Flash & Flashes Part 2
I got some requests to do a part 2 so here it is. Thank you all so much for the votes and reads (6k!) and comments. I appreciate you all so much. My requests are open btw. Thanks again and happy reading!
After suggesting a press conference to his dads, it only took 3 days to organize the whole thing. So on Monday, instead of going to school, Peter Parker-Stark-Rogers (try saying that 10 times fast) walked alongside his fathers into the large conference room located in Stark Towers.
The three stood behind a red velvet curtain while Pepper Potts, the CEO of Stark Industries, began her introduction. Peter tried listening to her speech (he thought she was one of the coolest people ever and really loved her speeches) but he couldn't concentrate. He was nervous about his identity being revealed to the world. There was no going back. At least when it was leaked to the newspaper it could be denied. It's kind of hard to deny a child after having a press conference saying 'this is my child'.
After a few minutes, Pepper finished and called for the small family to enter. Tony decided to be extravagant and did the Nixon peace-sign thing while Steve simply walked onstage. Peter stayed behind and waited for his cue as his fathers began to speak.
"Good morning. I am Tony Stark-Rogers and this is my husband Steve. We would like to personally welcome you all to Stark Towers for this conference. I am aware this was short notice but there have been some rumors running around about a possible son. We are here today to clear things up." A slight pause. "Steve and I adopted a son just under a year ago. His name is Peter. Before we let him come out today, I have a few things I would like to say to the paparazzi and reporters."
Peter groaned from backstage. Tony was deviating from the script and that never ended well. Instances include revealing Iron Man, almost proposing to Pepper, and randomly announcing he was dating Captain America.
"First of all...Peter is in high school. If I hear so much as a rumor that paparazzi has been at his school, I will hunt you down along with the Avengers. Two, he has epilepsy and is extremely sensitive to flashing lights. So don't use flash when you take photos. And three, hurt my kid and I hurt you." He stared down all the reporters before plastering a smile on his face and introducing Peter.
The teenager was nervous but somehow managed to walk onstage without tripping. Thankfully, the photographers had turned off their flash so there were no blinding lights to distract him or send him into a sensory overload. Truth be told, Peter was impressed at what Tony had said with the lie about epilepsy. But it was helpful so he made a mental note to thank him later.
He reached the podium and gave a hug to each parent. Both of the adults whispered words of encouragement in Peter's ears before releasing the embrace and stepping back to allow Peter to begin. He cleared his throat and looked out at the eager reporters and the numerous film crews before beginning.
"Hello," the sound of clicking cameras filled the otherwise silent room as journalists and reporters waited for the much anticipated speech. "My name is Peter and I am here today to answer some questions."
Hands flew into the air as magazine and newspaper companies vied for the chance to interview the heir of Stark Industries. Peter chose the first reporter while others looked on in jealousy. The man chosen was a little plump and had greasy black hair, almost like a heavier set Loki. Peter had to stifle a laugh at his inner thoughts and focused on the question being asked.
"Toby Maguire from the New York Times. How old are you?"
"I turn seventeen next month. You in the back" Peter called on the next question while whispers picked up in the room. Apparently, they found it hard to believe he was only sixteen and was set to inherit one of the largest and wealthiest companies in the world. Then again, he still had trouble believing it himself.
The next reporter asked in a timid voice (it was her first time but nobody else knew that), "can you describe your feelings towards inheriting one of the largest technological companies in the United States?"
"Well, I do have to say it still feels like a dream. I grew up idolizing the Avengers, more specifically Tony Stark and his engineering, and now Captain America and Iron Man are my dads." he gave a small laugh and the rest of the room followed suit. "Concerning Stark Industries, I am excited to inherit such a prosperous company. However, I am of course nervous. I do plan on following in my dad's footsteps and finding a CEO and focusing more on inventing and possibly superhero business." Peter winked at the crowd to show he was kidding. He actually wasn't kidding but he couldn't reveal his superhero identity...at least not yet.
A few more questions were asked, mainly about the company and his plans for the future, until the last few queries were chosen.
"Can you describe the adoption process?"
Peter gladly obliged of course and answered the question with as much detail as possible, everything from first moving into the tower with his aunt until the end of the party thrown by the Avengers. The teenager made sure to add in a few jokes throughout the conference and was glad when the majority of the room laughed.
It was finally the end of the conference and there was one final question. Hands and voices raised as the reporters competed for the last question. Some were trying to write their pieces (in an effort to publish them sooner) while raising their hand at the same time. Peter hesitated and silently debated in his head before settling on a middle-aged woman in a demure, blue dress.
"Gwen Stacy, chief journalist of Avengers Weekly. What is your biggest worry about inheriting Stark Industries?"
The teenager was caught off guard for a second and paused momentarily to collect his thoughts. He had managed to keep the negative thoughts at bay during the conference and now he had to actually tell everyone. Peter was afraid of breaking down or showing he was incompetent and unreliable. He couldn't have everyone thinking he was too weak or too young or too stupid to inherit his father's company. Everything had to be perfect. After everything Tony and Steve (not to mention the other Avengers), Peter couldn't disappoint them. So after a moment of thought, he began to speak.
"I'm worried about a lot of things. I have to keep the company afloat and running smoothly. Not to mention I never planned to run a company. To be completely honest, I'm most worried about disappointing my dads. They have done so much for me and I don't want to let them down." Peter's voice cracked during the last sentence as tears welled in his chocolate colored eyes. His insecurities were catching up to him, but he tried to stop them. Thankfully, that was the last question, so Peter thanked everyone and walked over to join his fathers, who had already begun moving backstage.
Peter looked up at the two men and tried to gauge their feelings. Tony had an unreadable expression and Steve was trying to talk to him. They hadn't noticed their son yet which worked to Peter's advantage as he spied on their conversation. Well, more like overheard. Peter would never purposely eavesdrop on a private conversation. He had some dignity, people. (Unlike thorki and starker shippers)
"-just don't know what he was thinking. Am I really that bad of a parent? He couldn't even talk to me about his problems. I wish he knew he could tell me anything. He could never disappoint me."
Steve began speaking in an attempt to stop Tony from rambling and ranting. "I can't speak for him but I feel he's nervous since we sprung this on him so young. We forget he's just a teenager. I mean with his abilities and intelligence he seems so much older but he's only sixteen, Tony. We need to make sure we aren't pushing him too hard. Peter hasn't even graduated high school yet and he's already dealing with paparazzi and is set to inherit one of the largest companies in the world. Not just the U.S. The world."
The two adults stared at each other before Tony noticed a speechless Peter. The billionaire instantly enveloped his son in a would-be bone-crushing hug before releasing him so Steve could have his turn.
"I- we are so proud of you, Peter. An-"
"And we want you to know," Tony interrupted his husband, "that you could never disappoint us. Okay, kid?"
Peter nodded and smiled before pulling both of his dads into an embrace. It had been a while since the small family had had a moment like that. The teenager knew his parents loved him so much but they were all so busy that they didn't get to spend quality time together. At least not as much as they had shortly after the adoption. But Peter didn't care about that. All he cared about was his family, the ones hugging him and the rest of the Avengers upstairs planning a prank war.
Peter knew both Tony and Steve loved him as much as one could love a person. He just hoped they knew he loved them just as much. Maybe more.
OMG GUYS WE HAVE 6K READS! Thank you all so much and please continue voting and leaving comments. I love hearing what you think about the stories. My requests are open and if you have requested something I promise I at least have a start to it. Thank you all again and happy reading!
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