Requested by Sita_2003
Also, I've decided to enter the Wattys 2019. I've never entered a story before so I don't know how it works but I'd appreciate it if you vote for me! Thank you!
I don't speak any of the languages in this story (other than English) so I had to use Google Translate. Please correct me if I'm wrong and translations are at the bottom.
Steve rolled his eyes in annoyance for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. Tony and Peter had just walked in from the elevator with large smiles on their faces after a long session in the lab. The billionaire had his arm flung over his son's shoulder and was listening to Peter discuss his new idea. It would've been cute but Steve was getting tired of it.
Just three days ago, Peter had been officially adopted by Tony Stark and neither could be happier. The father and son were practically connected at the hip and it was rare to see one without the other close nearby. Even before the adoption, Peter had called Tony 'dad' and Tony called Peter 'son'. Now that the adoption was finalized, the two had taken to using the names much more frequently.
It was cute at first but then Peter started to hang out with Tony exclusively He rarely trained with Nat anymore or took baking lessons with Bucky or modeled for Steve as he painted or made pillow forts with Wanda or did anything with anyone anymore.
To say the heroes hated it would be an understatement.
They weren't angry at Peter or Tony. In fact, they were happy for the two of them. Tony finally had the son he always wanted and was much healthier overall due to strict habits picked up from being a parent while Peter finally had the paternal figure he so desperately needed to teach him things that only a father can. The heroes had all collectively agreed that they had never seen either of them happier than when the adoption was finalized and the judge declared Tony as Peter's father.
So no. It wasn't anger. It was jealousy.
At that moment, as Tony complimented Peter and began suggesting improvements and additions, Nat and Bucky walked in, talking about a new recipe they wanted to try. As the former assassins noticed the father and son in the room doing father and son things, they effortlessly switched to Russian. Steve didn't understand what they were saying, but he didn't need to. It was obvious they were talking trash about Peter and Tony.
Besides, Bucky spoke multiple languages including Spanish, Portuguese, German, Russian, Latin and Japanese. If Bucky wanted to, he could talk to Steve.
"Ух. Посмотрите на них." Nat spoke, her voice laced with disgust.
Bucky responded "Я знаю. Будет ли это убить их, чтобы перестать быть так ... мило?"
"Питер никогда так не ведет себя с нами." she complained.
The former Winter Soldier opened his mouth to reply when Tony interrupted. "Oh, hey guys. I didn't see you there. Peter was just telling me about an idea he had for the Mark 93 suit and I th-"
Nat left the room. Bucky followed close behind. The billionaire turned to ask Steve what that was all about but hew as already gone.
"Hmm" Tony turned to face his son instead. "guess they don't want to hear about the new suits"
The cycle continued. Tony would brag about Peter and the other heroes would leave. The day after the Russian debacle, Thor and Loki came to visit with their friend Valkyrie, the new queen of Asgard.
The small group was sitting in the large, minimalistic living room of Stark Tower. There were multiple cozy couches in varying colors with a few bean bags scattered around the room. In one corner stood a couple of arcade video games like Pac-Man and in another area there were two large fridges next to a bar area. There was a large dark oak cabinet filled with board games, movies, and video games in a range of genres and types. Two wick baskets were placed on either side of the enormous 90 inch flat screen TV, each filled with pillows and blankets. Despite the coordination of the rest of the tower, the living room was a clutter that represented the team. Nobody would have it any other way.
"Val, I want you to meet Tony and Peter. Tony and Peter, meet Queen Valkyrie of Asgard and you already know Loki." Thor introduced with an infectious smile on his overjoyed face. He was sitting on a small red loveseat with the famous new ruler of Asgard relaxing in a black bean bag chair beside him. His brother was standing a few steps behind him, afraid to overstep his boundaries after the attack on New York.
The new queen gave a grin and was about to speak when Tony interrupted, over by the bar. He walked back to his seat next to Peter on a black sectional with drinks for everyone. Sprite and a poptart for Thor, beer for Valkyrie, Capri-sun for Peter, and water with lemon for himself.
"Actually, Peter is my son. We just finalized the adoption four days ago." the billionaire beamed with pride and placed a hand on Peter's shoulder, who just stared at Valkyrie with wide eyes.
"Is it true you helped kill uncle Thor's sister? Your majesty?" Peter quickly added the title to avoid being beheaded.
Valkyrie laughed. "Just call me Val", she took a swig of her drink. "And yes but those days are far behind me"
"Then why are you still wearing your fighting uniform?"
She looked down at her attire and sure enough, she was wearing the white and grey uniform of the Asgardian Valkyries. "Laundry day" she smirked, causing the room to laugh.
Just as everything was going smoothly, Tony began talking about Peter. He ruffled his son's hair and gave him a few side hugs while he very modestly bragged. "Ya know, Peter may not be inheriting a throne, but he'll most likely inherit Stark Industries and a spot on the Avengers. I can't guarantee he'll be a leader but he's got what it takes. And-"
Thor stood up and left. His brother gave him a look but followed nonetheless. Meanwhile, Valkyrie stayed. It was mainly because she wanted to finish her drink, but also partly because she was polite and actually liked Peter.
She gestured to the elevator where Thor had just disappeared into with Loki, the metal doors still closing behind them. "I don't think they like you very much."
For a genius, Tony was really stupid. It seemed that every time he would spend time with Peter, his teammates all left the room or rolled their eyes or ignored the two of them or began speaking in another language. Either he was stupid or he was just so caught up in being a new father that he was oblivious to his fellow heroes. In all honesty, it was probably both.
On the other hand, Peter was actually semi- smart and noticed the team's sudden increase in conversing solely in foreign languages. Nat and Bucky spoke Russian, Steve spoke Gaelic, Thor used Allspeak to talk, Clint signed ASL, etc. Every hero on the team ,with the exception of Bruce, spoke another language and they made sure to use them.
Since Peter only spoke Spanish and Italian, he decided he would create something. And that was how AllTalk came to be. It was a small earbud that had regular comms similar to the ones used by the Avengers in battle. Unlike the regular comms though, AllTalk translated foreign languages in real time. Peter planned on eventually adding every language, including regional dialects, but settled for ten to start. Those languages were Spanish, Italian, French, German, Russian, Gaelic, Japanese, Chinese, Portugese, and Romanian. He wanted to add Wakandan but Google Translate didn't have it and the only people he knew who spoke it would ask to many questions.
It took three days to get the wiring perfect. Normally, Peter could do it in a matter of hours but since AllTalk was so small, it was harder. After that, it was another two days to get the different languages uploaded and the coding perfected. Using Google Translate, he completed a test run before being satisfied.
"I think it's ready" Peter whispered to himself with a smile.
He grabbed his newest invention and quickly looped the safety band around his ear before leaving the lab, ready to test AllTalk for real.
The problem with testing AllTalk was that he needed his teammates to start speaking in another language. So, he found some teammates and asked them to speak foreign languages they were fluent in. Bucky turned out to be the perfect candidate. While under Hydra's control, he was taught at least eight languages, so he proved to be immensely useful.
Peter asked Bucky in the nicest way possible. The former assassin was sitting comfortably on one of the many couches in the living room watching One Day at a Time. Elena had just come out to her mother as gay when- "CAN I USE YOU AS A TEST SUBJECT FOR MY NEW PROJECT, MR. BUCKY, SIR?"
Popcorn flew into the air and settled in a nice crunchy blanket over the couch and floor and an unimpressed Bucky. He was giving the young hero a stern glare but it quickly turned into a look of confusion. "What for?"
The teenager smiled innocently and pointed to the discreet device in his ear proudly. "My new invention, AllTalk. I thought it would be handy for missions and what not."
Bucky looked at him suspiciously. "Никакой другой причины?"
Instead of hearing Bucky's Russian question, Peter heard "Russian. Translation: No other reason?"
With a large smile on his face, Peter jumped up in the air, raising his fist in victory. "IT WORKS! I did it! Thank you, Mr. Bucky, sir!" Peter called out as he ran from the room, excitement in his voice and wide smile.
The former assassin smiled, proud of his nephew. Until he realized what AllTalk meant. "Well, shit."
"-and then he ran after the garbage truck screaming 'Wait! Take me with you!'" Tony doubled over in laughter at his own story. The other heroes in the room laughed too, but it was obviously forced. It didn't seem like Tony noticed though. He was too busy regaling his teammates with stories of his son.
Besides Tony in the room, there was Peter, Steve, Nat, Clint, and Bruce, all spread across the numerous couches in the living room. While Peter turned red in embarrassment next to his beaming father, the other heroes looked exasperated, annoyed, jealous even. And then there was oblivious Tony, already starting on another story of his perfect son Peter.
Steve began muttering something under his breath and it didn't sound like English. "Faighimid é, Tony. Tá do kid is foirfe."
"Gaelic. Translation: We get it, Tony. Your kid is perfect." AllTalk spoke.
Peter was confused. Why would Steve be complaining about me in Gaelic?, he thought, Are the others saying the same thing?
Sure enough, Nat whispered under her breath as Tony laughed at a joke he made. "Если он начнет другую историю об идеальном Петре I,busting из моего ножа"
"Russian. Translation: If he starts another story about perfect Peter I'm busting out my knife"
Wait, what?
That night, Peter couldn't sleep. He was used to late nights either patrolling the city, working in the lab, or finishing homework. But this wasn't caused by an assignment due the next day he needed to finish or the urge to fight crime. This insomnia was from the things he heard. AllTalk couldn't be wrong, right? Peter had triple checked the coding and cross referenced numerous sites to ensure he had the most accurate translations possible. There was no way his invention was broken. Right?
It took another three days before there was another incident. Tony was once again bragging about his son. This time, it was about the science fair he had just won the day before. It was clear to anyone other than Tony that the other heroes were annoyed.
"Can you believe it though? He got a higher score than the college students competing! My kid is a genius!" Tony said with a smile on his face.
Using Allspeak, which every Asgardian knew, Thor whispered to a scowling Steve. "Ní cosúil go roinneann Tony faisnéis a mhic." Steve nodded in reply.
AllTalk instantly translated for Peter. "Gaelic. Translation: It does not appear Tony shares his son's intelligence"
Peter muttered under his breath "Rude". Luckily, nobody heard him.
"I remember, Tony," Steve said brusquely. "We all do. 'Cuz we were all there."
The billionaire blinked his eyes as he tried to remember the event. He hadn't been paying attention to the other Avengers in attendance with him. "Oh, yeah. You were. Anywho. You guys want to hear a joke Peter came up with?"
Nat, who had been sitting quietly, stood up with a fake smile plastered on her face. "I'm not a guy so I'm gonna bounce. I have to train anyway."
Her fellow teammates instantly perked up at the chance to leave the conversation. It was Clint who dared to ask, "Need a partner?"
The former Russian assassin was kind enough to at least pretend to consider the idea. "Ummm." She hesitated, obviously faking. "I think I'm good. Thanks though!" With that she left the room, muttering under her breath. "Эта сука Тони должна заткнуться о Питере, прежде чем я использую его как обувь"
"Russian. Translation: That bitch Tony needs to shut up about Peter before I use him as a shoe"
Peter thought, Once again: rude.
By now, it was clear that the Avengers were using their knowledge of foreign languages to complain about Tony bragging about Peter. Well, it was clear to everyone except Tony. Peter debated on whether or not to tell his dad, but ultimately decided against it. He didn't want to break the trust of his aunts and uncles. Besides, Tony would realize there was a pattern between when he spoke about Peter and when the other Avengers left the room and/or spoke in another language. Right?
This went on for three more weeks before there was a slip up. See, Bucky knew a lot of languages, including Spanish and Italian. But Bucky wasn't the only person to speak those languages. While Peter was passing and could follow slightly more advanced than basic conversations, Tony was fluent in both as his nannies as a child taught him.
It was a beautiful Wednesday afternoon. The entire team and other heroes in the area were all lounging about in the living room. Some were playing cards while others were playing Mario Kart on the enormous TV. But no matter what they were doing, they were all ignoring Tony's latest 'Perfect Peter' story. This time, the story was about Peter's latest patrol.
Tony couldn't contain his laughter as he regaled the jealous team of his son's latest antics. "So, he goes to jump out the window to start patrolling, right? But he- he forgot to open the window, okay." Tony stuttered slightly with laughter. "So when he jumped he hit the window!" The billionaire doubled over with laughter. Peter, who was sitting at a table nearby doing his homework, was less than amused.
"ha ha. Very funny" The annoyed teenager grumbled sarcastically.
Ignoring his son's comment, Tony continued. "And that is how he got a black eye."
"Si él cuenta una historia más sobre su hijo, le daré un puñetazo." Bucky muttered under his breath.
Although Peter was wearing AllTalk, he didn't need the translation to understand Bucky's threat. "Spanish. Translation: If he tells one more story about his kid, I'm going to punch him."
"¿Qué fue eso? Candidato manchuriano" Tony questioned.
Bucky gulped. He had made a big mistake. "Spanish. Translation: What was that, Manchurian Candidate?" AllTalk dutifully translated.
"Nada" Bucky responded. "solo pensando en voz alta"
Tony stared him down. "Thinking a little violently, aren't you?"
Bucky stared right back. Both of them refused to break eye contact. The room was silent, something uncommon with the Avengers & co. Even without his super hearing, Peter would've been able to hear a pin drop.
While they didn't appear to be nervous, they definitely were. Since everyone in the room (including Peter, against Tony's wishes) had gone through intense training on resisting torture. One section of the course focused on hiding nerves, something most of them could already do well. After training, there were no signs of nervousness perceptible, unless one knew where to look. Nat craned her neck slightly to the right, barely noticeable, while Bruce cracked his knuckles or licked his lips. Each hero had a tell and Peter knew them all. Which was how he knew the heroes were all practically dying of nerves.
It didn't seem like Bucky- or anyone else for that matter- was going to speak up, Peter did. "They're jealous, dad"
Every head in the room turned to face the teenager. "What are you talking about?" Tony asked.
The teenager began to twiddle his thumbs (his tell) as he explained everything. From AllTalk to the conversations he overheard and translated. Everything that had happened in the past four weeks. When the story was over, Tony was shocked. The other heroes were shocked too, of course. Shocked that Peter knew what they were saying and had known for weeks. But no one was as surprised as Tony.
It was quiet once again as the billionaire digested the new information. After a few minutes of silence, he spoke. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"I didn't want to betray their trust." Peter answered truthfully almost immediately. "It wasn't mine to tell."
Tony sat there for a moment, thinking things over. He turned to face his teammates with a blank expression on his face. Like always he was hiding his emotions. "Why didn't you tell me you were jealous?"
There was a pause. The heroes looked between themselves, debating on who would tell Tony the truth. They silently argued between themselves until Steve spoke up. "We didn't want to ruin what you have with Peter. We still don't. All we ask is that you don't hoard him all the time. I still want to make lasagna with Peter and learn about me- mes." Peter grimaced at the pronunciation but stayed silent as Steve continued. "Nat wants to train with him and Bruce wants to work with him in the lab. Every single one of us misses our nephew. I know you love Peter and I know he's your son but all we're asking is that you share him a little and stop bragging about him."
Another wave of silence washed over the room. Tony said, quieter than his normally loud volume. "I wasn't bragging"
The room all smiled and chuckled lightly. There were no feelings of animosity or resentment or tension from either side. For the first time in a while, everyone was at peace with one another.
"I'm sorry" Tony apologized. "I shouldn't have hoarded my kid."
The heroes burst into laughter at the ridiculousness of the statement. "I'm sorry, too" Wanda spoke up.
"I'm sorry, too" said Clint.
"I'm sorry" Nat apologized.
Everyone began apologizing and everyone began forgiving each other. There was a calm serenity over the room as the heroes discussed possibly making a flexible schedule for Peter time. It was calm and orderly until Clint asked "Can I take Peter to Budapest for a week?"
Translations (from Google translate):
Ух. Посмотрите на них. : Ugh. Look at them
Я знаю. Будет ли это убить их, чтобы перестать быть так ... мило? : I know. Would it kill them to stop being so...cute?
Питер никогда так не ведет себя с нами. : Peter never acts like that with us
Никакой другой причины? : no other reason?
Faighimid é, Tony. Ta do kid is foirfe. : We get it, Tony. Your kid is perfect.
Если он начнет другую историю об идеальном Петре I,busting из моего ножа : If he starts another story about perfect Peter I'm busting out my knife
Ní cosúil go roinneann Tony faisnéis a mhic : It does not appear Tony shares his son's intelligence.
Эта сука Тони должна заткнуться о Питере, прежде чем я использую его как обувь : That bitch Tony needs to shut up about Peter before I use him as a shoe
Si él cuenta una historia más sobre su hijo, le daré un puñetazo. : If he tells one more story about his kid, I'm going to punch him.
¿Qué fue eso? Candidato manchuriano : What was that, Manchurian Candidate?
Nada. solo pensando en voz alta : Nothing. Just thinking out loud.
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