Harley Part 4
I am so sorry for how long this took. My draft got deleted and I wanted to get this out so it's incredibly rushed. I got a lot of requests for a part 4 so here you go. I promise I am working on any other requests. Thank you so much for all the reads and votes. I especially love all of your sweet comments. Thanks again and happy reading!
It was Tony who broke the silence. "There you are. Peter, I'd like you to meet the tour group. Tour group, this is my personal intern, Peter." Tony discreetly winked at the frozen teenager, letting him know what he knew.
Despite the fact Peter is a bumbling idiot and can't think up good excuses, he managed to this time. "Actually Mr. Stark, this is my class. I know these people. Hi." He gave a small wave to his peers.
Harley, Ned, and MJ all had giant smirks on there faces. They were all happy that Peter had proven his classmates wrong but Harley wanted to shine too and said "it's not fair that you get to skip school for work. I wanted to be here today."
Tony laughed at that and gave his newest son a fatherly pat on the shoulder. "I wish so too, Harles." Harley rolled his eyes at the nickname but didn't comment.
The teacher was the first non-Stark to recover from the shock and immediately launched into the whole 'you have to check in with the school before skipping for work and you can't lie about being sick and yeah it's cool to be Tony Stark's personal intern but that doesn't mean you can skip school to grab him coffees'. Ya know. The typical spiel. I'm sure everyone's heard it before.
Thankfully for everyone involved, Tony intervened. He stepped forward from his spot near Harley to place a comforting and almost possessive hand on Peter's shoulder, giving an unnoticeable smile to the nervous teen. "Thanks, teach, but that'll be all. It's my fault Peter's here so yell at me instead. Peter, Harley? Why don't you finish the tour for them while I have a little chat with your teacher? Thanks." With that he turned away from his 'interns' to the chemistry teacher.
Peter and Harley gave each other a glance before leading their shook classmates out of the lab and into the gym.
The tour went off without a hitch. Probably because everyone was still in shock at two of their classmates not lying about having an internship with Tony Stark. And not just an internship. Personally knowing Tony Stark.
The next day at school was different to say the least. For one, Flash was kissing up to them instead of bullying. And everyone else surrounded them trying to be friends. The only normal thing was Ned and MJ.
Those two turned out to be lifesavers. Ned would lead them away from the crowd while MJ screamed at the desperate students, preaching about being 'attention whores'.
Surprisingly (or unsurprisingly depending on your knowledge of MJ's personality) no teachers gave her a detention. Either they agreed with her or they were just afraid because of her connection to Tony Stark. Plus she was getting pretty close to Pepper Potts a.k.a. world renowned badass.
So they let her do pretty much whatever she wanted.
The attention got so bad that teachers just sat at their desk and let Peter and Harley answer questions, explain their jobs, and even teach the lessons. The two teenagers were not used to such positive recognition that their skin was almost always flushed a bright red in embarrassment. It still felt like a dream. This continued the entire week.
After that, teachers decided enough was enough and brought the dream-like reality back to reality. It was a major shock to the boys but they had never been ones for popularity so they didn't mind too much. It gave them a bit more normalcy or as much as they could get after the Stark Industries tour.
Years later, only a few weeks before graduation, the whole Tony Stark internship thing had almost been forgotten. People had moved on after two kids were found doing things in a closet.
But then graduation came and students and staff alike wondered who could possibly be the guest speaker. Obama (both Barack and Michelle) were busy and Chris Evans was filming some movie about superheroes and anyone else Midtown High wanted was unable to be reached or simply unavailable. That was until some idiotic student reminded everyone that Peter Parker and Harley Keener knew Tony Stark
Technically, the boys were legally brothers after a lengthy adoption process. But that knowledge was being kept under wraps. So far, the plan for graduation was have Tony wearing some sort of a disguise sitting in the back so that no one would recognize him and question why he was at a graduation for two of his interns.
After a very long process of narrowing down guest speakers (those unavailable Spider-Man, Zendaya, some football star named something like Tim Brody, Bill Gates, and more), it was finally decided that Mark Zuckerberg would speak. This of course led to many memes around the school about the famous half-lizard man as dubbed by the internet.
Before they knew it, it was graduation. Tony and Pepper along with the rest of the Avengers were all in hiding among the parents and family friends in the audience. Peter and Harley of course could tell them apart from the group. It wasn't hard to considering they were the only people wearing ball caps and sunglasses. Plus nobody else was that buff. Plus plus Peter could hear them saying each other's names a little too loud considering they were supposed to be incognito.
Harley turned to Peter and they shared a look before rolling their eyes. Without saying a word, they were both able to convey the exact same thought.
The two let out a small, almost inaudible laugh at that before straightening up and waiting for their names to be called. Harley went before Peter with the rest of the K's. Tony still had them enrolled under their last names from before the adoption since it was supposed to be private information. But that didn't stop the boys from telling Ned and MJ.
Harley and Peter easily got the loudest cheers as their loud group of 'relatives' clapped and whooped and hollered as they walked across the makeshift stage to receive their diplomas. Despite the fact Midtown High was a school for genius kids, no one seemed to notice the odd group clapping for two of the 'losers' of the school. If they did, they didn't acknowledge it. If anything, they probably thought the two teenagers had a really weird family. Which was true.
The ceremony ended after what felt like forever, after a few speeches by Mark Zuckerberg, Peter (the valedictorian), and Harley and MJ tying for salutatorian close behind. The group of friends couldn't keep the smiles off their faces after receiving their diplomas and hearing their college being called out. Peter, Harley, and Ned were all going to MIT for science and technology (like Tony and Rhodey) while MJ was entering the business program there. They were all excited to continue on as friends even in college and couldn't wait for the next step.
Before they had left the ceremony however, there were numerous photos to be taken with friends and family. Well, the family photos were taken back at the tower but there were still plenty of pictures posing alongside fellow graduates they barely knew. Harley had already walked off to find Tony and head out to dinner while Ned and MJ had left almost twenty minutes earlier, leaving Peter standing alone on his phone.
One would think he would know when someone was sneaking up on him considering he had Spidey sense. But Peter is just oblivious and plus he had kinda started to ignore the tingling since it was usually something small like a fly or a puddle. So Peter was definitely surprised when Flash threw an arm around his shoulder in a way that could be perceived as friendly but obviously wasn't.
"Hey, Parker. Nice job getting into MIT. I was gonna go but I want to take a gap year ya know?"
In reality, no college wanted to accept him after seeing his bullying record and academic scores compared to his classmates. He was being sent to France by to travel for a little while so that his parents could work on paying their way into a college. So Peter rolled his eyes when he heard Flash talking about college acceptance. The bully continued yapping his ear off while Peter waited for a chance to break away from his unrelenting grasp.
That chance came in the form of a kid from Tennessee named Harley.
Peter was in the middle of considering how best to leave Flash when he heard his brother yell for him. This gave him the perfect opportunity to run. That was until Flash began talking again.
"Ugh. Why do you hang out with that loser? Just tell him to buzz off and he'll leave you alone."
It wasn't common knowledge that Peter and Harley were brothers. They didn't look alike and they didn't share any relatives so the only way to know they were related was by looking through city records and finding the adoption papers. But since it was the last day of school and Peter was probably only gonna see Flash again when he hired the bully to be his janitor, he decided to say something.
"Actually, that's my brother. So I'd appreciate it if you didn't insult him."
Flash laughed. "Or what? You gunna send the Avengers after me?"
A deep voice sounded from behind the bully. "Oh you fucking guessed it"
Wheeling around, Flash came face to giant chest with STEVE ROGERS! And standing behind him were the rest of the Avengers, all striking their superhero pose. They were pretty lucky that everyone else had cleared out of the football field where the graduation ceremony took place. Otherwise there would have been loads of cameras and witnesses to see what went down between the Avengers and Flash.
Speaking of Flash, he was actually shaking a little and fear was evident in his eyes. His voice came out a little shaky as he asked, "so I guess you all know Peter?"
Steve let out a small nod. At that moment, Harley returned with Tony trailing shortly behind.
The bully was now close to pissing himself. For years he had tormented Peter and eventually Harley about their internships with Tony. And now Iron Man himself was congratulating the teenager on graduating and patting him on the back. It was quite obvious this was a different relationship than boss and intern. This was a father-son relationship.
Tony being Tony glared at Flash before reaching into his suit jacket and pulling out a crisp white business card and placing it in the bully's palm. "Call me if you ever need a job. I could always use another janitor. Actually...scratch that. I have a special program to help my staff go to college and get higher paying jobs and I'd really rather not help you soooooo...I'll be taking this. " Tony plucked the business card out of the bully's hands before turning to face his kids. "Alright, sons" he made sure to emphasis the word, "let's go home."
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