Movie Marathon
I legit have 10 drafts omg I have no motivation though. Happy reading and thank you for all the votes!
Peter was a naturally confused person. Which is kinda ironic considering his grades at school and IQ and intelligence in general.
So Tony was impressed that he had managed to confuse the kid even more. He wasn't sure how it was possible but whatever.
All Tony had done was invite Peter to Stark Towers for a movie marathon. The teenager had simply stood there in shock for a minute or so before replying with a yes. Tony had already organized everything from snacks to blankets to movies to seating arrangements on the couch. He had already cleared it with Aunt May (who was so proud of her nephew) and even invited Ned and MJ over.
Peter's friends came over to the tower frequently after some of the Avengers realized their capabilities. While Peter was more into technology, Ned was a genius in the science field but particularly chemistry. Bruce caught word of a science nerd in the tower and -after seeing what he could do- offered him an internship. You can imagine the amount of fanboying that went on.
MJ however was much more of a leader and Pepper Potts could see that as the young girl barked out orders to the 'nerds' as she called them. Pepper was impressed with how she could command a room and especially people so she took the girl under her wing. While MJ didn't show it, she was ecstatic at training with own of her heroes. She constantly asked questions that Pepper didn't receive during interviews (reporters always asked about her hair and if she was going to have kids, not who her role model was or her qualifications to be CEO) which stunned the CEO. The two worked perfectly together and anyone could see she would take over for Pepper when she stepped down.
But back to the story. Happy drove around town with one of the smaller limos. He first stopped at Peter's apartment before heading to Ned's. After the two best friends were in the car, Happy put the divider up so that he didn't have to listen to the boys yapping in the backseat. MJ was picked up last before the limo went back to the tower. Surprisingly, MJ did not bring a book. But Peter didn't comment on it and simply asked her how her internship was going.
After what seemed like a 2 day car ride for the exasperated driver, they reached Stark Tower. Ned and Peter were the firsts ones out. Peter was used to the sight of the elegant lobby but Ned was still adjusting. MJ was secretly still in shock but decided not to show it. She had a reputation to uphold for goodness sake.
The trio (well, Ned and Peter) ran to the elevator with MJ following behind. A short elevator ride later and they were in the penthouse. Ned and MJ had only been up here once before but Peter was practically an Avenger and the heroes all considered him their nephew so he was up there frequently.
Almost the entire team was already seated. There were 3 large couches arranged like the top half of a hexagon so that everyone could see the ginormous TV, which had already started Moana. On the leftmost couch, Bucky and Steve sat curled together with Nat and Bruce next to them. Ned ran over at the sight of his mentor and sat beside him, instantly striking up a conversation about their latest projects.
Vision, Wanda, Sam, and Rhodey were situated on the rightmost couch. Sam and Rhodey were discussing the most recent mission while Vision and Wanda were snuggling together and occasionally kissing (more like making out). So the couple was squished together on one side of the couch while the other two were as far over on the couch as possible.
In the middle couch, Pepper and Tony were talking about their wedding. They stopped when they saw the teenagers though and gestures for the two to sit by them. Peter and MJ complied. Peter had instantly curled up against his mentor. Ah who am I kidding. Peter had instantly curled up against his father figure. MJ was definitely more reserved but laid her head down on Pepper's shoulder as the movie progressed, relishing in the feeling of her fingers gently stroking her hair.
After Moana came Frozen. And then Tangled. Followed by Brave. The Princess and the Frog was next with Pocahontas afterwards. The large group decided to call it a night after Wreck It Ralph but caved and watched 101 Dalmatians. The marathon probably would have continued but everyone was asleep.
Steve and Bucky, Wanda and Vision, Peter and Tony, and Pepper and MJ were all curled together. Ned had left after Pocahontas due to his curfew and Bruce had gone to his room shortly after. Sam and Rhodey both retired to their rooms early, claiming they had early training the next day.
Without anyone's knowledge, FRIDAY had taken a picture of everyone throughout the movies. But everyone's favorite was the last one where everyone was asleep. They all awoke the next morning with smiles on their faces and new photos in their email inboxes. The group decided to reconvene for another movie night next week and it soon became a tradition.
All in all, the marathon was a success.
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