Harley Part 3
Part 3 is here. thanks for being so patient and happy reading!
Peter had thought Harley's first day at Midtown had gone well and so did Harley. And it did. He had only been reprimanded by a teacher once (Mr. Ramsbottom that gorgeous s.o.b.) and made a few new friends other than Peter's small group. He had also joined a few clubs and corrected a teacher, effectively solidifying his position as the outspoken nerd. But there are worse things to be. Like a bully. We're looking at you Flash.
Harley was actually excited for the next day (also showcasing his nerdiness). The night after his first day, he and Peter raced through the tower to reach Peter's lab and began their homework before continuing their work on Harley's suit. The teenagers seemed to have inherited Tony's lack of proper time management and ended up staying in the lab until midnight. They probably would've stayed longer but thankfully Tony had been walking back from his lab accompanied by a very tired Pepper. The couple had noticed the light in Peter's lab on and decided to investigate, only to find the pair half asleep with potentially dangerous chemicals in their hands.
Before Harley knew it, he was waking up to the annoying alarm FRIDAY played through the hidden speakers in his room. The only way to turn it off was to stand up so Harley did just that. It was actually a genius idea of Peter's that had been brought to life with the assistance of Ned's coding skills. Tony had loved the project so much that he adapted it from just Peter's room to every room in the tower. I could go on and on about how awesome it is but that's not important to the story.
After a quick shower, Harley was making his way down the winding staircase that led into the large granite kitchen. He had just finished pouring cereal into his bowl when someone dropped from the ceiling with a loud 'BOO!'
Harley's scream was so high pitched that he could be compared to Mariah Carey in 'Emotions'. The cereal box flew out of Harley's hand and landed somewhere near the living room, spilling a trail of frosted flakes over the spotless floor. The fight or flight reflex in Harley activated and led to the mysterious intruder getting punched square in the nose. Thankfully there was no cracking sound meaning it wasn't broken. It was only after the punch that the figure fell off the ceiling and landed on the floor with a painful groan. The adrenaline slowly dwindled and Harley finally got a good glance at the stranger he had just punched.
The uninjured teenager instantly began apologizing in between laughter as he ran to grab a bag of ice. Peter continued to lay on the floor, practically crying in pain. Footsteps were heard and Harley glanced up to see Tony with a half assembled Iron Man suit forming around his body with Pepper close behind. When the billionaire finally noticed there was no danger, the suit disassembled and returned to the watch on his wrist. Harley stood frozen like an antelope in headlights before pointing a finger at Peter and shouting "his fault!"
"You're the one who broke my nose!" Peter retorted.
"You're the one who dropped from the ceiling!"
"Yeah but you spilled frosted flakes everywhere!"
"Because you scared me!"
It was at that point Tony interrupted. Pepper instantly ran over to Peter's side and checked his nose. "Definitely broken" she said after her examination.
"Where'd you learn to punch like that?" Tony directed his question towards an embarrassed Harley.
He shuffled back and forth on his feet as he responded. "I got bullied so I learned how to defend myself."
Tony looked as though he had had an epiphany and quickly shifted his gaze over to Peter. "Harley just gave me the best idea. I'm gonna teach you how to punch, kid. I know you know how to punch since your Spiderman and all but I mean punch hard enough to stop a bully without killing him. Trust me, Pete. I know about Flash. I know everything."
Pepper stood up from her crouched position on the floor and moved towards Tony, her slipper-clad feet crushing the cereal under her feet with loud crunches. "Peter will have to stay home today. People will be questioning the broken nose. Harley can just say he's sick. Besides, it'll be healed by tomorrow anyway."
The billionaire nodded and asked her to grab Bruce from his room. As Pepper left in search of the doctor, Tony asked "FRIDAY, call Peter's school and tell them he's sick."
"Right away, Mr. Stark"
At that, Tony turned to Harley, fully prepared to speak to him about what had happened when he noticed the time. "Shit! We gotta go."
Harley made a move for the door leading to the garage but Tony stopped him. "No time to take a car. We're using the suit."
The teenager looked like he was gonna die of happiness. The sound of a gold-titanium alloy flying through the air grew louder as the suit approached. Tony extended his arms in the classic pose while the nanotech formed around his body. Harley jumped on the back and latched on tight before the suit lifted the two off the ground and outside.
Thankfully, Tony was not an idiot and dropped Harley off in an abandoned alley near the location Happy had left on the other school days. The joyous teenager quickly started for the school in a sprint, turning slightly to wave goodbye to his guardian.
While the billionaire would never admit it, he actually liked being a father. He enjoyed helping with homework and hearing about their day and the laughs and movie nights and everything in between. He felt responsible for both Harley and Peter. Harley because he was in a foreign city with no relatives and Peter because his aunt had died two months ago from a stroke. Pepper had been by his side for the entire journey and for that Tony was forever grateful. While he was a master in science and technology, he knew close to nothing about raising children.
So with those thoughts in mind, Tony gave a small wave back, even though Harley couldn't see him, and let a miniscule smile grow on his face. It was almost a smirk, but not quite. He wasn't sure why he was feeling the way he was, but he figured it had something to do with raising kids, something he never thought he would do.
Back at Stark Tower, Peter was being checked out by Bruce for any other injuries despite his claims that he was fine. It might've been more convincing had he not said the exact same thing when a bridge collapsed on top of him, breaking three of his ribs and his femur. Besides, it's better to be safe than sorry.
The teenager let out a groan at the unnecessary examination and tried once again to escape from the 'torture' as he called it. Bruce simply rolled his eyes and continued inspecting for any injuries that had escaped Pepper's small perusal. This went on for another seven minutes before Bruce gave the all clear.
However, Peter was under strict doctor's order to stay away from Spiderman or any other activities that might cause further damage to his nose. Peter's alter-ego had been the reason behind five broken noses in the past month. Additionally, the mask would be too tight and shift the healing nasal bones. So it was best if the police stopped crime for a day.
There wasn't much to do in the tower considering everyone had left for one reason or another whether it be a mission or family or vacation or work. All of the Avengers and any other hero that had visited Stark Towers even just once was gone.
So Peter found stuff to do. Mainly catch up on reading, building robots, finding a formula for a stronger web fluid, facetiming Shuri in Wakanda, eating a bunch of ice cream, and a thousand other things. He had never noticed how much there was to do when he didn't have school or Spiderman. It was kinda odd but he enjoyed it.
After his third ice cream break, Peter wandered back to his lab and began working on his latest project (a suit upgrade) when he realized one of the pieces he needed was downstairs in one of the lower labs. And so the slightly annoyed teenager began the long trek down twenty floors in order to get a small piece of plastic smaller than his thumb. But he had his ice cream still in hand so life wasn't too bad. As Peter began walking, he realized how much better the journey would be with singing. So he began his rendition of the Smallfoot soundtrack (movie got a 9/10, needed more Zendaya).
Before he knew it, he was on the sixtieth floor, singing an off-key version of "Perfection". With a spoon in his hand as a microphone, Peter began dancing and closed his eyes, imaging a crowd of fans there to see him perform for one night only. Without opening his eyes, he swiped his ID card, hearing FRIDAY announce his arrival and clearance level (10 for those curious to know). It was only when the awful singer opened his eyes that he realized he had an audience, and not just the fake one in his head.
Standing before him was Tony Stark and Harley and his chemistry teacher and his entire college chemistry class.
This would be hard to explain.
I'm sorry for updating so late but I wanted to get this out. If enough people request it I'll do a part 4. If you have requested something already I promise I am working on it. Thank you for all the support and votes and comments. I appreciate you all so much. Thanks again and happy reading!
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