This Is a Hug*
Pain shot through Peter's body. Once as the bullet entered just a few inches under his lung. A second time as his body hit the cold metal floor of the Hydra facility. And a third time as he heard Tony screamed for him.
"Pete? Pete? Peter?! Son?! C'mon kid. Don't leave me hangin'. Don't die- don't you dare die on me! Peter!" Tony cried out as Peter's eyes closed. Would they ever open again?
The remaining heroes watched with tears in their eyes. Their nephew was lying in the ground most likely dying. And there wasn't a lot they could do. Bruce had been contacted, but he was still a good twenty minutes out in the Quinjet. There was a chance he wouldn't make it in time.
Tony made a split second decision, one that he might regret later. But at the time it was the only option. His face plate slid back as he scooped up the injured superhero. His thrusters engaged and he was airborne. Tony tried not to cry as he heard Peter's pained whimpers and shouts of pain. If he could, he would take Peter's place. But he couldn't.
"We're almost there, Pete,"
It took a total of 13 minutes to get from the Hydra facility to Stark Tower. It could have been shorter but that would cause numerous unpleasant side effects, mainly to Peter.
The two made it to the tower with Peter still alive, still breathing, heart still beating. But did Tony get him there in time?
It had been two whole days and Peter was still unconscious. Tony had not slept since he had arrived at the med bay. He was only fueled by his love and worry for Peter as well as the numerous cups of coffee he consumed. Every member of the team had tried and ultimately failed to get Tony to sleep. They were getting worried about his health and well-being. Not only had he refused to sleep, but he had also not left the chair inside Peter's room except for the occasional bathroom break.
52 hours 27 minutes and 4 seconds after he was shot, Peter woke up. His eyes slowly peeled open, and he winced at the bright fluorescent lights of the hospital. Tony's head instantly snapped up from looking at his cup of coffee and mentally cursing himself to hi- the kid waking up.
Tony instantly pulled Peter in for a hug, trying to keep him as close as possible without injuring him further. Tears streamed down his face as he thanked the gods for bringing him back alive. Peter limply placed his arms around his da- his mentor.
Definitely not a father figure. As if. But he smiled to himself as he thought of Tony as his dad. But he wouldn't dare tell the elder man for fear of rejection.
Peter ignored the slight ache of pain in his body as he allowed himself to be embraced. Like many other things, he couldn't even think about telling Tony he gave the best hugs. Every time Peter was enveloped in a hug by the billionaire, he felt safe. There was no place he'd rather be than in Tony's arms.
But Tony was his mentor and not his dad. Aunt May was still alive and kicking and there was a good chance she wasn't giving up her guardianship rights. Speaking of May...where is she?
"May is in D.C. for a job interview. I should probably call her now. Ya know, let her know you're okay." Tony said almost dismally, seemingly as though he had read Peter's mind. In reality, Peter had asked his question out loud but Tony didn't know it was an accident.
But hearing Peter ask about May sent a pang if jealousy through Tony's heart. Not that he'd ever admit it to Peter but he saw the young teenager as a son. But he couldn't tell him that. So Tony shook off the envy and instead scolded himself for getting jealous about the kid asking for his legal guardian.
"Is this a hug?" Peter asked, still wary after what had happened last time in the car.
Tony tensed for a second. He hadn't realized he was still hugging the kid. "Yeah. Yeah, this is a hug."
Neither of them would ever say it to the other (at least they didn't think they would) but neither could stop the warm feeling spreading in their chest and the smiles on their faces.
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