No Permission Slip
Hi everyone. I'm sorry for not updating. I've been super busy but we reached 48k! You guys are amazing! Also this was requested a while back. Sorry it took so long and I hope you like it. also. Anyone else hate the new update?
"I'm sorry. What?"
"I said you can't go on the field trip"
Peter Stark looked at the signed permission slip in his hand. "But I have the permission slip right here!"
Mr. Feeny sighed. "Peter, I can't accept that."
"Well why not?"
The teacher grabbed the slip out of Peter's hand and pointed to the signature at the bottom. "I find it hard to believe that Tony Stark himself signed his intern's permission slip. I understand you are not that popular at school but lying about an internship with Tony Stark will not help."
Peter let out a frustrated groan. "But I'm not lying!"
Mr. Feeny gave the student a stern look. Peter opened his mouth again to speak but was promptly cut off. "Mr. Parker. You will not be attending this field trip. You will receive a detention and you will stop lying about your internship. I'm not arguing with you anymore, Peter. Head to class."
With a defeated huff, Peter spun on his heel and began walking to his next class.
Later that night, Peter sat on the ceiling, dangling down from a web as he complained to his boyfriend Wade. Peter's hands flew wildly as he got more worked up about the situation until it seemed he was going to punch a hole in the wall.
Wade, being the supportive boyfriend he is, listened politely with a handful of comments when necessary. But when he say how angry Peter was getting, he had to interrupt him. "Baby, I need you to calm down. Anger is not going to solve anything in this situation"
Peter stiffened at his words but relaxed after a second as he took Wade's advice. The younger teenager released the web anchoring him to the ceiling and flipped to the ground. He began to pace back and forth in front of the bed as he considered what his options were. The field trip was tomorrow and everyone else was going so he would be all alone in class. Wade wasn't in Mr. Feeny's chemistry class so he wouldn't be going anyway.
"I have an idea." Peter announced as he stopped pacing to face his boyfriend. "I'll just stay home tomorrow and you can stop by during lunch. Dads wont' let you in the tower so it'll have to be quick and I don't want you skipping school for me. I need your help with something. We can't tell dads or anyone why I'm not going to school cuz dad will try to sue the school and Dr. Dad will find something to get upset about and the others will tell dads and it'll be a gigantic mess so no telling anyone. Got it?"
Wade nodded before grabbing Peter's hand and pulling him close. "Baby boy, you are a genius."
Peter blushed at the compliment and gave one of his goofy I'm so in love with you' smiles. "I know" he said cheekily.
Wade laughed at that before pressing a kiss to Peter's cheek. He went to kiss him again when Peter moved his head, meaning Wade kissed him on the lips instead. But neither of them cared. At least not until FRIDAY warned the couple of Peter's dads approaching. Having done this a few times, Peter was now a pro at sneaking Wade out of the tower. In less than ten seconds, the mercenary was gone without a trace.
On to the next step of the plan. Peter placed a rag into the sink and poured hot water on it. Then, he managed to sneak into the kitchen by crawling on the ceiling and shooting his webs to grab the necessary materials before heading back to his room. He began to mix his concoction of oatmeal, eggs, and expired milk. The smell was awful and put Peter on the edge of a sensory overload. He would really need to talk to Tony about throwing away old food. But nonetheless he finished with time to spare.
The young arachnid grabbed his not steaming rag and placed it on his forehead before Stephen knocked on his door. Peter poured the mixture into the toilet and played a clip of someone throwing up (courtesy of the internet). Being the great doctor he is, Stephen knew exactly what was happening and rushed into the room without waiting for Peter to invite him in. Peter chucked the rag into the laundry hamper and smeared a tiny bit of his fake vomit on his face.
Stephen walked in to find Peter with 'vomit' on his chin and his head hung low over the toilet. The surgeon quickly called for his husband via FRIDAY as he began cleaning up and caring for the teenager. Tony rushed in and immediately placed his hand on his son's forehead to find it practically scorching. The two basically shoved a pill down Peter's throat (which he skillfully hid under his tongue) before tucking him into bed.
As Peter drifted off to sleep, his final thoughts were Success!
Stephen called the school and informed them Peter would not be attending due to a nasty stomach flu. Peter himself could not be happier with how well his plan worked. After Stephen was called to the hospital to consult on a case and Tony left for his meeting across town, the young arachnid had the penthouse to himself. The other heroes were out on a mission somewhere in Romania and nobody else with access to Peter's floor would be in the tower.
Nobody else in the tower knew that Peter was supposed to be in school or that he was 'sick' so the teenager decided to spend the day working with his fellow interns. It was surprising to see Stark Industries's heir working in some of the lower labs but the actual interns didn't care. In all honesty, they were actually excited to work with the famed teenager that Bruce and Tony were always bragging about.
In only two hours, Peter had managed to successfully build three miniature robots with the help of the robotics team. Peter was proud of himself and made sure to thank the interns and scientists for their help. They of course just saved their hands in dismissal and thanked Peter instead for working with them.
After working with robots, Peter decided to find Uncle Bruce and make more web fluid. It turns out Peter is actually an idiot and forgot his favorite uncle was in Romania with the other Avengers. But that didn't stop him from making his web fluid. Peter being Peter got sidetracked and instead picked a random project to assist on. Once again, the other scientists were ecstatic about completing their projects with Peter Stark.
Eventually Wade stopped by. The couple ran up to Peter's room and watched Netflix and chilled (not like that). There was a make out session or two but they still managed to get through a season of One Day at a Time. Unfortunately, Wade had to leave in order to return to school on time but he promised to stop by later that night.
Peter left his room with a small smile on his face. While he was happy his boyfriend had visited, he wished he didn't have to leave. And of course Peter missed Ned and MJ. He really wanted to go on the field trip but there was nothing he could do.
The young arachnid decided to go work out. He couldn't fill on train since his sparring partners were halfway across the world but punching bags and push ups would have to do. Peter began thinking about what he was missing as he started hitting the punching bag. Distractedly, his punches picked up in speed and power as he grew angry at not being allowed to go on a field trip. They're probably just going someplace lame like Oscorp or Hammer Industries, Peter thought as he continued his workout. A couple hits later and the punching bag went flying across the room.
"What the fu-?!"
Peter spun around at the sound of voices from behind him only to find his class.
"Heyyyy guys" Peter gave an awkward chuckle with an even awkwarder wave.
Ned stood there smugly, enjoying the shocked faces of his classmates. "He did say he had an internship"
MJ stood right beside Ned and began taking pictures of her classmates. When she noticed Peter's questioning stare, she shrugged and said "I need something to draw for my crisis notebook"
The rest of Peter's class began shouting questions and comments, pushing the teenager to the edge of a sensory overload. Thankfully, the tour guide (Peter recognized him as Johnny) managed to quiet everyone down. It was after the class was silenced that Mr. Feeny stepped forward to reprimand Peter.
"Mr. Parker. I told you that you were not to attend this field trip under any circumstances. I'll have to call your parents and let them know how kick trouble you're in!"
"No need, teach. We're right here"
Peter groaned at the sound of his dad before turning with the rest of his class to face him. Tony Stark stood there in all of his glory, arms flung out like he was t-posing. Beside him, stood an exasperated Dr. Strange.
While Peter tried to figure out how his dads knew to the training room, the remaining students used their detective skills to figure out what was going on. For kids that went to a school for geniuses, it sure did take a while to piece together the puzzle. So long in fact that Tony sighed and said "Peter is our son. Not our intern"
The class turned to face Peter in disbelief. One of the students shouted out "take that Flash!"
Flash of course responded with "he technically did lie about having an internship".
Tony did not like the sound of that. His hands formed into fists like the Arthur meme as he shouted "are you calling my son a liar?!"
"Well I ain't calling him a truther!" Literally everyone in the room (excluding Tony, Stephen, Flash, and Mr. Feeny) shouted.
Peter smiled, happy that he wasn't the only one who got the reference while the adults stood in disappointment and confusion. Tony, despite his confusion, was still angry at Flash.
"Listen here ya pint sized piece of dog crap. If I need you make fun our my son ever again I'm gonna ruin. Your. Life. Capiche?"
Flash nodded and managed to squeak out a "capache".
Tony smiled in a sickening manner. "Well then. Let's get on with the tour. Oh, and Peter? Well have to have a word about skipping school"
Thank you guys so much for all the votes. I'll try to update more frequently. Also I just realized that I make a lot of the teachers really old and archaic and very formal speaking. Whatevs. Also also if you know where Mr. Feeny is from I love you. Also also also how do you spell capache? Happy reading!
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