup of coffee."
Pepper was both flattered and surprised at the compliment.. "Thank you. It might be difficult to find time in your busy schedule but I'm sure we'll manage."
With a promise to move some unimportant meetings around, Isabelle moved to greet Peter. "And you must be Mr. Stark's prodigy. I've heard so much about you."
"Really?" Peter was astounded. "From who?"
"Magazines, newspapers, Mr. Stark. The list goes on. You are more than welcome to join me in my lab or workshop with your mentor. I could also use fresh new ideas."
Peter looked like a child on Christmas. He was practically bouncing with excitement. His eyes were wide and vibrant with a smile stretching from ear to ear. "I'd love that. Thank you!"
Tony interrupted before Isabelle could speak. "Hey! Stop trying to steal my intern!" He teased.
Isabelle laughed. "Mr. Stark, I can assure you I won't steal him. I'm sure he would make a great addition to my team but Peter belongs in New York with you. However, you are all more than welcome to join me on additional projects in the future. Now, let's go to Watt-On headquarters."
Im sorry this is short but I can't think of what to do next so I'm going to publish this and then make a couple more parts.
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