This was one was requested. Thank you all for the votes and reads. Sorry for publishing so late (WiFi problems). Happy reading!
Tony was nervous to say the least. It was odd considering Peter was the nervous wreck of the not-really-a-family-family. Tony was used to paparazzi and interviews and all that kind of stuff. He could control his emotions perfectly after years of being in the spotlight due to beginning at an early age. He could lie through an award winning smile and no one would notice.
Well Peter and Pepper would notice. They knew his habits of rubbing his fingers along his pants when he was angry or almost silently humming a song when he was sad. Tony would never admit how he was feeling so the two 'P's in a Pod' (Tony's nickname for his two favorite people) had to learn his mannerisms.
But back to the story. Tony was nervous because the Avengers were coming. All of the rogue heroes had been pardoned after many late nights and early mornings of revisions and redrafts. And now they were coming to the tower. As in Stark Tower. The one that Tony owns. And where Peter and Pepper live.
Tony was afraid of his two favorite people getting hurt. He loved Pepper more than anything in the world and Peter was basically a son to him. If they got hurt, Tony would never forgive himself.
The billionaire was also afraid of what would happen in the meeting. He hadn't seen Steve, Bucky, or Wanda since the battle in Germany. Scott and Clint had chosen house arrest but were still pardoned and would be released in a few days. Harsh words and harsher blows had been delivered at the airport and Tony didn't know what was going to happen.
And that scared him most.
He couldn't prepare. He couldn't plan. He couldn't create a Plan B because he didn't even have a Plan A. He had at least been able to get Pepper to a meeting 30 minutes away so that brought some relief. But there was nothing he could do to get rid of Peter (not permanently guys, just out of the tower for a few hours).
It was only 2 weeks into summer vacation so it wasn't like Tony could schedule the meeting while Peter was at school. Aunt May was spending the summer working in London (which explains why Peter was staying at the tower) so she couldn't watch him and Happy was on a 2 week vacation and didn't like Peter anyway so he wasn't an option either. Happy actually did like the kid but he would never admit it. Never. So he let everyone think he had a hatred against a teenager.
In the end Tony took Peter to his personal lab (Peter was still in denial that Tony Stark had given him his own lab) and gave a long list of projects to start, finish, or fix. And then he locked the door. Cue the evil laugh. Tony did feel bad about locking a teenager in a lab but then again it was for Peter's safety and the kid didn't want to leave the lab even when he wasn't locked in there.
The billionaire took one last glance at Peter before turning in his heel and walking for the elevator.
Steve Rogers was a little nervous to be honest. He didn't have a lot of information going into this meeting. All he knew was they were pardoned and they needed to have a meeting at Stark Tower to finish the whole Accords business once and for all. The super soldier was nervous about a lot of things. For one the lack of information. And another was it could be a trap. Tony was another stressor. And the reality of the battle, all the words and hits thrown in anger but not hatred.
If he could he would take most of it back. The 70-year old man hated by dermatologists everywhere was sure there were a few well deserved punches or insults. But he would still take most of it back.
He didn't have any more time to ponder over his regrets as Tony Stark walked through the door, dressed to the nines in a gray custom made Versace suit complete with his signature sunglasses. Steve and the other Avengers didn't know this but Tony wore them in order to better conceal his emotions. Peter and Pepper knew this but they didn't know Tony knew they knew.
The pardoned heroes all stood from their place at the table and greeted Tony. It wasn't a cold welcome but it certainly wasn't warm so well say it was a lukewarm greeting. The billionaire shook everyone's hand and returned the pleasantries before sitting at the table beside his lawyer and across from Steve.
The meeting was going smoothly. No one had screamed or punched someone or jumped out a window (although Tony was considering it) so it could be considering a success. It was almost time to sign the newly drafted Accords (the one Tony spent weeks working on) when FRIDAY's voice came over the hidden speakers.
"Sir, Peter is requesting you unlock his lab"
Crap. He had forgotten about the kid. He turned to the Avengers and excused himself, moving to the hallway to continue his conversation privately with the AI.
"FRI, tell him I will unlock him in 30 minutes. If he asks say I'm in an important meeting" With that Tony walked back into the room, muttering some excuse about a lazy intern and whatnot.
The heroes did not believe him for a second but carried on with signing anyway. It had only been a few minutes since FRIDAY interrupted when Tony heard the sound of light up Sketchers running through the hall. He could vaguely hear someone asking the building's AI for directions to Tony.
Crap. The kid.
Tony's eyes widened and the others must have noticed because they began asking questions. The billionaire tried to deflect as many as possible when the door opened
And Peter walked in.
"Hey, Mr. Stark. FRI said you'd be in here and I'm not too happy about the whole locking in the lab thi- whoa. You're the Avengers!"
Tony looked over to see their reactions. It was kinda comical. He really hoped FRIDAY was taking a photo. Steve and Bucky has wide eyes and dropped jaws while Sam was glaring at the hyper kid and Wanda had some weird facial expression going on, giving her a double chin. He struggled to keep his laughter in and bit his lips in an effort to stop. It mostly worked. But it mostly made him looked constipated.
The billionaire decided know was a good time as ever to introduce the team to his intern/kid/superhero-mentee/lab-buddy. He walked over to Peter and placed a hand on his shoulder before turning to address the confused heroes.
"Everyone, this is Peter Parker. He's my intern and he's staying with me this sum-"
Sam cut him off. "Yeah, yeah. Nice to meet you, Peter." It certainly didn't like he was pleased to meet him. "Now the adults are doing some grown-up stuff so we need you to leave now. Bye bye". He talked to Peter as though he was a toddler.
Tony did not like this one bit so he stood up for hi- the kid. "Don't talk to him that way. He may be 15 but he is smarter than all of you combined. Peter can understand Banner's work and helps me make all of your suits and weapons and whatnot so you better show him some respect."
It was Steve who spoke up next. "Tony, I get that you two are close and I'm sure he is smart but we can't have him in the room when we're signing. Besides, Spider-Man is supposed to be here soon to sign and we can't have his identity revealed."
Peter glances over at Tony, confusion evident on his face. Spider-Man was supposed to sign the Accords? He was a little upset that Tony hadn't told him anything about it but gave a small nod to the billionaire, hoping he would know what it meant. Fortunately Tony did know and once again turned to the group.
"Spider-Man is already here."
The heroes were obviously confused (wow and Tony thought Peter was a confused person) so the billionaire just pointed at Peter. That's when the yelling started. It wasn't too loud so Peter's senses were not overloading but any louder and he'd have to activate the special protocol in place for instances like that.
Tony could tell Peter was bothered by the volume of the no-longer-confused-but-now-angry heroes so he tried to intervene. It didn't work. The group continued to berate Tony until Peter had enough.
"QUIET!" Everyone turned to see Peter standing upside down on the ceiling. "Stop yelling at my dad! He had done nothing but support me through this entire thing. I got bit by a spider and got powers so I was stupid and decided to be a hero. If it weren't for him I would either be dead or still running around in a onesie. His suits protect and help me so don't blame him if I get hurt. Tony wants nothing but the best for me and he tries so hard everyday to be a better person for me."
Peter turned to face Steve directly. "Did you know he stopped cussing and drinking? Cuz he did."
He turned to Sam "My aunt is gone for the summer so Tony took me in and is watching me for almost 3 months!"
Peter looked at Wanda "Did you know Tony helps me with my homework every night and teaches me new things and encourages learning and helps with anything i need? Because I just need to ask and he'll so everything in his power to help me."
Peter looked at Bucky. "Tony learned how to cook so that I wouldn't have to eat the delicious cafeteria food his building has."
He faces the entire group once again. "Tony is the best thing that has happened to me since my parents and uncle died. He treats my like his son," Peter's voice cracked as tears began to well in his eyes. "and I could not ask for a better dad."
Team Cap looked embarrassed at being lectured by a teenager and maybe for misjudging Tony and Peter. They all mumbled out apologies but Peter had already fled the conference room. The billionaire did not hesitate to run after his kid without saying a word to his former partners in fighting-crime.
Peter had managed to reach his room before Tony caught up, out of breath at the exercise. The billionaire knocked softly on the teenager's door, waiting for a response.
"Go away"
Tony sighed. "It's me. Can I come in...please?"
He heard Peter let out a soft moan before the door opened. The arachnid's eyes were red from crying and his cheeks were stained with tears. Tony quick led enveloped him in a tight embrace, smiling when he felt his kid hug him back. After what felt like seconds and hours at the same time (but was really only about 30 seconds) the two pulled away.
Tony spoke first. "I came up here to see if you were alright. And to thank you for defending me back there so thank you. And..." he hesitated. "I really do think of you as a son" he glanced up, nervous for Peter's reaction.
He wasn't sure what he was expecting but it definitely wasn't a wide smile.
"Really?!" Peter seemed happy about being Tony's son.
Tony smiled back. "Yeah"
For the second time in only a minute, the two were hugging in a tight embrace. Neither could be happier and not even the no-longer-rogue Avengers could bring down their spirits.
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